Because I got a review so quickly, I'm in a fabulous mood, and because I want to have this story complete after almost a year, here is the final chapter. I hope you enjoy. Thank you all for following me on this journey! Please feel free to leave me a review if you want more Wes & Bianca stories in the future :)

Bianca was happy her father had moved back in. He was still unloading boxes, and her mother was teasing him for just haphazardly throwing stuff into boxes without labeling them. Pepper was running back and forth between her room and downstairs, and Bianca was trying not to think about Wesley among all of it.

"Bianca! Jess and Casey are here!" Dottie called up the stairs.

"Hi, Mr. P," Casey said. "Good to see you back."

"It's good to be back," Mike beamed at them. He went out to get another box.

"You coming tonight?" Jess asked once they were in Bianca's room.

"I dunno..."

"Pleeeaaase?!" Jess begged.

"Yea come on. Please?" Casey added.

"I have nothing to wear," Bianca told them. Jess immediately started raiding her closet. "Unless..."

"NO!" they both shouted. Not the damn plaid shirt over the party t-shirt.

"You're no fun," Bianca mock pouted.

"I have a GREAT idea," Jess said suddenly. "And it won't take long for me to whip off." She had asked Wes where he'd bought the dress for Bianca since her original one had been destroyed, and she pulled it out now. Bianca froze upon seeing it. A lot of traumatic memories were associated with that outfit.

"I'm going to transform it," Jess promised. She pulled out the plaid shirt. Casey raised a brow at her.


"You'll see," Jess promised.

"All right, but I better not look stupid," Bianca said. Jess got to work.


"I'm going out tonight," Wes said to his mother. She was staring out the window absently. The house had been much quieter since his father had left. He had taken the divorce papers surprisingly well.

"Have fun," she replied, not looking at him.

"I'm sorry, Mom," he said, not sure what else to say.

"It's fine. I miss him, but I won't miss the fighting. It'll get better," she told him with a weak smile. He gave her a hug before going out the door. He wasn't really sure why he was going to prom. He felt like he needed to be there.


She had found a great place. She was going to look at it again tomorrow before making her decision. Claire had congratulated her, and Madison was beginning to feel like she wouldn't need to frequent Claire's office so much anymore. Caitlyn was all ready for prom, and Madison was almost there. She wasn't sure why she was going, but it was going to be a good night. She didn't care if she was Prom Queen or anything else. She just wanted to have fun for once in her life without someone ruining it for her. She was nervous about seeing Bianca even though Bianca had told her the other day it wasn't her fault for what her father did to her. Madison felt she could have prevented it if she'd just been brave enough to tell someone what had been going on in her house for so long.

"You ready?" Caitlyn asked, poking her head in.

"Yes," Madison agreed. "I'm ready."

At the Prom

The hushed whispers and stares followed them as they made their way to the gym. Bianca felt incredibly nervous. What was she going to say to Wesley anyway? That was the reason she was even here, she realized that now. Jess and Casey strutted beside her, proud to show off their friend. Once they entered the gym, it was a confusing mass of people.

"Where would he even be?" Bianca asked. The girls craned their necks, looking.

"Let's split up," Casey suggested. They went their separate ways. Bianca wandered around the punch table area when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She spun, hoping to find Wes. Instead...

"Hi," Toby said.

"You," Bianca said in return. He looked deflated.

"Yea, me. Look, I wanted to apologize again for being an asshole," Toby said.

"Apology accepted," Bianca said immediately.


"Yes. Excuse me, I'm trying to find someone."

"Wes, right?"


"If anyone is going to get the girl, it should be him," Toby said.

"Excuse me?"

"I think I really said I was dating you not only to prove I was a nice guy but because I wanted Wes to know he couldn't just have every girl he wanted. I shouldn't have done that."

"No, you shouldn't have," Bianca agreed.

"Can we at least be friends?" Toby asked. He held out his hand hopefully. Bianca stared at it.

"Why not?" she said, shaking it. "Just don't ever pretend to date me again."

"I won't," he promised. She moved away from him then, still trying to find Wes. She spotted him in the middle of the dance floor, so she headed his way. By the look on his face, she knew she had taken his breath away.

"Wow," he said when she approached.

