The bronze, scuffed M-ship descended through the atmosphere of the planet, the fires of days past long since burned out. Much of the city had been rebuilt after the assault, the survivors actually tidying up the place to appear better than it had in the past. The light and warmth of the star it circled enveloped it, shadows shortening as the peak of the day was to be met. One by one, the occupants of the vessel exited, their landing permit passed into the hands of the captain by one of the pad's attendants. After receiving a grunt to be back in a day's time, the ragtag team pushed forth, the creatures lining the streets below only affording fast, disinterested glances. Peter Quill was perfectly at ease with that notion, as there was work to do.
As Thor had stated to Bruce, he had left with them, chartering their vessel to ferry him home. The leave-taking was done with little ceremony, much like when he had detained Loki and brought him home for justice. Once again, he had the stone of the Tesseract, as well as the stone of the scepter. To Wanda, he had whispered promises to see to the mysteries of it, to find a way to bring back her love, but she'd only smiled wanly and hugged him farewell. It was difficult, difficult to leave the earth behind, but it had to be done.
The capital of Asgard was in the process of being rebuilt yet again, the lead warriors greeting them upon landing. The lady Sif had charged ahead, throwing her arms around her friend. The remainder of the party was given a reserved nod, though it appeared to be slightly more reverent when it came to Adam. For his part, Peter was willing to bow his neck and be content with his lot as a royal guest for a few days. The two Infinity stones were brought down to Odin's vault, locked away for the time being. During the feast ordered that night for the homecoming, Gamora had nudged his arm nodding to where Sif and Thor were seated on the upper dais. To an outside observer, they looked to be no more than in close-headed conference, but the linger gaze and light touches passed between them spoke of it being more. Having learned something of the god's liaison with a physicist back on Earth (some of the Avengers, while brilliant fighters and tacticians, were horrible gossips when bedridden), he was surprised to see the affection brewing there. Perhaps he'd healed faster than could be anticipated. Or, likely since they knew each other for centuries, something in the Asgardian had come to light. Either way, he did not begrudge them their blooming affections.
How could he, when he had his own beside him, lacing her fingers through his and resting her head on his shoulder, regardless of who saw? (Only took four years, but hey, he wasn't going to be picky now.)
The days upon the planet passed, and with their ship refueled and a couple of the dings repaired, the Asgardian prince bid them farewell. He was dressed for mourning, deep black and purple robes encompassing him, and his eyes held deep sadness as well. It was time to commemorate their dead, and then the real work would begin, he'd noted dully. Still, he managed to give them all bear hugs in good-bye, though he reserved a fist bump for Groot and Rocket (the raccoon-like creature was grateful not to be crushed in his embrace, and Groot was okay with not being touched, period; he recently developed a thing about not being touched, go figure). Adam bowed low to him, murmuring something about meeting again in the future, and Thor managed a weak grin, a joke about hoping it would be on better terms than before dripping from his lips. That said, the others went into the ship, and as he sat in the cockpit, Quill looked upon the crown prince, simple and solid even amidst the guard that surrounded him. Perhaps they would meet again, and it wouldn't involve the destruction of the universe.
For the moment, though, he turned his thoughts to the present, following Adam as he led the way through the streets. The capital of Knowhere was bustling, despite the grievous injuries it was dealt in recent memory. The Sovereign being attracted a few stares, with his height and golden everything shining out amidst the dirt and dull browns, but one look from his gleaming eyes, and the citizens focused on other things. It did not take them long to reach their destination, and so the odd glimpse or two were easily ignored. Adam himself said nothing, just absently adjusted the satchel strapped to his waist and kept walking until they found the place they were looking for. Stepping through the broken doorway, the Guardians of the Galaxy took in the sight.
The Collector's museum, his gallery, his had not been even remotely touched since the attack. Given what Nebula had been able to deduce, it was doubtless that the others of the planet were able to break in and discover the truth, too. Housing the Collector had, in the end, not paid off for them, and so it seemed they would avenge the carnage wrought by ignoring what he'd brought, what he'd housed. Mantis let her hands spread out, gingerly touching a few cases as she passed them, an odd hiss or two floating out. Though there was no real connection to any of the creatures kept there, she did read residual emotions, and given the harsh look eclipsing her dark eyes, it was obvious none of them were positive. Drax kept his eyes upon her, crossing his arms and leaning against a still-standing wall partition, while the others poked and prodded here and there.
