A/N: O~kay so here we go again I guess; I truly hope you'll find it worthwhile loves!

Bokuto remembers an occasion, probably a year or so ago, when he and Kuroo had a lively discussion about the dream looks of a person. Like, what would the ultimate goddess look like? Bokuto had fought tooth and nail for reddish-brown hair while Kuroo wouldn't change his mind about blondes. They'd disagreed on a lot of different things (long nails are creepy! Seriously, brown before blue?) and agreed on others (Cutely short? But bro. Bro. A tattoo!).

Bokuto had a bit suspiciously asked if Kuroo was copying someone as his answers were quick and sure, but the other denied it instantly, so Bokuto let it go. So after a while, they'd both painted up what was for them the picture perfect looks of a person.

All of Bokuto's (apparently very stupid) thoughts about that matter were completely thrown out the window though, as he looked up from his laptop.

At a table ahead of him was (without a doubt) the absolute most beautiful person Bokuto had ever seen.

Night dark hair, curls moving just slightly in the breeze from the door just as his jacket did. Black as well, in a felt fabric maybe too warm for the wheatear, but with a dark red blouse underneath. Under it was the definitions of (oh shit extremely) perfect shoulders and a slim waist. Black shorts fully showing off long legs (damn, just damn) that made Bokuto's breath hitch without him even noticing it. Wonderfully pale hands encircled a steaming cup of tea which contained the interest of his eyes, orbs of which Bokuto could only make out were dark from his side of the pastry shop (he would literally bet anything that they were just as pretty as the rest of him though, even though damn, is someone allowed to be this pretty?!).

Far beyond any expectations Bokuto could have thought were possible to have, the stranger was absolutely beautiful!

Finally realising he was holding his breath, Bokuto tried to avert his gaze just to have it shoot up a second later. He pried his gaze away (and actually managed like ten full seconds!) before he looked up again. There was another person standing beside his newly beloved (oh shit) by then, and Bokuto could recognise him immediately by the unusual silvery hair. Sugawara, Daichi's boyfriend. He'd met him a handful of times (and had tried out his amazing pastries much more often than that, so it was safe to say he loved the guy) as Daichi was a close friend. He was also known as a declared angel on earth, as he always brought pastries when invited over (score!) and had a smile that could light up anyone's day. Bokuto couldn't help (reallyreallyreally) wanting to know if this dark-haired stranger had a heart stopping smile as well (and once again, Bokuto could bet pretty much anything that he had).

It wasn't in itself surprising to see Suga here as it was his bakery. They'd already exchanged a conversation when Bokuto bought the (amazing of course, he wouldn't have expected anything else from the best shop in the wide world) orange mini pie currently half in front of him. No, what was surprising was that Suga was hanging over his lovely stranger's shoulders as he put down a chocolate muffin on the table. He was talking on fondly while throwing small and quick gestures with his hands. The ravenette seemed to be a little exasperated as he jokingly flicked Sugawara's forehead with an answer. Suga just chuckled though, kissing the other's cheek before going back to the sweetly propped desk.

He knew Suga was very friendly with people, but it was safe to say that the two apparently knew each other well. And therefor…

"SUGA," Bokuto breathed (with a voice he honestly hadn't meant to be so loud) as he leaned over the counter, making the shorter jump and frosting squirt.

He didn't seem to mind it though, just turned around with a bright smile at Bokuto. "Hi again Bo, something up?"

He couldn't help nodding his head pretty frantically. When he talked though his words came out a little stuttering and nervous in between excitement. "T-that guy over there, the one you talked with? Who's he?"

Sugawara looked at him with shock for a moment before shaking his head at himself with a small smile. "That's one of the room-mates I've told you about, Akaashi."

Bokuto immediately started racking his memories for comments about these roommates. He knew Daichi often complained exasperatedly about one that drove him crazy all the time back at the politics agency they both worked at. Apparently that one loved parties and had a huge crush everyone was sure was answered but never acted on. Bokuto surely hoped that it wasn't the case, but as he looked at Akaashi (what a beautiful name, so elegant…) in the emptiest corner he couldn't really see him as the partying type. When he thought about it, wasn't that person a brunette (I'll f'cking glue that tuss of brown on his head straight up and see if he keeps flirting at work all the time! Daichi had once muttered) anyway? So that left the other one, the one who Suga said was a fantastic musician and an unbelievable night owl, the one Daichi once helped… Damn, bail out of jail. Huh, wonder what that was about.

