I...kinda had fun with this :3 I kinda did torture Krista a little, but I tend to do that to a lot of my favorites. Anyways, I'll shut up and let you guys read.
Chapter 2
She woke up to sunlight pouring through the windows. She groaned, rubbing her eyes.
"Ah, welcome to the land of the living!" a female voice started, making her look around for the source of the voice.
A red-blonde haired woman sat on the windowsill, the sunlight seeming to radiate around her, making her glow. The woman walked towards her and she realized that the woman actually was glowing.
"Who…" she blinked.
"My name is Cira Noble," the woman, Cira, started, "I'm a friend…I'm Chosen just like you, Leona's Chosen to be exact,"
"Don't you remember?" Cira asked, "Kalista Chose you last night. Dianne brought you to Valoran…but Sona and Soraka both decided that it would be a good idea to move you back to Earth…so you wouldn't be shocked about your surroundings, Krista,"
She frowned, looking up at Cira.
"Krista?" she asked, "Is that our name?"
Cira's face went pale and her blue eyes flashed gold in fright.
"Kalista…what did you do?" she demanded.
The girl in the bed's eyes rolled back, fading from grey to white as a blue-green sheen emanated from her pale skin and three ghostly spears pierced through her thin back.
"We Chose her," Kalista said simply.
"Did you know it would take her memories!?"
"…Admittedly, no," the Lady of Vengeance stated, "But it was a possibility,"
"Is the real Krista there…?"
"Yes," Kalista nodded, "Confused and frightened…but she is for the most part fine. She is just having difficulty regaining control of us,"
"What do you mean?" Cira asked.
"We are many," Kalista explained, "Krista must be aware of herself before she will be in complete control. It was a risk and one she chose to make,"
"How soon until her memories come back?"
"We cannot say," the spectre shrugged, "It could be days, even years before they come back fully. We are in her home…perhaps that will speed the process along,"
She put a hand to her chest and gave a sad smile.
"One thing is for sure…she is very determined. She is fighting us at this very moment,"
The deathly pallor and spears disappeared and the girl's eyes darkened to teal-specked grey.
"That was unnerving," she muttered.
"It takes some getting used to," Cira told her, "Are you going to be ok?"
"We…I…think I'll be fine," Krista shook her head to clear it more, "This is confusing. I know my name now though…"
She sat up in the bed and moved to get out…and started crying as her feet hit the floor.
"Why am I crying…?" she choked as she stood, "I don't…"
"Before you were Chosen, you were paralyzed from the waist down," Cira explained as Krista's knees wobbled and the Project Chosen caught her as she started to fall, "You're remembering that feeling of helplessness and how it's gone now,"
Krista gave a relieved, shuddering sigh as Cira let go, letting her stand upon her own two feet for the first time in months. The new Chosen took a step, wobbling like a toddler while Cira kept a gentle hand just below her elbow in case she fell again. Krista looked at the home with new eyes.
"Is this your home?" she asked.
"No, this is yours," Cira told her, "Though, my home is open to you, you're always welcome there…all Chosens are. Which reminds me…you know how to use phones, right…?"
Krista rolled her eyes.
"I might not remember much, but I remember basics jeeze!" she huffed, "I can feed myself and walk y'know…"
"Oh really…then how come I have to follow you like a mother hen just to make sure you don't faceplant," Cira deadpanned.
Krista gave a grin and laughed.
"You…I like you, Cira. Shame I didn't know you before all this craziness…"
"You just met me last night," Cira chuckled, "But then again…you were kinda shaken from the excitement…"
Krista looked at her confusedly.
"Don't worry about it," the First Chosen said.
The doorbell rang and Krista jumped, thrusting her hands towards the portal…teal fire in the form of spears blazed to life and shot towards the door, the five weapons thudding into the wood deeply. What looked to be mist the color of ink started rolling around Krista's feet.
"Easy!" Cira soothed, "It's just my boyfriend…he came to pick me up from here,"
"…Oh…" Krista blinked rapidly, lowering her hands as the spears faded, but the Mist persisted, "Uh…how do I get rid of this?"