"Wow…" Quill murmured, looking at the charred remains of the great room. Shattered glass and twisted metal littered the space, the door to the security hanging open and revealing the sparking wires of components stolen. Shaking his head, he tapped a booted foot against one of the chunks on the floor, grunting, "You'd think they would've done something with this place."
"It is left as a reminder," Adam murmured, unmoved by the wreckage. Like Nebula, he'd happened upon it while searching for answers, one of the clues that led him to tracking them down. It was a shame, though, and he let the sadness of it color his tone. "Ultimately, the Collector sought knowledge, knowledge of the expanding universe. When it became possessive was when it became his downfall."
Gamora, crouching in front of a pile of ashes, glanced over her shoulder at him, eyes narrowing. "Knowledge wasn't his downfall."
Rocket snorted audibly, casually leaning his shoulder against a burned crate. "No, holding onto that rock was. It really ain't that profound."
The Sovereign being shrugged a shoulder. "Maybe not, but if he had done more, found the right place to bring it to safety, sought out the truth that could have spared this planet, it would have helped."
As he spoke, he reached into the bag tied to his hip, opening the flap of the satchel and withdrawing a small, reinforced containment unit. Constructed by the Asgardians, it was enough to contain the Aether, morphing from its stone form and back into the misting red cloud it could be within. Ultimately, it was Groot who found what they were all looking for, his rooted foot clanging against it after several moments. Clearing away the remainder of the debris, they found the grounded safe, the sealed door busted open and its contents removed. Gently, Adam knelt upon the floor, lowering the containment unit into it before shutting the door, gesturing Rocket over. The raccoon creature reached into his own pouches, collapsible tools assembled to form a sort of portable soldering and welding device. Donning thick goggles (also fetched from a pouch, he bade the others to step away and turn their backs so they wouldn't be blinded as he sealed the unit inside.
"And so…we leave it here again?" Drax wondered, eyeing the Sovereign being dubiously before snorting. "Sounds stupid."
Not offended in the slightest by his wording, the golden-skinned fellow cupped a hand in the air. "Well, who is going to look for something in the same place twice? It will do, until I can find where it belongs."
Gamora and Mantis shared a glance at that, the green-skinned beauty speaking up first.
"So that's your mission then, Adam?" she asked him, wanting full clarification that time. She had suspected that he would only travel so far in their company, and here he was proving her correct. Fixing a mischievous look upon him, she muttered, "No more ravaging for you."
"No," he retorted, smirking back at her and shaking his head. There was too much to be done still, answers to be found among the stars. As a stone bearer himself, he had to see to it that he could find out what could be done, if the Infinity Stones would be safer in separate holding places or not. The remaining stone, in its own containment unit in the bag, would go with him to another planet, to rest and hide while he sought out what to do. Grimacing as he turned over another thought, he mumbled, "Nor do I relish chasing down an Asgardian reprobate. I'll leave that to you."
Peter snickered at that. Before they'd left Asgard, Thor had charged them with a final duty: to track down his trouble-making adoptive brother, now the commander of Thanos' ship. It was doubtful he would stay in command of it for long, but it was the starting point, and Thor knew that they would likely be able to find him before he ventured too far out in the universe.
"Fair enough," the human male retorted, passing a hand through his hair before offering it to the Sovereign being. Slowly, carefully, Adam put his hand in his, still unfamiliar with the gesture, but enduring it as Peter pumped up and down. "If you ever do want a spot on the ship, though, we can always use another set of hands."
Dropping his hand, Adam let a corner of his mouth curl, his head inclining at them all as he took a step back.
"I'm sure we'll cross paths in the future, one way or another, Star-Lord," he crooned, nodding a last farewell just as Rocket announced that the safe was sealed. Ducking out through the doorway, the Sovereign being turned right out onto the street, disappearing after a few moments. Clearing his throat, Quill jerked his head back toward where the safe was resting, all of them choosing to sweep and move debris to cover it for the time being. Once that was complete, the raccoon-like creature rubbed his paws together, gesturing to his fellows widely as he disassembled his tools and packed them away.
"Ready to chase down that missing prince now?" he asked, dark eyes glittering at the thought. "Thor did promise us a decent bounty."