Noticing Akaashi set down his tea to take up a small sketchpad though, he nodded mutely. So this was the one he'd heard about then. Bokuto felt his fingers literally itch to go over and look closely what color those eyes possessed, to feel if that skin really was as pearl perfect and smooth as it looked.

"Why don't you go introduce yourself then?" Sugawara asked, making the taller splutter on air.

"What?! I can't just-!" Bokuto protested, once again forgetting his volume. He was cut off in the middle anyway.

"And why is that?"

"Ehm…" He had to take a moment to gather up his thoughts enough to explain properly that it was utterly impossible because "…He's hot."

Suga just giggled as Bokuto felt the blush attack. That wasn't what he'd thought to say, but his hormones were kind of, somehow, raging right now (which they weren't allowed to be seeing as he was too old for that!), and they reached his mouth before his brain.

"I promise he's- well, he won't bite," Sugawara reassured with a small shrug. "Try to say hi."

As if it's that simple, Bokuto thought, but still his feet started turning towards Akaashi. He took one step forward before suddenly darting back to Suga, face extremely red.

"But what if he's-!" here he quickly lowered his voice, "What if he's heard us talking? I mean I would literally die."

"Trust me, that won't be a problem." Bokuto probably just imagined that tiny, sad smile that grazed Suga's lips before he gestured encouragingly for him to go already. Bokuto couldn't help swallowing nervously before doing so.

He went up to stand slightly behind, slightly beside the ravenette, stopping at what he hoped was an appropriate distance for a conversation. From there he was damn sure that Akaashi's skin really was as smooth as it had managed to look even from the distance. He glanced over at what he was working on, actually managing to find an 'imperfection' in shortly bitten nails. He'd only seen it as an annoying habit when people had done that around him before, but frankly at the moment, he only found it cute.

The sketchpad was apparently filled with all kinds of lines, a paper Bokuto soon recognised as a music sheet. A pale hand was quickly and surely getting down notes and adding strange marks that he couldn't place (well, except for an occasional hashtag, whatever one of those could be dong on a sheet). Bokuto couldn't even begin to read them, nor figure out what instrument it was for, but it seemed as if the boy was trying to sketch up an idea on his mind before it escaped,

Realising he couldn't be rude and stand staring (and because he really wanted to start talking to this Akaashi, just as much as he was nervous to do so) he quickly let out a hawk as soon as the writing had paused to get attention.

Akaashi didn't respond in the slightest though, only tactfully hitting the pen on the sheet a few times, ignoring him as much as he ignored Suga's muffin. Bokuto tried once again to hawk, putting forth a hand to nudge a black-clad shoulder.

Just as he moved his hand, Akaashi jumped a little, dropping his pen on the table. Darkly turquoise eyes (so deep they were nearly black daamn) met Bokuto's golden ones, and they just looked at each other for a second before Akaashi said a simple "Yes?"

There was this little slur that Bokuto couldn't quite place in his voice, but still it was damn perfection, precise and beautiful, so where in all of this did the universe give Bokuto a chance to stay cool?! He could easily just blurt out 'you're like really super pretty and I want to touch your skin to test my hypothesis' anytime!

Instead, he went with, "I'm Bokuto." Akaashi nodded slowly once, so he took it as a cue to continue. "I know Suga. –Wara," he quickly corrected himself, smiling sheepishly as he held his hand out.

Akaashi looked at his hand for a bit before he took it, making Bokuto's brain immediately register how cute it was that Akaashi's cold hand was smaller, making it fit so perfectly in his own.

"Nice to meet you," the ravenette said, asking him how he knew Sugawara. Adding, "And it's okay, everyone calls him Suga."

"My best friend's friend is dating him," Bokuto answered, quickly panicking internally that it was much too long of a way in an acceptable talk-to strangers manner.

