Pairing: Oliver Queen x Reader

Featuring: Thea Queen

Warning:None I think

A/n: Hey guys! Thanks for giving my story a chance! Enjoy:)

You didn't know how long you had been in love with him. You didn't plan for it, no it just sorta happened. You had fallen for the green hooded hero the moment you met him. No it wasn't for his looks. But for his willingness to put himself before others. Never had you met anyone with such a big heart before.

He was always ready to put his life on the line for those he cared about. You were lucky to be included in that circle. You had been working with Oliver for awhile now. It wasn't too long after that he told you his big secret. But he knew you could be trusted. You were someone who knew what he was and could cover for him when he needed it.

You loved being so close to him, watching him sort through files with a concentrated look on his face. And that small smile he gave you every time he thanked you for a task. You wished you had the courage to just outright say it. To let him know how you felt about him. But fear of rejection held you back. Especially since you were certain he had someone else close to his heart...

Your heart clenched at the thought of them together. The way he praised her after she discovered something on that computer of hers. Or the way he stared into her innocent eyes a little to long after every conversation. You hated that you were so jealous. But when you compare yourself to a women like that how could you not be? Her beautiful blond locks looked like an angels compared to the messy H/C bun you always wore. And that flawless figure that makes every outfit stand out. Her curves in all the right places while yours curved a little too much thanks to a summer of intense Netflix watching and cake eating. And then even if you took all that away she was still a pure hearted girl who's personality could make anyone fall for her. And to top it all off she had an amazing talent, whilst you can't even figure out a way to stop the pop up ads from coming.

So there you were, stuck in your situation. Even if he somehow did manage to stop having feelings for felicity you had no confidence he would pick you.

Thinking back to all his girls you sighed at the common theme. They were beautiful, strong, talented, and all had a significant part in team arrow at some point. And what did you have in common with them? Could you use your league of assassins training to help take down bad guys? Not really. Could you use your sonic scream to break through walls? Mmmm not lately. Could you use your computer skills to disarm bombs and save a city? Ha yeah no. All you were capable of was wrapping the occasional bandage. However you had one thing going for you and you clung to it will all your heart. You were a damn good assistant and that would have to be enough.

A long beep interrupted your thoughts and you realized he had needed you for something.

"Y/N?" Oliver's smooth voice surrounded your ears. You quickly got up from your couch and ran to the phone, flustered that you were just thinking about him and there he was. You quickly pressed the button, practically tripping in the process.

"Y-Yeah, I mean yes, yes I'm here, what can I help you with?" You winced at your own awkwardness.

"I'm missing a file on the new gun ordinances, could you find out what happened to it?" He asks ignoring my previous rambling.

"Yup I'll see to it now" You nod even though he couldn't see you.

"Thanks" He says bluntly and cuts the call with a beep.

"Phew" You slump in your chair. How long would you be like this? Couldn't you just toughen up and tell him! Ugh..

You shake off your negative feelings and distract yourself by finding the file...

After searching several likely places you finally locate the file and decide to quickly get some coffee before delivering it to Oliver. He always gave you a sweet smile when you got him some.

While walking to get the coffee you thought about how things would be if Oliver returned your feelings. To have him all to yourself, his smile, his passion, his love... To be able to wake up next to him, to see the sides of him no one else has seen. You could almost feel physical pain at the thought of him with someone else. If only you were good enough, you would have the confidence to tell him how you feel. You hoped one day you would. Oh how happy that would make you. To spend everyday with him, but even closer than before. And if you were being honest an office romance sounded so hot. Especially if he called you to his office only to have hot steam-Ahh! what were you thinking!? You shook your head at your own dirty thoughts and pressed you hands to your steaming cheeks. Some people passing gave you weird looks but you just ignored them.

After getting the coffee you made your way to Oliver's office, but just as you were about to knock his door swung open and he almost knocked you over in his rush.

"Woah" He quickly steadied you, both of his strong hands on your arms.

"Hey whats the rush?" You look up at him, his face contorted in a way that let you know something was wrong.

"I have to go, Felicity texted 911" Oliver doesn't even give you a chance to reply before he practically runs out the office.

You frown as the weight of the coffee and file seem heavier all of the sudden. Why did you feel so sad? Was it because he was running to her? Ugh don't be selfish Y/N, it's not her fault there was some arrow business to take care of. Or was it because you basically felt invisible? Maybe it was both.

Sighing you push open the door to his office and step inside. You could still smell his cologne and it made you wish he hadn't left. You had barley seen him these past few weeks. He had been wrapped up in a new case and on top of that he had his mayoral duties.

Walking up to his desk you set the file and coffee down and then glanced at the stack of paper work on his desk. How he had time to do all this and still be a vigilante was beyond you. Just then the door clicked open and you swung your head excitingly thinking he had come back but was disappointed when it was Thea instead.