"Don't ask me, ask your Champion," Cira chuckled, patting Krista's shoulder before holding up a folded piece of paper with spidery, elegant handwriting on it, "Here's my phone number…call me if you need anything,"
Krista took the paper and nodded.
"And I'd suggest staying in the house," Cira advised, "You're still recovering from being Chosen and from the looks of it…it might be a good idea to get your powers under control…as well as get your memories back,"
The new Chosen's shoulders drooped slightly.
"Dianne will probably be around at some point," Cira said, "She was awful worried about you,"
"Dianne?" Krista asked.
"Dianne Faye, she's Kindred's Chosen. And…basically the Grim Reaper. She brought you to me when Kalista Chose you. Honestly…I think you'd be her first real friend outside of me and maybe Sable,"
"So I have two friends now," Krista hummed before looking around her home, "Who are these people in the pictures?"
"I only know one of them," Cira admitted, "You'll probably be seeing her sometime soon,"
"Alrighty," Krista nodded, "So uh…I reckon I'll be seein' ya later?"
"Count on it," Cira beamed before leaving.
"So, Kalista…how are we gonna get rid of this?" Krista asked, looking that the Black Mist that coiled protectively around her.
"It is instinctive for us," Kalista said, "For you, Krista, it might take focus to make it dissolve. We shall aid you,"
"Good…I'm gonna need all the help I can get…" Krista muttered.
Vivian walked up to Krista's house, dreading going inside.
"She is your friend, Vivian," Camille told her, "You promised,"
"I know," Vivian muttered, steeling herself for the berating she knew was going to come from Krista, "She is not going to let last night go…that is for certain,"
She opened the door and waited for a couple seconds.
"It's open!" Krista's voice called.
Vivian frowned, blinking.
"What is the matter?" Camille asked.
"Her voice…" Vivian hummed, "It…it does not carry the same weight as it did before…almost like the past few months never happened…"
Vivian opened the door and walked inside.
"Something isn't right Camille," Vivian huffed as she walked into the house…and froze in the doorway of the livingroom.
"I would say so," Camille agreed, "For the last time I saw her…was she not in a wheelchair?"
"Sorry for the mess!" a standing Krista Rhon apologized, giving a sheepish smile as she picked up a cracked photo frame and put it on the table next to a chair, "I'm still getting used to…the house,"
She gave a genuine smile and walked over to Vivian, hand extended.
"I'm Krista…I just moved here a few days ago. I guess you're my neighbor then? Miss…?"
"I take back my statement before," Camille stated, a note of uncertainty in her voice, "Something is very, very wrong,"
Vivian's face fell, her green eyes dimming.
"Are you that angry at me?" Vivian asked, "Krista…I know I haven't been around much, but I gave a bit of an explanation why…surely that wouldn't warrant wrongly acting like you didn't remember me…"
Krista bit her lip and shrugged.
"…I'm sorry," she started, "I just…I don't remember you at all. To be honest…I kinda don't remember anythin'. I uh…took a nasty fall…"
Vivian frowned.
"You and I have known each other for years…" Vivian tried again.
"Your face looks familiar…but I don't…" Krista shook head head, "Where have I seen…"
Vivian's eyes narrowed. Enough was enough.
"ATTENTION!" Vivian barked.
The grey eyes blazed and Krista snapped into action. Her heels brought themselves together and on the same line with an audible smack as her tennis shoes connected. Her feet were turned out equally, forming a 45° angle with each other, knees straight but without stiffness. Arms hanging straight without stiffness at the sides of her body in such a way that her thumbs were along the seams of her jeans. The backs of her hands were turned away from her body and her hands and fingers were cupped naturally. Her chest was up, her shoulders back and level. Those grey and teal-specked eyes looked straight to the front, at Vivian.
Krista suddenly blinked rapidly, trying to figure out what went on.
"...I was military then..." she muttered, "Guess that's another thing we have in common..."
