
Marinette had been able to keep up her word on one of the promises she made to Manon, when she found out about her being Ladybug. But, she still had to fulfil two more promises. She knew that now that she was a keeper of the secret, Manon would not tell anyone about her or any of her friends' being Paris' most famous superheroes. But, she had been raised to always fulfil her promises, and on that night, she was going to fulfil the second one… taking Manon out for a walk as Ladybug.

Since it was Sunday and they both had school in the morning, they agreed to go on just a quick walk. Likely swing by the Louvre and come back. Still, being Manon's favourite babysitter, as the little girl liked to call her so often, Marinette came up with a way to make that little ride seem ever so much special. She made some hot cocoa for them and put it on a thermos, so they could share it when arriving at the Louvre. Putting everything in a small backpack, she told her parents that she was going to sleep.

Manon had gone to bed earlier, so Marinette knew she would have to wake her up, because when the little girl landed on a bed, 10 minutes later she would be asleep, if no one called her. Passing by her room, she gently opened the door and looked inside. The light was on, but just like she had predicted, the little girl had fallen asleep on top of the bed. Entering it, she gently woke Manon up and told her to wait for her, that she would come to pick her in 5 minutes. She also handed her the backpack and told her to bring it with her.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes, okay?" -Marinette warned her, as she made her way to the door.

"Okay." -Manon waved her head.

"And put on a jacket, Manon, it's freezing out there tonight." -the blue-haired girl told her, having she just checked it for herself, when putting her arm out the window.

Already upstairs in her room, Marinette went to wake up Tikki who had spent most of the day sleeping. She only woke up to eat something and then, went back to sleep. Questioning the little kwami, she said that she was just tired and that the previous day had been a real shocker to her nervous system, so Marinette just let her sleep, so she could get her strength back. But right then, she needed her to wake up, and to make her jump out of her little bed, Marinette had brought with her something Tikki would not be able to resist, no matter how tired she might have been.

"Tikki… wake up, Tikki." -Marinette said.

"Mmm… go away and come back later, Marinette…" –Tikki said, not opening her eyes.

"But I've got something for you." -the blue-haired girl smiled.

"If it's not a chocolate chipped and marshmallow cookie, or word that Hawk Moth has attacked, I'm not moving an inch." -Tikki stated, turning herself to the other side.

"Well, you got it right the first, it's a cookie." -Marinette laughed. –"And if you don't get out of bed in 5 seconds, I'm going to eat it. -she giggled, as she pretended she was about to eat the cookie, only for Tikki to jump out of her bed and grab it.

The blue-haired girl could not help but to giggle, upon seeing her little kwami flying out of bed and gulping down the cookie in an almost record time. When she finished, there was not a shred of evidence that that cookie had ever been there, not even a single crumb.

"If only that trick would work with me when I don't want to get out of bed." -Marinette told her.

"I could make it work… but instead of a cookie, I would use one of Adrien's photos you have in your closet." -Tikki giggled, as she gulped down the last bit of the cookie. –"So, why did you get me out of bed for, huh?" -she smiled.

"I'm taking Manon for a ride. You think you have the strength for it?"

"Of course, just say the magic words and let's go." -Tikki said. –"But remember, let's not take too long, you and her have school in the morning." -she reminded her.

"Don't worry, I remember it." -Marinette said.

The night was incredibly chilly, but swinging from building to building like that was enough to get her to heat up in a minute or two. As for Manon, with the jacket she had on, she practically did not feel the cold. Holding tight to Ladybug, the little girl was marvelled with that ride. It was not her first time doing that, but the first time, she was still in shock from being Madame Romani's hostage, so she could not appreciate it. Now, she was calm, and she was enjoying herself, laughing and giggling every time the scarlet heroine took a tight turn. It was like being a on a rollercoaster, only much better. Hearing her laugh and giggle, Ladybug could not help but to smile as well.

The heroine almost had a heart attack when she found out that Manon had been kidnapped by one of her enemies and used as bait to get her to give up her miraculous, along with the miraculouses of her friends. In the end, she almost had a second heart attack when the little girl found out about her identity, forcing her to admit that she really was Ladybug… but thinking about it, there was a part of her that was happy she found out about it, because now she had someone outside the team with whom she could talk about it. Plus, now Tikki and the rest of the kwamis would not have to hide when she was in the room, and Manon was the keeper of their secret, something Manon was really happy about.

