Author's Note: Just got back into writing, and this fic is taking center-stage. New chapter should be up shortly since this one is short.

"I didn't know you were a sociopath." Sociopath, Stelouse

Kyle rubbed his head, groggily. He sighed, trying to roll over only to find a warm, solid thing stopping his roll. His hand pushed at it, only to flinch in surprise as an arm twisted around his middle at the action. "Kyle…" a soft moan said.

Then, it hit him. What had happened just last night. The walk, the bodies, Kenny's words, then darkness. "Oh God." Kyle pushed away, the arm trying to hold onto him like a lifeline. He bit his lip to stop from crying out in desperation as the arm held tighter-still. It pulled him back against a solid chest. The chest he'd been against just last night. More memories flooded back, vivid details haunting him.

He was nauseous.

"Kyle?" a more-awakened voice asked from the doorway. He looked up suddenly to see Karen standing there fully-dressed for the day. She narrowed her eyes in confusion at the distressed look on his face only to laugh when seeing her brother's arm pushing the boy down. "Oh, to get a camera or to help?" she asked lightly.

The redhead blinked at this, a realization he'd had no time to even think of hitting him full-force. No one knew what happened last night. No one but him and Kenny. He shuddered at the thought. I'm going to be killed. But then, why wasn't he already dead? Was it some type of game that Kenny played with people? Toying with them before the slaughter? His stomach twisted with revulsion. It was all just so wrong.

Her face, she's just so happy-so unaware any of this is happening. Does Kenny joke about that? That none of us know anything?

Karen helped him finally, taking her brother's arm gently into her hands and pulling it away. The same arm that kept Kyle from moving away just the night before. She smiled at her obviously-out brother. That look-it was so naive, so caring. So loving. She loved him. Her brother-the same man who murdered people in their home.

So loving…So carefree. Trusting even.

"He's like one of those Chinese finger things, you see? The harder you try to get away, the stronger he'll get. However, the gentler you are and the more you push on him back, the less strength he'll use to keep you there." she said nonchalantly. Then, she laughed a distant laugh. "He used to do that to me all the time. It's one of his protective big-bro things, I think."

Life goes on, even if those people-even if they don't get a chance to continue onward. The thought scared him more than he ever thought he could scare himself. "Thanks," Kyle managed out after a pause.

She smiled at him, "Just don't start making out together when I'm there, okay?" She winked, laughing and hurrying out before Kyle could protest the statement.

He pushed himself up then, desperate to get away from the blond boy sleeping on the bed. Practically running to the room exit, he looked back at the boy he thought he knew. He was still sleeping. He looked like he always had, just like the Kenny he'd known since childhood. It almost made him second-guess whether the night happened at all. Why?

Looking down; another realization. One that had his heart racing in an entirely different way. These aren't my clothes. Indeed, looking down he saw a too-big shirt and baggy shorts. Kenny's clothes. He changed me. There was no mistake. It had happened after all. Why else would he have woken there; dressed like this? It had to have been Kenny.

He practically raced out then, glad that Karen had disappeared into her own room. He exited the building and ran bare-footed toward the nearest pay-phone.

He couldn't help but glance back a few times, paranoia building to a high he hadn't known existed. He was so confused. He knew, positively it had happened. But to confront the fears so fully... I have to call the police. They have to know. The repeated thoughts helped him process the entire situation, if only by keeping his thoughts on one action and only one.

He picked up the phone, dialing nine-one-one before turning and pressing his back against the payphone's pole. It rang:



"South Park Police Department, what is your emergency?"

"I need help." he interrupted. "I was at my friend's house and I found people…they were. They were dead."

"Are you there or nearby at the moment?"

"Yes, nearby."


He rasped out the address before, "I think he might be after me too. He found me after. He knows that I know."

"We're sending a car," the voice assured. She proceeded to tell him to keep calm and that the police were on their way to pick him up. "Name?"

"Kyle, Kyle Broflovski. I'll be here by the payphone when they come. Just-just tell them to make it quick, please. I'm going to show them the room and leave."

"Are you sure you can? Our officers are competen-"

"Me and Ken-and him are the only ones that know the spot. I have to show them where." It was a lame excuse, he knew, but the door must've blended in with the wallpaper for him to miss it on his visits prior. Plus, he knew he needed to see Kenny get taken, to know he was gone. To know he, Kyle, was safe as well as his friends. His friends...