"Indeed," Kalista agreed.
"At ease," Vivian nodded and Krista relaxed, staring at her hands, "You're the best sniper I've ever seen, Krista. That's why I picked you for our team. You don't remember this?"
"…I don't remember anything…" Krista whispered.
The new Chosen sat down on her couch, her head in her hands as she tried to fight the throbbing building up…and tried to keep whatever last shred of sanity she had as countless voices clamored for attention.
A hand put itself on her shoulder and Krista looked up, pain in her grey eyes.
"I will help you remember," Vivian told her, "If it's the last thing I do. I promise, you will remember,"
"She seems happier than she was," Camille started, "Why are you taking that from her?"
"…Because it's not Krista," Vivian muttered softly, "Her memories make up who she is, the good and the bad…it isn't the same if she doesn't have them,"
Krista gave a grateful smile and Vivian grabbed a picture off the mantle of the fireplace.
"I believe this is a good enough place to start," she said.
Krista looked at the picture as Vivian handed it to her. A man with blond hair and blue eyes held a young woman with raven-black hair and grey eyes…and she held a baby in her arms.
"Is that me?" Krista blinked, "I'm not married am I…or have a…?"
"No, no," Vivian chuckled, "Those are your parents and the child is you, Krista. General Christopher Rhon and Anya Rhon…do you remember anything?"
Krista frowned for a second, looking at the picture…and she started humming, a soft, soothing melody that Vivian could only identify as a lullaby.
The new Chosen froze suddenly as the room shifted…and she was suddenly four years old…
"Mama?" Krista asked, toddling into her mother's room where she sat facing the window.
Her mother looked down and smiled tiredly, reaching out a shaking, pale hand to her daughter.
"Malyy balerina!" came the bright reply, "come, come! I have not seen you all day!"
Krista tottered to her mother, climbing up onto her lap and nuzzling into her chest, hearing the soft heartbeat of her mother's.
"…Daddy say you sick," Krista muttered.
Her mother's grey eyes dimmed slightly.
"Ah…da. That is right," she admitted, the sunlight shining through the raven-colored fuzz that covered her mother's head.
"When you gonna get better?"
Her mother froze before gently tipping her daughter's chin and making Krista look up at her.
"Krista…could be days, could be years…but I will get better," she told her.
"I promise," her mother smiled, putting her hand up as Krista put her even tinier one on it.
The memory shifted. Krista was bounding out of the school building, her backpack flopping on her back as her long black hair streamed out behind her. She giggled happily as she saw her mother waiting for her with open arms. Her mother scooped her up and whirled her around, kissing her forehead.
"There is my Krista! My malyy balerina,"
"Mama!" Krista giggled as her mother sat her down, "Oooo! Mama! Wait!"
Her mother raised an eyebrow and Krista patted the older woman's soft, downy hair that was starting to regrow.
"Soft!" Krista chirped.
"Does that make you feel better…?" her mother growled playfully, tickling her daughter.
"Eeee! Mama!" Krista squealed as her mother stopped and opened the car door for her.
With that, they left the parking lot and started to go home. Krista sat in her booster seat, humming her mother's lullaby to herself.
"So what happened at school, malyy balerina?" her mother asked, "How did you get that mark on your eye?"
Krista looked out the window, embarrassed.
"I kicked a girl in the shin," she huffed, "and when she went down…I bit her…and pulled her hair…"
"Because she said I was crazy and that you were faking being sick so you could get the medicine," Krista growled, "And that you came here to America just to get Daddy's money,"
Her mother's grey eyes looked at her daughter through the mirror of the car. She gently stopped the car as the light turned red.
"Krista, is not a good thing to hit or bite people," her mother said calmly, "Yes, I am still weak from being sick. But I am being better! As for why I came here? Well…I was getting too ah…old…to continue with the ballet company. And I had you on the way. I wanted you to have good options when you got older,"
She turned to face her daughter, giving a warm smile.
