"I love you Eren." The voice that said it was soft and loving, but had a scent of sadness to it, it was a weird feeling. I love you too. Eren thought to himself. "Wake up dude, come on." Armin was whispering to him. Eren opened his eyes to see he was laying on his arms during class, Armin was kicking him softly trying to wake him. "My bad, thanks for waking me up." Eren told him. HGe lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. Then Mr. Shadis started hitting the board with his ruler to get our attention. "Alright class, before you leave there will be a big announcement, or so they told me, but it's just probably just some sort of small thing." Mr. Shadis said. The class started whispering and murmuring. "What do you think it is Armin?" Eren asks his blonde friend. Armin looked bored, he just leaned back. "I don't know, a new campus maybe." Armin replies.

"Hello Shina high school." Said Hange on the intercom. "Oh dear lord, cover your ears." Eren said out loud. The class laughed a bit. She always gave out announcements, even when she was a freshman, the whole reason she gave announcements was because of how loud she was, it was ridiculous. "I hope everyone is having a good week, but I'm happy to say that homecoming will be in one month, so you guys better start getting dates or buying tubs of ice cream, either way good luck at both of them, and have a great weekend, bye!" Hange screamed at the top of her lungs. "God dammit Hange, I'm gonna need hearing aids by the time you're out of here." Mr. Shadis mumbled. Eren and Armin looked at each other for a few moments in confusion, then they smiled. Then the bell rang. "Come on, quickly!" Eren told Armin as he leapt out of his seat. They weren't the only ones with that idea. Everyone full out sprinted out of the classroom. Everyone left the class hollering and cheering." Once him and Armin were out they stopped running. "Okay man, I need to go, I would hang out but my grandpa needs help at his house.: Armin said. "Yeah man, tell him I said hi." Eren told him. "Yeah, see ya." Armin said as he went in the other direction.

Eren then walked through the hallway, just ready to go home. He then steps outside and looks at all the cars parked in the parking lot, more crowded than walmart on black friday. He thought to himself. Then he sees his truck, a beautiful creation. A dark green Nissan Titan, 4x4 drive and a bull nose in the front, along with 22 inch black rims, his child practically. Eren threw his bag in the trunk and then opened the door and stepped in. He was about to turn it on, but then he remembered about Annie. She normally came to his house to play video games or do homework, mostly homework. He looked in his rear view mirror and and saw her coming running towards him holding up her hands. Eren then rolled down his windows. "Hey Eren, don't leave without me!" Annie said laughing a little. She looked good, she had leans and her white sweatshirt, looked good on her. "Hey Annie, sorry, I almost forget about you." Eren said putting his hand behind his neck. Annie threw her bag in the trunk at hopped in. "You jerk, just don't do it again." Annie said hitting his arm lightly while laughing. "I kno I know." Eren said. She then buckled up and Eren started to go again. He was about to pull out of the parking lot but was cut off by none other than Reiner fucking Braun. He drove right in front of him, he drove a huge white F-250, much bigger than Eren's. Eren honked his horn, but Reiner just kept driving. "I hate that guy." Eren said driving out of the parking lot. "Yeah me too, just a tall idiot, that does steroids." Annie says. Eren started to laugh. "Well, you're not wrong." Eren said. He started to drive again, it felt nice, he had his sunroof open and air just kept hitting the top of his head. Then they arrived at his house. He backed into the driveway and put it in park. "Alright, so what's the plan?" Eren asked Annie as he stepped out of the truck. "I don't know, not to much homework, I was thinking let's do all our math and then you can try to beat me at some good old Mario kart on the switch?" ANnie said with a smik, almost sassie. Eren then jumped in the trunk of his truck. "I'll beat you this time, i'm telling you, don't mock me." Eren said pointing at her. He then picked up his bag and slung it over his right shoulder, and then got Annie's bag and slung it over his left bag. He then jumped back on the ground. "Oh, such a gentleman, don't think that means I'll go easy on you." Annie said as she walked next to him. Then they walked into his house. "Is Mikasa home, or your mom?" Annie asks Eren. "No, Mom is still working and mikasa is at the gym, so just you and me." Eren says. Did that sound weird, just you and me, no, it didn't, I don't think it did. Eren thought to himself. "Okay, cool, well let's get started on this homework.