That was another matter entirely, he just needed to focus on the task.

By the time the officers did arrive, Kyle found himself on the ground. He didn't know when he'd chosen to sit only that he had. The policemen watched him as he picked himself up and he couldn't help but feel exposed. It was the only word that came to mind that expressed how he currently felt.

He was led to the car, and plopped down inside wearily. He was grateful for the silence as the others began the drive towards Kenny's home. He didn't think he could speak even if they asked him to do so.

The drive didn't take but a minute and Kyle found himself wishing that South Park had traffic. As much as he felt he needed to show what he'd seen, he didn't want to show them at all. Karen's face stuck into his mind. The love she had shown clung to him, made him wish he could just pretend it was all a prank. But morals overpowered those thoughts.

What if they thought she was the culprit otherwise?

The thought did nothing to help him. The guilt was still there. It's Kenny's fault-not mine. He kept it up like a mantra.

"This the place?" an officer asked, startling him out of his reverie.

He nodded, not trusting his voice. They have the address.

He was allowed out after, hands helping heavy body pull itself from the vehicle. It was numbness he felt as cement feet climbed the smooth land towards the door. He gulped.

The knocking echoed in the silence surrounding them. And as the door opened, a hope Kyle didn't know he had held plummeted as Karen opened the door.

He watched eyes widen, stance stiffen from friendly to defensive. "Yeah?" she asked as casually as possible.

"We got a report-"

Kyle's eyes flickered downward as Karen turned to him accusingly, a speck of confusion wavering across her face. It is rather obvious. He knew that but there was still false hope. Hope he should have known better than to hold.

He blinked as they were allowed inside the home, wondering just how zoned out he was to miss the rest of the conversation. Why would I want to hear it anyway?

He shook his head, letting the cops fall behind him as he took the lead. Then, a thought.

Kenny's parents, one dead from a sickness while the other missing from his life completely. Was this because of them? He couldn't help but wonder if their influence helped the mess along. Kenny was supposed to be better than them... The blond had hinted to it many times already, Hell, he'd outright refused to be placed on the same light as them at school. He'd forced himself to mature during class, if only to show the teachers that 'that McCormick kid' could learn too.

"Please, Kyle? That stupid teacher has it out for me-I think it was that fight Kevin had with her… I need to pass, Kye, please?"

Kyle gave a huff, "Fine. But no jokes during, okay?"

Kenny smiled widely, "Promise."

But unlike the past times he had found himself smiling at the memories, he didn't this time. In its stead, his chest tightened in despair. He hadn't upheld the promise at all... He shook his head, no wasn't the time for this.

It shouldn't have surprised him so much when he heard the voice yet he still started all the same. "Is it my birthday already?" Suggestive, calm, casual. All the things a person shouldn't be upon seeing the police enter after what Kyle'd seen.

Kyle looked up to the speaker whom stood leaning against the bedroom doorframe, leg bent and hair tussled. He yawned at them loudly, a show of tiredness so blatant Kyle wondered if he was tired at all.

The blond moved from his position, stretching arms above head. Eyes gave each officer a once-over, "Wait, you're real cops, aren't you? Dammit." The last word was muttered with surprising sincerity. "Why're you here?" he asked then, absently scratching his stomach. The redhead watched the fingers, noticing specks of gray on his nails. What?

"We got a report that there was suspicious activity in this home."

Green met blue, then, one blue closed and opened quickly. A wink. Kyle could only stare. A smile broke the blond's serious façade. "Really, that's strange…" he said. "Well then, come on in, we've nothing to hide!"

Kyle's head tilted at this, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Is he really this insane? "We will." He found himself saying this with outward confidence exceeding his inward nerves.

Kenny's smile only widened further, "Lead on," he replied, tone mocking Kyle's own.

Kyle didn't respond to that, didn't know how to respond. Instead, he chose to follow Kenny's words, and lead the now group of three toward the hidden room. Only, when he got to the hall, the door wasn't blocked like it had been. He cleared off the wallpaper? Why…

A flash of what lay inside was pushed to the backmost part of his mind. Still, he trembled as he pointed at the door and nodded to the policemen. Eyes closed automatically, subconsciously visualizing the disgusting sight from the night before. He grimaced at the silence surrounding him then-

"We're sorry to have disturbed you, Mr. McCormick."