"I am proud you defended yourself. But it is still a bad thing to hurt others just because you were hurt," her mother scolded, "Next time, smile and ignore them. Go to a teacher if they not let up. Revenge is not always a good thing, malyy balerina,"
"Ok…" Krista mumbled as the light turned green and her mother turned back around, starting to pull out.
"Ya lyublyu tebya, Krista, always remember that,"
"Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu, Mama," Krista smiled before there was a god-awful screeching noise, pain on her cheek and Krista's world went white.
When Krista woke up, she was in her father's arms…he was crying and she was looking dazedly around.
"Da…ddy?" she whimpered, her face felt like it was on fire, "Where Mama?"
Her father held her closer, sobbing as he kissed her forehead.
That was when Krista saw the paramedics pull out a black-sheeted form…from out of the mangled wreckage of her mother's car.
Krista's eyes blazed as she snapped back to the present. Vivian had her arms around her, keeping Krista from falling over and hurting herself.
"…Anya Sasha Kaidonovskaya," Krista blinked, "That was her name…But she took my dad's name when she married him,"
"You remember that part," Vivian smiled.
Krista nodded, her hands trembling slightly.
"I remember why I don't like cars…" she whispered, "Not after Mama died…"
"She survived the brain tumor they honestly thought would kill her," Vivian nodded, "But she was taken in a car accident just mere months after being declared cured,"
Tears streamed down Krista's face as her body wracked with sobs, she held the picture close to her heart for a few brief moments before Vivian picked up another one, setting it on the table.
Krista looked up, eyes reddened as she reached for the next picture. She recognized herself…and Vivian. But the other two men in the picture she didn't.
"Our team," Vivian explained, "We were a Delta Force unit that specialized in anti-personnel. You and I were the snipers of our unit, Lenny here was our backup shot…specializing in shotguns and Harry…"
Vivian's jaw twitched as she tried to keep her composure.
"Was your spotter,"
"…Lenny liked games," Krista said suddenly.
"You remember?"
"…There was one…" Krista shook her head, "Something about making two characters…"
"What in the world is going on here?" Vivian demanded, walking into the room where Krista, Harry, and Lenny were all gathered around the TV where Krista was currently messing around with the controllers on the Playstation 4.
"I'm having fun," Krista grinned, "I think I deserved this after that last stunt we pulled,"
"Yeah, it was a good shot…considering we'd been sitting in the rain and cold and nearly died of pneumonia waiting for the guy to show up all night," Harry deadpanned.
"What are you playing this time…" Vivian sighed, leaning on the wall.
"Fallout 4," Krista said, putting the finishing touches on her avatar, "Heard some other people on base say it was good…so I kinda swiped their copy,"
"C'mon, Krissy, hurry it up!" Lenny chuckled, "Hey…lemme see that controller,"
"LENNY!" Krista shrieked as said man snatched it out of her hands and started fiddling around with the controls.
He cackled as he gave the controller back, getting a smack upside the head from the younger sniper as well as a deadly stormy-grey glare.
"You woulda taken forever to make a guy," Lenny shrugged, "I was just givin' ya some extra time!"
"…You made it look like you," Krista pointed out.
Krista rolled her eyes and continued to go…only for Harry to realize something.
"Wait…Lenny…you made the guy look like you?" he asked.
"…You and Kris are married and have a kid!" Harry howled while Krista's face went white.
"…What…?" she blinked as Vivian bit her lip, "Whoa, whoa, WHAT!?"
Lenny shrugged.
"Eh heh heh," he chuckled, "Welp, I'll go and git a ring, I guess,"
Krista shot him a daggered glare, poking him hard in the chest.
"Put a ring on my finger…and you'll be missing yours,"
Lenny put his hands up in the air and Krista returned to her game, grumbling darkly to herself as she got the hang of the controls and talked to the Vault Salesman before going back to her 'husband'.
'For you and Shaun, no price is too high,' her in-game character said.
"Harry, find me a gun so I can end my torment…" Krista moaned as Lenny snickered.