They finished up with homework pretty easily, which was surprising but it wasn't too much to do. "So can I still take you on that mario kart game?' Eren asked leaning towards her. Annie pushed him away with a laugh. "As long as you don't lose." ANnie said with a smirk. They boot up the game and start it. "Come Luigi, don't let me down now." Eren told himself. "Ha, Rosalina for the win." Annie said. Then they started. They played a total of seven games, Annie won every single one. At this point, Eren was giving up. "One more time?" Eren asked sheepishly. "Fine, pick a slow map this time, then we can talk while we kart." Annie says while customizing her kart. Eren couldn't help but look over at her, he's had a crush on her since 6th grade, when they met. Her sky blue eyes always hit him like a train, and her blond hair looked beautiful in the sun, and when Eren makes a stupid joke that makes her laugh and she gives him that adorable laugh, every bit of her he loved. Little did he know that Annie noticed he was looking at her. "So Eren, what do you think about this whole homecoming thing?" ANnie asks him. This caught him off guard. He struggled to make a normal answer without sounding like he liked her. "Oh well you know, it's, it's no big deal." Eren said quickly with some stutters. "I was just wondering, i'm interested to see who's going with who." Annie said without looking at Eren, just at the TV. "Yeah, me too." Eren said. Annie then stood up. "Hang on, I need to get some water." Annie said. You idiot, ask her. A voice in the back of Eren's head said. "Hey, wait a sec." Eren said as he stood up and grabbed her wrists. Eren immediately regretted it, he was being to touchy. But to his surprise, Annie jut camly turned around. "What's up Eren?" Annie asked him. Eren was trying to find the right words in his head. "You know when you asked me about homecoming?" Eren asked her. "Like five minutes ago, but what about it?
Annie asked him. "Well, I was wondering if, like, umm, you know." Eren said nervously. We was starting to sweat a bit. "You can do it Eren, spit it out." Annie says with a giggle. She's giggling, that means she's cool with this so far, there's something. Eren thought to himself. "Well, I can't think of any other way to say it, so I'll try to say it bluntly, do you want to be my date for homecoming." Eren finally managed to say. Annie looked up at him for a second. "Eren, are you messing with me right now?" Annie asked him. Eren started to sweat a bit. "Ugh, you know, I was joking definitely, but if you wanted to go I would totally say yes, it's not like I've had a crush on you oraything." Eren says quickly. Annie looked confused. Shit shit shit, I probably just messed this up. "Eren?" Annie says in the form of a question. "Look, I'm sorry, just act like I didn't say anything." Eren said looking at the ground. Annie looked up at Eren with a weird face, like she was thinking if something to do. I just lost one of my best friends, god damnit. Eren thought to himself. But Annie did something he would never expect. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his face towards his, and she kissed him, with no warning, she kissed him, at first it caught Eren off guard, but he kissed her back. It felt right. Then she pulled away from him. She then looked up. "Yes." She said as she put her arms under Eren's arms and pulled him closer. Erne put his arms around her as well. He was struggling on what to say. "Look, I've had the biggest crush on you since like the sixth grade, so this is a dream come true." Eren said holding on to her. Annie just laughed a bit. "To be honest I've felt the same, I'm just glad you feel the same." Annie said. Eren just looked down and smiled at her. "Then maybe we can be more than just homecoming dates." Eren said. ANnie just smiled like a little girl, then nodded her head. Eren then went in for another kiss, but the the worst happened. Hey Eren, tell ANnie that her dad is waiting outside. Mikasa said walking up the stairs. Eren and Annie had white faces. They looked over and realized Mikasa was on her phone, but then she looked up to see the was almost about to kiss. "Alright then." Mikasa says as she steps down the hall to her room. Then Eren and Annie started to laugh. "I'll walk you out, okay?" Eren asked her. ANnie looked up at him. "Yeah, I'd like that." Annie said. Then they both head down the stairs and Eren opens the door for his new girl. "Bye Annie, I'll see you tomorrow." Eren tells her. "Bye, see you tomorrow." Annie says as she runs off to her dads truck. Eren then shuts the door. Eren then realizes, he's no longer single. "YES!" Eren yelled. "Aww, wait till mom finds out about this." Mikasa says leaning on the wall behind Eren. Eren turns around quickly. "You better not Mikasa!" Eren yelled at her. "I'm joking, I'm happy for you, but I'm off to bed, night." Mikasa told him as she walked up the stairs. "I'm going to talk with Armin real quick." Eren said practically running out the door. He ran to his best friends house who was right next to his. "HEY ARMIN, YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED!"