"What!" Kyle exclaimed, opening his eyes to see the grey room behind the policemen. And on the floor, nothing. Absolutely nothing. "I-I…"

"Broflovski, is it? You filed another false report a few years ago, didn't you?" One policeman asked.

Eyes widened further, realization of why the question was asked hitting him hard, "You-you can't possibly believe I made this up?" he stammered out numbly. The bodies…Where'd the bodies go? They were here, right here…Weren't they? His entire body shook now, insides numb, butterflies twirling in his stomach as a cork stopped inside his throat.

An arm around his shoulders had him starting. Head turned to the source immediately, stilling when his eyes met blue ones. "Kyle just…he had an episode, officers. It's not his fault, if anything it's my own."

"I didn't have an episode, Kenny!" Kyle screamed out suddenly, pulling himself away from Kenny. "You-what'd you do?" The walls, they were painted gray-his nails- "You bastard. You covered it up, I don't know how you did it so fast, but you did! You knew they were coming and you just moved those people!"

Kenny just shook his head, stepping toward Kyle. Too close for comfort, the blond opened his arms, pulling Kyle into a reluctant and tight hug. Kyle struggled against him, body panicking. "Shh, I know, it's going to be okay, Kye. I promise. You're just confused right now, it's alright."

"What exactly is going on here?" An officer asked slowly, unsure what to make of the scene.

Kenny looked to him with sad eyes glistening with unshed wetness. "He's done this before, as you know. We usually are able to stop him before it goes this far but…I didn't recognize the signs. I'm sorry, officers, it's not an offense-he really thinks he saw something in this room. I don't want to charge him or anything-no harm done, right?"

The policemen exchanged looks, both bowing their heads at the meaning behind the words. One reached out to the two, patting a shocked Kyle on the shoulder. He twitched away from the hand, wincing as if it'd hurt him. "I'm not crazy." he announced. The others looked at the floor, decidedly looking away from his accusing glare. "He's lying!"

Kenny hugged him closer; ignoring the flinch Kyle gave from the contact. His hand pushed at the back of his head, nudging his face into Kenny's shoulder. He tried to fight the movements only to be pushed back firmly by strong arms. He could barely get a firm grip on the other, arms stuck between both their bodies.

"You're not crazy, Kyle, you just have some memory trouble is all." Kenny nodded to the policemen, gesturing them to make their exit.

They gave him sad looks in turn, "Best get him some help-real help. We'll let this one slide, but after the poll votes and this we can't allow you to not have him get some form of therapy. False reports can't always get overlooked, you know."

"Understood. We just didn't want him to realize it, you know? Thought he'd freak out…" Kenny shuddered, burying his nose on Kyle's shoulder. "But we'll be alright, I'll be there for him. No matter if he thinks badly of me or not. He's my best friend…" Kenny's voice cracked at the end.

A policeman sniffled at that, "Had a son with a problem, you'll make it through. It'll be tough, but you can do it."

"Thank you-"

Kyle finally managed to push Kenny away in a burst of anger, shock, and a mix of confusion that had his head spinning so fast he was physically dizzy. "What are you talking about?" Kyle growled angrily. "I'm not crazy, he's crazy!" he continued, pointing to Kenny with furrowed brows and a betrayed expression.

Kenny shook his head, "It's alright, I've got this," he assured.

They nodded, bowing their heads as they exited. "Come on, Kye, I'll get you something to eat." He tried to take the other by the arm only for his hand to be slapped away harshly.

"I'm not crazy!" Kyle repeated.

"Are you sure?" Kenny asked with a condescending smile. "It's okay, Kyle, crazy or not, I'll be here to watch over you. Always." The last word was spoken lowly, almost ominously in tone. Kyle shook his head, a dull ache settling under his skin.

He turned away, racing to the door. Kenny only laughed, hand rubbing its way down his face, "Oh Kyle, this is going to be even more fun than I thought."

Kyle ran outside, raw, red feet now completely numb from the cold snow into which he pushed them. His car, it was sitting there still, but with no keys he'd no way to use it. All of his things were still inside, including his much warmer clothes and even his phone. He forced out a breath, he was fucked.

Refusing to go back inside and face Kenny and his sister, he trudged toward the payphone once more. Stan would surely help him out; he just hoped there was a way to forward the charges to Stan's own phone. It took longer than it had before to get to the payphone's stand, the cold finally hitting him fully-with an accompanying sharp wind to help it chill him to the bones. Using his arms as a shield against the wind, he picked up the phone only to find a car pulling up to where he stood.

