Okay, I know it took me forever and a half to make this chapter, but I'm so tired of not having it finished!

Yeah, sorry it's short, but I really had nothing else.

Enjoy the finale~!

As always,



Finale: Goodbye

The moment the father of the three adopted children left, Obito and Sasuke no longer knew what to say, think, or do; so the two men merely sat there with their sleeping little sister while their father went out on a bloody rampage. One that would most likely cost Deidara his life, that much they were certain of. Looking towards the eldest brother, Sasuke then nervously whispered out, "You don't think dad will do anything... too bad... do you?"

Obito glanced towards his younger brother and sighed gently while running his fingers through the pinkette's long locks of hair, "I will tell you this much... whatever it is, it isn't going to be good. That much I am sure of." Sasuke now dreaded the fact that he hadn't followed Madara just to keep tabs on him. Abruptly standing, Sasuke nodded towards Obito, "I will be back." Obito gave a nod towards his younger brother and as he left, yet another sigh escaped his lips.

Madara was so pissed off that he could barely stand it, "That damned boy will learn who the most powerful clan in the world is, because after this night he will no longer exist." Coming up to Deidara's apartment, Madara then knocked on the blonde haired bomber's door only to hear a muffled, "Just a minute, yeah."

Deidara should have expected as much once he opened the door to one seriously pissed off father of the Uchiha clan, "What do you want, hm?" Madara said nothing, but folded his arms sternly across his chest. Moments passed and Deidara sighed heavily, "Look, I'm not on your property. So I'd be happy if you weren't on mine, yeah." Again, Madara said nothing in reply to this.

Figuring that the male with the unruly black and blue locks was just here to intimidate him, Deidara began to close his door until Madara's hand shot out and pulled the door open before letting himself in, "I want you gone from Sakura's life. Am I clear?!" Deidara looked highly annoyed at this and rolled his sky blue eyes, "Sure thing pops. Now get out of my home." Madara then gave one of the most spine chilling smiles he had ever witnessed in his entire life, "Either you leave now, or I will... FORCE you to leave; and I'm not talking about the village either. I'm speaking about the realm of the living."

Taking a nervous step back, Deidara knew he had no chance of fighting this living legend off all by himself. Not to mention that he didn't even have his detonating clay with him at the moment. So in other words, he was screwed. Nervously clenching and releasing his fist as if he were squeezing a stress ball, Deidara backed away, "Why are you so obsessed with Sakura!?" Madara then dangerously narrowed his eyes, "Sakuro lost his sister once... I will not allow it to happen again, not on my watch. Tell me, if I were to attack you, who in the hell do you think they would believe...? Me or you?"

That's when Deidara really knew he was completely and utterly screwed. He spoke too late though considering Madara had already unknowingly made the first move. Deidara had been so used to looking into Sakura's Sharingan that he hadn't even hesitated to look into Madara's. That would have proved to be a fatal mistake on his part.

The moment Deidara was under Madara's genjutsu, he left without inflicting a single hair on his head and began to walk home whenever he noticed Sasuke running as if the devil were at his heels. Stopping, Madara called his youngest son over and Sasuke ran towards him, "Where have you been dad!?" Madara gave one of the most innocent and surprised looks on his face, "I spoke with Deidara and told him that if he promised to take care of Sakura, then I would allow for them to date."

Sasuke gained a relieved breath of air and Madara smiled, "Why not go and talk it over with him son?" Sasuke appeared slightly puzzled by this, but shrugged and nodded, "Sure dad. I'll make sure that's what actually happened." Madara solemnly nodded and added in one more comment, "Ah, by the way, make sure you are home before dinner." Sasuke gave a smile and nodded before taking off. Madara then darkly grinned before turning around and began to walk home.

Reaching Deidara's one room apartment fairly quick, Sasuke began to knock on the door, but heard nothing in return, 'Odd...' He thought to himself before noticing that his door had been left unlocked. Blinking at this, Sasuke then opened Deidara's door and began to call out for him until he heard a blood curdling scream from outside.

Turning and running out of the apartment, Sasuke made his way to where all of the screaming had come from only to see a little girl covering her eyes. Kneeling down, Sasuke placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Hey, what's wrong?" The little girl had been trembling so bad that he didn't honestly know what to do until the child pointed up. Turning his head so that he looked up, Sasuke's eyes became rather large as he saw Deidara...

"So what does the autopsy show Lady Tsunade?" Sasuke asked and Tsunade hummed softly, "Well, it was a clear suicide. No genjutsu had been placed on him or anything. The only thing that was left was a note written in blood." This worried Sasuke a bit before asking, "And what did the note say...?" Tsunade sighed gently, "It only had one word on it... 'Goodbye'."

News traveled fast and it wasn't long until Sakura had gained word of this. She was so broken by this point that the news of Deidara's suicide didn't even seem to phase her. All she could think was that maybe he was too disturbed and maybe even psychotic for her taste in men.

The day of Deidara's funeral, Sakura, Sasuke, Obito, and even Madara attended. Madara kept a hand wrapped around his daughter's shoulder, who now appeared cold and distant. Once the memorial concluded, Sakura and Madara stayed so that she could stare at his tomb stone whenever Sakura then angrily spat out, "So much for going out with a bang you lowlife." With that, the pinkette kicked dirt onto Deidara's headstone before turning, "Let's go dad... I'm sick of being here."

Simply nodding at this, Madara held out his hand and Sakura took it. As the two walked, Sakura softly spoke, "I know you did it dad..." Madara lifted an eyebrow at this comment, "Did what dear?" Sakura then came to a halt, "You placed Deidara under an untraceable genjutsu to commit suicide." Madara was clearly shocked at how Sakura knew this, yet she honestly didn't seem too bothered over it.

Looking at her father, Sakura smiled softly, "He tried to have me killed far too many times and was almost successful once. So it was fitting for him to die in such a cowardice manner." Madara nodded at her before she added in, "Your secret is safe with me. Uchiha's stick together no matter what."

Squeezing his daughter's hand tenderly, Madara and Sakura then began to walk home once again. Once home, Obito and Sasuke walked out with a saddened smile, "Hey sis... you okay...?" Sakura shrugged and nodded, "More or less." This slightly shocked the two before they turned their heads to look at their father, who merely shrugged with a confused facial expression.

It had now been two years since Deidara's death and Sakura was now married.

But the person she ended up marrying was the last person that one would expect...

However, that is a different tale to be told all together...