Irene Adler's Sneer
By Allietheepic7
For Black Organization Week, July 24, Day 2: Anokata - Who's afraid of The darkest Crow?
Their meetings always started like this, in an out of the way café with fake pleasantries exchanged and even faker smiles. Vermouth's mask was impeccable on every level, her eyes not revealing her true intentions underneath a guise of affection. She wore the face of a certain angel, just enough to taunt the other. Vermouth saw the annoyance behind the smile, the way eyes tightened and a few more teeth appeared. But she knew better than to take it too far, knew that somewhere on that person there was a gun and little hesitation not to use it, even in a public place like this.
The small talk continued until they'd gotten their drinks and it ate at Vermouth's insides, though the uncertainty of her being summoned never showed—her mentors words "Never forget your poker face echoed in her head—but just because she showed little reaction to the oppressive presence of that person, doesn't mean she's completely emotionless.
Finally, Boss set their drink aside and laid their cards down on the table. "Don't think I haven't been keeping an eye on you, Vermouth."
The woman raised an eyebrow, acting as if her heart hadn't just leapt into her throat. "Oh?"
An amused smile flashed across Boss's face. "You like to think you're so clever, but really, you haven't changed at all since we were children. Always sneaking around and messing with my things."
"I don't recall messing with anything of yours." Deny, deny, deny. She couldn't know for sure; he's the selfless type, he wouldn't tell anyone about her in fear for their lives. Just look at how he's been treating Angel—
"You've been spilling secrets to my son." Yukiko glared at her from under the brim of her hat.
She tilted her head innocently, a bead of sweat rolling down the back of her neck. "Well, he is such a curious boy. I fear what would happen to him if he's left to find clues for himself. We don't want a repeat of last time."
"You should know better than to threaten me."
"I would never." Vermouth didn't bother acting offended. "I'm just keeping his best interests in mind."
"You only have your interests in mind."
Vermouth sneered. "And you don't? Tell me, where does Yusaku think you are right now?" Despite the youngest Kudo's desire for his parents not to get involved with his case, Yusaku had been investigating the Black Organization on his own terms and… the only person who could outwit the Night Baron was his Baroness.
"This will be your only warning, Vermouth." Yukiko's eyes were like diamonds, cold and unyielding. "Stay away from my family, or you will regret it."
"Of course." Not.
A/N: On Ano kata's Wikipedia page, there's a list of all the people who Gosho's confirmed are not Ano kata and Yukiko wasn't on there, so… Headcanoned.