Hey, hey, HEY!!! ^____^ Lookie! I was fast with this chapter. Yaaay! Now my ideas are flowing like CRAZY!

Well I hope you'll enjoy it! And don't forget to Review!!! ^____^

Oooh. Almost forgot. Arsenal! I have the pic of Hanna ready now! It's just the face... And it isn't a striking resemblance to Allen... but it'll give you and idea at least. ^_~

---- go there to see the picture.

And now on with the fic!!!

~~*****************~~ ~~**~~Chapter 5~~**~~ ~~*****************~~

Hanna was sitting out on the porch to the house, completely covered by shadows. She hadn't bothered to go that fare. She really didn't know where to go.

"Well isn't this fun..." She let out a sigh and stood. It must have been about thirty minutes since Van left. He had looked so cold and angry it had given her goose bumps all over.

She walked down the path from the house not really paying much attention to her surroundings. It was already dark and the sky was covered with stars, Hanna looked up at them as she walked, trying to see if she would recognise any of the constellations. But she couldn't find one that she recognised.

"I wonder why... Gah!" When mumbling to herself and staring up at the sky the blond girl was bound to trip sooner or later.

"...Ow..." She rubbed her nose as she started swearing under her breath and then jumped when she heard a voice behind her.

"Didn't your mom teach you to look where you're going?"

"Kei! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

The silver haired boy just grinned at her as she stood and dusted herself off.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Mom started to worry about you so she sent me out to look for you. You're mom and Uncle Allen was acting really weird..." Kei looked a little worried and let out a small sigh.

"And dad left without saying anything."

Hanna felt bad for Kei. He was as confused as she was. She put a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring matter and gave him a small smile.

"It'll be ok. You'll see. Parents have a tendency to act all weird at times..." her voice drifted off and her smile fell a little.

"Hey Kei, lets do something fun for a few hours. That way everything will settle down a little back there." The younger boy smiled and nodded.

"Um... But I think you'll have to decide what to do. I really don't know what we can do for fun here." Hanna laughed a little and scratched the back of her head. Kei burst out laughing himself and then started to chatter on and on about stuff to do, seemingly forgetting about the nights previous events.


A few hours later the two children walked trough the door laughing and talking about everything and nothing.

Celena who had been sitting in the living room with Hitomi got up from her seat to greet the children.

"It seems like you two had a good time."

Kei threw himself at his mother and started to tell her what he and Hanna had been up to. Celena smiled down at her son and started to lead him to his bedroom. She turned and looked over at Hanna and nodded towards the living room. Then she turned her attention back at Kei, who was in the middle of explaining how he and Hanna had gone to practice some sword fighting.

Hanna walked into the living room and looked at her mother who was staring at ire burning in the fireplace. She stopped at the other end of the couch and just stood there.

"...How's your cheek?" Hanna's voice was quiet and a bit reserved she was rubbing her right arm just to do something.

Hitomi startled a little hearing her daughters voice then turned to look at the blond girl. She gave her a small smile and motioned for her to come and sit down besides her.

"It's alright. Come and sit will you dear." Hanna did so but she felt odd. It was something in her mother's eyes that told her that something was wrong.

"Where's Allen?" Hanna had to ask. She had a gut feeling that her mother's current state had something to do with it.

"Your father and I had a little... argument. Nothing to worry about..." Hitomi's eyes shone with unshed tears as she spoke. And Hanna was shocked to see that. She couldn't remember ever seeing her mother cry, or even been at the verge of it.


"I'm alright... I just... I'm going to rest. I'll see you in the morning Hanna. Good night." Hitomi stood but reached down and placed a small kiss on Hanna's forehead. And as she did so a single tear fell onto Hanna's cheek. But it wasn't hers.

Hitomi left the room and Hanna sat there in a sort of a dazed state, not believing that her mother actually cried. Hanna had always seen her mother as the strong independent person that she looked up to and admired. She wasn't supposed to cry.

Hanna stood and had a dark look in her eyes, her hands clenched tightly by her sides slightly shaking. She walked out of the living room and out of the house just as Celena was going to check on her.

"Oh my... Hanna? Where are you?" But Celena didn't get an answer because Hanna was already walking down the path away from the house once again, and she was heading straight for the knights training facility, having a strong gut feeling that her father was there.


Allen was walking trough the quiet training area. He was mentally scolding himself, and a part of him was scolding Hitomi to.

