EDITED: Chapters 1 - 4 (MAY 2020)

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the works of Stephanie Meyer. This is strictly just a fanfiction based on the Twilight series. The only thing that belongs to me is the story idea. Happy Reading!


Edward left Bella in the forest and never returned and she has not seen or heard from any of The Cullen's since then. Bella does not know anything about The Volturi yet and they do not know that she is aware of the existence of vampires. Jake and Bella's friendship faded out once she found out about his abilities to change into a wolf as well as his stronghold with his pack. Bella has now graduated high school and is not off to college. This is where the story picks up.

Chapter One

Who knew my life would end up like this?

I was rushing around trying to get my last-minute items packed up before I caught my flight to Seattle, Washington. Not that I was taking much with me to be completely honest but procrastination was my middle name.

"Bella, are you ready?" Charlie yelled up from downstairs.

"I'll be right down!"

Before I headed downstairs, I took a last look around saying goodbye to my old life and ready to move on to my new one. I close the door behind me on my way out of the room and whisper to myself 'time to move on' as I took a deep breath.

"I am sure going to miss you while you are away for the year." My father said to me as he pulled out onto the main highway towards the airport.

"I will make sure to visit when I can…" I smiled "… And I will miss you!"

The move to Seattle was one that I was ready for in so many ways. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to college right after high school but after a lot of thought, I decided why not. Life is short, right? Well for most of us at least.

Seattle, Washington

I decided to live on campus and I had already been in communication with my roommate Ashleigh for the past two months. So much so that we were pretty much best friends by the time we met up the week prior to starting the fall semester. The week leading up to the first day of class went by so fast it pretty much gave me whiplash.

Ashleigh and I didn't have what felt like any classes together but the one that we did have was our language course that was required for all students during their first year. Out of all the languages in the world, I decided to take Italian and to this day I am not completely sure what made me decide to take it.

It was the first day and to say I was lost navigating through the school grounds was an understatement of the year. When I finally arrived at the last class of the day which was my language class I didn't know it yet but it would set the course to change my life in a while new direction.

"Bella! I hope our professor is hot. I mean he would have to be with a name like Leonardo, right? Plus, I heard he is Italian and from Italy!" Ashleigh squealed and smirked as we made our way into the classroom.

Shrugging my shoulders while finding us a spot to sit in the back of the class while rolling my eyes "Well you do know what they say about Italian men right?" she continued on.

"No, I don't know. Please enlighten me." I said as we both sat down in our seats.

"That they are very good in…"

"HELLO CLASS! Welcome to The Foundations of Italian!" The professor said while he entered the classroom from stage left. The last remaining students shuffled into the classroom to find a seat.

"My name is Mr. Leonardo and it gives me great honor to announce that we will be doing things a bit different this semester. I was just notified that we have received funding to study for one week in Italy all expenses paid for. This is a test pilot that I have been working very hard on and we are the first class to get this opportunity. Now you will have to have a passport to join this offer since we will be leaving in a month's time and for the students that decide not to take advantage of this offer or just cannot go for any other reason, you will have no class for the week the rest of the class will be in Italy but you will have course work to work on. Also, you will not be counted absent in your other courses during this time. Now I am sure you all have questions so I will pass out a flyer I have created that will hopefully answer the majority of the questions. If you have any other questions that are not answered by this flyer please feel free to meet with me after class." He finished his speech as he started to hand out the flyers.

Ashleigh and I both looked at each other in shock and excitement and at the same time and in unison said: "Please tell me you have a passport." We both squealed!


Rome, Italy


Before I knew it, I was in Italy for the first time in my life and it was breathtaking!

Shortly after we arrived, we met up with our tour guide Giovanna who welcomed us to Rome and informed us that she would be with us throughout the duration of our stay.

She was an average looking woman about mid-thirties and petite but with NO accent. Weird. This was surprising but it did not stop her from trying to slip in a fake Italian accent every now and then. But words could not express how much I had fallen in love with this country and I haven't even been here for 24 hours yet. She went over our schedule for the week briefly but did mention that since we did arrive later in the day and might be a little jet-lagged we will be taking an early dinner at a local bistro and heading to our hotel for the rest of the day to get a fresh start to our day tomorrow.

There was this pull that I felt within my soul like I was meant to be here and it almost felt like home. I already knew it would be very hard for me to leave this place at the end of the week but for now, I was just going to soak it all in while I could.

Note: I have decided to revise the first four chapters of this story since I realized that I was not fully happy with what I wrote about two years ago since my writing style has changed before continuing the story.

Again, I am still not a professional writer nor do I claim to be. Thank you so much for all those who have been with me since day one!




Until the next chapter...