A Dense Love!
The World of Pokémon! An amazing world full of amazing and wonderful creatures know as Pokémon! With over 800 different types of Pokémon there no shortage of what you could discover!
From a small catterpie to the largest Charizard! There are so many wonders! And if your lucky enfough you might see a legendary Pokemon like Mew or Ho-oh! There is so much to discover!
We join hero Ash as he speeds along the water of Melemele Island on a Sharpedo With his Partner Pikachu perched upon his shoulder. Ash is a 16 year old Pokemon trainer attending the Alolan Pokemon school!
Original from Kanto Region Ash recently moved to the Alola Region after his mother remarried to Professor Oak. Ash decided on the Alola Region because of the Pokémon school. After discussing it with his mother and Professor Oaks and Oak's cousin as well, It was decided that Ash could move to Alola but he had to stay with Professor Kukui.
Ash could still remember the day he left, it felt like it was only 4 day ago, which it was.
Ash stood in the airport waiting for his plane. Beside him stood his mother and his father Professor Oak! It sent a bit of a chill down his Spine! He wasn't used to called him dad! Ash was look up at the departures board waiting for his flight to be called to board!
Again as always on his shoulder sat Pikachu. As had decided that he would only bring Pikachu with him to Alola, he had said to Professor Oak that he way sometimes request another Pokémon.
Ash turned to his mother who was hold a bag full of his clothes. His mother looked down at him! A proud but sad look upon her face. "Don't worry mom! I promise to come and visit!" Ash said to Delia. "I know honey. It just I can't believe your moving out! Oh my baby, I'll always love and support you! She said, a few tears begins to form in her eyes. Ash then embraced her with a big hug! "I know mom! I love u too."
They separated and Professor Oak then Professor Oak went up to Ash! "Ash, I know I must be weird for you to call me dad so I just want to let u know you can continue to call me Professor. Also I have a gift for you!" Oak then hand Ash a small pokeball sized gift.
Ash opened it and found a pokeball and a note! It read:
"Ash, I know that I will never be like your father David. But I promise you that I will always be here if you need me.
You must also be wondering what is in the Pokeball, well in the pokeball is a Riolu. Train it well .
Your friend and father.
Professor Samuel Oak!"
Ash looked up to Oak! A look of shook on his Face. He then hugged Professor Oak and whispered. "Thank you dad!" It was the Oaks turn to be shocked. He looked down at Ash as he smiled up at him. Ash released Oak from the hug before suddenly Delia popped out of nowhere with her phone. " Family Photo she said as she gave her phone to Mr Mime!
The all got together, Ash in the Middle before Mr Mime took the photo! They then all gathered round to look at the photo when Ashs plane was called for boarding, and with that the was a mad dash to the gate! Delia then handed Ash his bag of Clothes and a new backpack. Ash then said his goodbye. Giving a hug to his parents.
As he was walking through that gate has mother called after him! "Don't forget to chance your underwear everyday honey!" Everybody laughed. "Mom!" Ash said smiling to himself as he went and boarded the plane. And headed of to Alola to start his new life!
(A few Hours Later)
Ash sat aboard the plane as it descended into Melemele Island airport. Ash and Pikachu looked out the window excitedly at the island got closer and closer before they touched down on the Runway.
Ash left out a sigh of relief as the pane slowed down and taxied to the terminal. "We buddy, were here." Ash said to Pikachu, as they got Ash's bags and started to the door of the plane.
"Hello Alola!" Ash shouted as he got out of the plane. He the walked forward but forgot to watch for the stair. Pikachu quickly jumped of Ash's shoulder second before he plummeted to the bottom of the steps! Pikachu quickly rushed down to see if his trainer was okay.
Once he reached the bottom Ash was already standing up. " New Region, same start." Ash said to Pikachu as he started to laugh. They then made there way to the terminal to meet Professor Kukui.
Once he was outside the terminal he saw the Professor standing in front of a Roofless Jeep. Ash made his way over to him dragging his bag behind him! "Alola Ash!" Kukui said to Ash as he got over to him. After a brief introduction Ash hopped into the car and off they went!
Soon they arrived at Kukui's house and he showed Ash where he would be staying! Ash's new room was a up a ladder just over the sitting room. It had a singe bed which could also be used as a seat! There was also a window and a closet with a tv as well.
Ash thank the Professor and then went to get settled in. Once he had his clothes put away he collapsed onto the bed. Pikachu was laying on his stomach. Ash was almost asleep when suddenly something walked across Ash's legs! Ash looked up on to see Professor Kukui's Rockruff laying down to sleep on his legs. Ash smiled to himself! So far, life in Alola was good!
(Flashback End!)
Ash smiled to himself as he thought back to that day, as he raced along the water. Ash decided that he want to see underwater so he asked his ride Pokémon to dive!
Once under they say all kinds of water type Pokémon! But the out of know where a Pokémon Ash hand never seen before appeared! Scaring Ash and Pikachu. They surfaced quickly after that. Send Ash flying off his ride Pokémon into the water.
When he resurfaced he was look up at a Lapras, and atop the lapras sat a girl about the same age as him with a popplio. She had blue and the nicest simile Ash had ever seen! Ash started to feel something he had never felt before, but he wasn't sure what it looked at him. A bit surprised.
"Hi! I'm Ash!" He said to the Girl, just as Pikachu and his ride Pokémon arrived! The girl laughed at little as Ash tried and failed to get onto the Pokemon. "I'm Lana. Nice to meet you Ash!" She said to him.
Hey Guys! Thanks for reading, I hope ye enjoyed. Due to the popularity of my other Pokemon fanfic "Alolan Fun" I decided to write another. Anyway thanks again for reading oh and don't forget to Review! Hawk Fanfics!