
The two returned back to the living room, Yuzu finishing a bite of pizza. "Dad, I'm probably going back over to Hinata's tonight. But I'm going to walk, because I don't think it's a good idea for her to be over here. We have had enough drama for one day."

"And Kimi is probably spending the night," Karin said, motioning to the stairs. "But mostly because she fell asleep over here, and I have no idea if she has plans to go home."

Isshin chuckled at that. "Okay, well make sure you text her parents and tell them where she is. And Yuzu, whenever you want to leave, I can give you a ride over there."

"Sounds good." Yuzu and Karin chorused, before going upstairs. All bad feelings forgotten.

About a week later, Wednesday November 15th

Yuzu dropped a few shirts into a donate box, and held up another one. "Okay, so those other shirts are definitely donate, but this one is a maybe. Right Hinata?"

Hinata mumbled an incoherent reply from where she was lying back on her bed. Her eyes focused upon the ceiling and a frown plastered on her face.

Yuzu threw another shirt out of the closet. "Hinata, you don't wear half this stuff anymore."


Glancing back at the bed where Hinata was clearly not paying attention, Yuzu sighed. "Well, we can just donate the stuff you don't wear, and we can go take a trip to the mall to get new stuff to take up space in your closet… So do you want to help me pick out the stuff to donate? Or should I do it, then you get mad at me later for donating something you wanted to keep?"

Again, Hinata sighed and dropped her hands down to her face. "I'm sorry that I'm not being very helpful. I'm kind of depressed right now, and for the past week."

A knock on the door was heard, before Hinata's mom poked her head in. "Hey girls."

"Mom, I can't do anything right now, okay?" Hinata countered, grabbing a pillow to cover her face. "I'll be depressed for the next week or two. Or the rest of my life. I haven't decided."

That made her mom scowl. "Hinata, that is not funny."

Hinata remained under the pillow. "I wasn't joking. My humor has disappeared to be replaced by sadness."

It was quiet for a moment, Hinata's mom staring at her daughter, before sighing and propping a hand on her hip. "Alright, well I am baking some cookies to help cheer you up. Oh and you have a visitor downstairs."

Hinata's reply came across muffled, and Yuzu glanced from Hinata to her mother. "I think she said that she doesn't want to see anyone."

"This girl says she really needs to talk to you," Hinata's mother said, humming as she tapped her chin. "Her name is Kimi."

Hinata immediately removed the pillow from her face, and sat up. "Okay."

"Alright, I will tell her to come up here." Her mom said, before leaving the room.

As soon as it was just them again, Yuzu's eyes were glued to Hinata. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Yuzu." Was all Hinata said, as she waved off her concern.

It was quiet until finally Kimi appeared in the doorway of Hinata's room. Her eyes going from Yuzu to Hinata. "Um, hi."

When Hinata didn't say anything, Yuzu sighed. "What's up Kimi?"

"Oh, well I just wanted to come by and talk to Hinata… I should have come by sooner, but I felt like you were still really mad at me," Kimi replied, her eyes back on Hinata. "And you may still be mad at me now, but I wanted to apologize for what happened with your boyfriend-"

"Ex-boyfriend." Hinata corrected.

"Right, ex-boyfriend," Kimi said, swallowing the lump in her throat, as the air around them seemed to grow more uncomfortable by the second. "It was wrong. What I did, that is. Even though Yukio said that you two were broken up, I still shouldn't have done it, because I should have known better."

Silence followed Kimi's words, as Hinata kept her eyes for a long moment. Finally she shrugged and looked down to her hands. "It's not really that much of your fault. Yukio was the asshole who said that we broke up just so he could sleep with you… I accept your apology."

A wave of relief washed over Kimi's face, but she didn't know what else to say. Her eyes took in all the clothes scattered all over the place. "What's going on here?"

"Uh… Well Yuzu is helping me clean out my closet, because I don't have any room for new clothes." Hinata explained, watching Kimi kneel down to pick up a shirt off the floor.