It was Stan's. He almost felt relieved when the reason for Stan's visit prompted him to shakily sigh, Kenny could've called him. On a more hopeful side, he could've been on his way to check in with Kyle since he'd stayed away the night prior. Either way, Kyle's stomach felt like a jumbled mess by the time the car parked and his best friend exited the driver's side.

"Dude, what the Hell are you doing here?" he asked immediately, eyes going up and down his friend's very lightly dressed self.

"I..." Kyle started to respond but cut off shortly after, having no idea how to explain everything that had happened since they'd last spoken. The shock hadn't subsided yet either, and he could feel his limbs shaking from the earlier confrontation and implications of the night's memories.

Stan didn't call him on it, and he supposed the other was more concerned with his current state than anything he had to say. This was confirmed when Stan took off his coat and handed it to him. Then, looking down, "Dude, you can't be seriously bare foot out here!" With a heavy breath, Stan continued, "Well, come on, you're not staying out in the snow like this."

Kyle pulled on the jacket, the warmth of it enveloping him fully. He zipped it as he was led by hand to the car. Pulled along, he let Stan open the door for him and basically push him inside the vehicle. When the other door slammed, Kyle sat up, noticing belatedly that Stan had been talking the whole time.

"What?" Kyle asked, voice soft.

Stan gave him another look, this one more worried than the previous ones, something he hadn't thought possible at this point. A deep breath, then, "Forget it, just-just tell me what's going on."

The car, which had stayed running this entire time, was taken out of park and put into reverse.

"I don't even know how to start..." Kyle realized belatedly.

"Okay, just start with what happened after we last talked, when you got to Kenny's house." Stan supplied, glancing at Kyle as he reached the stop sign. "And with where I'm going."

Kyle looked around, noticing it was the intersection-one way leading to Kenny's house, the other to his own home. He wanted to bury his face in his hands. "Home-please, I can't go back."

The car turned onto the correct road, driver eyeing him once more. "Waiting on that explanation." Stan urged.

Kyle looked down, closing his eyes as the warmth of the air conditioner broke through his numb exterior. "Okay so we hung out, ate, pranked Cartman, watched TV..." The memories didn't help the shaking as he got closer to the time. "Well, after we went to sleep I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. So I did-except on the way back there was this door that I hadn't noticed before. It blended in with the wall I think, and I pushed it open..." He didn't want to continue, his monotone voice shaking near the end. "And there were these bodies, Stan, they-they were cut-up and-and...They were just dead and mangled."

Luckily Stan didn't stop the car or crash at the thought, "And what about this morning? What happened to them when the police came?"

Kyle looked up, eyes darting to Stan's paling face, "The police Stan?"

"Well-I mean-you had to have called them..." he didn't continue. Kyle looked at the steering wheel, eyes widening at the twitching of the other's fingers.

"You're fucking lying," Kyle said then, earlier suspicions coming back to light. "Kenny called you, didn't he?" When Stan didn't reply, he continued, mouth gaping at the implications. "You believe him don't you? He murdered those people Stan. He found me that night, telling me that-that he hadn't wanted me to find the room..." Eyes glared at the other, "And you believe him over me?"

"Kyle, just, calm down dude! I just think maybe you dreamed it-"

"I'm NOT making it up, Stan!" Kyle defended.

"I'm not saying you are, just that you might have seen it in a dream or something-"

"Let me out of the car, Stan."

Stan sighed, "No, dude, you're not walking home bare foot in the fucking snow."

Kyle gave him a heated stare, the other making sure to look away from him, instead focusing on the icy road ahead. "I'll jump out of the fucking car."

"What? Dude, don't do that!" Stan said, glancing between Kyle and the road. He instantly locked the all the doors from the driver's side, the resounding click only making Kyle's glare go from subtle to full-force.

"I don't want to go home with you-I don't even want to be in the same house as you right now! How could you, Stan?" Voice strained at the end, real hurt coming through. "You've known me for years-you know I wouldn't just make this up based on some stupid dream!"

"Well, I can't believe Kenny would do that! I mean, dude, he won't even kill spiders! Spiders, Kyle!" Stan defended again, once more glancing between Kyle and the road as he talked.

