Insanity21: O.O *starts typing faster*

Mercy smiled as she watched Junkrat play with Soldier. "When are you going to tell him?"

Mercy jumped before turning to see Roadhog without his mask on. "What are you talking about?" She asks as a feeling of dread hits her.

Roadhog reached into his pants pocket before showing the doctor a old picture of a blonde woman holding a baby boy in her arms. "When are you going to tell Jamie your his mother?" He asks as he grabs the woman by the shoulder.

Mercy slapped the man making him let go of her before she ran off down the hall. Soldier looked towards the hallway and frowned. Standing up he picks up Junkrat's cup before heading towards the kitchen. "You had orange kool-aid, right kid?" He asks as he goes towards the hallway.

Jamie nods as he tries to find all of the corner pieces of the puzzle they were doing. Soldier walks into the hallway before he grabs Roadhog and pulls him towards the kitchen. He shoved the younger man in with a growl. "What did you do to Angela?" He growls.

"Nothing. I just thought it was time for her to admit to Jamie that she's his mother!" Roadhog says with a glare.

"She can't! Especially now! If she tells him now he'll loose his mind!" Soldier says as he grabs the kool-aid pitcher.

He poured some into the cup and quickly put the pitcher away. "She never should've married you. You were the biggest mistake in her and my life. I almost lost my baby sister because of you! I never wanted you in the family!" Soldier growled before walking to the living room.

Roadhog roared before he attacked Soldier. He jumped and rolled with him making Soldier drop the cup. Junkrat looked over at the fighting and screamed. Roadhog went to punch Jack but missed when the older man moved his head. Reaper, Winston and Mei ran in as Junkrat tried to tackle Road hog.

Mei quickly grabbed Junkrat and moved him away quickly as Winston and Reaper were holding Jack and Roadhog back. Junkrat didn't know what was going on but for some reason he-

Mei looked at Jamie to see that he was fast asleep in her arms. She blinked as she looked down at the man before noticing that Winston had Roadhog pinned to the ground. She held Junkrat close as she watched the men fight.

Jack walked over, holding his left shoulder with his right hand, before sitting in front of Mei. "Is he alright? He didn't get hurt?" He asks as he moves a piece of Jamie's hair off of his face.

Mei shook her head. "No but he did fall asleep. It was as if his brain was suddenly switched off." Mei says softly as she kisses Jamie's forehead.

"Hm...I'll take him to the med bay. I'll tell Mercy and see what she says about it." Jack says before he takes the skinny man from Mei.

Roadhog growled as he stomped back into his and Jamie's room. Well...just his room now. He sat on his bed and looked over to Jamie's unmade, garbage cluttered bed. Sighing he lays down and wishes that Jamie and Mercy would come back to him. That he could hold his son again and maybe even his wife.

Mercy looked down at the man on her examination table before reaching out and smoothing down his spiked hair. So much like Mako's when he was younger. Sobbing softly she let the tears fall. That incident with Tracer all those years ago, the one that stopped her aging, she was there too. She had amnesia back then but when she got stuck in that stupid room she remembered everything.

Her son, her marriage to the most wonderful man in the world, her overprotective brother, the men who kidnapped her. Everything. But she was afraid. She was afraid that if she went looking for her child and husband then they wouldn't want to be found! But when they both showed up one day when Jamie's radiation poisoning got so bad that he vomited blood right in front of everyone and when ever someone touched his head his hair would come out in large clumps.

She bent down and kissed his forehead before loud alarms went off through out the building. Reaper ran in with Sombra and Widowmaker behind him. "Hide! Hurry!" Sombra yelled as she raced to a storage closet.

"What's going on?" She yells before she feels something prick her neck then everything went black.

Jamie groaned as he woke up to see a strange face. A woman with red hair and different colored eyes was looking down at him with a weird look. "Hello? Wh-Who are ya? Where am I?" He asks the woman as a dark skinned man walks in with a omnic in a suit.

"Hello Jamison Fawkes Rutledge. My name is Maximilien." The omnic says as he walks over.

Jamie jumped when the omnic got closer but calmed down when he saw Genji stumble in. "You and Genji here were kidnapped by Overwatch a few weeks ago so we brought you back. I hope you are well." Maximilien says as he gently pats the mans head.

Jamie growls lowly when the omnic got close to his stitches on his head. "Get da hell away from ma head." He growls.

Maximilien backed away before fixing his tie. "I see you are still not well. We shall be back to check on you later. For now just rest."

Genji struggled against his binds. After Jamie had seen him the talon members brought him to a cell and tied him to a chair in the far corner with it faced towards the bars with a camera in his face to keep track of him.

"Alright Mr. Shamada. Are you ready to join us?" Maximilien asks as he and Doomfist stand in front of his cell.

"Fuck. You." He growls as he glares back at them.

Maximilien chuckled before he pushed a button that started to drip water onto the top of Genji's green head. He growled and tried to get away from it but couldn't move. The omnic chuckled as he walked away. Doomfist looked in at Genji.

"I'm so sorry kid." He says before walking away.

I'm so sorry for all of the chapters being so short! I'll try to type more for this story for now on.