"This is insane, I should have told Van ages ago... why didn't I? But Hitomi should have told him when she left..." The blond knight let out a frustrated sigh and turned his back to a wall and slumped down against it.

"I'm such a fool..." He banged his head lightly as he said fool and then stopped as he heard someone walk towards him. He looked over towards the sound and saw his daughter walk towards him. He stood up but didn't smile, neither did she.

Hanna stopped a few feet away from Allen, glaring at him with all her might. Then she started to speak, first low then louder and louder.

"...how dare you... how could you... no one has made her cry before... How dare you make my mother cry!!" Hanna took the nearest object and started to fling it carelessly towards Allen, who with ease dodged every swing. He was a bit surprised though at Hanna's rage.

"Why did you make her cry?! How could you make her cry?! Answer me!!" when she screamed the last word she flung the blunt training sword at her father, who just stepped to the side, avoiding it easily. But he wasn't prepared for the fist that came towards him, but he caught it right before it was going to connect with his jaw. He looked down at the blond girl with surprise in his eyes. That blow would have given him a bruise for sure. He held on to Hanna's trembling hand, and took a hold of the other that was making its way towards his face.

"Hanna calm down... I'll try to explain, just calm down." His voice was soothing and Hanna calmed a little. Just enough to stop trembling, but her eyes were still filled with rage.

"If I let you go will you try not to hit me while I explain?" Hanna nodded and Allen let go of her hands and took a small step away.

"You probably haven't heard much about the past now have you, when your mother came here for the first time?"

"Only the vague things she told me a few days ago..." Hanna crossed her arms over her chest and waited for Allen to continue.

Allen started to walk trough the room and Hanna followed a few steps behind.

"When she came here the first time Van was the first person she met, or actually they bumped into each other on the mystic moon. Hitomi was so different form everyone else, and she had the ability to sense things, to see the future."

Allen and Hanna was now standing on a balcony, looking out over the city and the sea. Hanna sat down on the railing and looked at Allen, the rage was gone now in its place was curiosity. Allen smiled a little as he continued to tell her about the past.

"There were many deaths back then, and Hitomi saw it all before anyone else could. It was an enormous burden for her... she was young to young to have to endure something like that."

Allen looked up at the mystic moon witch had started to fade during the years.

"Van fell in love with her but he was never able to voice it. I also fell in love with your mother..."

Hanna smiled a little.

"And I became the result... go on."

Allen let out a small laugh and nodded.

"Yes that about right. But we never told anyone about it, thinking that something was bound to happen. We didn't want to get our own hopes up to much. And when all the fighting was over she wanted to go home. I don't blame her..."

"You should have proposed to her!" Hanna burst out hopping of the railing. She was a little taken back when Allen laughed again.

"I did, but I guess she wasn't mature enough then. Anyway, when we didn't tell anyone not even Van he lived on with his feelings. Hitomi adored Van he was her pillar of support when they had to fight..."

"But she didn't love him back... That's why he looked at me that way! But why was mom crying?"

"We had a small argument about what to do about Van." Allen's voice turned slightly annoyed.

"Your mother wants to try and talk to him again when he's cooled off. And I don't want to see him again..."

"Because he hit mom..." Hanna looked down at her feet.


"I don't blame you for that... but you could have told mom that in a better way so that she wouldn't have cried!"

Allen smiled a little looking down at his daughter.

"I can't believe I'm being scolded by my own child. But I promise that I will never intentionally make your mother cry again."

Hanna smiled and nodded.

"Sounds good to me, but if you do I take one of those big robot things and step on you." Hanna had a dead serious face when she said that but Allen burst out laughing. And it made her slightly mad, for about three seconds that is then she started to laugh herself.

"I'll remember that Hanna. I'll be sure I look out when you're in one of those again. Come now, it's getting really late. And I think your mother and Celena is starting to worry about you."

Hanna stuck her tongue out at Allen and he just ruffled her already messy hair and laughed at Hanna's expression afterwards.


The morning after the incident Allen and Hitomi made up after a small amount of arguing and then apologies that is.

The only one that was left out of the forgiving circle at the moment was Van. And that bothered Kei the most.


A few weeks later everything was running smoothly. Allen, Hitomi and Hanna had mowed to Allen's house not fare from Celena's.

Hanna was getting along with her new father on a level that surprised all of them. They trained sword fighting a couple of times everyday. And Hanna was getting better at it every time.

Hanna was currently standing and staring past Allen and completely forgetting about training and got hit on the head with the flat side of Allen's sword.

