So I published this Chapter on Wattpad last year, but forgot to do the same on FFN. Whoops?

Also, if you are confused about Hiccup's legs when he is in his hybrid form. Search this site and look at the European Dragon Image. ( /images/iCqyoZ)

This chapter is unedited and not checked. So I apologize if there are mistakes or errors in either grammar or spelling. Please enjoy. :)

Kagehana's Review

"No, Toothless isn't going to be a hybrid but I have planssss for him :D"

Randombabbling's Review

"Thank you for the review! I don't understand some of your.. uh.. babblings XD but I'll try to reply with my best! Hiccup is now trying his best to not reveal anything about his hybrid form. And Toothless still thinks that 'Loki'(The name Hiccup given to himself when Toothless asked about the dragon guy) and Hiccup are completely different person at the moment. Despite the past hint Hiccup gave to him like "No, Toothless. I'm Loki". Or when he told Hiccup "You're Loki-ish sometimes". So, if given enough time to consider and more experience with 'Loki', Toothless could possibly figure it out on his own.

And about Toothless's mother... I'll be honest here, I still don't have an idea about how to plot about her. You see that I have already written that in Drake's Diary that he experimented with a dragon he had caught. (I'll reveal about how he caught one in the future) So, Toothless mother could possibly just be a wild night fury or... if I suddenly have an idea, I'll twist things a bit"

Tapping his feet in concern, Hiccup looked at the empty seat of his best friend. He had not seen Toothless since the day they encountered a dragon in Berk High. He was grateful that Toothless was a man of his own word, no video of his other identity was found. And of course, Toothless had asked about the 'dragon guy' as he called it.

Hiccup glared a little bit at the chat box when Toothless read his message but didn't reply back. He had been asking Toothless why the guy didn't come to school, and it was frustrating when he didn't reply to him. Hiccup slid to the past chat of yesterday and stared longingly at Toothless's messages.

StupidTeeth : Hiccup.

HatchingEgg : ?

StupidTeeth : I think I know your secret now!

At that time, Hiccup was panicking.

HatchingEgg : And...?

StupidTeeth : You're hiding a dragon guy, aren't you?

He was in between relief and nervous.

HatchingEgg : Yes I am.

StupidTeeth : How long have you known that guy?

HatchingEgg : Since the restaurant incident. He helped my dad fought the red dragon.

StupidTeeth : What is your relationship with him?

HatchingEgg : I just know him and he just knows me, not friend or anything.

StupidTeeth : His name?

If he recalled correctly, that question took him about five minutes before replying.

HatchingEgg : Loki.

StupidTeeth : Sounds like a god.

HatchingEgg : Ikr.

StupidTeeth : I told my dad about today's 'accident'. He didn't take it well.

HatchingEgg : Did he immediately call the school for being so careless? Because I would have done the same thing.

StupidTeeth : No, he immediately went into his study and have been locking himself in there since afternoon.

Hiccup stopped reading the past messages as Toothless's new reply popped up. He pressed at the new message and saw a quite long reply.

StupidTeeth : Sorry for not replying, I was arguing with my father. He came out of his study room in the morning and told me that he would transfer me to another school...

Hiccup was shocked as he read the reply. Toothless was going to change school. A sudden wave of sadness impacted him.

HatchingEgg : Why?

StupidTeeth : He said that Berk High was not safe anymore. That my safety came before everything. It was so stupid. He acted like there were dragons after me.

"Are the dragons after you?"

Hiccup felt suspicious of Drake more and more as he recalled the statement. The man knew something, and it was possibly about Toothless...

HatchingEgg : Where will he send you?

StupidTeeth : Not very far, just England.

HatchingEgg : For me, that's far. When will you leave?

StupidTeeth : Your reaction is quite different from what I expected.

HatchingEgg : I would be wailing if we were face to face.

Hiccup knew that he should feel happy that Toothless was going to be safe from dragons... and from him. But he couldn't help it. He felt like this was unfair and that made him upset. Anger was bubbling inside him as he glared at his phone, imagining it was Drake Fury. The man was hiding something to protect Toothless... Just like himself hiding his second identity from his friend. Even with the anger toward the man, the teen thought that he was being untruthful too.


