Robin stepped forward, his hand on his chin. "Again!" He called. They spent the first truly warm day of the spring inside the gym with more training. It was Friday afternoon, and tomorrow morning the tournament Robin had been planning starts.

The team was spread out across their training room. Matts covered the floor, softening any falls. The walls were mostly covered up as well. The back wall and side walls had foam cushions placed over them. Only the front wall was uncovered, with the outlines of the concrete bricks protruding. Robin liked to keep this wall uncovered to practice climbing. Each brick only stuck out 1/3 of an inch, so it was a ridiculous workout, using just his fingertips to pull himself up, but he could do it.

Robin had split the team into pairs for sparring. No powers, no weapons - today was just for practice with hand to hand combat. Robin drifted between the pairs, supervising. He paused in front of Raven and Beast Boy, watching as they started their second round. "Go," Robin instructed them to start.

Beast Boy took a swing at Raven. She dodged and caught his arm, using his own momentum to pull him forward until he hit the floor. Beast Boy rolled over and groaned, and Raven held out her hand to pull him back up.

"What'd you do wrong?" Robin asked.

"I chose Raven as a partner?" Beast Boy suggested.

Robin didn't laugh. "You moved in too fast. She was waiting for it and ready. Again."

They took their fighting stances again. Both stood, feet apart, knees bent, arms up. Beast Boy took another swing, and Raven dodged, but this time he pulled back. He faked a right hook, then switched to his left side, managing to get a hold on Raven's wrist. With a quick twist, he pinned her arm behind her back.

Raven stepped forward before swinging her head back, hitting Beast Boy in the chin. His grip on her arm tightened as he stumbled backwards. Raven pushes her hips into him. He's knocked further off balance just as she spins, ripping her arm from his grasp.

They stand, facing each other, with Beast Boy rubbing his chin. His tell is his smirk. He laughs to himself a split second before stepping hard to the right and swinging a closed fist in her direction. Raven blocked with ease and grabbed his shoulder, pushing him down. Her right leg swept behind him, knocking him to the ground. Beast Boy catches her arm, pulling her down with him. He rolled on top of her, grabbing her wrists to hold her down. His face inches from hers. "Almost like old times, right?"

Raven bent her knee and pushed hard off the ground, flipping and pinning him down. "If by old times, you mean the last time I beat you in a spar."

Beast Boy tried to copy her technique, pushing off the ground. Raven pressed her weight into his legs, not letting him use them for strength. After a moment of struggle, Beast Boy said. "You know that's not what I meant." He knocked on the floor twice, tapping out, and Raven stood up. She offered her hand again to help him up, and he ignored it this time.

"One more shot," Beast Boy said. He went back into a fighting stance.

"I think Raven's embarrassed you enough for today," Robin said with a smirk. "New partners."

Beast Boy frowned, moving towards where Starfire and Herald were sparring. Starfire was currently holding Herald upside-down by his ankle while he swung his weight, trying to grab on to something. "Please friend, do the tapping out!" Starfire said, but he looked determined not to lose.

"My turn?" Kid Flash said, strutting over to where Raven and Robin stood.

"Go ahead," Robin said, taking a step back and gesturing to Raven.

Raven's body turned to face Kid Flash, but she was still looking at Robin. "Don't you need to train too?" Raven asked. Before Robin replied, Kid Flash took a swing for her stomach. Raven dodge rolled at the last second.

"Hey!" Robin called. "You have to wait till I say go."

"You did," Kid Flash replied, eyebrows raised. "My bad. I thought we had started. Good lesson though, always be ready!"

"Clearly, I was ready," Raven replied.

Kid Flash smirked. "Consider it a passed test then."

Raven straightened up, crossing her arms. "You aren't teaching me things, Wally. You're just being a jerk."

Kid Flash shook his head. "Are you going to complain about mansplaining now?"

"No," Raven replied. "I'm going to complain about you being a jerk."

"Alright, alright. Either stop and spar or find new partners," Robin said. "Remember this is training. I don't want my team sparring if they're angry with each other."

"I'm not angry," Raven said.

"Neither am I," Kid Flash replied.

Robin looked between them, deciding if he believed them or not. Then he nodded. "Alright, ready?" They both nodded, getting into a fighting stance. Robin nodded with them. "Go."

