Ben yawned softly waking up. he rubbed his eye's looking around.
"Kevin?" Ben ask. where on earth was his boyfriend, he couldn't even hear the shower running. he rubbed his eye's. he noticed a note taped to their bedroom door and headed over to it.
got an emergency call from some idiot
who poured sugar into his gas tank. be
back before our date tonight.
P.S. I left you a smoothie in the fridge.

Ben smiled and headed downstairs. he walked into the kitchen, straight for the fridge. he smiled finding the promised smoothie and another note.
Happy birthday Benji.
Ben smiled. this was his normal birthday present from his five year boyfriend. he smiled looking around their apartment, it had actually been his 18th birthday present, now three years ago. he chuckled realizing he didn't have to have his lover buy alcohol for them anymore. he sipped his smoothie heading for the couch. he paused when there was a knock on the door. he opened it and laughed as Gwen hugged him.
"happy twenty-first birthday!" Gwen laughed hugging him. Ben hugged back.
"hey, that just makes you even older. happy twenty-second birthday." Ben chuckled. Gwen huffed and shoved him laughing.
"where's Kev? he make you get up early?" Gwen snickered. Ben shook his head.
"nah, he was gone when I got up. some thing about someone messing up their car." Ben replied. Gwen smiled.
"I see you got your birthday smoothie." Gwen commented heading to sit on the couch. Ben nodded closing the door.
"yeah he's good about getting me a smoothie." Ben chuckled. he smiled sitting with his cousin. no matter how many times he told Kevin he didn't need anything for his birthday, Kevin always insisted of giving him at least a smoothie. Ben always made sure, since he got something he loved, Kevin got something for his car. wax/polish or other cleaning products for the car.
"so any plans?" Gwen ask.
"yeah, Kevin says I'm not allowed to make any plans, because he's made some already." Ben shrugged. Gwen gave him a pitied look. last time Kevin 'made plans for Bens birthday' they'd ended up spending all night at the garage then got into a fight because Ben wanted to leave and go hang out with Gwen. Ben waived off her look.
"we're not sixteen and seventeen anymore. besides I think Kevin learned his lesson, when I locked my bedroom window for two weeks and he had to sleep at the garage." Ben snickered. Gwen laughed softly. "so what about you? any birthday plans?" Ben ask. Gwen nodded.
"me and Julie are going to a concert." Gwen replied. Ben nodded, sipping his slushie. "I wanted to know if you and Kevin wanted to go, but since you have plans we'll just go alone." Gwen shrugged. Kevin nodded and handed her wrapped present. "oh Ben, you didn't have to get me anything." Gwen smiled. Ben shrugged. Gwen opened it an smiled. it was a signed CD of her favorite band. "no fucking way! how?!" Gwen squealed. Ben smiled.
"well your little lead singer brought in his car the other day, he and Kev got talking, I came in realized who he was and boom." Ben shrugged with a grin. Gwen hugged him tightly.
"thank you Ben!" Gwen squealed. Ben nodded and smiled sipping his smoothie.
"what else are adorable little cousins for?" Ben snickered. Gwen raised an eye brow.
"whats that mean?" Gwen ask. Ben snickered again.
"you lead singer, has a thing for skinny guys with green eye's. oh, I pissed Kevin off, but it was worth it for your CD and once I explained why to Kevin, he wasn't as angry anymore." Ben laughed.
"wait wait, what did you do?" Gwen ask, feeling like she'd like this story.
"okay so once I realized who he was I got excited, when I realized he was flirting with me, I only did this when Kevin grew angry, working on the guys car not too far away. so I flirted back for a bit before casually mentioning that I would love to have a copy of their recent CD. he smiled and casually mentioned he had a few with him." Ben shrugged. he wasn't going to mention to her how angry/jealous it got Kevin. "he offered me one, I ask him if he could sign it, he ask why, I told him my birthday was coming up soon and it'd make a great present, dude was more then willing to sign it." Ben laughed. Gwens jaw dropped.
"you willing flirted with another dude right in front of Kevin?" Gwen ask. Ben shrugged and nodded.
"yeah, but as soon as the guy left, I explained to Kevin that I did it for you, cause you loved their music, and well... he took that into consideration when he made me sleep on the couch for a few days." Ben laughed. Gwen laughed and hugged him. she mentioned she'd drop his present off later and left. Ben smiled laying down on the couch, after setting his slushie on the table. before he realized it, he had fallen asleep.