Hiccup turned to Fishlegs, his nerd friend "What?" He responded to him with a snap that he didn't mean to say "I mean... Yeah?" Correcting himself as he expressed a guilty face.

"Uh... Astrid wants to know if we could hangout afternoon" Fishlegs replied. The lacking of confidence in his voice was obvious.

"I'm sorry that I snapped at you, I'm just upset right now..." Hiccup apologized. His mind started to think about the offer. The school was now just a place to escape from protective parents, or in Hiccup's case, annoying scientists.

Toothless wasn't going to be here anyway... He wasn't going to be here anymore... "Alright, tell Astrid I'll go" Hiccup replied with a slight sadness in his voice.

"I'll do right away!" The nerd boy responded "But, what's with the quiet voice and why are you upset?"

Hiccup sighed "Toothless is transferred to England" He replied.

"What? Why?" Fishlegs immediately reacted.

"There was a Dragon attack in the cafeteria yesterday, Toothless almost had his head bit off" Hiccup looked down in guilt and Fishlegs winced as he imagined Toothless with no head "His father didn't take the news well"

"Have you told him about... you know..." Fishlegs said "You should at least about your feelings before he goes"

"He has already known about my true feeling" Hiccup pursed his lips a little "I thought I told you my reason"

"And how did he react?"

"He chased me down the hall for fifteen minutes and told me that I had nothing to hide and that he and I could work things out together" Hiccup replied "That was just happening before the attack, by the way"

"I guess you guys ran off and didn't kiss?" Fishlegs said and Hiccup only nodded in response, blushing. Hiccup honestly didn't have time to think about such romance, because of all the dragons and the different world that mankind had recently discovered.

"I would already have done that if I were you" Fishlegs spoke out of the blue, earning a weird look from Hiccup "I mean... You should have taken your relationship to another level! You know?"

"I didn't know what to do" Hiccup rested his head on his arms as they were placed on the table "Heck, I still don't know what to do!"

"Maybe, you should go to his house and... Heat things up" Fishlegs said.

"Oh my gods, Fishlegs!" Hiccup glared at his best friend "This is real life, this is not a love novel! Besides, my father will never appreciate that! And I totally don't want to lose my pureness before the decent age! Why does everyone think that I deserve him!? Is it because we're best friend!? Or is it because some girls in this town who like homo-relationship write stories of me and Toothless!?"

Fishlegs didn't reply back, his eyes fixed on Hiccup's eyes and his skin turned pale "Oh... I'm sorry, Fishlegs, I didn't mean to... rant. Things have been crazy in town and they kinda affect me in some ways"

"Dude, I think I just saw something that a human mind shouldn't be correlating because the capability of imagination" Fishlegs said as his hands started sweating, turning away from Hiccup.

"I know, things have been crazy" Hiccup said, sighing "But do you really have to be a Lovecraftian now?"

Fishlegs rubbed behind his neck "Oh! Y-yeah! Blame that on Mr.Treach!" Fishlegs looked panic for some unknown reason.

Hiccup decided to shrug it off and go back to texting with Toothless. He looked at the screen and read the long reply of his best friend.

StupidTeeth : Look, Hiccup. Even if we are far apart, I'll never ever forget you. I will still love you as I always do. I hope that one day, you will overcome the feelings of worthlessness and accept your feelings toward me, then we can work things out between us.

Hiccup stared at the screen, speechless. He forgot how to text any messages. Reluctantly closing his phone, he then walked to the classroom door "I'll go to the restroom" He said to Fishlegs and the nerd didn't ask anything but nodded repeatedly.

Hiccup walked into the empty male restroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror "Why are you thinking so little of yourself?" He asked his reflection.

As if fate was teasing him, someone came into the bathroom. Hiccup didn't pay much attention to the guy "Hiccup" The guy stated his name and Hiccup turned to face him.


Dagur was one of those guys who took a liking to Hiccup, but in a more sadistic way "You look frustrated, what's wrong" Hiccup almost choked when he heard that sentence.