Kid Flash swung in with two quick punches, both dodged, and then he swung his leg out to trip her. Raven jumped over it and landed a punch to his gut, sending Kid Flash stumbling back a few steps.

"You alright?" Raven asked.

"Fine," Kid Flash replied. He charged forward for another punch, and Raven stepped to the side. He ran past her and she's turned, grabbing him by the arm and forcing him to the ground with his own momentum, the same trick she used on Beast Boy earlier. Kid Flash jumped back up, spinning around and taking a wild swing. Raven ducked and spun, landing a spin kick to his chest. Kid Flash fell back, landing flat on the floor.

"Good work, Raven" Robin said. "You're doing great." With that, he took a few steps away to supervise Starfire and Beast Boy who had just begun.

Raven held her hand out to Kid Flash to help him up. He took her hand, yanking her forward and with both feet gave a hard kick, sending Raven flying into the wall. Her slammed against the concrete wall of the gym, and Raven slid to the ground.

Kid Flash pushed himself up, laughing. "You alright?"

Raven stood up on her own, holding her head. "What was that?"

"Uh, sparring," Kid Flash replied.

"You know the fight was over," Raven replied. "You wiped out. Either you tap out or wipe out, but Robin called it."

"All Robin said was good job. And weren't you the one who said you didn't need lessons on always being ready?" Kid Flash's face got red. With anger or embarrassment, Raven couldn't tell. "We were sparring, Rae. What was I supposed to do? Go easy on you?"

Raven stared blankly at him. "Nevermind, Wally."

"Raven, come on. Don't be a sore loser…" Kid Flash said.

"I didn't lose. Twice, you swung at me when we weren't officially sparring."

"Oh come on," Kid Flash replied, raising his voice.

Robin turned around, overhearing. He started to drift back in their direction.

"You know the rules of-"

"Titans!" Robin called. "Great work today. You're all good to go, have a good evening."

"Yay!" Starfire called. She flew to Robin's side. "Shall we too have the good evening?" She spoke into his ear, but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Why don't you guys all head up and fight over the showers," Robin suggested. "I'll catch up in a minute," he said to Starfire alone, kissing her cheek. As the team started moving towards the door, Robin said. "Raven, Kid Flash, can you hang out for a minute?"

The rest of the team left, and the two of them stood in front of Robin, waiting like a student who was asked to stay after class. Once the doors closed behind the team, Robin spoke: "Listen, I don't know what is happening here, but we're a team. This is practice. Whatever is going on with you two, you drop it at the doors. Understand?"

"Of course," Kid Flash said. "We're all good. Right, Rae?"

Raven glared at him. "Yeah," she said eventually, turning to Robin. "We're good."

"Good," Robin said. "KF why don't you head upstairs. Raven and I are going to chat for a minute."

"You got it boss," Kid Flash said. He kissed the top of Raven's head. "See ya later, babe."

They waited in silence till Kid Flash left the room, the door closing behind him. Then Robin started. "What was that about?"

"I don't know," Raven said. "He really wanted to win, I guess."

"You're a leader now," Robin reminded her. "Second in command. You should have known to step back at that point."

"Robin, the fight was over," Raven said.

"It didn't seem like it," Robin replied. "You're a leader, Raven. Act like it."

Raven stood speechless while Robin turned, heading out of the gym. Raven sighed. She used her magic to levitate the matts off the floor and back to the side of the gym. Raven looked over the gym, making sure it was relatively clean before she left. Waiting just outside the gym doors was Herald, leaning against he wall.

"Um, hi?" Raven asked. She had a sudden realization that they've never had an extended conversation before.

"You alright? I saw that kick, it wasn't cool."

"I'm fine," Raven replied. "Are you alright? I saw you dangling by your ankles for a while."

"Starfire is incredibly strong," Herald replied, clearly impressed. "But," his tone became serious, "Starfire fights fair."

Raven nodded, starting to walk off. "I'm going to see if all the showers have been claimed yet."

Herald frowned. "Raven. You know Kid Flash is a jerk, right?"

"Excuse me?" Raven said, turning back around. "You know we've been dating for the past six months, right?"

"That's why I felt the need to mention it," Herald replied. "If you need anything, I'm here." He didn't wait for a reply. He blew softly into his horn, opening a portal and stepping through.