New story enjoy

Summary: When he was a little boy the most likely of things happen, Naruto is taken in and raised by the mighty dragon Kotetsu and taught the ways of steel dragon slayer magic. One day his father disappears without so much as a reason why he did so. Naruto promises himself he won't stop searching until he finds his father and gets the answers he wants out of him. Pairing Naruto x Ultear x Juvia


September 15, x 469

He was sad. He had just watched as those bad men come and take his mommy and daddy away and act like it was a normal thing. He had tried to shake them awake, but nothing he did would rouse them from their slumber. They had grown cold, and they weren't moving and he was scared. He didn't like this at all. The sound of rushing wind and then a loud thump which made the ground shake made him scared even more so. Was this another one of those bad men's evil things that had come after him. He slowly turned around and could honestly feel his eyes widen in shock and awe. The sight before him was something like that of a fantasy book momma read to him.

It was a dragon of epic proportions easily standing above the tree's. This was the dragon Kotetsu, and like other Dragons, appears as a large four-legged beast, however unlike other Dragons, Kotetsu's body is covered in black, steel scales. The scales themselves give him the impression of being covered in armor, as from his neck below to his sternum, as well as on his shoulders, forearms, knees, shins, claws and thighs, the scales are plated. In the areas between, underbelly, biceps and calves, the plating disappears and instead gives way to cross-hatched scales that resemble chain mail.

Around his mouth and climbing up his snout, and on various other parts of his body, Kotetsu features light, jagged markings. Additionally, Kotetsu's cavernous mouth is filled with razor sharp teeth. Kotetsu sports extremely large wings; quite proportionate to his already-large body mass. Kotetsu's two front, and back, claws sport five talons each: four in the front, and one in the back. Kotetsu also has noticeable scars on his stomach and neck, with the largest one, which is X-shaped, located around the center of his chest. His back has numerous black spikes, reaching down from the back to the end of his tail.

Kotetsu has a blunt triangular head with a pair of large, round eyes with silver sclera, and a sharp horn pointing upwards just above his nose. His lower body, specifically his chin, chest, stomach, inner tail, thighs, and arms, are silver in color, and appear to be rather smooth. Additionally his head has four, large, elongated plates extending backward. Attached to his chin, is a protrusion that resembles an arrowhead. His large wings are large and batlike. The scales disappear at the end of Kotetsu's tail, which, in itself, ends in a stinger-esque shape. To the boy it was like he was in a fairy tale and he was getting to the best part where he was on the edge of his seat.

The black steel dragon approached the boy and looked at him "Boy why are you crying?" the dragon asked him. He sniffled "My mommy and daddy aren't waking up no matter how much I try." the boy told the dragon. Kotetsu looked to the parents and then the boy "I hate to say this, but they won't ever wake up again. They have passed on to the next life child." he told the little boy. The blonde's eye's shot open "No it's not true! Mommy and daddy said they would never leave me." he said in denial. Kotetsu nodded his head "Sometimes one must lose themselves before finding their own path. Come with me and I will never leave you." he promised Naruto.

Naruto looked from the dragon and to his dead parents before looking back to the metalic dragon. Steeling his nerves Naruto whispered his final farewells and stood up and walking to the dragon. Naruto bowed to the dragon "I would like to go with you." he said. Kotetsu nodded "Very well. But if we are to be together then I will need to know your name." Kotetsu said. The boy looked to his new caretaker "I'm Naruto Uzumaki it's nice to meet you." he said introducing himself with a chirp. Kotetsu nodded "And I am the mighty steel dragon Kotetsu, King of the Metal Dragon's." Kotetsu said pridefully as he introduced himself to the boy.

July 7 x777

Naruto was sleeping in the middle of the forest where he had lived and trained for most his life with his father Kotetsu. He was supposed to have a day off but he wanted to get a bit more training done. However when he looked around he couldn't see his father. Ok maybe he was outside stretching his muscles. Naruto climbed over a tree that was in the way and began running down a trail Kotetsu had carved out for him when he was little. When he reached the river that he lived nearby he began to sniff around for his father, but he couldn't find a scent anywhere. Where could he be? He had seen his dad last night when he had went to sleep, so he couldn't have gone far.