The Guardians all looked to one another, and then collectively at Peter. Squaring his shoulders, the human male tilted his head to the side, considering the idea.
"Sure. Well, once we figure out a few leads," he pronounced, knowing that tracking Thanos' ship would only take them so far. They needed more to go on, and would have to start ferreting out that information as they went. And in the meantime, there were plenty of other fish to fry. "Until then, let's go find some work to tide us over, huh?"
Drax smirked, looping an arm over Mantis' shoulder, and Gamora inclined her head, the first tendrils of her sorrow dissipating appearing in her irises.
"Sounds good to me," she said, patting the handle of her sheathed blade at her hip.
"I am Groot," the root creature rumbled, and Peter gave out a little whoop at that, gesturing for them all to follow him back to the Milano, the work of the galaxy awaiting them.
The curtains on the window automatically began to rise, the daylight brightening the space little by little. The sounds of the city beyond were muted, but the glow of the morning sun upon the windows of the skyscrapers reflected back, showing the day to be cloudless and open. Steve Rogers, with his back turned to the window, did not see any of it, had not noticed the retracting curtains or the brightness of the day. He was still asleep, the furrow of his brow gone as he rested peacefully. Nightmares still plagued his sleep, but after a month back upon Earth, he was finally able to rest a bit more easily. (Easily, that could be attributed to his retirement, the talks he'd been having with his therapist, and spending time with his family, all of which he did proclaim to Holly a few evenings previously, but she reckoned he would've gotten to that point, eventually.) As it was Independence Day as well, it was a good opportunity for him to push past his typical wake-up time, not including the hours spent taking care of the infant or the toddler in the vicinity.
However, once the curtains were up, and the light of the day came through the windowed wall of the bedroom in the Tower, he was not allowed to push past it much longer.
"Daddy! Daddy, up!" a high-pitched voice crashed through his dreams, and he groaned into his pillow as the sheets at his shoulder were tugged. Grant was definitely awake now, and his son had decided, roughly a week or so previously, that when he was awake, his father had to be, too.
"'M up, I'm up," he mumbled, starting to roll onto his back. As he did so, he had no time to prepare as his son flopped bodily atop his stomach. The wind was almost knocked out of him, and Steve groaned as he palmed Grant's back, the toddler giggling madly as he shook his head. Under his breath, he muttered, "The one time I sleep in…"
The mattress shifted again, and he looked over at Holly, Iris in her arms and a teasing grin on her lips. "And now you know how it feels, sweetheart."
Steve narrowed his eyes playfully at her, unable to refute that. After all, he'd aided their eldest in crawling onto the bed to wake her in the past, and had known that she would likely get him back in some fashion.
"Hmm," he merely hummed, pushing himself to sit up. Lips pressed to the corner of his mouth, a good-morning kiss given by Holly to be a buffer for the rest of the morning. For the holiday, and for his 100th birthday, Tony had promised a bash of epic proportions, and he would not allow them the excuse of bowing out. Therefore, the entire Rogers clan had made the trip down to the city, Bonnie coming with as well. It was merely the first stop, as the remainder of the base workers (and therefore Holly, though her manager was fuming at the idea that she would be absent with corporate sanctioning yet again—despite the fact that he would be gone, too) were given leave for the rest of the week. The next day, they would be trekking down to Annapolis, Sarah Johnson and her husband Aaron intent on hosting them. It had been too long since his wife had seen her best friend, and it would be interesting to be on a trip a full-blown, regular citizen for the first time in decades.
Right at that moment, though, they had to first get through the promised shenanigans.
"Daddy, come pway," Grant implored, grabbing his father's hand with both of his and tugging. The strength in the little guy had grown quite a bit since the previous year, and it was obvious as he pulled again in an attempt to get Steve out of the bed. Holly giggled at her boy's attempt and rose from the bed, giving Iris light taps on the back to burp her.
"Go on," she declared to her husband, nodding for him to get to it. Once the blond man pushed back the blankets and got up, he scooped up the little guy, the toddler chattering happily and wiggling. Blue eyes darted out the door, and the brunette woman heard his stomach growl loudly, too. The corner of her mouth lifted, and she waved him out to get some food. Following them out, she saw Steve pause on the threshold to the open-plan kitchen, an eyebrow rising at the covered platters set upon the counter. Quickly, she explained, "Breakfast was catered. Why don't we live here, again?"