Akaashi let out a small snort (damn, why so cute?), folding his hands neatly in his lap. "Kuroo Tetsurou I assume?"

Bokuto drew back a tiny bit in shock before nodding curiously. "Yeah, we've known each other forever. How'd you know?"

"No p-particular reason," was his only response, and Bokuto couldn't decide if he'd imagined that tiny smirk (fucking gracing perfectly pinkish and thin lips help) or not.

"Sooo," Bokuto drew out, deciding that if he were to get anywhere, he had to pick up the regular flirting-charm. So he pulled out the chair on the opposite side of the table, sitting down with an "You come here often?" Huh, he actually pulled that of quite well (if he'd do say so himself).

"Yeah," Akaashi answered, and Bokuto noticed how he picked up his pen to twirl it around a bit. He didn't seem nervous though, maybe it was simply a habit of his. "Suga-Suga's pretty much always here and it's nice"

"Hey, you know you don't have to be nervous. I promise I only bite the pies," Bokuto tried to say reassuringly but with a small grin to make it more at ease.

Akaashi just looked at him confusedly though, tilting his head ever so slightly. "I don't really understand what you mean-mean," he stated.

"Oh, just the stuttering. It's okay to be nervous around strangers but I promise-"

He was cut off though by Akaashi asking, "Stuttering?"

"Uhm…" was Bokuto's only genius reply, because he'd been sure that Akaashi'd heard that too! Had he deeply insulted him?! Akaashi's shoulders had lowered, just the tiniest bit, but he didn't let anything break his composure. Somehow Bokuto still got the very strong feeling that that had gotten to him, making Bokuto feel like the worst person ever. So, he continued with an even more genius "Of course not!"

Akaashi let out the tiniest of sighs, mumbling something short under his breath before he looked up again, to Bokuto's relief with an, "So what do you do for a living?"

At the pretty obvious change of subject, Bokuto immediately jumped into a ramble about how it was to be an author, complaining about how enormous his idea-dries could be but giving of watt-smiles as he explained how it was to morph the world into another universe.

Bokuto pretty quickly got the impression that Akaashi didn't speak a lot, but he hummed and never took his eyes of Bokuto as he spoke. He didn't exactly show much through that (oh shit so still goddamn beautiful exterior, from time to time Bokuto would even come off in his telling and catch himself getting lost again so fck he was a little screwed) but Bokuto still felt like he was really payed attention too. It was really nice for a change, most people seemed to have the tendency to tire of him and his antics after a short while. He found quickly that he really enjoyed just getting out what he had on his mind, realising in the sarcastic and witty comments that would occasionally be replied.

Just as he quit his rambling and was about to ask what Akaashi did, said goddess spoke up.

"That sounds interesting." Akaashi took a small pause, as if contemplating weather or not to say it before he did. "I would like to read something of yours sometime."

And Bokuto just glowed up worse than the sun (maybe even surpassing Hinata's shine), eyes alight and nearly making Akaashi fall backwards as he himself jumped forwards. "That's great! I mean- yeah that would be gr- very pleasant!"


They continued talking, and after a while Akaashi even offered Bokuto his blessed muffin (that has to be a good sign!).

"Really? Are you sure?" Bokuto asked, trying to be as polite as Akaashi seemed to be (minus the snarky comments that kept up of course, but they were never harmful or such).

He just snorted slightly once, and yes, once again Bokuto couldn't help but think that it was an adorable sound. "If I'd eat everything Suga put forth I'd for sure be long dead."

Bokuto laughed, tilting his chair backwards. "Would you look at that, you can joke!" He said before immediately backtracking, realising that was incredibly rude and probably a little mean. He just kind of lost himself with how easy he found it to actually talk with Akaashi.

The boy blinked at him before shaking his head just the tiniest bit, still his black curls managed to swing from the movement. "Sadly I wasn't joking," He answered, but not irritatedly, he only sounded fond of his roommate as he explained. "Suga's passion in life is baking, and he always wants to try and make new stuff. As we live together, he's declared me and Tooru his personal Guinea pigs. It's kind of ridiculous how much he can come up with, last week he did this cinnamon and pomegranate cake, which worked scarily good. I-," Akaashi suddenly stopped talking, as if only then realising he was babbling to a stranger. Bokuto didn't stop to think about how the stutter was long gone, and as he himself was a very loud speaker he hadn't noticed how Akaashi's volume had been picked up.