"Well, you both have matching accents and all. So it'd work," he shrugged.
"Shuddup Harry, you've got the same one," Krista snapped.
The other three members of their team chuckled to varying degrees while Krista continued with the game. It got to the point where Lenny's character was shot and the child was taken. Silence fell over the team until Krista spoke.
"…So when do I get to shoot these guys," Krista growled.
Lenny's frowned turned into a big grin as he patted Krista on the shoulder.
"Aw, least I know you care,"
She turned to him with a wry grin of her own.
"Nobody shoots 'big brother' and gets away with it," she growled.
"Lenny was like a big brother to me," Krista murmured, touching the picture, "You were like a Mom since my own died. Amber…I remember Amber too…"
Her face went white.
The pale face turned stormy and Vivian noted that the temperature dropped at least 20 degrees, what looked to be Mist colored black seeped through the area, making Vivian startle and lay a hand on her firearm.
"Well…I suppose that clears up the cause of her memory loss," Camille stated.
"What?" Vivian demanded.
"He betrayed me…betrayed us!" Krista snarled, "He stabbed me in the back, killed my Dad and left me to die! Left me in that wheelchair for months!"
Faint shrieks filtered through the air as the Mist writhed.
"Camille!" Vivian snapped, "What is it?!"
"I thought you would have figured it out by now," Camille shrugged, "She's like you. She's a Chosen. It explains how she is suddenly able to walk…and the memory loss is also easy due to the fact of who she is,"
"And that would be?!" Vivian demanded, putting a shaking hand on Krista's shoulder…
Immediately Krista froze, staring in horror at her living room, at the Black Mist that covered it. She turned to Vivian and bit her lip, looking completely embarrassed.
"I…" she gave a sigh and put her head in her hands, "I don't know how I'm gonna come up with an excuse for this one…"
She looked up at the ceiling.
"Kalista, can you get rid of this?"
There was a brief bit of silence and Camille watched as Krista's eyes rolled back fading from grey to white as her skin gained a blue-green hue and two spectral spears seemed to ram into her back. Krista…Kalista rather…simply raised her hand and the mist melted away. Krista's coloring returned to normal and the spears faded away. She turned to Vivian and grabbed her arm.
"I…guess I have some explaining to do?" she asked, "But…in all fairness, be honest with me. Are you Chosen, Viv?"
"…Yes," Vivian nodded, "And it seems I'm one step closer to getting a drink from Cira,"
Krista gave a grin…only for it to fade as she narrowed her eyes.
"…You bet on this, didn't you?"
Vivian laughed.
"Oh it's good to have you back, Krista," she smiled, embracing the other sniper.
Months later…
It had been a few months since Krista had gotten her memories back, since Vivian had revealed she was Chosen as well. Speaking of Vivian, the new Steel Shadow had been constantly staying with Krista, making sure that she didn't hurt herself while she got used to Kalista and got her powers, for the most part, down pat.
But it was still quite the test...seeing as how Krista had been on house arrest for a long time and tonight just happened to be a beautiful summer night. Krista was staring out the window, watching the fireflies while Vivian was sitting in one of the chairs reading.
"Viv, I wanna go outside!" Krista said suddenly.
Vivian looked up from her book in slight annoyance.
"You're still recovering," she pointed out.
"I'm fine!" Krista groaned, rushing towards the couch and vaulting over it with ease, "See!"
"Showing off is not going to do you any good,"
Krista's grey eyes narrowed.
"You wouldn't deny a cripple some fun would you?"
"That will not fly anymore. If you want to go, go on your own," Vivian deadpanned, returning to her book as Krista flopped on the floor, grabbing her knees and rolling on the carpet on her back.
"But it's boring alone!" the new Lady of Vengeance whined.
"Are you a child?" Vivian finally growled, "Krista…"
"Viv, please!" Krista begged, crawling over to her friend and resting her head and arms on the arm of the chair, "I just got my ability to walk back…I want to run! I've been cooped up in this God forsaken house for too long!"