Kyle scowled, "I'm not making it up. He's-he's crazy Stan, he was just acting so weird and those bodies..." His frame shook at the thought, "Why won't you believe me?" he added softly.

"I already said I do believe you, just not that it was real. This is Kenny we're talking about, Kyle! The man who cared for his sister after his parents were both gone. They had nobody to support them so he got a job-even decided against college for her. The worse things he's ever done are sex-related, I mean, he's just not someone who could murder people and shove their bodies in some room. Wouldn't something have given him away? DNA or trails leading to him in disappearances shit, I don't know! Mom used to watch that murder porn and she always said there was no way to just kill someone without someone, somewhere, noticing you were there..." Stan stopped there, unsure where to go with his words.

Kyle had nothing to add, realizing more and more that this type of denial wasn't just going to stop unless there was actual proof. He couldn't help the hurt at the thought; his own friend ignoring his words and telling him he was just taking things too far when there were people dead.-Corpses unaccounted for and a fowl stench they had left behind after Kenny pulled the disappearing act. The paint had covered it some, but he knew it had to still be there. It was so bad, so rotten... How could no one have smelled it before? Maybe he was just going crazy...

Eyes flashed as memories pushed through, every sense pushing to be heard. The smell was one thing, but the feel of the old and congealed blood, the sights he could see through moonlight alone was enough to make him scream. No dream had produced such reactions, and he sure as Hell hadn't drank or done anything that could change that. Kenny wouldn't have kept anything like that in the house thanks to Karen. It just didn't make sense. It had to be the truth, he just knew it. It was too real to be anything else-even if Stan didn't realize it.

Green eyes looked up to Stan, taking in the pale exterior. Frowned lips and close eyes only had him wondering just how deeply crazed Stan thought him to be at this point. "I don't know about any of that Stan, just that I know what I saw. It wasn't a dream, it's too vivid to be. Why can't you just take my word on this? When have I ever done something without thinking it through a hundred percent?" He searched the other, finding the deepening frown at his response.


"What the fuck do you think I've been doing?" Kyle asked with a humorless laugh.

"You just don't get it, Kyle! Look at yourself-you're frozen, and you've been running around in the fucking snow in shorts and no shoes! What am I supposed to believe right now? That you're perfectly sane?"

"Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" Kyle repeated, hand grabbing his door's handle. "Let me out." he demanded. "Let me out or I'll jump out, I don't fucking care."

"This. This is what I mean." Stan said a hand pinching the bridge of his nose for a second before returning to the wheel. "You're not jumping out of the car, Kyle. Fuck. What're you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I. Want. Out." Kyle responded, tone teeming with unresolved anger.

"Just-We're almost home-"

"Then it'll be a short walk. Pull. Over." Kyle demanded.

"We're both going to the same place."

"Three." He unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Holy shit dude-"

"Two." Kyle intoned, fingers flicking the lock open.

"Fine." Stan said, stopping the car.

"Thanks." Kyle replied sarcastically, slamming open the door and getting out of the car. Then, he took off the coat, ignoring the shiver that was ignited after. "Take your fucking jacket!" Kyle threw the now wadded-fabric at his friend, who caught it before it hit his face. He slammed the door closed promptly after, walking toward his house on his own.

Stan let his head rest on the steering wheel momentarily before he finally drove off in the same direction.

Kyle paused to watch him, feet burning as he stood. Taking a deep breath, it was let out with a sob. He took a deep breath, calming his body until he got home at least.

It didn't take long to get to his house, but it had chilled him to the core. Shaking, he went to the entrance, eyes glancing at Stan's parked car. With a sigh, he entered, the door already unlocked.


Stan had stood from where he sat on the couch. Kyle paid him no mind; heading to his room without a word. "We still have to talk!" Stan said then, following Kyle's movements.

"We already did, and you were pretty clear with how you felt." Kyle stated angrily. Finally, he entered his room, slamming the door on a stunned Stan. He leaned his back against it, eyes closing momentarily.

"Quite a show."

Kyle started, a shaking hand grasping the doorknob. "How?"

Green eyes opened, glaring at the blond sitting on his desk chair. The chair turned casually towards him, the blond in it grinning widely. "How, what?" Kenny propped his head on his palm, elbow settling on the chair's arm.

Kyle shook his head, unable to properly form a response. How did he get here so fast? And more importantly, why? "How're you here?"