"This was out of style years ago."

"I know. I stopped wearing it a long time ago, but like most of my clothes I leave it in my closet until I run out of hangers," Hinata replied, sighing at the never-ending piles of clothes around her. "I'm a classic hoarder, and I have accepted that fact. I honestly think I just need another closet."

Kimi chuckled, as she looked into the closet that was even worse than what was in the room. "I'm the same way. I love shopping, and I love clothes."

It was quiet for a moment, before Hinata shrugged. "So Yuzu has to leave soon… Would you want to take her place and help me go through some of this stuff?"

A little surprised at the offer at first, Kimi finally nodded. "Uh yeah, I don't have to work tonight. Let me just text my parents."

While Kimi was distracted texting her parents, Yuzu shared a look with Hinata and nodded her head in approval. Well, I would say that's a step in the right direction. At least things don't need to be awkward between all of anymore. Getting off of Hinata's bed, she slipped on her shoes. "I am going to head down to The Grill to meet Taro. You two have fun."

"Bye." Hinata and Kimi chorused, already going into Hinata's closet to pull out some more clothes.

At the other's distraction, Yuzu smirked and left the room. Karin's going to be happy to hear that they are on civil terms again.

At The Grill

As it would still be another week before she'd be able to get her license, she had walked the fifteen-minute walk over to The Grill. It had been surprisingly peacefully, as the weather was nice and she got to pass by a new park with some sculptures in it. Walking into The Grill, she looked around for Kat, but found her nowhere. As she got closer to the bar she was surprised to see Yukio sitting there by himself. Despite the thought to hesitate, she took a breath, and sat down next to him.

"Yuzu?" Yukio questioned, his eyes wide with surprise at her presence. "You're actually sitting next to me?"

Yuzu was quiet for a moment, before finally propping her chin on her hand. "You're an idiot you know that? You put all of our friends in a very awkward position."

"I made a mistake Yuzu," Yukio said, sighing heavily and rubbing his forehead. "A really terrible mistake… I just don't know what I'm supposed to do now. How am I supposed to fix this?"

"I don't know, but you're going to have to fix it," Yuzu shot back, taking a breath as she had to simmer down the irritated feeling she had. After spending so much time with Hinata since the breakup, she found it surprisingly more difficult to take an impartial stance between the two. "One way or the other, you have to try… And do it sooner rather than later. These last few days in school have been really awkward for everyone, and we have exams to worry about."

Before Yukio could say anything else, Taro arrived on Yuzu's other side. He kissed her cheek, before sitting down beside her. "Hey Yuzu."

"Hey." Yuzu said, noticing the tension already growing at how Taro didn't even bother to acknowledge Yukio.

Shin came out of the kitchen, and walked right over to them. Shaking Taro's hand, then giving a nod to Yuzu. "Taro. Yuzu."

Yuzu sighed heavily as the tension seemed to grow, her eyes moving to Yukio who got up. "Where are you going?"

"Home, I have to get ready for work, and my uniform is there." Yukio replied, grabbing his bag. Obviously aware at the tension coming from Taro and Shin.

"Well, like I said, you need to figure something out." Yuzu reminded, noticing that made Yukio sigh.

"I know and I will."

It was quiet at first after Yukio walked away, before Taro finally nudged Yuzu's side to get her attention. "So you're still talking to him?"

"Yeah, I am," Yuzu replied, sighing at Taro and Shin both giving her looks. "I know he did a horrible thing, but at the same time if it wasn't for the fact that he is dating my best friend, he's still one of my friends. And if looking at it like he was just my friend then I would obviously be disappointed in what he did, but I mean I would encourage him to do his best to apologize for his mistakes and try to make things right."

"I don't know..." Taro trailed off after Shin walked back into the kitchen. His eyes meeting Yuzu's. "I think cheating is just one of those things that says a lot about someone. It doesn't matter if they are drunk or completely sober. Cheating is cheating. He knew what he was doing."