"Dad..." Naruto called out loudly. "Dad." he called again as he began to walk through the forest. Ok this was starting to look bad. "Dad where are you?" Naruto called out. Something then gained his attention. In the boulders ahead there was writing in his father's hand. "Naruto, something came up and I had to go check it out. I don't know when I'll be back. I will see you later... Kotetsu" the message read. Naruto growled "Why dad? Why'd you go, and why didn't you take me? You promised you'd never leave me alone!" he yelled out. Why would Kotetsu just suddenly leave and not take him, surely what he was doing wasn't all that important that he left as suddenly as he did this morning.

September 13 x777

Naruto grumbled for what seemed to be the millionth time. His companion whose name was Ultear wasn't any better. They were in the middle of a village with no clue as to where they were going. He had stumbled upon Ultear by chance after she had escaped the facility where they had been keeping her prisoner where they could conduct painful experiments on her. Naruto had been in the woods when they had stumbled across each other. When Naruto asked where she was going Ultear replied she was going home to her mother. Naruto however made her change her mind when he said that it was possible that her mother moved away out of grief as she had lost her.

This in turn made Ultear want to travel with him and they had been together ever since then. He had explained to her what his magic was and what it could do which made her want to learn a long forgotten magic. Which then led them to searching for the wondrous Library of Magic where she found a book on magic called Arc of Time. So far she wasn't all that good at utilizing her magic as it was harder to use than she thought. Right now they were on their way to Magnolia to join one of the upcoming guilds named Fairy Tail as it was said they always have an adventure with each job taken and were close like a family was supposed to be.

However they made a wrong turn somewhere and were in the middle of Oak town which was three cities over from their the sight of a large machine with multiple carriages gained the young dragon slayer's attention. Grabbing Ultear's hand he drug the surprised girl after him and ran for the train and boarded it just before it began to move. Naruto moved to one of the free carriage rooms and closed the door with a sigh. Ultear placed a hand on her hip "Ok what's going on, why did you drag us onto a train?" she asked her companion with a small frown on her face. What was up with the blonde dragon slayer that he would do that.

Naruto looked to her "This train will get us to Magnolia faster than just taking the several day trip by foot. Besides we are low on our supplies and don't have much Jewel left to spend which is why I took the train." he explained. Ultear thought about it and realized the black haired steel magic user was correct and this was a better alternative than just walking there. He was glad he didn't get motion sickness like his father said as riding mobile vehicles was sure to be a pain in the butt later on down the line if he had it. After a few minutes Naruto grew bored an began looking around. However it was as the backdoor to the car they rode in opened that Naruto grew interested.

He turned around and saw a young kid around his own age walk into the car. He smelled familiar, and he was sure he had seen him somewhere before, but couldn't remember all that well. The kid had black hair much like his own with a couple of metallic piercings in his nose. He wore a black shirt with a set of swords on it in cross formation. His pants were gray in color while his boots were black in color. Naruto watched as the kid apparently sniffed the air around him before he perked up and looked directly at Naruto and walked into his and Ultear's car they had used and he sat down directly across from him while looking at Naruto.

The trio sat in silence for several minutes before Naruto broke the silence "Who are you and what do you want?" he asked the kid. The kid scoffed "Names Gajeel Redfox, and what I wanna know is why do you smell like a dragon?" the kid ground out. Naruto narrowed his eyes at Gajeel "And why do you want to know?" he asked Gajeel. Gajeel looked Naruto in the eyes as he raised his head a little bit "Because I use Iron Dragon Slayer Magic taught to me by the Iron Dragon Metalicana. Now answer my question." Gajeel said. Naruto's eyes widened in shock "You were trained by a dragon too? Did your dragon leave you on the seventh of july as well? Have you seen a dragon named Kotetsu?" he asked in rapid fire.

Gajeel shook his head "Yes I was raised by a dragon. Yes he left on July seventh, and no I haven't seen or heard of a dragon named Kotetsu. Though to be honest I was just actually coming here to see why you smelled so familiar." Gajeel admitted to himself. Naruto shrugged "Well it doesn't matter. Still though me and Ultear were heading to Magnolia to join Fairy Tail." Naruto said as Ultear nodded. Gajeel scoffed "Good luck cuz when I was there some blonde asshole that said weaklings weren't allowed. Hell I even went to Phantom Lord their rival and they rejected me." he admitted with a sigh while he scratched the back of his neck.