Steve snorted audibly, and as he opened his mouth to answer, he was interrupted.
"Now that you are awake, Captain Rogers, Mr. Stark has requested I begin your birthday play-list," JJ announced then, and before either husband or wife could do more than look at one another, music started pumping into the apartment. As the singer growled out how proud he was to be an American, Steve ground the heel of his palm against his forehead, and Holly gave a pronounced wince, covering Iris' exposed ear (the other safely covered by her chest).
"…Never mind."
A sharp command for the AI to shut off the music fell from Steve's mouth, as well as a desire to see what was underneath the platter covers, and so breakfast was passed in relative peace. Steve got more than his fill—as Tony could well remember the sort of appetite a super-soldier could have since he last lived at the Tower—and Grant was able to play with his father, the toys he'd brought with from the house scattered around the wide living room. Holly sat on the couch with Iris, the nearly two-month-old sat up in her mommy's lap and her big eyes watching everything. Bonnie trotted around the two males, nosing at the boy and a doggy smile on her muzzle when the man scratched her belly. Soon enough, the clock wound around, and it was time to start preparing for the party.
"We don't have to do this, if you don't want," Steve said to Holly as they were changing clothes, their children in the cribs that had been set up for them. Her dark eyes shot over to him, both eyebrows inclining, and he affected nonchalance as he buttoned up his shirt. "It might be difficult for the kids, and I'll completely understand if—"
"Nice try, Steven," she interrupted him, ending his speech before he could wind up any further. Shaking her head and shucking the lightweight dress she'd chosen onto her body, she announced, "We're going."
The bigger man visibly deflated at that, though he kept his expression neutral. Steve really wasn't a fan of large parties, or crowds or people swarming him, which was all but guaranteed to happen that day. Holly, knowing it all too well, straightened her dress before padding over to him. Stepping up behind him, her arms wrapped around his waist, her cheek resting against his back as he let out a sigh. A gentle peck was planted at the base of his neck when she went up on tiptoe, hoping to assuage his concerns.
"Just one more big blow-out, and then we can let Tony worry about his fiftieth," she promised him, counting on Stark's public-minded persona to assert itself over the coming years once the day was done. Steve turned in her arms, dipping his chin.
"Right," he intoned, warming to the idea of Stark's focus being drawn elsewhere. "Plus he'll have a good number of other parties to plan, once Pepper has the…"
Blue eyes went wide as he let the statement peter away, realizing the error he had made. His wife, however was looking at him curiously.
"Once Pepper has…" She blinked, and then wonderment filled her face. "Oh, my God. She's pregnant, isn't she?"
Steve coughed, stepping out of her embrace and starting to fiddle with his watch strap. "…Officially, I've said nothing."
"Noted," she replied absently, joy lighting her features at the thought of a woman she considered a friend being pregnant. Another thought occurred to her then, and her smile dimmed. "Holy crap, this is huge. That poor kid is gonna have an insane life."
"Given who the father is, I think that will be a safe bet." Fully comprehending the irony of his words, the captain turned to his wife, shrugging a shoulder and offering, "Won't be too different from our children's lives."
Holly inhaled deeply, her smile returning after a second or two. "Fair point. Hopefully they can be friends and gripe to each other about their parents, huh?"
Steve grinned his agreement at that, and begged her to be discreet about the news, since there was no announcement yet from either Tony or Pepper. Promising to be the soul of discretion, Holly did a fast happy dance in place, exorcising her enthusiasm before they went upstairs. The party was to be held in the vast open lounge on the upper decks, and it wouldn't do for them to be late. Or, at least, later than they already were (dressing a toddler and a baby was no sinecure, and while they both had decent practice at the tasks, it still took Steve chasing a naked Grant around the apartment twice before he could wrestle him into shorts and a shirt).
As the family boarded the elevator, Grant holding his daddy's hand and Iris in her carrier held by Mommy, Holly glanced up at her husband, recalling a little bit of advice he'd given her before another party years ago.
"Ready?" she whispered, the corner of her mouth curling as he nodded at her. Raising her chin, she proclaimed, "Head up, show no fear."
Steve barely stifled a derisive laugh, and Grant glanced up curiously at his parents.