At his clearly strong opinion on the topic, Yuzu took a deep breath, and rested a hand on his. "There is something I want to talk to you about… It's about Kat."

A couple of hours later

"Hey," Yuzu greeted Karin when she walked in the house. Right away seeing the familiar faces of the cast of Grey's Anatomy on the TV. "Grey's Anatomy marathon?"

"Yeah, I'm just ready for the new season to start," Karin said, pausing the TV, and watching Yuzu kick off her shoes. "How was The Grill? Did you try the new buffalo chicken nachos?"

Yuzu joined Karin on the couch, and stretched out a bit. "Yeah it was good. Dinner with Taro and the nachos… Where is everyone? I thought the study group was supposed to be meeting up tonight."

"Oh that's not until tomorrow," Karin said, motioning to the coffee table where her textbooks were. "I was just doing a little prep for our to do list of stuff to go over tomorrow."

"It's alright that my friends and I crash your study session right? We are all struggling trying to study on our own, and we need help."

"Sure. The more the merrier," Karin said, her eyebrows furrowed together. "Or whatever the expression is."

"Cool," Yuzu said, her eyes back down on her phone when Taro texted that he made it home. "I talked to Taro about the whole Kat thing. He wasn't too happy about it, but he said that he appreciated me telling him," Yuzu said, feeling a little bit of a relief. "I think I might always be attracted to Kat, but I just don't love her. I wouldn't want to risk my relationship with Taro, because I do love him. I really, really love him."

"So you two are okay?" Karin asked to clarify. "You two didn't get in a fight or anything, right?"

"I mean no we didn't fight, but I don't think he's too happy with me right now. Which is okay, when I left he still hugged and kissed me," Yuzu replied with a shrug. "In other news, I was at Hinata's and Kimi came over to apologize to her. They settled things, and now Kimi is helping Hinata sort out her closet."

"I was wondering why I thought I saw Kimi in her Insta story," Karin said, noticing that made Yuzu raise an eyebrow. "I know it's only the back of her head, but I know Kimi's hair."

Smirking, Yuzu decided not to comment, and kicked her feet up to rest on the corner of the coffee table. "On another note, I also ran into Yukio at The Grill today. I kind of took your approach in supporting him because he is my friend. But I told him that he has to make things right with Kimi. At least that way, we can all continue to be friends, and it won't be awkward for the rest of eternity."

"I'm sure everything will get back to normal eventually. Yukio just needs to apologize to Hinata and try to talk things out," Karin paused to pick up Zorro, who almost immediately started swiping at the hair bow she dangled in front of him. "Well, at least talk things out enough to the point of friendship again."

"Yeah I guess," Yuzu sighed, glancing around the room. "Where's dad and Hana?"

Karin grew a smirk on her face. "They went out on a date apparently that our dad planned. Who know our dad was such a romantic?"

"I'm just glad dad's happy," Yuzu said, reaching down to pick Lou up. "Plus we got Lou when Hana moved in. She's so much nicer than Zorro is."

"I'll have you know that Zorro is very nice," Karin said, motioning to where Zorro was sitting like a little loaf of bread in the sunlight coming in from the window. "He is a peaceful, beautiful, nice cat."

"To you. He's nice to you. He only tolerates the rest of us whenever you are not in the house," Yuzu said, chuckling as she reached to pet Gus who came over. "If anything, we can all agree that Gus is the nicest in the house. He's a very good boy."

"Yes he is." Karin agreed, reaching over to give Gus some love too.

The next day at school

Scowling as she messed up the code on her locker, Yuzu quickly spun the dial again before finally getting the door open. "We need to get over to my house pronto. I don't want to miss that study group. I'm so behind on everything."

"Great," Hinata said, sighing over-dramatically. "More learning after eight hours of hell today. I'm so ready for a break."

