"I can help you," Penny said with a cry of emotion.

"Imagine how beautiful Halley will look like the flower girl." Bernadette seemed very excited too.

"I thought you were upset with us for hiding the wedding." Amy did not understand the reaction of her friends because she thought it would take them several days to accept all the news they had been hiding.

"We are still a bit annoyed, but you will have another wedding in which we will be present so ..."

"What is that flower girl?" Sheldon asked, looking at Bernadette.

" A child who throws flowers on the floor where the bride will go."

"I don't like that idea," Sheldon frowned. "I was also at their wedding and none of you had a flower girl.

"When we got married, none of us had children and now..." Penny said.

"In any case, the idea still doesn't like me."

" Why not? I like the idea, and I'm sure Halley will look pretty" Amy smiled. All her friends seemed really happy with their future wedding. Sheldon looked at his wife's smile.

" Okay, I accept that there is a flower girl in our wedding" He look at Bernadette and Howard "But your daughter will have to come and rehearse what to do on the day of the wedding.

"What? That is not rehearsed. Just give her the flowers and tell her to throw them away while walking, "said Howard.

"Our wedding must be perfect and I don't want anything to go wrong."

"Relax Sheldon" his wife caressed his hand "Whatever happens, our wedding will be perfect."

" So...hat theme will it be? Star Trek or Star Wars? "Leonard asked.

"Can be superheroes" suggested Howard.

"Yes! That sounds great, could ..."

"No! There will be none of that at the wedding."

"But Amy ..." Sheldon was excited to hear the ideas of his friends.

"We decided to wear your Star Trek uniform under your suit and you can make your votes in English and in Klingon, but that will be all."

"It's not fair for us." Howard point to Leonard and himself-they did not let us say our vows in Klingon, He complained. And Sheldon smiled happily.

"And I suppose you will use your tiara" Penny said looking at Amy.

" Actually ... I already did."

"Did you take the tiara to New Jersey?" I ask surprised.

"Of course, no. I had no reason to take the tiara. Sheldon took it".


"Let me finish telling the story ..."

" Why don't you tell us another day? It's getting late and we should go see Halley".

"Just give me a few minutes"

"And there will be no more surprises?" Penny asked.

"No, no more."

After deciding that they would marry the next day, Sheldon told Amy to go to bed and that he would make all the arrangements for the wedding. When Amy woke up she saw that her fiancée was nowhere to be found, she sat in the kitchen table and took her cell phone to send a message, but just then Sheldon opened the door.

"Where were you?" Amy asked when she saw him enter the apartment. "And what are you bringing in there?" Amy had just realized that Sheldon was holding a bag.

"I told you I'd take care of the arrangements for the wedding." He handed the bag to Amy. "It's your wedding dress." Amy opened her mouth in surprise.

"Did you buy me a wedding dress? "

"No, Dr. Harris did it. I just gave her the money"-Amy was about to take off the dress but Sheldon stopped her -"I don't think it's a good idea to see the dress- Amy raised her eyebrow. "

"Sheldon you don't believe in those things. "

"I know, I think it's silly, but it's better not to risk it. Go to the room and put on the dress. "

Amy took the dress from the bag and looked at it carefully. She leaves the dress in bed and began to undress. A couple of minutes later she stood in front of the mirror to see how it looked. The dress was white with lace it reached below the knee and fitted perfectly to her body. It was not the kind of dress that Amy used to wear, but she thought it was perfect.

"Do you keep the dress?" Sheldon asked behind the closed door.

"Yes, it's perfect" Amy answered without stopping smiling.

She looked at herself a couple of seconds more in the mirror and then put on her clothes again, carefully kept the dress and left the room.

"So…you went to the registry? "

"Yes and apparently they were very saturated and when I insisted they told me they would call security ... "

"I suppose we'll have to wait. "

"That will not be necessary. Tomorrow we will get married. "

"But you just said that ... "

" Here at Princeton. "

" What? How do you ...? " Amy looked pretty surprised.

"Everything is fixed," said Sheldon happily. "After the failure in the civil registry, I returned to Princeton and found Dr. Harris and I tell her about the wedding and she suggested the idea of getting married here. She even helped me with the permits and getting a judge to get married. "She looked at Sheldon without saying anything and he worried." Don't you like the idea of getting married here in Princeton? "

"Of course that if Sheldon. I think there is no better place. Here we conceived our baby, here you asked me to marry you and now here we will get married"-Amy hugs Sheldon.

