When the light died down there a group of four people stood but not just any people, those who has died in the past. Bianca, Zoë, Castor, Lee. They all looked a little queasy from flashing here but they didn't seem confused.

Percy looked to Zoë's arm where five books were held, Bianca's where another five then castor he was holding another book.

Nico was the first one to break out of shock."Bianca?"

Said girl looked over at him and gave him a watery smile "Nico?" She dropped the books to the floor and ran over to him.

Zoe was being reunited the Hunters and Artemis, Castor with his brother and Dinosyious and Lee with Apollo and his siblings.

Percy and Annabeth greeted them all one by one. Annabeth thanking both Zoë and Bianca for helping her be saved in Mount Othrys then hugging them. It really shocked the two girls.

Zoë cleared her throat "The fates have sent us here to read the book your currently reading right now. Afterwards we would read the PJO series." She started to name the books one be one "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, The sea of monsters, The Titans Curse, The Battle of the Labrynith and The Last Olympians"

Bianca stepped foward "The books that i have are called, The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, The House Of Hades and The Blood Of Olympus"

"I have the...Demigod Files" Castor said.

"We are to read them after this book" Lee said pointing to the book in Hestia's hand.

Everyone nodded "Very well, lets continue. Hestia." Zues thundered. He was very dramatic.

Hestia cleared her throat.

"He also had the gift of prophecy. Unfortunately, they only saw each other once in a while since they lived very far apart.

"Long distance relationships dont work" Aphrodite pouted.

Piper shrugged "It worked for them."

Bonus fact: much later, Phoebe's grandson, a guy named Apollo,

"Hey that's me!" Yeah its kind of obvious who yelled that out

took over the Oracle. Because he inherited her powers, Apollo was sometimes called Phoebus Apollo.

"Still am" Apollo said smugly "Im that amazing"

"Egotistical moron" Artemis grumbled.

Titan sister five was Mnemosyne

"How did you spell that correctly" Bianca asked looking at Percy.

"I don't think i did" Percy shrugged

.—and, man, with my dyslexia I had to spell check that name about twenty times, and it's probably still wrong.

"See" Percy gestured to the box.

Pretty sure it's pronounced NEMO-sign.

Everyone started to test that out.

"FUN FACT!" Leo yelled "When you say touch your lips don't touch but when you say separate it does touch"

"Saying right and left, the lips move different ways"Piper added.

Annabeth looked at them "How do you know that?"

Leo and Piper looked at each other "Instagram helps"

Anyway, Mnemosyne was born with a photographic memory long before anyone knew what a photograph was. Seriously, she remembered everything—her sisters' birthdays, her homework, putting out the garbage, feeding the cats

"That's actually awesome" Jason said.

In some ways, that was good. She kept the family records and never ever forgot anything. But in some ways, having her around was a drag, because she would never let you forget anything.

"Ha. You owe me five bucks from April 15th at 12:45pm when i bought you that hot dog and soda" Lee joked.

That embarrassing thing you did when you were eight years old? Yep, she remembered.

"Ahhh that would've been so useful" Jason grinned.

That promise you made three years ago that you would pay her back that loan? She remembered.

"Nemo- sign knows all!" Percy yelled.

What was worse, Mnemosyne expected everybody else to have a good memory too. Just to be helpful, she invented letters and writings so the rest of us poor schmucks who didn't have perfect recall could keep permanent records of everything.

"LMAO" Leo yelled. Everyone just ignored him, he needs help.

She became the Titan of memory, especially rote memorization. Next time you have to study for a spelling test or memorize the capitals of all fifty states for no apparent reason, thank Mnemosyne.

"Thanks." Castor grinned sarcastically.

That kind of assignment was totally her idea. None of her fellow Titans wanted to marry her. Go figure.

"I dont know why thats bad. Being single is good" Artemis frowned. Zoe agreed with her.

Though the girls laughed quietly. Yeah no.

Finally there was sister number six: Rhea. Poor Rhea.

"Poor mother" Demeter shook her head "Father didn't eat enough cerial"

She was the sweetest and most beautiful of the lady Titans, which of course meant she had the worst luck and the hardest life.

"Being beautiful is a curse" Aphrodite flipped her hair over her shoulders making everyone roll their eyes.

Her name either means flow or ease. Both definitions fit. She always went with the flow, and she totally put people at ease.

Everyone snorted.

She would wander the valleys of the earth, visiting her brothers and sisters, talking to the nymphs and satyrs who had sprung from the blood of Ouranos. She loved animals, too. Her favorite was the lion. If you see pictures of Rhea, she almost always has a couple of lions with her, which made it very safe for her to walk around, even in the worst neighborhoods.

"Ignore him, he grew up in New York" Annabeth said to snickering campers.

"No but seriously what if she was mugged or something?" Percy asked.

Annabeth rolled her grey eyes and hit him upside the head.

Rhea became the Titan of motherhood. She adored babies and always helped her sisters during their deliveries. Eventually she would earn the title the Great Mother when she had kids of her own.