Naruto hummed to himself in thought "Well what if we didn't join a guild, but we made one of our own?" he asked them. Gajeel raised a eyebrow "Say what what? You wanna create a guild, do you know how expensive that can be?" he asked his fellow dragon slayer. Naruto shrugged "Well if no guild is going to accept us then we might as well make our own guild." he said. Huh the punk actually had a point at that. Ultear looked to Naruto "Ok and if we do create a guild what are we going to call it. I for one wouldn't mind having a guild named Lovely Loveless." she said getting raised eyebrows from the two boy's as that was not a name they would go by, to girly in their opinion.

Gajeel spoke "Uh no, but hell no. That name is too girly. If you want to have a girly girl guild then you should join Mermaid Heel. I say we go by the name Steelheart's as that actually sounds better." Gajeel said placing a hand to his chest. Ultear shook her head negatively "No way that's a bit too macho in my opinion. I say we stick with Lovely Loveless." she said with a huff. Gajeel shook his head no in return "And invite nothing but girls to the place, no way. Steelheart's is a name that sounds powerful and unwavering and that's what we're gonna go with and ain't nothing gonna change that." he growled out to the young Arc of Time user.

Naruto ignored them to think up of his own name for the possible guild they were gonna create. So far he had several names ready. Names such as Draconic Legacies, Dragon's Heart. However the next one sounded really good in his idea so he decided to share it "Hey guy's what do you think of this name, Wings of Fire?" he suggested. That made the two arguing kids halt their argument as they replayed the name that Naruto suggested in their heads again. Sounds Catchy. Check. Doesn't sound to girly or manly. Check. Sounds promising. Check. Could attract work. Check. Huh what do you know, that actually sounded really good to them.

They nodded in agreement "Sounds good." Ultear said. Gajeel chuckled "Sure does, Master." he told Naruto with a smirk. Naruto's eyes widened "Whoa, Whoa Master I don't think so." he said as the other two laughed. Ultear looked to her traveling companion "It was your idea to create a guild in the first place, and the name, so it's only right that you become the master of the guild." she said to the dragon slayer. Naruto looked to Gajeel "Why don't you take the position of First Master?" he asked his fellow dragon slayer. Gajeel shook his head negatively "Sorry, but responsibility isn't really my forte so to speak so you are outta luck there pal." he told the steel slayer. Naruto grumbled to himself in annoyance. This was great, just great. He had suggested that they create a guild, but he never intended to lead the darned thing.

March 10 x778

Naruto, Ultear, and Gajeel all stood outside of the newly built, well in this case rebuilt warehouse, guildhall. They had spent the past six months repairing it with most of the Jewel they earned on each job to rebuild it to the point where it was right now. On the front of the guildhall was a flag of a dragon with burning wings showing that this was the Wings of Fire guildhall and the three couldn't help but feel proud of themselves for doing this. Naruto had changed his outfit like his two friends to represent the guild. His new attire consists of a long black coat decorated by golden trimmings, white bands around his arms, two red medal-like ornaments on each side of his chest, a tight-fitting shirt and loose gray pants held up by a belt; the pants are tucked inside boots.

Gajeel's outfit consisted of a white shirt with a blue tint under a hooded dark blue coat with light blue edges, two strings with shield-shaped pendants hanging down from the hood and a prominent golden symbol on the left part of the chest which was actually the Wings of Fire guildmark, plus simple, loose, dark pants tucked inside laced boots. Ultear wore a tight, purple leotard with brownish thigh-high boots that have white stripes at the top. Over her uniform, she wears a red cape with a golden lining around the edges. The cape's left-shoulder portion has the symbol of Wings of Fire in white. All in all they were rather comfortable in what they wore.