"You're enjoying yourself?!" -Ladybug asked Manon.

"Yes!" –Manon exclaimed. –"Faster, faster, faster!" -she begged the heroine.

"Okay, if you want to go faster, I'll go. Hang on!" -the heroine exclaimed, as she used hers and Manon's combined weight to give herself a boost and swing faster.

Just like she had planned, the ride ended on top of the Richelieu Wing in Louvre. Landing on the building's rooftop, Ladybug let Manon appreciate the view, never letting her eyes off her for a second. The last thing she wanted was for her to fall from it. The little girl had brought her cell phone with her and asked the heroine to take a couple of photos of her with the city in the background, along with the usual selfie. She wanted to have photos of that ride, so she could remember it.

"One more! One more!" -Manon exclaimed.

"Manon, we already took five selfies. Don't you think that's enough?" -Ladybug asked her.

"No, I still don't have one with the Eiffel Tower in the background." -Manon said, as she checked the photos.

"Alright, one more." -Ladybug sighed.

After the photos were taken, they both sat at the ledge of the building, just looking at what happened on the street. Asking Manon for the backpack, she opened it and took out the thermos with the hot chocolate and two mugs she had brought with her. Pouring the hot liquid into the mugs, she gave one to Manon

"This will keep you warm." -Ladybug said. –"Sorry I didn't bring any marshmallows, but I only remembered about them when we were already here." -she said, as she sipped the hot cocoa.

They both remained in silence for a couple of minutes. It felt strange to Ladybug, because Manon was always talking, and seeing her like that, silent, just sipping her hot cocoa, it was one of the few times she saw the little girl behaving like that, without anyone telling her to do it. Looking at her, she could not help but to wonder what kind of kid she would be when she was her age. Still, she knew that whatever kind of kid she would become, it would be a good one, because she had a loving mother and father, who though did not spend as much time with her as they wanted to, loved her very much, and a group of friends, both her age and older, who were there for her.

"You're lucky." -Manon said, breaking the silence.

"Why is that?" -Ladybug asked her.

"Because you get to do this whenever you want to." -the little girl said as she took another sip from her mug.

"Well, that's not true, Manon. I mean, it is true that I get the chance of coming up here and enjoy the view, but I also take my job as superhero very seriously, you know?" -Ladybug said.

"Like in Spider-Man! With great power…"

"… comes great responsibility. See how you know it, Manon? It really is a great responsibility." -Ladybug told her. –"It's my responsibility, to make sure the bad guys don't win, so everyone can sleep safe in their beds, including you." -Ladybug told her.

"You're the best, you know that, Ladybug?" -Manon asked her.

"Yeah, yeah I do." Ladybug giggled. –"But you know what, you're also the best, Manon." -she winked at her. –"And one more thing, when it's just the two of us, you can call me Marinette, okay?"

"Okay, Marinette." -Manon smiled.

And with this, we have arrived at the end of the third fanfic of my Miraculous Team series. I'll be honest with you. This has been quite the ride for me, especially because I wanted to finish this one before the start of season 2... I missed it by 1 week, but hey, I could have taken a lot longer to finish it. I already had a lot of you asking me by PM if the fact that Manon now knows about the identities of the whole team, means that she is part of the team now, and well, to answer that, you'll have to wait a little bit longer (let's face it, Manon is cute and I like to write her, but let's give her a little rest for now... she'll return, eventually and I'll be sure to have Marinette talk about her from time to time).

In other news, season 2 has already started and I have to say, what I saw until now has given me a lot to think. You guys probably remember me writing abut that I was anxious to see The Collector and Le Paon and find out more about them, so I could use them in my stories, and well, I already had a couple of ideas for them. First of all, I thought that the Collector would be some other character and not the akumatized version of Gabriel Agreste. Bearing that in mind, I decided to use the name and create a totally different character for this series... In other words, same name totally different character with a totally different visage and background... a new supervillain that will be in the same league as my version of Hawk Moth. You'll find out more about my Collector in the near future, but only after my Halloween special. That's right, I'll be posting the first chapter on Halloween night, and this story will be entitled "Miraculous Team: Halloween Madness", so stay tuned for another adventure, everyone.