The Incredible Adventure of the Amazing OC, Part II

The Rise of OC

"Yipee! We're going to Liore! This is so exciting!" OC cheered while bouncing in her train seat.

The Elric brothers stared at her, nonplussed.

"H-how did this happen?!" Ed protested. "In the last chapter I clearly said we're not bringing her along!"

Al shrugged. "I have no idea, Brother..."

"Ah, the magic of cut-scenes" OC explained dreamily. "You can fix absolutely anything with them!"

"Why is there a second chapter in the first place?! Obviously it said "The end" at the bottom of the page! This shouldn't have happened!"

"You cannot escape me Edward, not before I make you madly fall in love with me!"

Ed slapped his forehead in exasperation.

"Listen, I don't even know you! I get that you like me because of some sort of picture-moving social media in your world but you don't know me either!"

OC gasped. "How can you say that?! I am the most faithful fan of the show! I know EVERYTHING about you!"

"Apparently not, if you think you can just force me to fall in love with you," Ed explained slowly as if speaking to a dim-witted child. "First of all, I don't have TIME for romance. I need to find a Philosopher's Stone to get Al his body back. Secondly-"

"-Brother already has a love interest," Alphonse interjected, making Ed fall from his seat.

"WHAT?! No I don't!"

"If you say so, Brother..."

Ed sputtered, waving his hands around. "B-but I don't! Winry's j-just a friend, that's all! She's my m-mechanic! You know that!"

"I never said I meant Winry, Brother," Al said smugly.

Edward's cheeks flushed a bright red color. "Sh-shut up, Al!"

"Don't worry, at this point the two of you are not yet confirmed to be cannon," OC said with a bright smile. "You still have time to fall for someone else, and Winry? She could easily end up with Al!"

"HUH?!" Al exclaimed in shock.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Ed screeched, piercing the armor with a death glare. "Is there something you're not telling me, little brother?"

"I have no idea what she's talking about!" Al said frantically, the steel managing to sweat bullets somehow. "I'm not interested in Winry!"

"You sure?" Ed growled possessively.

"Yes, honest! I don't even have a body right now, Brother, how would that even work?!"

The older Elric sibling stared for a moment longer before giving him a cautious nod. "Alright, I believe you. But," his eyes narrowed dangerously "If I find out you were hiding things from me..."

"D-don't worry Brother, no secrets here!" Al laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You're right Al, you don't have to end up with Winry. After all," OC rubbed her chin thoughtfully "The general fandom consensus is that you end up with that Xingese Princess, Xiao-Mei or something..."

"He what?!" Ed's eyes bulged out of their sockets in shock.

"I'm going to marry a foreign princess?" Al said, confused. "How can that possibly happen? We're not royals!"

OC shrugged. "I have no idea how Xingese marriage politics work, so who cares."

Ed sighed impatiently. "Whatever. The point is, I am NOT going to spontaneously fall in love with you, and that's final."

"Ah, Edward," OC giggled and pinched his cheek, ignoring the dark glare being sent at her. "You're such a tsundere. Of course you're going to fall in love with me, we have such great chemistry together!"

Ed deadpanned at her.

"Really?" he drawled out sarcastically. "How you figure?"

"We're constantly bickering and arguing, naturally!" OC explained happily. "Everybody knows that's a sign of a true love!"

Edward stared at her blankly for a long moment. Then...

"Pfff-HAHAHAHAH!" he burst out. "You think...! Bhuahahaha!" He grabbed his mid-section, his eyes watering. "That arguing... hahahaha! a sign of... ghahahahahah!"

Realizing what his brother already had, Al couldn't resist joining in. A few moments later, the Elrics were rolling on the ground from laughter.

"You know," Ed gasped out after regaining some of his breath "If me arguing with someone was the sign of a true love... practically EVERYONE I know would be my love interest!"

"Well to be fair, you're shipped with virtually every possible character in the show..." OC muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing!"

"Look, take me and Al for example," Ed pointed at his brother. "We argue almost everyday! How is that a sign of true love?"

"Well of course I do love you Brother, it's just not THAT kind of love," Al said.

Ed made a face. "Who in their right mind would... no, you know what, forget it. That's too disturbing to even think about."

OC coughed discreetly.