Yuzu laughed at Hinata's sarcastic tone. "We need to pass these exams Hinata. If we keep doing that thing where we get together to study and don't actually study, then we are going to fail miserably."

"I guess that's true… I just can't handle Summer school. Failing a class in the first semester is basically like a one way ticket to a Summer of hell."

"Not necessarily. You can just make it up next semester." Yuzu reminded, pulling her textbooks out of her locker to study later.

"That would just be too much school next semester," Hinata said, sighing dramatically as she leaned against her locker. "I'm going to try to make myself excited to study later, or not really excited. I guess I should say that I am going to try not to procrastinate. Although there is going to be a party later…"

"No parties," Yuzu said, laughing at Hinata's frown. "We've got to cut down on partying just until we get through these exams. That party a couple nights ago was insane. We had to skip first period because we were too hungover to be here. I barely got my dad to buy the idea that your car had a flat tire and that's why I missed class."

Hinata grinned. "Yeah my mom definitely knew we were hungover, but she let it slide. Only because apparently when we came back to the house that night we were being hilarious apparently."

"I think we made a really great Rose and Jack. Although, I think I bruised my knee when I was drowning in the ocean in your living room." Yuzu replied, laughing along with Hinata until Yukio approached.

"Hey," Yukio greeted them both, but his eyes remained solely on Hinata. "Uh… Can we talk?"

Yuzu's eyes went to Hinata. When Hinata gave her a nod, she closed her locker, and turned to walk away. "Take your time. I'll walk home. I could use the exercise."

"Alright, I will be over at your house in an hour!" Hinata called back to Yuzu, who was now down the hall.

Leaving the building, Yuzu took a deep breath. Partially due to being happy that she was finally out of school for the day, and also because she had no idea how the conversation between Hinata and Yukio would go. Our friend group depends on this. The sight of Karin caught Yuzu's attention. Her sister was leaning against the brick wall outside the school. "Karin? What are you still doing here?"

Looking up from her phone, Karin motioned back to the school. "Oh, I stayed for seventh period so I could sit in on a study session for my math class. What about you?"

"I had to finish my painting, and it just took longer than expected. I don't have to work today, and I figured I might as well finish it."

Karin pulled her keys out of her pocket to get Yuzu's attention away from her phone. "Do you want a ride?"

"Uh yeah sure," Yuzu agreed, walking with Karin through the parking lot. "I would usually go with Hinata, but she's actually talking to Yukio right now."

Karin paused by the trunk of her car, and she raised an eyebrow at Yuzu. "Wow, I wonder how well that's going to go."

"I don't know, but as long as they can work something at that's what matters," Yuzu said, waving off Karin's raised eyebrow. "I don't mean they have to get back together or anything. They just need to get to a point where we can all at least try to be friends again."

"It'll happen eventually," Karin offered encouragingly, before she drove out of the parking lot. "Do you want to stop at Alona's before we go home?"

Yuzu nodded right away, as she connected her phone to the car's bluetooth to play music. "You don't have to ask me twice."

A half hour later, at the Kurosaki house

Shortly after arriving home, Karin and Yuzu's friends began to show up for their study group session. They found themselves having to re-arrange some of the furniture to make room, as more of their friends arrived. Kura and Shino arriving moved Yuzu's attention away from the twenty something people in the room. "I was wondering when you two would show up."

"We would have been here sooner, but Kura needed to stop at Alona's or she would have died," Shino replied with a smirk on his face. "Her words, not mine."

Yuzu chuckled and picked up her almost finished smoothie cup. "Same here."

After a couple more people trailed in and sat down, Karin set her pen down. "Okay, I've made somewhat of a guideline on what we are going to go over. So you guys look it over, and add anything else you guys might want to go over."

The paper started to get shuffled around, and Yuzu had added an extra subject under history before passing it along. Her eyes went right to the door when she heard it opening. In walked Hinata, who was laughing and motioning out to the front yard.