"And your powers?" Vivian asked, raising an eyebrow.
Krista shifted uncomfortably for a moment.
"I can hold it back," she finally muttered, "At least I'm not conjuring the Mist every few seconds anymore…"
Vivian gave a sigh...and put her bookmark in her book.
Krista's head lolled back, a content smile on her face as she closed her eyes and let the wind ruffle through her raven hair. Vivian came up next to her, looking out over the city from their rooftop.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" Vivian asked with a smile.
"Mhmm!" Krista nodded, "It's been a while since I've been able to get up this high…just like old times eh?"
Vivian just chuckled…right as Krista gave a soft sound of pain, her hand shooting up to her chest as a faint flicker passed over her. Vivian frowned, putting a hand on Krista's shoulder.
"Something's wrong…" Krista muttered, "Don't you feel it?"
"Feel what?" Vivian blinked, "Krista…what's wrong? What…"
"Ah…I was wondering when this would happen…" Camille mused.
"What are you talking about?" Vivian asked as Krista gave a faint moan of pain, grabbing at her chest as if she were trying to pull something out.
"What is Kalista's duty?" Camille prodded, "Someone, I believe, is going to receive an offer…and someone is going to be the envy of pincushions everywhere,"
Krista fell silent and stood straight. Her grey eyes carried a sheen of faint teal fire as a spectral, frigid spear of light appeared in her hand. With no words whatsoever…she leaped off the rooftop and darted farther into the city.
Vivian cursed and followed her, determined to stop Krista from doing something she would most certainly regret…
Krista found him lying, bleeding out, in an alleyway. The Black Mist coiled around her feet as she dropped down to the pavement, shimmering with cold, blued-green light. Two spears took form in her back as she calmly walked forwards to the dying man's side.
"Would you wish to be avenged?" the new Spear of Vengeance asked softly, her voice calm and as cold as steel.
The dying man's wide eyes flickered in pain and he took her offered hand as his last breath sighed into the air.
A faint, blue green mist took form above his body and Krista stretched out her hand.
"Krista! Don't!" came Vivian's voice as the Steel Shadow ran up…
Just in time to see the spirit become a third spear through Krista's back. The Lady of Vengeance looked at the Steel Shadow calmly, Vivian shuddered as the cold, dead, fury-filled gaze of not Krista, but Kalista, stared back at her. The Shadow Isles denizen raised her hand and the Mist formed a column, a portal that would bring her to her target…and she stepped through.
Once again, Vivian cursed, her green eyes glimmered with a faint blue as her prosthetics grew. She aimed one of her hooks upwards and shot up into the air, going on a chase to hunt down what would have been one of the hardest Chosens to track. Someone who could disappear into Mist.
Kyle Gris walked down the alleyway, tossing the bloodstained knife to the side as he wiped his prints off. That jerk deserved what happened to him. He'd done nothing but whine and complain the whole time…and he wanted some of the cut? No way.
He had just wiped his hands clean on his pants when a frigid breeze blew by him. He shuddered, rubbing his arms. It was summer! What was a breeze like that doing here? He could hear faint screams echoing through the area as black and teal smoke-like substance started to swirl around his feet.
A prickling feeling ran up his spine and Kyle whirled around, just to face what looked to be a woman. 6'2" with raven black hair in a ponytail that fell to her mid-back, eyes that burned almost white in the gloom, slender and athletically built. She was as striking as she was terrifying. But it wasn't the woman's height or build that set him on edge. It was the fact that she seemed to glow with a spectral un-light.
"Who are you?" he demanded, "What do you want!?"
"We are the Spear of Vengeance," the woman stated, her voice filled with barely restrained rage and carrying an eerie echo, as if many voices spoke instead of one, "We come for you. Deceiver!"
"That's funny," Kyle snorted, "You get someone to set up this alleyway with smoke machines and…"
Kyle's blood ran cold as a shaft of teal light shattered the asphalt at his feet. It was a freaking spear. He bolted like a frightened animal, rushing farther into the alleyway. The woman's voice spoke behind him, cold as ice and everywhere, echoing through the narrow passage.