Bokuto just nodded happily though, giving of a radiating smile. "Yeah, everything here is just epic, I'm so jealous of you!"

Just as he said that though, Akaashi's eyes landed on his wristwatch, widening slightly and quickly putting down his few things in a shoulderbag over his chair. "I apologize, it was nice meeting you Bokuto-san, but I really have to go."

Bokuto nodded understandingly, albeit disappointed, standing up as well. "Okay, I understand! But it was fun!"

Akaashi smiled slightly as he looked down, nodding (Bokuto's heart of course managed to go ba-donk by that, even though he could barely see anything). "Well, good bye then."

"Bye," Bokuto answered, sadness coating his tone. It wasn't until Akaashi had reached the door that Bokuto had come to his sense, gathering up the courage to shout his request after the other. "Hey, maybe we could do this again sometime?"

Akaashi didn't even turn around to face him though, giving no response as he just disappeared with a pling from the bell. Bokuto felt his shoulders dropping low, eyes downcast. "Okay then," he mumbled dejectedly to himself.

Seconds later he strolled over to the counter desk, collapsing on one of the round chairs beside it.

"Suga, the biggest cocoa you have to go please," he said, burying his head on his arms.

"Oh dear," was Suga's response, with a slight shake of his head that the other couldn't see. "Sweetie, listen up." It was spoken in the gentle voice that was pretty trademark Suga, yet it was obviously an order that Bokuto didn't dare deny (because Daichi had warned him that in every angel, a demon hides, and even if he wasn't sure about that being true, he wasn't testing his luck today).

So he raised his head, eyes probably betraying just how dejected he felt, because he could never help wearing his emotions on his sleeve. He'd actually found someone who actually seemed to care about what he had to say, even if it wasn't always the brightest of thoughts all the time. And then he'd been flat out rejected, not deemed important enough to even get a look or a response.

"Keiji has very bad hearing," Suga told him directly, making Bokuto straighten up into a sitting position from the shock of that sudden statement. "He probably couldn't hear you over the distance and chatter, neither could he see your lips or anything."

Bokuto let his mind wrap around the thought. Akaashi was deaf? Okay, no he had bad hearing. That would actually explain quite a lot, maybe even why he talked so little as well. Before he could further dwell on the matter, Suga continued.

"But if you want to, I could give him your number?" Bokuto immediately shone up, only to a let his huge smile drop to a small neglected one.

"That would be very nice but…" He started with a small sigh. "I don't really think he liked me that much, so maybe it was for the best."

Suga let out a small laugh, shaking his head. "Trust me, I've known him for years. He's not usually a fan of talking to strangers, he's simply habitually introverted. He must have really liked you though, not even telling you to get out of his 'almighty personal space'. If you'd been anyone else, he would for sure have kicked that chair away under you just as you'd sit down. He's just like that sometimes," Suga stated with a fond voice and a warm smile. "So trust me when I'm telling you he enjoyed your company, just as much as you enjoyed his, okay Hun?"

That was another way of Suga giving an order apparently, slipping a note to him with seven digits on it over the counter. The sneaky angel must have anticipated him and written it before he even got there.

Bokuto just stared at it for a moment, digits jumbling together in his occupied mind. One thought seemed to be repeated more often though, because Akaashi liked him?

Eventually he closed his eyes with a broad smile playing on his lips, taking the note and putting it in the front pocket of his baggy jeans. "I'll make sure to call him then."

A/N: There might be a continuation of this (following Akaashi) but I'm not sure… Does anyone want one?

I truly hope no one was offended by Akaashi's lowered hearing, I know it's a big dilemma and real problem as any other and if I was in any way at all disrespectful towards it, please let me know and I'll instantly correct it.

Anyhow, thanks a lot for your time, it means a ton to me! I wish you a great day dearest, -hugs MJ