Hello everyone and welcome to Recovery! Are we all excited? XD

This is the sixth story in the Time Child Saga, so you may want to go read the rest if you haven't already to catch up. In fact, I strongly recommend it, but as the author I would, I suppose.

This story is rated M, as always, for bad language, references to what can be considered triggering things and mild sexual scenes. As in nothing explicit, but definitely happening. If you want smut I'd head over to the Outtakes cause that's where it all goes!

I also have a Tumblr for questions/following/talking to! DanniFielding on there too.

And, as always, please review!



Danni awoke with a gasp, shooting up into a sitting position. The bed underneath her gave just enough give that she wobbled slightly. Her eyes darted around, trying to pinpoint where she was exactly. But she couldn't remember. Nothing seemed familiar, and yet part of her knew that she wasn't supposed to be there.

She clambered off the bed and quickly noticed that she had a metal bracelet of some kind strapped around her wrist. Had that always been there? She thought should would remember something like that. The thought gave her a very deep, unsettling feeling. Something beginning with 'f'. F… F… Forgetful?

She quickly rushed over to the mirror that was at the bottom of the bed, coming to a standstill as she looked herself over. No, that can't be right… There was that 'f' word again. Flustered, maybe?

She reached up, running her hand over her face. She had tiny dots all over her face. Tiny, pale dots that covered mainly the bridge of her nose but spread out across both of her cheeks. They had a name that began with an 'f'. Fringe? No. Fr... Freckles. That was it. She had freckles.

That made no sense. Neither did the ginger hair that cascaded down her shoulders. Had she dyed it without remembering? And it was so much longer now. Something very strange was going on. That deep, unsettling feeling wouldn't go away as she traced over her skin with the tips of her fingers. She still couldn't place that word. What was it?

The door opened and she turned, eyes wide and frightened at the sudden attack. In fact… Yes, that was what she was. That was the word that had been on the tip of her tongue.

She was frightened.

She backed away from the figure that came into the room. A tall woman, with brown hair and a purple outfit, who had a grin on her face.

"Who are you?" Danni demanded with her best Scottish accent. She sounded just like… Oh, who did she sound like?

"Don't you remember me, my Pet?" the woman asked in reply, also with a similar accent. Had she picked it up from her? No, there was someone else. Someone else who had the accent.

Danni quickly shook her head. "No," she replied bluntly. "I… I don't know who you are. Who are you?"

The woman started walking towards her and Danni backed right up into the mirror. "Why, I'm Missy, of course. It must have been that regeneration. It can mess up your head sometimes. Why, I can barely remember mine at all." She reached out, grabbing the wrist with the metal bracelet on and pulled her off the mirror. "There's no need to be frightened, my Pet."

"Yes, there is," Danni quickly insisted. "I just… I just don't know what it is. You're here to frighten me."

Missy shook her head. "No, I'm here to keep you safe," she promised. "I know you're very disorientated, but we can fix that right up. Once you're had a little rest you'll be right as rain."

Danni didn't believe her, but she didn't resist as Missy slowly walked her to the bed. Instead she looked around the dark room, trying to work out what was making her so scared. "There's someone missing," she commented. "Someone should be here. There's someone who I want here missing. Someone Scottish."

"That's just the regeneration talking," Missy reassured her. "There's no one missing. You're completely safe."

She helped Danni lie down on the bed, going as far as to pull the covers back and tucking her in. "Once you've had a little sleep you will see that, and everything will be fine once again."

Danni shook her head but felt herself succumbing to just how comfy the bed was. "No, there's someone missing," she insisted. "Someone with my accent. Someone who made me safe but isn't here anymore. Someone… someone I mustn't forget."

"Don't you worry about him," Missy insisted. "When you wake up it will just be you and me and you won't be concerned anymore."

"Him?" Danni repeated as her eyes closed. In her head she saw a flash of grey eyebrows, and a smile that made her feel better. A man in a dark blue suit and a name danced above him. He didn't make her feel frightened. He made her feel safe.

"The Doctor," she muttered as she slowly fell unconscious. "I have to find the Doctor."

"No, you don't," Missy promised. "You're not his problem anymore."

Danni's breathing levelled out, but Missy didn't move. She slowly stroked her hand over the brand new ginger hair, revelling in the fact that she was the first person that Danni saw this time around.

She leant down and placed a kiss on her forehead before standing up. "I'll be here when you wake up," she promised the sleeping woman. "And we'll make sure you forget all about him."