"Huh the best mother goes to us" Poseidon yelled childishly.

Him and Hades high fived.

"WRONG!" Percy yelled "The best mother is my mother Sally of course"

Poseidon chuckled and agreed cause he still has a soft spot for Sally while Zeus and Hades mocked gasped. "No!"






"SHUT UP FOR HADES SAKE" Athena yelled throwing a death glare at her father, uncle and cousin.

Unfortunately, she had to get married before any of that happened, which is how all the trouble started….Oh, but everything was so great! What could possibly go wrong?That's what the Earth Mother Gaea thought. She was so pleased to see her kids in charge of the world,

"Those proud mother moments" Leo snorted but he looked saddened.

she decided to sink back down into the earth for a while and just be, well…the earth.

"She's so down to...earth" Hazel smirked, Leo's rubbing off on her.

"No comment" Reyna grinned.

She'd been through a lot. She'd had eighteen kids. She deserved a rest.

"Totally" Drew screeched "Kids are horrible"

She was sure Kronos would take care of things and be a good king forever and ever. (Yeah, right.) So she lay down for a quick nap, which in geological terms meant a few millennia.Meanwhile, the Titans started having kids of their own, who were second-generation Titans. Oceanus and Tethys, Mr. Mrs. Water,

"What the actual f-" a glare shut Jason up.

had a daughter named Klymene, who became the Titan goddess of fame.

"So its true I',m blessed by her then?" Leo smugly stated.

I'm guessing she was into fame because she grew up at the bottom of the ocean where nothing ever happened. She was all about gossip and reading the tabloids and catching up on the latest Hollywood news…or she would've been, if Hollywood existed.

"It does" Everyone deadpanned.

"Back then!"

Like a lot of folks who are obsessed with fame, she headed west. She ended up falling for the Titan of the west, Iapetus.I know, he was technically her uncle. Disgusting. But like I said before, the Titans were different. My advice is not to think about it too much.Anyway, Iapetus and Klymene had a son named Atlas, who turned out to be an excellent fighter,


and also kind of a jerk.

"He is" everyone who met him said. More specifically the surviving quest members.

When he grew up, he became Kronos's right-hand man and main enforcer.

"And wing man" Hades said



Next, Iapetus and Klymene had a son named Prometheus, who was almost as clever as Kronos. According to some legends, Prometheus invented a minor life form you may have heard of—humans. One day he was just messing around at the riverbank, building stuff out of wet clay, when he sculpted a couple of funny-looking figures similar to Titans, only much smaller and easier to smash.

"Fun" Frank frowned.

Maybe some blood of Ouranos got into the clay, or maybe Prometheus breathed life into the figures on purpose—I don't know. But the clay creatures came to life and became the first two humans.Did Prometheus get a medal for that?

"He deserves it. Cause look who was created" Leo gestured at him self

"Trash?" Piper joked.


"Oh that's right, your garbage" Jason continued, let's just say that Leo's face was priceless.

Nah. The Titans looked on humans the way we might look on gerbils. Some Titans thought humans were kind of cute, though they died awfully quick and didn't really serve any purpose.

"Probably cause your immortal"

Other Titans thought they were repulsive rodents.

"In this generation many are" Clarisse looked at Drew.

Some Titans didn't pay them any attention at all. As for the humans, they mostly just cowered in their caves and scurried around trying not to get stepped on.The Titans kept having more baby Titans. I won't mention all of them or we'll be here for as long as Gaea napped,

Everyone laughed silently.

but Koios and Phoebe, the prophecy couple, had a girl named Leto, who decided she wanted to be the Titan protector of the young. She was the world's first babysitter.

"Mum" both Apollo an Artemis smiled. They missed her dearly.

All the dad and mom Titans were really happy to see her.Hyperion and Theia, Mr. Mrs. Shiny, had twins named Helios and Selene, who were in charge of the sun and the moon. Makes sense, right?

Everyone agreed.

You can't get much shinier than the sun and the moon.Helios would drive the chariot of the sun across the sky every day, even though it got terrible mileage. Helios thought he looked pretty hot, and he had an annoying habit of calling the sun his "chick magnet."

"Like Apollo then?" Artemis and Zoe chorused.

Selene wasn't quite so flashy. She drove her silver moon chariot across the sky at night and mostly kept to herself, though the one time she did fall in love, it was the saddest story ever.

"Like the note book!" Aphrodite squealed "And Titanic" (A/N I've honestly never watched them)

But that's for later.At any rate, one particular Titan wasn't getting married or having kids…namely Kronos, the lord of the universe.

"That's what they all say"

He just sat on his throne in the palace of Mount Othrys and got very, very grumpy watching everyone else have a good time.Remember that curse Ouranos warned him about—that someday Kronos's own kids would overthrow him? Kronos couldn't get that out of his head.At first he told himself, Well, no biggie. I just won't get married or have kids!


But it's a pain to be on your own when everyone around you is settling down and starting families.