"There are so many cars in front of your house."

"Yeah, good thing we have street parking or we'd be in trouble," Yuzu said, as she watched Hinata as she closed the door to keep Gus from escaping out. "So… How did it go?"

"Yukio and I did get to talk, and I guess we've somewhat settled the air," Hinata said, holding a look of relief on her face that settled into a frown. "Although, we're not getting back together. I just… I can't do it."

Yuzu offered a smile to Hinata. "At least you two have talked things out, and are moving on."

"Speaking of that. I should probably tell Kimi that I invited him over to study group. I don't want her to feel awkward." Hinata said, walking over to pull Kimi into the kitchen.

Another ten minutes went by before everyone was seated around the living room. Yuzu being the last to sit down. "Can we go ahead and get started?"

"Hey, Yukio's outside." Shin noted, having been looking out the window.

"Because he was invited," Hinata said, getting up and opening the front door. Her eyes met Yukio's, but she quickly looked away and motioned to the table. "Hurry up and sit down. We have a lot to study."

Yuzu gave Hinata a nod as they settled down at the table, and Karin started going over what they had on the schedule. Maybe now our friends can get back to normal.

The next day

As soon as they were out of the parking lot, Yuzu threw her arms up and laughed. "Thank goodness! All the exams are over. We're definitely ready for a break."

"All the exams were a lot easier than I was anticipating," Karin said, turning down another street, before slowing down as the light ahead was turning yellow. "I may have actually over-studied."

Yuzu raised an eyebrow, before chuckling at her sister. "I never would have thought that I would see you so into your school work."

Karin grinned back at Yuzu. "And you to be so cavalier about it. Our whole education experience before high school, you and Ichigo were the ones who brought home As. I brought home… My soccer ball and mediocre grades."

"I guess after being so focused on school before, I decided to try to focus on having an actual social life," Yuzu said, raising an eyebrow at how that made Karin laugh. "What?"

"You can have both you know?" Karin reminded, a smirk falling on her face after she laughed again. "A social life and focus on school that is."

"No, you can have both. When I was just focused on school, I had barely any real friends. Now that I have lessened my focus on school a little, I have an amazing group of friends that make me happy," Yuzu said, this time being the one to laugh. "I don't know how you do it Karin. You've somehow managed to balance them both, and for that, props to you."

Pulling into the mall parking lot, Karin raised an eyebrow at how easy it was to get a spot up towards the front of the parking lot. "I guess not that many people wanted to go to the mall today after getting out of school."

"I'm sure most people are already leaving for Fall break." Yuzu added, as they got out of the car. A burst of wind went by, and she eyed the clouds as they walked to the entrance. "Let's hope these clouds pass by without any rain. I don't want to spend my last night here when it's raining."

Karin smirked at Yuzu once they were inside the mall. "Now why would you be out of the house tonight?"

Yuzu rolled her eyes at her sister's smirking. "Obviously you already know that there is a party tonight celebrating the start of Fall break. I know that's not really your scene, but some of us enjoy going to parties."

"You enjoy sneaking out to go to parties," Karin corrected with a laugh. "I'm not judging, even though it sounds like I am. But as you previously said; that is not really my idea of fun most of the time."

"Try all the time," Yuzu said, before hopping on the escalator. "Alright, so salon first, then maybe we can get a little bit of shopping done."

Karin gave a nod, and the two walked right over to the hair salon. She was able to get in the chair first, and Yuzu sat across in an empty chair to wait her turn. Yuzu waiting for Karin's initial conversation telling the hair dresser what she wanted to be finished, before speaking to her sister. "So, when are you guys leaving?"

"Early tomorrow morning," Karin replied, uncrossing her legs and appreciating the hair dresser turning her away from the mirror, so she could look at her sister. "I can't believe it's been a whole year since the last time I went up to the Wayhurst Mountains."

Yuzu propped her chin up on her hand, and hummed at the thought. "Isn't it weird though? You know, hanging out with our brother socially?"