*1 PM*
that how Kevin found him two hours later. the tired and angry expression on his face quickly melted into a smile as he caught sight of Ben, curled up on the couch snoring softly. he kissed Ben's head gently, brushing Ben's hair out of his face. he grabbed Bens slushie and took a sip of it, then put it in the fridge. he headed upstairs for a shower. Ben yawns softly, rubbing his eye's and he rolls over, curling up. Kevin showered quickly, then headed back downstairs once he got dressed. he walked back over to the couch, kissing Ben's ear gently. Ben yawned stretching, rolling on to his back. Kevin kissed Bens lips gently. he pulled back and Ben rubbed his eye's. he yawned softly, stretching more as he opened his eye's. he smiled up at Kevin, pulling him down for a kiss. Kevin chuckled softly, kissing back. he pulled back.
"happy birthday Benji." Kevin smiled. Ben smiled at the loving nickname.
"awe thanks Kevy." Ben smiled. "Gwen liked her CD." Ben murmured. Kevin smiled slightly.
"well, I'm glad that she liked it, but next time you have an idea, tell me before you start flirting. I might not be busy next time you have that idea. I would have killed him if I wasn't working." Kevin muttered. Ben laughed.
"I won't be flirting with any one else Kevy, I promise." Ben smiles, kissing him again. he pulled back with a pout. "hey, you drank my smoothie." Ben pouted. Kevin laughed.
"I only took a sip, I put it in the fridge." Kevin replied.
"but you contaminated it." Ben pouted. Kevin snickers.
"if so that means I just contaminated you, but kissing you." Kevin smirked. Ben laughed as Kevin crawled over him on the couch.
"thats different. I like you contaminating me." Ben murmured. Kevin smirked and kissed him deeply. Ben moaned softly kissing back. "so, what are our plans today? not just another boring day of me watching you work on cars is it?" Ben ask. Kevin shook his head.
"no, I'm sorry about that." Kevin sighed. Ben shakes his head.
"I'm teasing Kev." Ben laughed softly. "I know up didn't plan for that to happen." Ben chuckled. Kevin pouted slightly shoving him.
"fine I guess you don't deserve to do anything for your birthday." Kevin huffed. Ben laughed hugging him.
"you know I'd be happy with us lounging on the couch all night with a couple blockbuster movies and some slushies." Ben said. Kevin chuckled shoving away and getting up.
"oh I know, but I wouldn't be happy with that again this year. that all we've done on your birthday since I surprised you with our apartment." Kevin replied.
"thats because you never let me do anything for your birthday." Ben pouted. Kevin shrugged slightly.
"hey I consider you my birthday present." Kevin replied with a smirk. Ben paused a moment, then blushed darkly.
"p-pervert." Ben called as Kevin walked into the kitchen. Kevin simply laughed at his flustered lover. "so seriously what are we doing today? what have you planed thats so important we can't stay and watch movies together?" Ben ask curiously.
"some special, big, and secret that you'll just have to wait to find out." Kevin replied.
"awe, but Kevy, thats no fun." Ben pouted.
"maybe not for you but it is for me." Kevin chuckled, sitting on the couch with Ben, who promptly took his place laying on Kevins lap. Kevin smiled and played with his hair.
"you know I could be mean and make you tell me." Ben said. Kevin smiled.
"yeah but I know, you know, that I like to surprize you with things and that this means something to me, so you won't." Kevin replied. Ben smiled and sat up to kiss Kevin, pausing as there was a knock on the door.
"I wasn't expecting anyone, were you?" Ben ask curiously. Kevin shook his head.
"nope." Kevin replied, getting up to answer the door. he paused seeing a car. "I'm noping out of this. have fun Ben, it's your parrents." Kevin said, heading for the garage attached to their appartment to hide out in his car. Ben watched him go and shook his head. Kevin knew his mother didn't like him, but this was their apartment he shouldn't have to hide. Ben sighed opening the door.
"Ben!" Sandra, his mother, grinned hugging him tightly. Ben hugged her back.
"hi mom." Ben greets. he looks around. "uh where's dad?" Ben ask. Sandra rolled her eye's.
"Carl said that he'd come by later to see you." Sandra replied. Ben nodded slightly, hesitant on letting his mother in, but she walked in anyway. "I still don't understand why you live in this crappy apartment." Sandra said. Ben sighed.
"we've been over this mom, this 'crappy appartment' is what me and Kevin can afford. we'll, more of Kevin can afford since I got fired for not calling in two weeks ahead of time telling my boss I was on hero duty." Ben huffed. "but, I have an interview next week and this guy seems very understanding that sometimes bad guys are unpredictable." Ben shrugged. his mother sneered at his lovers name, looking around at the pictures and other objects in their living room.
"whats this?" Sandra asks, holding up a model car. Ben's eye's widened and he grabbed the car quickly.
"its Kevins. it was his award for a competition he did at the garage a few weeks ago." Ben replied, setting the car back on the mantle.
"where is the ruffian? he never seems to be here when we visit. is he ever home?" Sandra ask.
"he's in the garage." Ben replied.
hiding from you.
Ben thought bitterly. he shook his head and looked over, his mom was headed for the garage.