"Wha', Mama?" he inquired, wanting his mother to explain. Holly canted her head, smiling down at him.
"Just have fun, buddy, okay?" she told him, just as the elevator opened. Stepping out, the family made their way down the hall to the open lounge area, which had been transformed with red, white, and blue decorations. Bunting was decorating the upper walkway and staircases, the bar along the back wall similarly decked out. A good number of people were there already, drinks taken and filching treats from the myriad bowls and platters set out amidst the space. It was, however, the sight of toy boxes and children that drew the eye. Instead of being asked to secure babysitters for a Stark party, the guests were encouraged to bring their offspring with them. Holly had no doubt that Tony had amended the general rule for the sake of their boy, as well as his own private reasons now. Her son was now practically vibrating, jerking his hand out of his father's and nearly dancing on the spot.
"Yeah!" Grant cried, charging forward, his little legs pumping fast to bring him over to the children gathered around the toy bins.
"Be good!" Holly cried after him, her child not even turning his head to acknowledge her words. Steve chuckled under his breath, taking his wife's free hand in his.
"I think he stopped listening at some point there."
She snorted audibly, rolling her eyes. "No kidding."
With their boy thoroughly occupied, and keeping one eye on him as they moved, Steve and Holly found a place to put the baby carrier, Iris being passed around as they were introduced to some of the party attendants. Wanda and Scott hovered along the fringes of the bash, taking the opportunity to relax into the next few weeks of their freedom. The Scarlet Witch was quiet, though she did manage a smile for her ex-commander and his wife; the death of the Vision was hitting her hard, so much so that she was considering moving to London. Transfer papers would be processed after the holiday, and she wished to be near her brother as she allowed herself to grieve and mourn. Scott's daughter Cassie had mixed with the other children, taking Grant in hand and becoming something of his protector and guardian as the adults mingled. Dr. Strange was away, retreating to his sanctuary, and Peter Parker had chosen to take the runaway kids to hang out in Queens for the day.
Patriotic music churned in the background, classic rock standards thrown into the mix, and the festivities wound into the late afternoon. Another round of food—the catering company responsible for breakfast was serving the whole event—was put out, the guests devouring all and enjoying the luxurious surroundings. As his wife was in the midst of telling Holly of the efforts made during the battles, Tony absented himself from her side, instead finding the erstwhile commander seated on one of the couches.
"Pretty good turn-out, wouldn't you say?" Tony prompted him, taking the open seat beside him on the couch. The two men were nursing glasses of whiskey, broken out in honor of Steve's birthday and passed around the inner circle. The blond man nodded, swishing the amber liquid remaining around in his cup.
"Yeah. Though it feels more like a send-off than anything else," he remarked, lifting a significant eyebrow at his friend. Stark met the blatant raise with one of his own, before he coughed and shrugged a shoulder.
"Well…that might be because it is, in a way," he said, all but confirming Steve's suspicions. Rogers had supposed that, once Pepper's pregnancy became public, Tony would consider stepping away from the fray permanently. Evidently, he was correct. Dark eyes focused on his glass as Tony continued, "Some of us are getting too old for the superhero thing. Some of us have…other responsibilities to take care of."
The corner of Steve's mouth curved. "Joyful ones, I hope."
Stark met his gaze again, a slow and careful grin pulling at his lips. "Yeah, I think they will be. I'll stick around under the new recruits are chosen. Help whip them into shape. That should take me through until October, help stagger the retirements that way."
"You can brag that you stuck with it longer than me."
"Nah, you still have sixty-some years on me, despite the frozen inactivity."
The two fellow shared a chuckle at that, and then Steve raised his glass in a salute.
"Back to being Tony Stark," he stated, waiting as Tony lifted his glass and tapped it against his. "May the next eighteen years of your life be as entertaining as the first."
"Thanks. Same to you," the billionaire returned, nodding to where Holly was holding Iris, the infant cooed at by the ring of mothers circling her. Looking back at the blond man beside him, he swallowed a sip of his whiskey and wondered, "What will you do now? That pension they're doling out won't last forever, and I doubt Holly wants to be known as your sugar momma. Plus, y'know, boredom."
Steve considered his friend's inquiry, pondering what to tell him. It was true that the Avengers was providing him with a pension, allowing the family enough to more than get by, and Holly's salary would continue along with the royalties from her novels. However, he did have a plan in the works to combat the potential lack of activity that would be in his life now, as well as continuing to provide for his children and wife.
