Hello! So I last updated in December, and we are currently leaving June. I think most of you would appreciate an explanation. I've been struggling with anorexia for a few years now and starting at around September, things began to get worse. I don't think it's necessary to disclose every detail of personal information related to the event, but I will say that I've been in outpatient CAMHS (British child and adolescent mental health services) and then a private inpatient hospital since Februrary. No internet, no contact with anyone but family, certainly no laptop to write on.

I caught up with all the reviews last weekend on a visit off-site and realised how much I've neglected this story and its readers over the past year or so. I've become disheartened, wondering if all I have to offer as a writer is fan-fiction for a musical I don't even like all that much anymore.

I would love to keep writing this story, I think it exercises by creative muscles or whatever, but I think updates might be irregular and a little slow. I would love to say I plan to bring this story to a conclusion, with everything wrapped up nicely in a neat bow, but I'm not sure I have the patience or motivation for that. I've been writing this story for nearly two years now and I just think it's only natural my ideas and interests have moved on.

Some characters, ones I've written thousands upon thousands of words on and you've ever met yet, will stick with me. Moments that will influence anything I ever write again.

So this isn't goodbye, it's more like hello.

However, I think I might move to Archive of Our Own soon, to publish original work with a little more dignity. When I do, I'll be sure to let you all know.

Thanks for tuning in and, as always, for being as understanding, kind, enthusiastic and supportive as any pseudo-creative could wish for.