"Yea. You can thank Jess," she joked.

"I will," he nodded. "So, you're talking to me again?"

"I am. Look, Wes, I'm mad that you told me I was a DUFF, but I realize now that it's stupid to be mad about it when clearly we'd gotten over it already."

"That's what I was tryi-"

"I know," Bianca said, cutting him off. "Wes, I'm sorry I blew up at you and the avoided you. Can we start again?" He stood there making a show of pondering the decision.

"Wes!" she said, laughing. He started to laugh too.

"Of course we can start again," he told her. "I've been dying to do that ever since you woke up."

"Really?" she asked.

"Well, that's not all I've been dying to do," he admitted.


"Come here," he said, pulling her close. He let his lips land on hers and kissed her ferociously.

"Aww," Jess said, putting her hands on her heart. She and Casey were standing a bit away, watching.

"About time," Casey laughed. They turned away to give their friends some privacy.

"Wow," Bianca said after Wes pulled away. "That was...amazing."
"I had an amazing teacher," he grinned. Then she remembered. On the rock. Wes kissing her. Her feelings that started after that.

"Well," she said, feigning cockiness. Wes kissed her again.

"I love you, Bianca Piper," he said after. His words crashed into her mind. She recalled hearing them before.

"I love you too, Wesley Rush," she answered. He pulled on her hand.

"Let's get out of here," he suggested. She didn't think twice. They ran out of the school laughing and kissing. It was indeed the best prom they'd ever gone to.


Three Days Later


Madison took the keys from her new landlord and smiled. She was now a home owner, and she couldn't thank Claire enough for giving her support and encouragement. Madison shut the door behind the landlord and swiveled to survey her new place. It was perfect for her. She couldn't wait to move her things from her parents' house into it. Since it was being sold, she could take whatever she wanted. She didn't need much, and she didn't want much from that hellhole, but there were certain heirlooms she wanted to keep. She pulled out her phone.

I'm home! she texted Caitlyn.

Great! I'll be right there.

Madison smiled. It truly did feel like home.


Bianca looked at this man behind the glass and saw someone who was broken, someone who knew they had lost everything. She felt Wes tense up behind her. She knew he was still furious at what happened. Bianca held the phone in her hand, and she waited for Mr. Morgan to pick up his. After a moment, he did.

"Yea?" he asked. His voice was gruff and raspy.

"Hi, my name is Bianca Piper," she started. "You might not know me, but I'm here to tell you something."

"Uh huh."

"One night, almost two months ago, you hit me with your car. You left me for dead," Bianca started. Mr. Morgan visibly tensed across from her. "I suffered a coma and still have painful headaches among other injuries," she went on. "But I survived."

"Good for you," Mr. Morgan said sarcastically.

"Let me finish," she cut him off. "Mr. Morgan, I understand you are an alcoholic. I understand that you were driving under the influence the night you struck me with your car. I understand that you probably freaked out and kept driving because you knew what you had done. I'm not here to yell at you or sue you despite what my family and friends tell me. You are already being punished just by being here. I'm sorry that you suffer from a horrible addiction, and I'm sorry that now you're stuck in here paying a price for an action you did to your wife while under the influence. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I forgive you. I'm okay now, and I truly hope that one day, you'll be okay too." She stopped talking then, watching Mr. Morgan carefully. The man looked like he was struggling to keep it together. Wes squeezed her shoulder for reassurance. When Mr. Morgan didn't say anything further, Bianca hung up her phone and stood up. As they walked out, she took one look behind her and saw that Mr. Morgan was sobbing.

"You are incredible," Wes said once they were outside. Bianca looked over at him.

"How so?"

"You just are. I don't know if I could have forgiven him," he confessed. She stopped walking and pulled him close to her.

"If you ever want complete closure on things in life, you should forgive," she said. "It doesn't mean I'll forget, and it doesn't mean that every now and then I won't think about it and be upset, but I can't hold on to the anger and hate because in the end, it will destroy me, not him. He will destroy himself with his own guilt and shame for his past, but I hope one day he can forgive himself and heal."

"I love you," Wes said when she finished. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him gently.

"And I love you," she whispered after. They smiled at each other and started walking again. The sun's rays were warm as they held each other's hands and started their journey together.

The End