"Look, nothing is wrong, and since when you started to care about somebody?" Hiccup raised his brows at the guy.

"I always care about you, Hiccup" Dagur's dark eyes fixed on Hiccup's bright green eyes "But Toothless is... was in the way, but now that he's gone. I'm sure I can take care of you well" Hiccup stepped back as the deranged guy stepped toward him.

"How could you know...?" Hiccup asked, dumbfounded.

"There's a wonderful thing called Eavesdropping" Dagur smirked as he successfully cornered Hiccup.

The dragon hybrid glared at the deranged man, frightened but didn't show it "There's also an amazing thing called Privacy" Hiccup shot back.

"Too late to say that now" Dagur's hands quickly pinned Hiccup's arm against the wall "I promise, Hiccup. I'll be a better man than him. I'll give you everything if you just forget about Toothless and let me have you all to myself, only myself. Tanlos is just running away like a coward he has always been. I'm still surprised he got to be on the FUTSAL team"

Hiccup held a strong look and didn't struggle or fight back. Keeping his mouth shut, he sent Dagur a look, telling him to keep convincing him.

"We can go and watch movies every day. Eating out in a five-stars restaurant. Doing whatever you desire" Hiccup sent the man a bored look "I can give you what Tanlos can't give you"

Toothless had given him everything he needed. Love, Passion, Care and many more...

"Sorry, but you're not my type" Hiccup told him before yanking his arms off those grips and quickly ran out of the restroom. He didn't notice the mischievous glance of the deranged guy...


Toothless got worried when Hiccup went offline. He sighed as he threw his phone away and it landed on his bed. He started to think of his life and how confusing it had become. Well... If he was to be sent away, he should do something worth before the leaving.

He heard footsteps of his father and there came the voice after it stopped "Son, I'll be leaving to Haddock's house in thirty minutes. Do you want to come with me?".

"I'll meet you in the garage if I want to" Toothless replied after a short while of considering.

"Alright" Said his father and walked away.

Toothless peaked out of his door to see Drake going down to his study. He quickly took his way to his father's room, opening the unlocked door and shut it quietly. "Alright, Dad... What have you been hiding from me all these years..." He muttered to himself as he looked around the area.

He went to the desk and picked up a picture that had a picture of an eight-year-old him and his father. He smiled a little, remembering when they took this picture.

He pulled the drawers out and found a notebook. Guessing that it might be a journal, did he immediately opened it.

-10 November 1995-

Today is the day I start to(am forced to) write this journal. Hilla and I are going to have the first anniversary of our married life. I feel like this is going to be the greatest night.

So... His mother's name was Hilla? Toothless chuckled at the length. His father usually didn't write, but he typed instead. So, being lazy at the first attempt was what to be expected. He read the next one and frown slightly.

-11 November 1995-

Everything is ruined. My life. My love. Everything. A dragon came out of our portal and started destroying the college, Hilla was engulfed in fire, and I watched the love of my life died.

Then.. How was he born? Many questions ran through his head and left unanswered.

He started flipping through page by page only to read about how depressed his father was until he reached 2001. The first note was written in a rush, but Toothless manage to read it.

-12 January 2001-

Oh my gods. What kind of a person am I... I just caught a dragon, and I experimented on it, and I'm still hearing its screeches. Why am I doing this? Is it because I want revenge?

"Jeez" Toothless muttered "Is this really my father?"

-20 February 2001-

That's it. I have gone insane. Why did I even do it? I have to stop now. But I have to let go of my past and started a new life... but with who?

-25 February 2001-

I know I'm going mental, but I have to do this. I want this...

Okay, so I'm thinking about having a child with that dragon. It's not my fetish or something like that, and I'm not goning to do that with that creature. It just... feels right, I guess? I don't even know why. Maybe I just feel guilty that I couldn't save my girlfriend, my one and only lover. I had planned a life for both of us, but everything just couldn't go smoothly. Now let's see which method I should use to archive on creating a child.

"What?" Toothless frowned deeply. He was in between confusion and curiosity.