"Well, there's still the school," Steve replied, taking a sip of his drink slowly. The tech genius let his eyebrow incline and a scoff shot out, though it wasn't unkind.
"You don't have training, Steve. Hell, you don't have anything beyond your high school degree."
"Maybe not," Steve conceded, a strange gleam coming into his eye. "But that can be changed. Could probably get into one of those online universities without too much difficulty."
Stark stared at him, the curve of his grin unmistakeable. "Which you already did."
Steve broke into a full smile then, and revealed the plans in full. "I'm taking courses in the fall, and until then I'll be studying. Well, in between watching the kids and taking on after-school activity hours for the Academy. Three days a week, hosting free art periods, until I can get the time and hours to become a real instructor."
As the decision to have him hosting the art periods had just been processed, Tony had not heard about it yet. Blowing out a low whistle, he could not resist throwing out a jibe.
"Didn't want to be a history teacher?" he asked, not shocked when Steve snorted.
"They say to stick with what you know, and art is something I know a thing or two about." He leaned back in his seat, and his focus was drawn to one of the windowed walls. A sort of calm smoothed over his face, and he let out a sigh. "It'll be good."
The sudden pattering of feet caught their attention then, Holly nearly flying to them with her phone in her outstretched hand.
"Oh, my God. Oh, my God!" she crowed, thrusting the device under her husband's nose. "Look at this!"
Steve and Tony shared a fast look, the captain taking the phone from Holly and looking at the picture that had been sent to her. In it, Sam Wilson was holding his girlfriend, Kay, one of the large fountains in front of a hotel behind them. It was common knowledge among their circle that Wilson and Kay were intent on getting some time away from everything, and that they had taken Barnes and Romanoff for the ride. They had arrived safely in Las Vegas, and that was the last anyone had heard until they sent the picture.
However, it wasn't that he was merely holding her. The choice of white for their clothing, the prominent display of their beringed left hands at the center of the shot, drew the focus, and the two men staring at felt their eyes widen in total surprise.
"Huh, Wilson finally got up the cajones to get hitched," Tony muttered. Glancing up, he spotted Pepper coming to his side, little Iris in her arms and a look in her eyes. As his heart did little flip-flops at the sight, he cleared his throat and answered her look with a nod. "Yes, dear, I'm aware I don't have any right to say it. Still did, anyway."
Pepper let a laugh pour of her then, and Steve shook his head, handing the device back to his wife. Holly could only let out a happy sigh, sitting herself down on the arm of the sofa. Suddenly, her eyes widened again, and she blinked down at the furrow on her husband's brow.
"Buck and Nat are with them…" she muttered, unable to continue the thought as her phone vibrated in her hand. Looking down at it, she went on, "Oh, and here's a message from the lady herself."
Reading it to herself at first, she hastily clapped a hand over her mouth to hold in a barking laugh. Shaking his head, Steve gestured for her to hand him the phone again, and when she did, he could see why she'd nearly been unable to hold back the humor.
"'JUST Sam and Kay married. Not happening this trip,'" he announced, relaying Natasha's message to their other friends. Well, that certainly halted his wife's conjectures for the moment.
"Implying that it might take another," Pepper pointed out cheerfully, grinning as the others digested that thought. Tony, though, took a final gulp of his whiskey and coughed.
"It might take a lifetime." Taking in the returning look Pepper was donning, Tony held up a stalling palm. "Again, I know."
The news of the Wilson wedding, though it had come through at the party, was kept to the small group, Wanda and Scott told after some of the speculative glances that had been garnered by Holly's rapid flight through the room had been directed elsewhere. The party continued to ebb and flow, new attendees coming and going as the afternoon began to morph into early evening. A chorus of "Yankee Doodle" was crooned by the children, a veritable parade marching around the captain as they were led by Scott and some red and blue streamers were wound around the blond man, the other party-goers delighting in the fun being had. Soon enough, night was almost upon them, and the final events were to be had. However, not everyone could make it through to that point, and departures were inevitable.
Such was the case for Iris and Grant, the two of them far too young to stay up for the fireworks Uncle Tony had been promising all day. Holly, understanding that her children were entirely too close to falling asleep where they were, had volunteered to bring them away, and Steve followed them to the elevator embankment, holding out his hands imploringly.