"Are you okay?" I ask when Amy suddenly seemed somewhat sad.

"Yes, it's just that ... when I started thinking that someday we would get married, always imagine our family and friends present and also ... after you gave me the tiara, I wished I could use it at our wedding. "

"You'll have to wait for our wedding in Pasadena to see our family and friends but ..." He went to his suitcase and looked for something. "But you can wear your tiara tomorrow," he said, taking it out of the suitcase.

"Why did you bring the tiara? "

"I told you I made a list of possible things you could tell me, that included that you were pregnant."

"And what does the tiara have to do with being pregnant? "

" That we would have to marry right away and I knew that you would want to wear your tiara. "

"You're amazing," Amy said after kissing him deeply.

" I know" Sheldon gave her a little kiss "I'd better go. "

"Do not you think to sleep with me? Ah, of course you're going to follow the tradition, right?" –Sheldon nodded " I still don't understand why you're leaving if you do not believe in this.

"I told you I don't want to risk it."

"Look who's a hippy now? "Amy said with a smile and Sheldon rolled his eyes.

"We'll see you tomorrow in the garden where I asked you to marry at 11 a.m."


"You don't worry about anything that I already have everything ready."

The next day Amy woke up to the sound of knocks on her door. When she opened the door she saw two of the students who worked with her in her research there in Princeton

-Lana, Natalia, what are you doing here?

"Dr. Harris sent us to help her get ready," Lana replied with a smile.

-Thank you girls, but I don't want to cause you any trouble.

- We do it with pleasure Dr. Fowler- Natalia started to take out a lot of makeup and put it on the table in front of the sofa.

-Well ... in that case, I'm going to take a shower and come back in a few minutes.

After Natalia finished making up and Lana combed Amy's hair, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was quite discreet and Lana had waved her hair. It reminded her of the day he had her prom on the rooftop with her friends, and it had also been the day Sheldon had told her that he loved her for the first time.

She wished her friends were there, but she understood Sheldon's reasons for wanting to get married so quickly and the idea of getting married twice with the love of her life made her very happy, only a few months ago she wondered if she would ever get engaged and now was about to marry him.

- What's wrong, Dr. Fowler? Didn't you like the makeup? "Natalia asked when Amy looked like she was about to cry.

- Or is it the hairstyle? I can change it if ...

"No girls, it's perfect," Amy said with a smile. "It's just that this pregnancy makes me feel very hippy dippy.

At 11 o'clock. Sheldon was standing in the garden where he had asked Amy for marriage and he felt more calm and happy than he could have imagined. Dr. Harris and Dr. Zane were close to him and a little further away there was a circle of students who were working on Amy's research and that despite the short time to meet her, they appreciated her a lot.

When Amy appeared in the makeshift hallway that two students had insisted on doing with flower petals, Sheldon gasped, Amy looked beautiful and for a moment thought of running away because he felt like he was about to have a panic attack, but when seeing her smile, it was as if everything disappeared and the only thing that existed was him and Amy.

Amy took Sheldon's hand when she was by his side and he smiled.

-We've gathered here to celebrate the union of Sheldon and Amy ... -the judge began.

-Thank you for not running away, whispered Amy.

"How do you ...?" Sheldon looked at his almost wife and she smiled at him. She was the person who knew him best and obviously knew what Sheldon had been thinking when he seeing her-I love you

-And I love you too.

The judge was still talking but Sheldon was not paying attention because he only saw Amy and her beautiful smile.

-And now I declare you husband and wife. You can kiss the bride, "he said with a smile. Sheldon nodded a little nervously and kissed his wife for the first time.

-It was beautiful- Penny said without being able to contain the tears of happiness.

- congratulations - Leonard also looked very happy.

-It sounds like a beautiful wedding- Bernadette hugged Amy- Although I would like to have seen how pretty you sure looked.

"In fact ..." Sheldon stood up and left the room, leaving everyone confused.

"Where did he go?" Howard asked.

"I don't ..." Amy began when she saw Sheldon come back.

"Here you are," he said, leaving a small package on Amy's legs.

"What is this?" She asked as she opened the package.

-The photos of our wedding.

Even though Howard and Bernadette had to leave, they could not resist staying a little longer to see the wedding photos of Sheldon and Amy.