-3 December 2001-

Hey, journal. I haven't written you in a long while. But guess what? Tanlos was born today. I had to help him get out of the eggshell. He was really adorable and energetic. But sadly... his mother, the dragon had gone through the portal after birthing his egg. (Actually, I let her go)

Some secrets were too easy to find. It just felt like a kind of ridiculous fiction. Toothless clutched the journal tightly as he stared at the paragraph with shock. He believed it, and he felt betrayed. He glared at the journal with anger before throwing it away, only to hit the wall and fell to the floor innocently.

Screw his school and his dad, he wanted nothing but to find his mother...

And he knew exactly how.

"Dad, I want to go to Haddock's house with you"


Sitting at one of the tables in McDonald's, Hiccup had his favorite book in his hands. He turned to the next page with excitement, ignoring the eyes those were cast on him. Fishlegs and Astrid sat across from him, secretly talking to each other through the chat message.

With excellent explaining skill, Fishlegs finished telling Astrid about what he had seen. It took Astrid a bit of convincing, but not to hard as the nerd was known for honesty. The two had the same looks of skeptical as they looked at Hiccup, who seemed to be completely normal.

"Hiccup?" Astrid spoke up but the boy was so into the book that he didn't even hear the cheerleader's loud and clear voice.

"What are you trying to do?" Fishlegs asked.

"I'm trying to annoy him, or anger him" Astrid replied, a determination in her eyes.

Fishlegs frowned "But Astrid-"

Before Fishlegs could finish his words, Astrid leaned forward and yanked the book out of Hiccup's hands. Hiccup looked startled for a short moment but then he started to glare at Astrid.

"What do you want?" Hiccup hissed harshly, his throat made a low rumbling sound as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Nothing, just want to annoy you" Astrid put the book in her bag and smirked as Hiccup's glare darkened.

"Give it back!" Hiccup reached for her bag to only had it

Fishlegs stared at his friend who suddenly became possessive of his book. He had never seen Hiccup getting too possessive over something, and usually, he would just ask nicely if he wanted something back. Certain that something was wrong with his friend, Fishlegs instinctively blurted out "Hiccup, is something wrong?"

With the question being suddenly asked, Hiccup blinked as he angry expression suddenly vanished "What? Nothing is wrong! Why would you ask that?" He almost looked panicked, like a kid getting caught eating sugar at midnight, but right after asking that, he went back to reaching for the bag.

Astrid, being taller than him, had no problem keeping Hiccup away from her bag. "Then why are you acting like this?" She accused.

"Acting like what?" Hiccup crossed his arms and threw himself on the chair, sighing in defeat "Like a girl on her period? Like a person who loses his date?"

"You seem to be more showing with your emotions than before and we are worried..." Fishlegs gave an indirect answer, eying his friend suspiciously.

Hiccup avoided to look at Fishlegs or Astrid, giving his answer in an impassive tone "It just feels weird to know that I won't be seeing Toothless anymore. It's... frustrating, I guess..." His brows knitted into a frown.

"It's not like Toothless is gonna be at England forever" Astrid spoke up. "At some point, the dragons will stop attacking Berk"

"No, they won't stop coming until the portal is shut down" Hiccup said and the Two of his friend looked at him with raised brows. "Dad built a portal to the Dragon World, and ever since the first attack, a group of scientists have been working in my house -which is annoying, by the way- I'm pretty sure they aren't shutting off that portal soon" Eventually, he started to explain about the portal and its effects to their world.

It was ten minutes later when he finished explaining. He looked at his friends as if he was expecting a question. Astrid was the first to question "So, why don't you tell your father to shut it down completely?"

"The effort will be useless" Fishlegs replied instead.

Hiccup nodded "Humans are curious beings, they won't stop until they receive all the knowledges" He said. And also, he needed those knowledge too.

His phone rang, startling the boy. He reached into his pocket and brought it out, seeing that it was Stoick who had called him "Dad's calling, I'll come back in minutes" He stood up from his seat and made some distance from the two.


"Toothless went into the portal" Stoick's voice came through the line. Hiccup frowned, unsure if he heard that right.

"Pardon?" Said the boy.

"Toothless went into the portal. The others panicked and accidentally restarted the portal. Now, the location has been changed, and we have no idea where Toothless go" Stoick spoke fast, but Hiccup was able to catch up.