"Honey, we can both go, I don't have to—" he started, stopping when Holly finished placing Iris in her carrier and laying a palm on his shoulder.
"Steve, it's okay. Putting them both to bed is not a big deal," she said, giving him a tired smile. Squeezing his arm, she continued, "Stay; this is your birthday, after all. Besides, you can't disappoint Tony by cutting out too early."
Steve looked a tad disheartened by the idea, but he simply shook his head.
"Of course not. But, I…" he let the sentence trail away, the softening of his voice and the lessening of the surety in his gaze saying more than words could. She cupped his cheek in her palm then, tenderly stroking the skin with her thumb.
"It'll be okay," she whispered, flicking her glance over to where the stand housing the fireworks stood. Tony had taken her aside earlier, as she had raised her own misgivings about exposing her veteran husband to even controlled explosives, and he had promised her that he'd taken care of it. Trusting him to do so—as he had his own anxiety issues to deal with—she hastened to reassure Steve with that as well. Still, if it did become overwhelming, he deserved to have a bit of comfort. "You know where to find me, after."
Slowly, Steve nodded, a half-smile pulling at his lips. "Alright, doll."
Dipping her chin, she took her son in her arms, hoisting him up. "Say night-night to Daddy, Grant."
Immediately, the boy turned to his father, arms going wide and a giant smile on his face. Steve took him from her, holding Grant in a tight hug as the little guy pecked his cheek.
"Night-night, Daddy. 'Ove you," he said, patting his face when he was finished. Unable to contain his own grin, Steve pecked his boy's hair.
"Love you, too, little man," he replied, lowering Grant to the floor. Kneeling down beside the carrier, he reached into it, picking up Iris as well. "C'mere, sweet pea. Love you."
A smacking kiss was planted on his daughter's cheek, the smell of baby powder and milk clinging to her even as she settled back into her seat. Standing tall again, Steve took one more kiss, a light one from Holly.
"Be good," she admonished him teasingly, shooting him a wink. Smirking at her, he clicked his tongue as he stepped back.
"No promises."
She chuckled, taking the handle of the baby carrier in one hand and Grant's little fingers pressing into her other, the family turning and heading back toward the elevators. Steve watched them go, hands on his hips and a sigh crawling out of his nose. A few taps bounced off his arm, and he pivoted just as Tony flapped his hand, bidding him to step forward. It was time, time for the fireworks display, and as they were done in his honor, he couldn't delay any further. However, just before the first lighter was touched to the spool, Tony commanded JJ to initiate something he called the 'silencer.' Before any questions could be asked, a round dome of filaments and nearly-invisible wires cast over the gathered people on the outer deck. A spark and crackle of electricity, and then a thin film was projected from one connecting point to another, crawling outward until it sealed along the floor. Once it was in place, Stark nodded to the fireworks fellows, the first round send up as the prelude to the city's display. Instead of a loud, echoing boom that would make Steve jump out of his skin and send him back in a wave of unpleasant memories, nothing but a distant pop was heard. Astonished at the gesture his friend had managed to erect in the short time they'd all been home, the blond man stared at the billionaire, his jaw dropping. The darker-haired man said nothing, instead smirking widely and nodding up as another rocket was launched. For the first time in years, Steve was able to enjoy fireworks without being lost in sorrows, drenched in fear as the worst of his past was relived in his mind. The darkness of the night was blotted out as a giant star decorated the sky, followed by an S and R. The number 100 was the last, and the crowd around him cheered, back pats and clasping hands barely registering as the city began to attend to its own fireworks, the muted sounds fading as they all went back inside. Though a good number of the children had fallen asleep, the adults availed themselves of the giant, commissioned cake, a single star on a field of blue proclaiming it to be a happy 100th birthday for Steve. Only one candle was lit, and after the obligatory song was sung, the pieces were cut and dished out.
The happiness filling his heart stalled, though, as Steve instinctively glanced to the side. Pepper, spying it, set about a quick task, loading up three pieces of cake on a plate and taking him to one side, as though she wished to speak with him alone. Once they'd gone out of sight, she nodded to the elevator, promising to cover for him. Thanking her with a wide grin and a nod, the bigger man stepped away, going back down to the apartment allotted to him swiftly.
