Hello all! I've been working hard after my story, Origin of Grey, and decided to publish this. I really hope you enjoy!

"Jean, Watch out!"

I jump out of the way of a red beam aimed towards the giant claw goes past me. I use my own

telekinesis to disable the wire inside the claw as it makes to grab for my colleague and friend, Ororo Munroe. She gasps and flies out of the way. Yes, I said fly. She, like the rest of us here at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters, is a mutant. We all came here as kids with special powers we could not control. Professor Charles Xavier helped us control our gifts and now that we are adults, we help other mutants control their own powers. We have gained the name the X-Men.

Over half of the original students have moved away, one is working on his second Ph.D., two left and works with another hero, and one lives in Manhattan and works at his dad's weapon company. Now the school almost have three dozen students and we are always enrolling more.

Ororo's power is she can control the weather, and at the moment, she is causing a small cloud to rain over top of the claw; making it spark.

Scott Summers, another mutant with Optic blasts and one I have gotten extremely close to, comes up beside me. "You disabled that claw twice as fast as you did last week." He says.

I tuck my hair behind my ear, "did you really time it?"With him being the Second in command, I wouldn't doubt it.

"Hey, If this wasn't just a training scenario, then the quicker it's disabled the better."

Sparks from the claw shower us and the lights brighten. 'Simulation complete' a robotic voice says from above us. The doors slide open and I can sense the Professor in my mind,

Meet in the kitchen immediately

By the way, Ororo, Scott and I exchange looks, I guess that they also got the message. It's probably just to go over what we just did. After all, the Professor was monitoring us.

Scott intertwines his fingers with mine. When we first started dating, we were awkward teenagers who really had no idea what we were doing. I had a crush on him for awhile, but I never fancied myself a love expert, so I figured it would just go away after awhile. it wasn't until we were playing truth or dare and one of our classmates, Warren Worthington, challenged us to kiss that we came out. We ended the relationship after high school because I would be leaving for college and a long-distance relationship just wouldn't work. Then I graduated med school, came back and after some time we decided to try again. Now it's been two years and we're closer than ever.

We Follow the metal-panel hall until we get to the kitchen.

There are two people in the kitchen when we arrive. An older man in a wheelchair. Professor Xavier; the greatest telepath in the world. The other one is a stranger, and that's saying a lot since I'm a telepath. He has black eyes and hair. He wears a plaid flannel over a dark blue t-shirt, a pair of worn blue jeans and a grumpy expression.

"This is Logan, your new teammate." The Professor says.

Logan raises his brow, "I never agreed to be on a team." he says.

I sensed Scott's disapproval as soon as we walk in, but it's very strong now. I have the feeling there will not be a budding friendship between them anytime soon.

Obviously desperate to break the awkward silence that fills the Kitchen, the Professor says, "This is Ororo Munroe, Scott Summers, and Dr. Jean Grey." and For heaven sake say something he adds in our minds.

"So Logan, What're your power that brought you here?' Ororo asks.

Logan turns towards the table. There is a sound like metal rubbing together, then three metal blades extend from his fist and impale an apple. He takes a bite of it before saying, "Minding my own business."

Ororo and I exchange looks.

"Yes, Logan also has keen animal senses and an extraordinary healing factor." The Professor says. He turns to Logan "Ororo has the power to control the weather, We call her Storm. Scott, also known as Cyclops, has optic blasts, and Jean has telekinesis and some telepathy abilities."

Logan nods boredly. To be completely honest, I'm not even sure if he's paying attention.

There is a knock on the kitchen door and one of the students, a tall, gangly boy, sticks his head in. "Prof. X, you have a phone call," he says.

"Yes, Thank you, Sam." The Professor turns to us, "I trust I can count on you three to make Logan comfortable." Then he rolls out of the kitchen.

Later that afternoon I find time to grade some papers. I had just gotten through worksheets on the respiratory system when my head starts to throb. I lay back and closed my eyes. Headaches are common with psychics, and they usually pass quickly.

However, this one does not.

I spend the next hour curled up in a dark bedroom. Every little noise makes my head hurt more. Weird images, if you can call them that, dance in my mind. Spaceships being blown apart, combats between extraterrestrial beings, entire planets burning out. It's all like one real sci-fi movie.

I feel someone... or something digging around in my mind. I try to block whoever or whatever like the Professor taught me, but they are too strong. Suddenly my head hurts a hundred times worse, making tears bubble from my shut eyelids. My telekinesis slips from my control. A voice in my head is the last thing I sense; Help us, Miss Grey. Then everything goes black.

"Jean?" I hear footsteps coming towards me and I jerk awake. Scott is by my bed. Even with his ruby quartz glasses, his face shines with nervousness.

I automatically say, "I'm fine." Although, the stuff scattered around the room due to my telekinesis proves differently.

"I haven't seen you lose control over your powers like that since high school," Scott says. "Are you sure you're okay."

"No," I admit. "I don't know, I'm just tired."

He obviously does not believe me.

"If it continues then you'll have to see the Professor about it."

I'm silent. The last thing I want to do is go back to having three sessions a week with the Professor. He's nice and all, but all that work with my telekinesis and telepathy is mentally exhausting.

"It's almost dinner time," Scott says.

"Okay, I'll be down," I mumble. "I'm just going to pick this stuff up." I gesture towards the mess my telekinesis made.

"Need help?"

"No, I'll be fine," I say.

"Then I'll see you down there," Scott says, opening the bedroom door. And scurries out. I think after all these years I still scare him sometimes.

A few minutes later I am almost finished cleaning up. I try to convince myself everything fine. I had to reorganize my bookshelf anyway. But it's hard to shake the feeling something is wrong. maybe I was just being paranoid, after all, I always had bizarre dreams. it's probably nothing.

Oh, how I was wrong.

To Be Continued...?

Author's Notes: what do you think? is it worth continuing? I know there are a bunch of dark Phoenix fanfiction out there, but I thought it would be fun to contribute my own. yes, I am kinda combining the comics with the movies (don't worry, I'm not going to kill off Professor Xavier...) reviews are alwasys welcome! See you all later :)