Kenny's smile, if anything, got wider at the words. "Driving, quite an invention-"

"Asshole." Kyle cut-in, frustration guiding him.

Kenny frowned, "That's not very nice." he stated.

"Nice? You expect me to be nice right now? Go to Hell!" His voice was raising of its own accord, wearing his inner turmoil for Kenny to see.

"Already been, not the best place. But hey, I'll go if you go with me." Kenny's smile was back.

He had so much he wanted to ask, so much he wanted to vent and rage at the other. But he settled, body having been run through the mill enough for one day. He was tired. "Dude, you fucking killed those people."

"And?" Kenny stressed the word, shrugging. "They deserved it."

Kyle stilled at that. "You-you admit it?"

"Why not? What're you going to do, call the police?" Kenny laughed at the end, unable to hold in the chuckles. "Maybe tell your mom? Stan? Hell, try Cartman next, he loves a good laugh!"

"You're fucked-up..."

Kenny shrugged again, leaning forward toward Kyle, "Took you long enough to realize it, sweet cheeks." The blond cracked at that, laughing harder than before.

The heat building in anger had Kyle turning away from the other. He's not even trying to hide it. Practically growling he threw open his door. "Get out." He stared down the other, the hand not on the knob formed into a fist. Steadying his limbs, he focused his glare toward the other.

Kenny's expression changed from happy to amused at the look, but he didn't protest either and stood. His hands displayed the "surrender" sign as he walked to the door. Standing too close for comfort, he offered another smile. His hand lifted, finger and thumb picking up Kyle's chin. "I'll be back soon."

His hand hit Kenny's away harshly, "Get out." he repeated, completely uncomfortable with the look Kenny gave him now. He barely stopped himself from stuttering; his tone less determined this time. He could still feel the blond's hand on his chin, a ghost touching him still.

Kenny gave him a knowing look before finally exiting the room completely. Kyle closed the door once more, back immediately pressing against it again. "Goddammit."

He heard shuffling behind his door, then Stan's voice. "Well?"

Kenny responded, tone worried, "Nah, dude, he thinks I'm a serial killer. He really doesn't want to see me right now."

Kyle didn't know whether to roll his eyes or scream, but he settled for neither as he clicked his lock in place. A deep breath later and he was already in his bed.

He spent the rest of the day and night stuck in his room, shock subsiding with time and leaving hunger in its wake. Reading yielded no results, words blurring as his thoughts continued to persist against his just sitting there. Videos only seemed distant, and working on any school work a joke. His hunger never placated, only deepened each time a distraction proved worthless. It wasn't until late in the night he finally felt ready to exit. He only hoped his roommates were asleep in their own beds.

Opening the door, he silently went to the kitchen. Along the way, he saw a sleeping Stan on the couch, television on but too quiet to wake him should any loud noises arisen. He gathered his food with little noise accompanying, and was about to leave the room when he heard Stan speak. "I'm sorry."

"Do you believe me then?" Kyle asked, glancing to the couch where the other had sat up half-way.

"Kyle, I just-"

"Then, no." Kyle ended for him. He walked past, a hand meeting his own and stopping him.

"Dude, please." Stan pleaded, "I just want to help you."

Kyle pulled his hand away, giving Stan a resigned look. "I don't need help-not in the way you're wanting to help me anyway." He sighed, "Just drop it, dude, I'm not going to suddenly think I'm crazy anytime soon."

Stan ran his hand through his hair but didn't respond. Not expecting him to, Kyle made it back into his room. Shutting and locking the door once more, he took his seat on his bed. Back against the wall, he ate. It wasn't long before he forced his eyes closed and tried to get some rest, only to be assaulted with images of the past day and night flutter past his eyelids.

It was going to be a long night, just as it had been a long day.


Kyle wasn't sure when he found sleep, but found himself wakening when it was light in his room. He palmed his eyes, feeling lightheaded and grimy alike. "Ugh." he sounded, groaning as he pushed himself from the bed. He felt weird. All the events having transpired seemed so distant, yet his head thrummed with them.

Groaning again he stretched and stood from the bed, going to the window and looking outside. The snow hadn't dried completely yet, but the sky was clear enough that it would soon. He leaned against the frame, silent for a moment before he let his focus drift. He wasn't sure what his next move was. Kenny seemed disinterested in going after him-at least not yet. He wasn't sure if it was a reprieve from being his friend or if he was just uninteresting enough to keep Kenny's attention off him. Either way, he couldn't just sit back and let those people down-they'd had families and lives...