The rooms were quiet as he passed through the front door, the bright lights of the city casting a glow around the living room. A single lamp was on, and the easy chair had been pulled over to the windowed wall. Spotting the brunette head over the back of the chair, he crept forward, setting the cake upon the coffee table and clearing his throat. A muted gasp came, and Holly turned in her seat, her shock morphing into the easy smile he adored so much.
"Hey, saw the last bits from the window, looked neat," she said quietly, her arms noticeably moving then. Coming up to her side, Steve flicked a fast look at the corgi in her lap, Bonnie having taken refuge with her as the fireworks went on. Shrugging once, she spoke as he directed his gaze onto her, wistfulness in her expression. "Grant tried to stay up and watch, but he was out before the first rocket could launch. Iris managed to go down after getting a bit of formula, but she'll probably…what?"
Her question jarred him out of his reverie, pulled him out of gazing upon his beloved wife's face, and he said the first thing that came to mind.
"Dance with me?" he asked, offering her his hand. A bright grin lit up her eyes as she nodded, setting the dog upon the floor and threading her fingers with his.
Prompting JJ to play some music, Steve began to sway Holly to the beat, the old tune one of his favorites from back in the day. As the piece went on and the circled around, he drew up her arms to link around his neck, his own wrapping around her waist. Foreheads braced against one another, and Steve Rogers held his wife, his children well and safe down the hall and their dog napping nearby. Secure in the knowledge that he had them, had what he dared not dream of years ago, he found himself thanking God for it all, good and bad. For through every experience, he had them now, had Holly, and he wouldn't leave them or let them go.
Never again.
A/N: And just like that, it's finished. Thor is back on Asgard, the Guardians are out in the galaxy, Adam is searching for answers, Loki is joyriding in his stolen ship, the Avengers teams are preparing for the future...and Steve and Holly have one more dance before closing out his birthday. A good note to end on, I think.
This is…overwhelming, to think that this series is officially over. Nearly three years of my life has been spent in the world of Holly and Steve (Stolly, and bless whoever it was who originally suggested that ship name). Three years of sweat and tears—no blood, not in the physical sense at least—of taking the wonderful universe that Marvel has set up and created, and playing in it. It's tough to say good-bye, but ultimately, I believe it is the right thing to do. In this universe, with the exception of a few parts, there is happiness, and there is hope for the future. Something I don't think a good majority of the Avengers will ever truly get to experience, and definitely not Steven Grant Rogers. It has been a journey, an absolute delight amidst the frustrations, and I am just entirely grateful.
I appreciate every. Single. One of you who has favorited, followed, reviewed, or simply just read the stories for this series. The support and help you have all given me, along with the bits of praise, are things that I will be eternally grateful for, and remind me of why I adore this community so much. I will name off some great supporters, but if you're not listed, believe me, you are in my heart and your contribution is no less in my eyes.
Thank you so much: OkamiPrincess, TheVoicelessRomantic, Momochan77, supesfan18, holsvick, Semper Paratus, heroherondaletotherescue, FriendlyNeighborhoodHufflepuff, Goldenfightergirl, pulchritudo in omnia, brandibuckeye, untilmynextstory, OctoberOpal, Captain Dorito, WinchesterDixonBros, inperfection, KnowInsight, DarylDixon'sLover, BuckyBarnes07, Anasazi Darkmoon, anonymous reviewer Jo, and many, MANY, others. You have all challenged me, given me great advice and suggestions, and stuck with me through this journey. Some of you have done so since the very beginning, and that just astounds me as much as it pleases me. I hope that, in the end, I did this justice in your eyes. Again, if I did not name you specifically, believe me, I still appreciate and am grateful for you as well.
Do I intend for this to be an end of Steve and Holly? No, certainly not. I still have Down the Hall in progress, as well as another AU story in mind for the future. The Of Time series will occasionally be added to with one-shots. However, the main series is truly, actually, over. As well as that, I have also finished a final sexytime one-shot for them over on AO3, titled At Ease. You can find it over there, and read if you're of the proper age and maturity for it.
And with that, I say, farewell.
I own nothing from the MCU, nor do I own any other pop culture references made in the text (Marvel comics, etc.).
Thanks for reading, please review, and I'll see you all next time!