"Innocent blood stains your hands. There is no escape from us,"
Kyle stopped as he ran into a dead end. He whirled around and saw the woman behind him, her hand curling around a spear shaft as her body flowed into a ready position. He hurled the wallet stuffed full of bills and a package of some materials that would instantly land him in jail for possessing it.
"TAKE IT! TAKE IT ALL!" he shouted…
Right as the first spear screamed through the air, nailing him in the chest. A second followed it…then a third. Kyle sank to the ground, his lifeblood pouring out onto the asphalt as the woman's fists clenched at her sides, the three spears dissipating from his chest and returning home in her back.
"Such is the fate of all betrayers," she stated…as his last breath sighed into the air and the Mist faded.
"Krista!" Vivian's voice yelled as a faint ticking sound came from behind the Spear of Vengeance.
Vivian's form reverted to normal as she came up to her friend. The new Chosen made no move as Vivian put a hand on her shoulder.
"Krista…what did you…" Vivian started only for Krista's eyes to roll upwards and her knees gave out.
Vivian caught the younger sniper before she could faceplant on the ground. The three spears in Krista's back faded away and Krista blearily opened her eyes, groaning slightly.
"…Viv?" she blinked, "Wha…?"
She looked around and saw the dead man crumpled on the ground.
"Did I…?" Krista asked, looking at Vivian as Vivian helped her to her feet.
Vivian said nothing, just sighed.
"There's no changing it now, I guess," Krista muttered, holding her arm…right as a sharp pain stabbed through her chest.
Krista held her chest, eyes wide as her skin started turning transluscent.
"Viv?!" Krista cried, looking at Vivian, whose hair was starting to turn silver.
"…It appears that we are being Summoned together," Vivian blinked.
"Same team or…?" Krista asked.
"I don't know," Vivian admitted, "But, if we are on the same team…"
Krista gave a malicious smile.
"I bet I can get more kills than you," she grinned.
"Oh really?" Vivian deadpanned, "Alright. If we are on the same team, most kills wins. Loser buys the winner a drink. If opposed, same thing,"
"You're on!" Krista laughed as the Black Mist swirled around her, swallowing her and leaving no trace of the Carry Chosen.
It turned out that they were on the same side. As Cira took Krista (after the former was 'killed' by Kalista's Black Spear and brought back to life…much to Cira's dislike), Vivian headed to the top lane and the game proceeded to be won by the new Chosens.
Krista walked up to Vivian, her bare feet not even making a sound as she walked over the marble base. Vivian looked at Krista as the latter whirled a spear around to rest on her shoulder, followed by an annoyed looking Cira as minions took out the enemy Nexus.
"Final count...forty-two," Krista smirked, getting a shake of the head from Cira.
"Forty-two! That's not bad... for a green-skinned former sniper," Vivian grinned.
"That's undead former sniper to you!" Krista preened, brushing off some dust from her armor,
Vivian gave an absolutely devious smile.
"I myself am sitting pretty on forty-three," the Assassin purred.
Krista's face darkened and she hurled a spear into Viktor's chest at Vivian's feet.
"Forty-three!" Krista sniffed.
"... He's already dead."
"He was twitching!" Krista protested.
"He was twitching..." Vivian blinked before her eyes narrowed, "because he's got my blade EMBEDDED IN HIS NERVOUS SYSTEM!"
Cira put her head in a servo, her ivory locks rippling as she shook her head, barely restraining the urge to laugh/sigh.
"Or... what used to be his nervous system," Vivian sniffed, looking disdainfully down at the oozing mess that used to be Viktor's face, "I don't know how this prick works anymore."
There was a brief pause, but before long their chuckles turned to bellowing laughter.
Suddenly, Viktor's body disappeared as his Nexus exploded and he reappeared in his fountain.
"STILL NERVOUS SYSTEM!" he yelled as he disappeared in a burst of sparks.