"I guess that it was weird at first, but I've kind of got it used to it. You know that we've somewhat known his friends for a few years before Toshiro and I started dating, and it was pretty easy getting to know them better… Was it weird getting to know Taro's friends? He's only a grade older, but still."

Yuzu shook her head, smiling at some of her earliest memories meeting Taro's friends. "Not really. We got along almost immedieatly. Of course most of them were artists, so it wasn't like they were that different from me."

"That must have been nice..." Karin trailed off, focusing on speaking with the hair dresser for a moment, before returning her focus back to Yuzu. "So you're going on a trip with Taro and his parents right?"

"Yeah his parents agreed to it pretty easily actually. We'll only be gone for a few days, but I can't wait," Yuzu said, finally getting called over to get her hair cut, she paused to finish up speaking with Karin. "Let's move this conversation over to text."

"Sounds good." Karin said, pulling her phone out after her sister walked away. Smiling at her background of a picture of her, Toshiro, and her furbabies taking up the center. Maybe I'll get to see Toshiro tonight, before we go on the trip tomorrow.

Later that evening

"Hold on!" Toshiro called, pausing the TV, before he got up to unlock and open the front door. Only to see his girlfriend on the other side. "Hey."

"Hey back," Karin replied, a big smile on her face as she raised on her tip-toes to kiss him a few times. "I had a really great day today."

Raising an eyebrow at her hair, Toshiro moved a few stray strands out of the way. "The blonde is gone… You should take your hair down so I can get the full effect."

"I will, but I actually need to shower first. I actually went by a sparred with my team for a little less than an hour, and I have to put that special conditioner stuff in it anyways," Karin replied, slipping off her shoes before she kissed him one more time. "It won't take me long. Then we can have dinner and watch a movie."

Toshiro's eyes landed on her hair, and he raised an eyebrow. "The blonde is gone?"

"Oh yeah," Karin said, patting the bottom part of her hair where the blonde would usually show when her hair was pulled up like it was. "I decided to go back to just my plain black hair. At least for now anyway."

"You should take your hair down so I can get the full effect." Toshiro suggested, playing with a stray bit of hair coming out of her bun.

"I will, but I need to shower first. I stopped by the Somi tower to get a little practice on this new move I've been working on. I would have stayed longer than an hour, but my teammates and I got into a fight and Akira made us leave early," Karin explained, slipping the straps of her bag off her shoulders. "Give me like fifteen minutes, then we can eat dinner and watch a movie."

Toshiro motioned to the stove. "The food's almost done so that's perfect actually."

A little over fifteen minutes later, Karin had returned from his bedroom just as Toshiro was putting their dinner on the table. When his eyes landed on her, a smile started on his face. "I like it."

Having been smoothing down some of her hair, Karin smiled at the compliment. "Thank you. It's a little fluffy still from me blow drying it. I didn't do that great of a job either, because it was taking forever."

"I heard the blow dryer going for all of three minutes so you and I have different definitions of forever," Toshiro chuckled, bringing their drinks over to the table, before sitting down. "It's really nice though. You lost the wavy hair too."

Karin shrugged as she sat down at the table with him. "I just didn't feel like it tonight."

"It's been a while since your hair has been all black."

"Two summers ago to be exact," Karin said, propping her chin up with her hand. "I have missed it, and it just felt like it was time. Plus it was hard to keep up with when I did the blonde."

"What else happened today that made you so happy?" Toshiro asked after a moment of them eating a few bites of food.

Karin chewed the food she had in her mouth, and washed it down with a little water. "I got my grades back, and I got As on all my exams except Math, but that was a high B so I'll take it because Math is my worst subject. Then Yuzu and I went to the mall to get our hair done, then I got some candles from Bath & Bodyworks."

"You and your candles," Toshiro said, a smirk growing on his face. "Your collection is getting out of control."