It must have been long enough for his two friends to come and tap his shoulder, kicking him out of his shock. "Hiccup, you okay?" Fishlegs asked, noticing the panicked expression on Hiccup's face.

"Toothless went into the portal" Hiccup spoke in a dead serious voice, so clear that the two didn't ask for a repeat.

"Well, he could always come back through it" Astrid said, confused why Hiccup seemed so worried.

"The portal is unstable, it changes the location every restart" Hiccup took this opportunity to snatched her bag and grabbed his book "People panicked and accidentally restarted it" Returning the bag to Astrid before walking toward their table and put his book in his bag.

"And what are they gonna do to help him?" Fishlegs asked.

"Not them" Hiccup said as he slung his bag over his shoulder. "Me"

"There" Astrid quickly grabbed his shoulders and turned him around to face her "You can't go into that portal. And I doubt you will be any help to them. So let the experts do their jobs"

"They aren't experts" Hiccup stubbornly said, glaring at Astrid with dark eyes when she said that she doubted him. "They are fools to mess with the creature that they has never faced before" He brushed Astrid's hands off his shoulders before turning away, ready to run home.

"And you never faced them either" Astrid stated. "Hiccup, you are not a reckless teenager. You know that you can't defend yourself when danger comes"

He wanted to shout in her face that he could turn into a freaking dragon hybrid and beat the heck out of the dragons that dared to bring harms on him... and Toothless. "Look, I'm a son of a dragon-expert and I know how to defend myself. I have to go and help Toothless" With that said, he ran.

"Hiccup!" Fishlegs could only shout out his name as he ran away from them. "What should we do, Astrid?"

"He won't be able to keep himself and Toothless safe. We have to help him" Astrid said before taking off after Hiccup.

"You scolded him about recklessness while you were reckless yourself!" Fishlegs grabbed his bag from the table before following her.

Hiccup bursted into the house, seeing his father and the scientists gathered around a coffee table. Their conversation died down when they heard the bang that he made. "How could you guys let this happened!?" He literally roared that out in anger.

"We are trying to find a way" Drake said, looking distraught.

"A way to what? To get Tanlos back?" He snapped, approaching them.

"Well... I was planning to go in there alone" Stoick said and looked at Drake "But Drake was determined to go instead, telling me to stay here. I told him that we could go together but he refused"

Hiccup shook his head. "I'm gonna go, you two stay here"

"No, you are only a child. Let experts take care of this" Stoick protested.

Hiccup frowned, thinking for a few seconds. "You and I, we went there twice. So let's do that again"

"No" Drake spoke in a firm voice. "I have to go. He is my son"

"And he is my best friend"

"That's barely a reason for you to go and risk your life"

Hiccup had no choice but to use some strategies. " , can we talk in my room?" He said.

Surprisingly, the guy said yes. Hiccup and Drake went upstairs to Hiccup's room. Hiccup closed his door as he walked in right behind Drake. "So what is your problem here?" Drake asked, sounded annoyed.

"I know about your secret" Hiccup lied but kept a confident face.

"And I have many secrets, you are lying"

Hiccup, already prepared for that statement, said. "The dragons are after your son, aren't they? Because your little secret~" He said that in a mocking tone.

Assuming from Toothless's personality, he was never the one who acted so recklessly. He would never go into the portal if he did not have a reason. He must really have gone through his father's privacies and found something out. Drake narrowed his eyes at him. "How do you know this?" Hiccup could tell he was holding his voice down and tried not to yell.

"How about... How did Tanlos know this?" Hiccup nonchalantly said, shrugging his shoulders as he did so.

The once narrowed eyes was then widen. "Tanlos knows?" The question didn't seem to direct at him but the man himself.

Hiccup hummed quietly in vicious. "Of course, he knows. And he tells me everything, he even tells me about you sending him to England" He was taking the advantage of this knowledge and tried to bring the conversation further away from Drake's secret as much as possible, and then blackmailing the man with this little information.

"You let me come with you and your secret is safe! And Toothless will be happy to know more about his mother!"