They looked to each other proudly "Well guy's I think it's time we celebrate the founding of the Wings of Fire guild." he said happily as his two friends nodded their heads in agreement. Naruto quickly ran back inside to get a camera to take a picture of the three founders of Wings of Fire. Running back out he set the camera up and got in between Gajeel and Ultear and placed his arms around their necks and they wrapped their arms around his back and each grinned widely. The camera snapped the picture and with that the Wings of Fire had officially become a guild. They didn't know what the future had in store for them, but right now a celebration was being held.

July 7 x778

It had been exactly one year since Naruto's and Gajeel's foster parents had disappeared, and so far they hadn't come any closer to finding their fathers. Naruto had appointed Gajeel as the guilds ace due to the fact he had beaten Ultear in a spar for the position and Ultear had become his second in command. When he couldn't make a decision on something he went to her for a idea on what he should do. They had three new member's join the guild around the month of May. Two of those brats were constantly wanting a fight from either Naruto or Gajeel, but they would only get thrashed by their elder dragon slayer friends during the spar, while the third one was just to gentle which was why he left her to Ultear.


Naruto and his feline partner he named Pyro were walking through the woods on a job to bring in money for the guild. However it was on this day a lot of things would change. He had found Pyro when he was but an egg. The gray cat was much like his friend Pantherlily except Pantherlily was black. Pyro groaned "I'm so bored." which made Naruto's eyebrow twitch. However before he could tell the cat to grow up a familiar smell entered his nose causing him to gasp in surprise. The sound of tree's crashing gained Naruto's attention as well as Pyro's where they both turned just in time to see a sight that would signal the rise of the Wings of Fire Guild.

Its form was then revealed to be that of a giant purple scaled dragon. The dragon's large dark red wings flexed to their full length as it let out a massive yawn. Along the dragon's back was a series of sharp spines connected by a webbing, similar to its wings, which traveled down its back all the way to the base of its long tail. The dragon had short horns growing from the back of its head and five fingers on its hands and feet that ended in sharp claws, and on the elbows were two sharp protrusions. This was the poison dragon named Botulinum, and he was the poison dragon and he had been woken by the sound of the human and his pet cat walking through his land.

"Who dares disturbs the sleep of the great and powerful Botulinum!" a huge voice came from next to them as Naruto facepalmed. Of course Pyro would be so loud and they would run into a dragon right after he spoke up due to his boredom. It was just his luck, and Pyro was now looking at the dragon while sizing it up. Why did he have to have such bad luck? Noticing the human and the cat the dragon lunged at them intending to finish them off before they could answer him. Naruto jumped away from the jaws of the dragon that tried to take a bite of him. "Fuck, you need a breath mint." Naruto yelled as he went left to avoid a blast of poison coming his way.

Naruto drew his head back "Koryū no Hoko (Steel Dragon's Roar)" Naruto called out and released a blast of magic and steel shards from his mouth at the dragon. The tornado collided with the stunned dragon and left a gash in its side. "You little brat!" The dragon yelled as it hissed in pain. It did not think it's opponent would know the dragon slaying arts, nor that he would be able to use such a powerful blast. Veleno shot his arm forward in a blur. Naruto barely avoided being skewered, but was still cut across his side. Naruto gritted his teeth against the pain. The poison burned like hell and the cut hurt like a bitch, but he would survive.

Naruto then converted his arm into a steel sword "Koryūken (Steel Dragon's Sword)" he declared as he swung the sword at the dragon where it dug into his side drawing blood. Botulinum roared in pain at Naruto's blow. His eyes narrowed in anger and he swiped at Naruto with his right hand. The mage wasn't fast enough this time and was sent flying through the forest. He skipped off of the ground and rolled to a stop in a clearing. The dragon looked to the person who had caused him such harm and growled "When I'm done with you there won't be a body left to bury." the dragon declared as he looked to the dragon slayer.

"I'm not going to die here." he declared to the dragon in passion. Naruto crouched down and shot forward faster than before. Botulinum was caught off guard and Naruto rammed his foot into his gut. "Koryū no Kagizume (Steel Dragon's Talon)" he yelled out as he struck the dragon on the side with a steel encased leg before he jumped away. Botulinum took the chance as Naruto jumped away and swung his tail at the dragon slayer. The blond coughed up blood as he felt his ribs crunch and his organs squish. He slammed against a boulder and cracked it. Naruto slid to the ground immobile as he felt the pain spread throughout his body.