"Or, think about Mustang and I," Ed continued. "We fight all the time because I hate the Bastard's guts. No one is crazy enough to think we're in love with each other!"

OC covered her mouth to hide a coughing fit.

"The point is," the State Alchemist finished "Arguing and bickering means nothing. That's not chemistry, that's basic human interaction."

"Unless we're talking about Brother and Winry, that is," Al whispered to OC theatrically.

Ed went beet-red again. "AL! I told you, she's just my mechanic!"

"So, we're here," Al said as they arrived at the train station in Liore. "What are you planning on doing now, OC? Beside making Brother fall in love with you, that is."

"You could maybe tell us where to find the Philosopher's Stone, or warn us of any incoming danger," Ed said with sarcasm "Since you know the future and all?"

"Pfff, no" OC replied. "I'm going to allow the script to progress exactly the way it did originally, sometimes only adding my own lines of dialogue which serve no purpose whatsoever, and watch as people get hurt or die even though I could have easily prevented it by telling them beforehand. Obviously!"

"What's the point if you don't change anything?" Ed asked with irritation.

"Why would I change the story? It's already perfect, changing it would only mess it up," OC explained cheerfully.

"Then WHY would you even BE in the story?!" he exclaimed impatiently.

"I told you already Ed, you're supposed to fall in love with me! I am so special and beautiful and unaware of it after all, you just can't resist me."

"Uhuh, sure," Ed said flatly.

"Besides, be glad I even remember the show as it is," OC continued as if Ed didn't say anything "Truth could have taken my memories or my voice as the Toll before sending me to Amestris, thus unable to affect the main plot while making me a compelling protagonist in this amazing story!"

"I would have liked you better as a background character," he muttered.

"By the way, this reminds me..." OC said with a confused frown. "What happened to the other three people from my world? The ones you said appeared earlier this month?"

Ed blinked at the sudden change of topic. "We don't know, actually. They somehow all disappeared while we weren't looking." Then he turned and pointed at a sign stating 'DRINKS & FOOD'. "Hey, I think we just found a spot for lunch. I hope you brought your own cash, OC, because I am NOT paying for you." When there was no response, he looked at the girl - only to realize she was no longer there. "...OC?"

"Brother! She's gone!" Al exclaimed.

The Elrics stared at each other silently for a moment.

"THANK GOD!" Ed shouted with glee, starling his brother. "Now, let's get some food, I'm starving!"

The armored sighed at Edward's lack of tact, but secretly couldn't help but agree with him.

"Wait, who are you?" OC said with confusion as a stranger suddenly dragged her away from her true love.

"Shut up and keep walking."


OC was roughly pushed through a backdoor of a church. Then in a flash of red light, she realized she was facing three familiar figures.

"OMG YOU'RE ENVY!" OC cheered. "You're like my third favorite character in the show!"

"I see you found another one," Lust remarked dryly, ignoring the fangirling in front of her.

" are, like, so awesome! If I weren't after Edward I would have totally married you and everything...!"

"It's the fourth one this month," Envy said with annoyance. "Will this never end?"

"Can I eat her, Lust, can I?" Gluttony begged, staring at OC like a child at a candy display.

"No, Gluttony. These... creatures... deserve far worse fate than that. Besides, it'd be bad for your health, trust me."

"...and Lust, she was gone way too early in the series!..." OC talked cheerfully, completely unaware of the immortal monsters plotting her demise.

"Can we kill it with fire this time?" Envy asked enthusiastically.

Lust hummed thoughtfully. "Let's go to Father, I think he still has that vat of boiling lava standing around somewhere..."

"Huh, who knew it would turn out to be useful someday?"

"...and Greed, man the guy's voice is HOT! If I didn't think Envy was the hottest out of all Homunculi - not that you're not hot, Lust, no offence..."

"Please, Lust, I'm hungry!"

"Gluttony, no."

"I'm still voting for the fire."

And so the three Homunculi dragged the still happily ranting OC away into the sunset, never for her to be seen again... much to the relief of everyone.

The end.

(No, seriously this time.)

Author's Note:

Begone, OC! Return to nothing!

I was surprised when people wanted more. But oh well, I probably would have written this anyway, heheh xD It was the most fun thing to write ever!

Thank you so much for reading, please favorite and follow and I would love to have some reviews :) But most importantly, don't forget to read on and enjoy!