"They were on sale thank you very much," Karin replied, noticing that made Toshiro raise an eyebrow, and she sighed over-dramatically. "I like all the candles, okay?"

Toshiro couldn't help but laugh at that. "I know you do."

"Training was good when it was civil for all of forty-five minutes. Then I got paid for some of the assignments I've been sent on over the last couple weeks for my Somi work, and that was a hell of a lot more money than I was expecting..." Karin trailed off to enjoy another bite of food, before she smiled at him. "And I'm looking forward to the trip up to the mountains with you, and I've been looking forward to coming here all day too."

Toshiro smiled back at Karin, as he took one of her hands. "I'm looking forward to being able to spend the next several days together too."

It was quiet for a moment as they kept each others eyes. Karin finally had to make herself look away, but a smile remained. "So tell me about your day."

Later that night

As the credits started to roll, Toshiro turned the movie off, and nudged Karin's shoulder to get her attention. "We should probably go ahead and get some sleep. We have an early morning tomorrow."

Karin sighed over-dramatically. "Don't remind me… I get that if we get up to the mountains earlier in the day, then we'll have more daylight to go out and do things. But I think I would rather sleep in and get there late."

"Are you sure about that?" Toshiro asked, an eyebrow raised after he chuckled. "If we get there too late, that sweets shop with the fudge might be closed."

"Alright, then it's time for bed right now." Karin said, standing up right away.

Toshiro laughed as her quickness led to the blanket and some of the pillows on the couch falling onto the floor. Taking her hand, he pulled her back down to his level so he could kiss her. "I love you."

"And I love you for putting up with me." Karin replied, grinning before kissing him this time.

"It's not that difficult..." Toshiro trailed off, before their lips met again This time they didn't stop. It wasn't until they were at their usual line where they drew boundaries that Toshiro pulled away.

However, Karin took his hand and kissed him once more. "Toshiro, I don't want to stop. I am ready."

Toshiro studied her eyes for a long moment. "Are you sure?"

Karin nodded and smiled at him. "I am."

The next morning, Saturday

Karin opened the trunk, and slid her suitcase in among Orihime and Ichigo's suitcases. Her eyes slid back over to the porch where Orihime and Ichigo were up on the porch saying goodbye to Mina and Bingo. Smiling at how happy they seemed, Karin found her eyes focusing back on her other side where Toshiro appeared. Adding his bag to the others in the trunk.

"Maybe we should have stopped for coffee on our way over here this morning." Toshiro said after watching Karin yawn.

"Tell me about it," Karin agreed, a smile growing on her face after Toshiro had leaned over to kiss her. "Last night was amazing."

"It was," Toshiro agreed, smiling as they kissed again. When their kiss broke, he noticed Karin's attention go back to the front porch where Bingo was on his leash. "Do you want to go say goodbye to Zorro and Gus one last time?"

Karin nodded, as Toshiro shut the trunk of the car. "Yes and maybe you can convince Orihime and Ichigo to stop for breakfast and coffee before we leave town."

"Will do." Toshiro said, taking her hand as they walked back towards the others.

Yuzu coming out onto the front porch got their attention, as she was pulling on her sweatshirt over her other shirt. Just in time for Taro and his parents car to pull up. "We're going to go ahead and get out of here."

"What's the rush?" Isshin asked her, motioning to Taro's parents car. "Invite them in for coffee."

"It's going to be a long car ride, and we want to go as early as possible. That way we can make a couple stops on the way. There are a couple of museums we want to go to," Yuzu explained, smiling at the text Taro sent saying they were here, and she waved at him in his car. "We'll be back two days from now, most likely in the evening time. Then that next morning, you and I need to go get my driver's license."

"Alright Yuzu," her dad said, giving his daughter a hug. "Goodbye Yuzu. Be careful and give me a call when you get there."

"Will do! Bye dad," Yuzu said quickly, practically jumping off the porch to get to Taro's parents car. She smiled at Taro, who got out to put her bag in the trunk. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Taro greeted, pausing to kiss her cheek, before he put her bag in the trunk. "Ready to go?"