Drake glared at him. "Mischievous brat" He mumbled. Hiccup took that as a compliment. "Alright, you can go with me-"

"Oh, I think I'm going to bring my father with me because he actually knows how to fight. No offense, , but we have to find Tanlos as soon as possible. We don't want you to feel... unhelpful there" That came out offensive even though he meant none of it.k

"You said that as if you knew how to fight as well" Drake snorted.

"Because I do know how to fight" He protested.

"I don't think you do. Stoick talked about your grades, and if I remember correctly, you got a minus B on PE" Hiccup grumbled at that. He had wanted to keep straight plus B and at least some A's, but unfortunately, he had done pretty awful on PE in the last semester.

"I can still blackmail you"

"This is nothing about my secret now. It's about how much we can protect ourselves in that world" Hiccup had to admit that Drake was right. Even though he could turn into a freaking hybrid, he still had to protect them and they too protect him. The more people, the more harder to defend themselves when something really bad would happen.

Now that he thought about it, he could at least know about the secret that Drake had kept from Toothless if he let the man go with him. "Alright, we can use more protection, I guess" Hiccup said. "But you have to tell Toothless everything, even if he has already known about it. Do we have a deal?"

"Maybe you should-"

"DEAL?" Hiccup snapped forcefully, glaring at the man.

"Deal" Drake responded after a quick gulp.

Shouting from the first floor startled the two, Hiccup immediately went out of his room and went down to see what was going on. He saw his father being bombarded by the other scientists, trying to calm them down. Apparently, he had brought out his gloves and the others wanted to know how he made them.

"Dad, we have decided!" Hiccup shouted. And that shut all of them up. Stoick let a a breath of relief as he pushed the others out of the way to Hiccup and Drake.

"So what now?" Stoick asked.

"Us three go and rescue Toothless" Hiccup replied. "Let us pack up some stuffs, shall we?"

"Apparently, I have prepared the things we need to survive, including food, light, medicine" Stoick said before glancing at our guests. "They are in the lab but hopefully, no one has eaten them yet"

Stoick and Drake followed Hiccup as he walked towards the lab. "We should call Gobber to take charge of this portal. I don't trust these people here" Drake spoke up as Hiccup grabbed the supply bags before handing one to him.

Hiccup let out a sigh. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone before messaging Gobber about the situation here. After that, he decided that it was time to begin their rescue.

"No going back now... well, actually there is, but you get what I say" Stoick said.

Hiccup and Drake rolled their eyes as they stepped into the portal and Stoick followed up behind.

"I say, we should start on where Tanlos had gone to and what it looks like" Drake spoke up as the three of them faced one another

"Good idea. W-where did the portal take place last time?" Hiccup asked. He was having a hard time suppressing a strange feeling in his chest. He felt it as soon as he stepped through the portal. He looked around and saw that they were in desert. A bad start. The soft breeze helped cooling his skin a bit.

"It was full of snow, must be the northern continent" Stoick replied, looking troubled. "We are in desert which can pretty much be very far away from where Toothless has gone to"

Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Can you not feel the breeze? We all know that warm air expands and becomes less dense, therefore, it ascends, vice versa for the cool air" He told Stoick. "Gases move from high pressure area to low pressure area. When the warm air rises, it leaves low pressure area behind. Therefore, the cool air, which has high pressure, flows to that area and becomes warn air later on, the process repeats"

"He's indirectly telling us that we should move to the opposite direction of the breeze. Where the breeze comes from may be the place where Toothless is" Hiccup nodded as Drake concluded things up.

"But to answer your question, son, I can't feel any breeze" Stoick frowned. Hiccup too frowned as he heard that. How could he not? His father just said that there was no breeze but Hiccup could certainly feel it.

"Me too, so we must find something else that can be a lead for us" Drake said as he looked around.

"Look, I can feel the breeze and we are going to go this way" He pointed at the opposite direction of the breeze.

"How can you feel the breeze when we can't even feel anything blowing?" Drake asked, not out of suspicion but disbelief.

"Let's say I just can" Hiccup felt like this mission was going to be a pain in the ass.

His secret was going to be revealed. For sure.