He shook his head, blinking out the thoughts. He needed to take care of himself first. Get his mind working again and he would go from there. He gathered his clothes, more than ready to be out of the outfit in which Kenny had placed him. His mind had been too full yesterday and his body too physically worn and frozen to have changed.

He exited the room then, knowing that unless Stan had called in to work that he'd be there today. On his way to the bathroom, he learned exactly where Cartman was now. He resisted the urge to hit the man, but just barely. It was Cartman's fault he'd even gone to Kenny's house-him and his stupid cameras.

Cartman sat on the couch, watching a loud television program with gunfire when he noticed Kyle approaching. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything yet, and Kyle didn't want to say anything. Relief flooded when he made it to the bathroom door uninterrupted. Unfortunately, it didn't last long.

"So, you went to Kenny's and now Stan's pissy. You guys fuck or something?"

"No," he stated simply. He was about to enter the door when Cartman continued.

"Yeah, Stan said you'd dreamed something weird about Kenny but thought it was real." The tone was so relaxed, and it made Kyle tense.

Had Stan really gone to his enemy about him? It was one thing to argue against him but to talk to Cartman about the situation was going against their friendship. "It wasn't a dream..." he started before he stopped himself. He wouldn't talk to the brunette about it, he'd just laugh and start fights with it.

"Stan mentioned that you'd say that. But he didn't say what you saw."

Kyle's impatience grew, whatever Cartman had to say was too unimportant to care about. "What's your point?"

"Couldn't have been the room," Cartman started. Kyle turned to him, nearly dropping his clothes in the process. But he knew Cartman couldn't have meant what he thought he did so he said nothing. Instead, he waited for Cartman to continue.

The brunette grinned, "Ah, so it was." Before Kyle could grow angry, he elaborated, "You saw the room with all the corpses in it." It was a statement of fact, no emotion tinted the tone. "Then you called the police. Like an idiot."

"You knew." Kyle proceeded, dumbfounded, "You fucking knew about it."

"I'm Kenny's best friend, Kahl, do you honestly expect me not to go through his house at some point? I don't even like you and I went through your house."

Taking the last part aside for the moment, Kyle's head spun with the words. "Why didn't you call the police?" he asked, "You could have saved lives! Surely not even you're that selfish!" What was he saying? Of course Cartman was selfish-quite possibly the most selfish person he'd ever met.

Cartman had the gall to laugh, "Did you really think Kenny was stupid enough to let you just call the police on him? You don't know him at all."

"I know Kenny!" he proclaimed automatically. But then, he really didn't know Kenny, at least, not anymore. "I knew him." he said quietly before, "I thought I knew him."

"He had a backup plan in place before you even went to his house. He knew what he was going to do the moment he killed those people. He always does, has, and will." Cartman's eyebrows furrowed, Kyle seeing him more serious for once than he had since childhood. "But you don't know him. I guess I can't blame you, even if it was funny."

"Funny? You really think any of this is funny?" Kyle questioned, heart racing fast-his words coming out just as quickly.

"Yes." Cartman briefly stated.

Groaning, he tugged at his hair with his free hand. Then, "You have to tell Stan!"

"Why would I do that?"

"So he knows what's going on, and so I have proof!" Kyle said, exasperated.

An eyebrow raised on the brunette's extremely self-satisfied expression. "And miss the end of your gay friendship? No way."

Kyle gave him a disgusted look in response, "You're a selfish asshole."


Unable to stand his presence much longer, Kyle entered the bathroom. He slammed the door shut behind him, taking a brief moment to breathe. He threw his clothes on the counter before readying the water in the tub. The only thought he found comforting was how he knew he wasn't crazy for sure. Cartman knew about it, even if he knew the other wouldn't help him prove Kenny's actions.

He wasn't crazy.

But he didn't feel too comforted by the information. This was real. The bodies were real, the room was real. Kenny murdered people and now Kyle knew his secret. His stomach felt like a pit of everlasting anxiety and his fingers twitched with the nerves. With a shaky breath, he took off his clothes.

Taking a step in the bath, he turned on the shower portion of the tub. Hot water hit clammy, cold skin. He sighed. Whatever he did next he was going to have to realize he wouldn't have any support from anyone. The thought left him shivering beneath the hot stream.