Yuzu gave her dad one last wave, before smiling at Taro again. "Absolutely."

Later that evening

"I know that the fun was technically supposed to start once we got here," Yuzu said, grabbing her bag out of the car along. "But I had a lot of fun at some of the stops we made on our way here too."

Taro grabbed his bag too, before closing the trunk of his parents car. "Yeah that gold mine we went to was really cool. Although, I think my favorite was going to that massive museum. The old car exhibit was pretty cool."

"I liked the dinosaur exhibit portion." Yuzu said, proudly motioning to the long neck dinosaur necklace she bought at the gift shop.

"I know you did," Taro said, they walked into the place the building and he glanced around the lobby for his parents. "I feel like if dinosaurs still existed, you would have a pet dinosaur for sure."

Yuzu hummed, and tapped a finger to her chin. "Maybe I should start with a turtle."

"Start with? Are you going to upgrade to a crocodile?" Taro asked, smirking at Yuzu's laughter after she nodded. "You're a little crazy, you know? Some birds can relate back to dinosaurs. I'd rather have a bird."

"You wouldn't want a crocodile?" Yuzu asked, grinning at Taro's immediate shake of his head.

Taro's parents showed up. His mom raising an eyebrow at overhearing the tail end of their conversation. "A crocodile?"

Yuzu and Taro both laughed at the confusion on his parents face. Taro being the first to control his laughter. "We're just debating on which potential animal that Yuzu would adopt. However, it needs to be somewhat related to dinosaurs as well."

"And you two landed on crocodile?" Taro's dad asked, a smirk on his face.

Yuzu raised a hand, as she grinned. "I suggested a turtle first. Taro was the one who brought up crocodile."

Taro's parents laughed, before his father passed over their room key. "Your room is down the hall from ours. Don't forget that we are going out for dinner in an hour."

"We'll be ready." Yuzu said, as she and Taro walked down the hall.

"We're finally here." Taro said, opening the door to the room they'd be staying in for the next couple nights.

"I feel like that drive took way longer than I thought it would," Yuzu added, as they walked in the room. Taking in the cozy room, she smiled as her eyes landed on Taro. "And your parents are all of a sudden okay with letting us stay in this room together?"

"I mean they know we're having sex, so I guess they changed their mind," Taro said, although he paused after setting their bags down. "However they wouldn't let us do this back at home, so you're right. This is pretty strange that they would agree to this."

Yuzu smiled and wrapped her arms around Taro. "Who knows? Maybe they'll change their minds about letting us spend the night with each other back at home after this."

"That would be nice," Taro smiled before he kissed her. "Want to go check out the view from the balcony?"

"Of course I do," Yuzu replied, following him out on the balcony to be greeted with a beautiful big lake. The trees surrounding the lake that hadn't yet lost their leaves had different shades of red, orange and brown leaves. This is going to be a nice little get away. "Okay, this place is obviously very beautiful. Can we go on a walk?"

"That'd be great right now after having been in the car for an eternity-" Taro broke off when his phone buzzed. "My parents want to go to dinner in half an hour. That's just enough time for a walk around this place."

"Perfect." Yuzu said, pausing to look back at the view again. Let's hope this Fall break is even better than last years.

A/N: It feels like just the other day that I wrote the chapter where they were starting Fall break last year. If you all want to go back and re-read that chapter it is chapter 17. For those of you who read the spin of The Reason (Finding What's Lost), chapter 14 and 15 of that story is another point of view from their trip from last year as well.

Speaking of The Reason, I have been contemplating if I want to do another part in that series, or if I just want to add in more Orihime and Ichigo scenes in this story. If you have any thoughts on that, please let me know. You can reach out to me on any of my social media platforms...

Don't forget to review, favorite, and share this story with others. Also be sure to check out my other stories.

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