"Ow! Why did you do that for?!" The blond girl yelled out and rubbed her head glaring at her father.

"You're not paying attention. What were you staring at?" Allen turned to look the way Hanna had been staring but wasn't quite able to look because Hanna jumped up and slung her arms around his neck.

"No don't look!"

Allen let out a half choking sound and dislodged his daughter from his neck and looked down at her then the way she had been staring. A smile spread across his lips and then he looked back at Hanna who was blushing furiously.

"Aha... I see..."

"No you don't! I was just... um admiring his skill that's all." She nodded to herself as she said so and Allen just smirked. But let the subject drop, for now.

"Well let's continue then. And don't drop your guard and don't leave yourself so open when you attack."

Hanna nodded and took a firm grip of her specially made sword and crouched down slightly waiting for Allen to attack first.


Hanna stretched and fen crumbled onto the couch letting out a loud yawn. Hitomi laughed and greeted Allen as he entered the house.

"What did you do to her? She's dead tired already."

"A little rougher training that's all it was she who wanted it. But I think we overdid it a little."

Hitomi and Allen walked into the other room to discuss what had been going on that day while Hanna started to drift of to sleep on the couch.


It started of as an ordinary dream, jumbled images of the day, a bit of fiction and blurry faces.

And then it turned more vivid, men in uniforms and swords by their sides storming a building or a house. It was defiantly a house and they dragged someone out and then set the house on fire. She could hear screaming, someone was still inside. A boy, the one who was dragged out of the house, he yelled something. He was yelling for his mother. The men dragged him away, and it was like the image zoomed in on one of the windows and trough it. And there was a woman burning, she was still alive and screaming. And then it was like the woman stared right at Hanna, who was suddenly standing right there, surrounded but the intense heat. The woman's pleading for someone to help her, for Hanna to help her. Then she saw who it was and she screamed. It was Celena...


Hanna screamed and sat up straight in the couch, cold sweat dripping from her brow. She put her hands over her face and was trembling all over.

It had been so real. She could still smell the burnt flesh.

Hanna started to feel slightly ill and right about then Hitomi rushed into the room, she had heard Hanna scram out and immediately went to check what was wrong.

"Hanna, dear... what's wrong?" She sat down on the couch and hugged her trembling daughter who latched onto her in return.

"Hanna? Why are you crying?" Hitomi stroke the blond girl's hair as she spoke in a soft voice. The girl in question was trembling in her mother's arms, trying to get rid of the images from her mind.

"It was so real... I could feel it... mom it was terrible. There were men in uniforms and they took Kei... then... then..." She didn't want to say it. It was so painful to remember, she could see Celena's burning face and hair.

"Then what...?" Hitomi had a bad feeling about this nightmare, because she had a strong feeling that it wasn't as simple as an ordinary dream.

"...They set the house on fire... and Celena... she was... she was still inside..."

Hitomi stopped breathing for a second then forced a smile onto her face as she looked down at Hanna.

"It was just a bad dream sweetie, nothing to be afraid of." Hitomi had to force her voice to be steady she was so afraid that it wasn't a dream. But she didn't want to alarm her daughter.

"You stay right here. I'll get you some nice tea so you'll relax."

Hanna nodded and dried her eyes. She chose to believe her mother, that it was only a bad dream. It had to be a bad dream. It just had to.


Hope Ya liked it! ^___^

And now to the thank you's. ^___^ not that many this time though... -_-

Niffer: wow this was a god chappy! I kinda feel bad for poor Van though. Not that I don't like Allen being with Hitomi or anything but poor poor Van. And the hanna spying thing was good. Sounds like something I would do. Well, I hope u update soon. I love this story. I have always been a v/h fan but you have made this story very very very very interesting so I liked to give it my attention. I will admit though, Allen is... well he's got a very sexy voice. lol anyway, keep up your great work and I can't wait to read more!

~ *blushes* Thanks. ^_^* I'm so glad that I can make V/H fans like this story. ^_^ and lol yes Allen has a nice voice. ~

Hikari Schezar: Heehe! Van is such a loser! Tell Allen to hit him harder! I can;t believe him!

I wonder how Hanna and Kei will react to all of this! I am going to join the fan club! And I hope Van doesn't come back! As usual, great chapter!

Hikari *^_^*

~ Yes, yes! Join the club already! =P ^___^ And Van isn't a loser... He's just jealous. ^_~ ~