Naruto drew his head back and roared as he released a whirlwind of steel at Botulinum striking the beast in his belly. The dragon roared in pain as the steel dragon slayer magic drilled into his hard belly before it faded away. Naruto reared his head back and released a secondary roar at the dragon. Once again his steel drilled into Botulinum before the dragon fell to the ground trying to hold his innards within his body. The dragon slayer rushed towards the downed dragon where they quickly drew his heads back and released a even more powerful roar at the dragon as he was trying to heal his body.

Naruto drew on all the power he could muster and released a large sword of steel at the dragon which quickly drilled through the dragon's heart and killed the beast where it gave one last roar of pain before it died. Blood from the dragon covered Naruto as he gagged at the taste of it as some had gotten in his mouth. He wouldn't be the only one to slay a dragon as his ace had his own encounter with a lightning dragon several hours later in the day. Naruto seeing as the beast was down sighed as he collapsed. His body was racked with pain, and he wouldn't admit it, but that lizard hit hard when he wanted to. That went without saying, how much was a dragon actually worth.

Flashback End

Naruto had literally dragged the lizard back to the guild which shocked his two friends there as they didn't believe the sight before them. Pyro was literally singing about how the dragon had died and Naruto had bathed in the dragon's blood. So after finding a Seal and Rune Master, who was just as shocked to see the dragon's corpse, they now had a perfectly preserved poison dragon stuffed and standing in a decent space within the guild. It would be seven hours later when Gajeel came back with a golden dragon's corpse while he himself was covered in the beast's blood. However unlike Naruto his hair was fashioned into an afro which made his fellow dragon slayer laugh at his look.

Once again they contacted the man that worked on his dragon and he came back and repeated the process of preserving Gajeel's golden dragon whose name was Raiden of the Lightning Tribe. Pantherlily now also sported a new scar courtesy of a scale coming off Raiden's hide and striking him just a little over his eye, which as Ultear stated made him look cooler. For a dragon slayer the slaying of a Dragon was the ultimate achievement one could do as a Dragon Slayer... as long as the Dragon you slayed was not your Dragon parent that is. Sting and Rogue of course had told them of what happened to their parent, which made them sad, but they respected the little tykes.

Wendy looked up to Ultear as if she was her older sister and she was the guilds healer. Most of the time she was healing Sting and Rogue while she had to tend minor injuries from training so much. Life was good in the Wings f Fire and everyone was a family. Five of them had been trained by dragon's and found each other and one was self taught on how to use a long lost magic. However the next few years would indeed push them to the point where they had anything they would need. So far five of the six dragon slayers had gathered, and soon the whole world would tremble at the power of the Wings of Fire as they made their mark on the world.

And that is a wrap leave me a review and I will see you later. Ok for those of you wondering how three kids can create a guild I shall explain how old they are. They are around thirteen to fifteen years of age with Naruto being the oldest of them. He is around fourteen and a half which is around the same age Mavis was when Fairy Tail was founded. Just throwing that out there for those who were confused.

Oh and just to point out as a small spoiler Acnologia will die in the Tartaros Arc as I never liked how that worked. Explanation-He ripped out the souls of the dragon's and turned into a dragon. I don't like this idea so I am not having it happen so in this story the dragon's are fully alive though they are sealed inside their dragon slayer's.

For Naruto's spells here you go-

Steel Dragon's: Hard/Iron/Breakdown/Demolition Fist

Steel Dragon's: Roar

Steel Dragon's: Talon

Steel Dragon's: Wing Attack

Steel Dragon's: Sword Horn

Steel Dragon's: Crushing Fang

Steel Dragon's: Lance

Steel Dragon's: Lance-Demon Log's

Steel Dragon's: Sword

Steel Dragon's: Scales

Steel Dragon's: Club

-Dragon Slayer's Secret Art-

-Karma Demon: Steel Godsword

-Karma Demon: Steel Spiral

-Karma Demon: Hell Spear Flow (Earth Flow Spears except with spiked steel)

-Karma Demon: Steel Entrapment (Raises three large blocks of steel in a triangular formation around the enemy effectively trapping them)