Krista grinned and turned to Cira as they reappeared in the Summoning Room back at the Institute.
"So…now what?" she asked.
"Well, like I told Vivian," Cira said, "You can stay here on Valoran and look around…or you can go home. Your choice. Unfortunately, I don't have much time…I kinda popped out in the middle of a class I was teaching,"
"Ah yes…that would be problematic," Vivian nodded.
"I agree," Krista said, "See ya around then, Cira,"
"See ya around," Cira smiled as she shattered into golden sparks, leaving Vivian and Krista alone.
"Viv, may I ask you something?" Krista asked as she and Vivian walked out of the room.
"What is it?" Vivian started, her bladed legs making faint ticking noises as they connected with the smooth marble.
"…I need a spotter," Krista stated, leaning on a spear.
"Are you working again?" Vivian asked.
"Last job, I promise," Krista deadpanned, "This one is…personal,"
Vivian's eyes flared angrily and her eyebrows tilted down in a frown.
"Perhaps it would be an advantage if we would help her," Camille's voice said.
"I agree," Vivian growled.
She turned to Krista and held out her hand, shivering as Krista's cold one squeezed it in return.
"I accept."
Cira had just sat down on her couch, leaning her head on Arthur's shoulder, when the door rang.
"You expecting anyone?" she asked him.
"Uh uh, you?" he frowned.
"No…" she hummed, getting up, her right hand held in a way that looked as if she were holding the hilt of a sword.
She cautiously opened the door barely enough for half of her body to be shown, just to see a tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed man on the porch.
"Can I help you?" she asked.
"Hi, you Cira Noble?" the man questioned.
"Maybe…" Cira started warily, her blade materializing in her hidden right hand, "Why…?"
"My name's Anthony Diamond…I'm not really here to meet you, but I'm looking into something for my brother," the man, Anthony admitted, "Do you know a Dianne Faye?"
And that's Kalista's arc! Next up is Urgot...but, before I get to that...I'm sure a few of you noticed something about the number of stories this scribbler has written. The next story I post will be my 100th story. To celebrate, and because a few of you have been raving about the collab 30CaliburDonut and I did with Camille...the two of us will be doing another collab...a full story. The category has not been done by me...though it is one of my favorite stories. I do not know when this will get published (Due to me heading back to college soon). But it will be done and it will be epic. I will get it done. Fate seems to want me to write, so that's what I'm gonna do. Since I have no idea how long it will take, I will publish more Chosen arcs during it. Also...I've made my decision. When the last Champion from the list below has been taken...I will write the true story for We Are Warriors.
For you people wanting Chosens, here are my requirements:
What Champion
Character's name ( 1st and last)
Physical Description
Why were they picked by the Champion?
How did they become the Champion(why did the Champion choose them and what were the circumstances that made the Champion choose to bond with the character? *doesn't have to be tragic accident, but I still want to know why they're the new Champion*)
They CANNOT be Valorian (from Valoran or have family from Valoran. Kayle is the only exception and that will be IT. No more of that). Dynasty Chosens (such as how Shen ended up) will not be taken as they are quite difficult to explain. AND NO MAGIC! (Street magician is fine...but no mystical powers. This is a world without magic save for the magic that comes with Chosens). Also, if you make a Mary Sue/Gary Stu character...I will make you change things about it. I don't want to write those...they're unfair to everyone else...
You will have one month to get me a description of your Chosen before the Champion goes back into the pool. You can have multiple Chosens (my requirement is that they are related/know each other) Limit is 3. I CAN decide whether or not I will use your Chosen, I'm pulling the 'My story, my rules' card. If I see that someone has a very good reason for that Champion, then I will show preference for them mainly because it's easier for me to write.
Champions WITHOUT (meaning NOT TAKEN) a Chosen:
Xin Zhao
Anyway, hope you liked it. If you did, please let me know!
Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)
Máriessë ar mára tecië
Farewell and fair writing
Elhini Prime signing off.