"Oh hey" You tried to hide your disappointment but failed miserably.

"Well don't sound too happy" Thea joked sarcastically.

"Sorry that's-" You try but she hold up a hand.

"It's ok, I know I'm not the queen you were hoping for. She smirks and walks in the room.

You let out a little awkward laugh. You and Thea were great friends, always had been since the moment you met. And it was on a day that you went out for drinks that you had accidentally let your feelings for Oliver slip. Ever since then, Thea had been rooting for you. Always trying to build up your confidence so that you could one day confess. She was honestly the best friend someone could ask for.

"Speaking of, where is my brother?" She quickly glances around the room.

"He just left, something about a 911 back at the cave"

Thea lets out a loud sigh and rubs her forehead.

"Whats wrong?" You question curiously?

She holds up a thick folder," These have to be done by morning, and it's already evening, if there was a 911, Oliver probably won't be back in time to finish them." Thea groans out and plops down on the couch, You take the folder from her and flip through all the pages.

"The worse part is I can't even be mad at him because he's out there saving the city." She leans her head back clearly stressed. "And now I have to do them on top of my own stack of work."

"I guess now would be a bad time to mention the work he hasn't finished for today..." You glance back at his desk.

Thea looks in your direction then leans her head back again frustrated. "Great, that has to be done by morning too..."

You felt bad for Thea, she was clearly being overworked and needed a break," Don't worry about any of it"

Thea peaks an eye open and looks at you skeptically. "What are you talking about?"

"I'll take care of it all, got a fresh cup of coffee all ready too" You smile brightly at Thea as she gets up from the couch quickly.

"Are you serious? All of it?" You nod at her and she brings you in for a hug.

"Thank you Thank you Thank you" She mumbles into your shoulder.

You let out a small laugh," No problem, just promise me that you'll get some rest ok?"

She nods gratefully and leaves the office with a spring in her step. Probably excited that she didn't have to worry about all that work.

You on the other hand...

It had been hours since you began going through all the work. And the 5 cups of coffee you had since then had long wore off. What was the time now? 1, 2am? You were too lazy to look. All you knew was that Oliver was still out and hadn't made contact since he left. He could at least send a text saying he wasn't coming back. You were surprised at how much you had accomplished. You were proud of your ability to do piles of work efficiently, without stopping.

A loud yawn escaped your mouth as you finally finished the bulk of the work. Now you only had a few papers left. You decided to take a small break by leaning your head over Oliver's desk. His chair still smelled like him and it comforted you. Soon against your will you found yourself being pulled into the darkness. And sleep overcame you in an instant.

It was soon after that Oliver had actually came back, intending to pull an all nighter to finish the work he had piled up. But when he walked into his office he was confused as to why you were sound asleep at his desk. He walked closer, careful not to wake you and picked up one of the papers from the pile. He was surprised to see it completed, he did the same for the rest and found that you had finished almost all the work. He couldn't believe that you had done this all by yourself. A feeling of regret washed over him. He wished he had let you know sooner just how much he appreciated you.

He thought about how every morning you brought his coffee without him asking. And how you would always make sure he had eaten his lunch, he had a tendency to want to skip while he was working.

Or the times you covered for him and had to deal with all the stern complaints due to his absence. The truth was he needed you more than he realized. And looking at you exhausted from doing HIS work made him feel awful for not letting you know. He smiled softly at you and gently reached his arms under your knees and behind your back. Being extra careful not to disturb you...

Your eyes blinked slowly, trying to adjust to the sun streaming through the windows. Wait sun? What time was it? You quickly sat up and felt something slip from your body. Looking down your eyes widened. How the heck did Oliver's jacket end up on you. And it was then you noticed you were not on the chair anymore but the couch.

Did Oliver move you?! The thought of him carrying you made you blush. Ugh I hope he didn't think I was heavy. But wait, when did he come back?

Looking up at the clock you realized that you were way late for today's work. Crap. You hurriedly placed Oliver's jacket on the chair and also took note that all the paper work had disappeared.

You turned to rush out his office when suddenly the door swung open and Oliver came walking in, a coffee and paper bag in hand.

You stopped in your tracks, "Oliver! Sorry I was supposed to get that, I didn't mean to fall asleep like that, I'll get back to work right-"

Oliver placed a hand on your shoulder stopping your nervous ramble, "Hey Hey you have nothing to be sorry for, if anything I should be the one apologizing."

"Apologizing? For what?" You looked up at him confused.

He sighed placing the bag and coffee down, and looked at you again.

"For making you do all of my work last night" His face scrunched up regretfully.

You let out a small laugh, "Oliver, It's fine, really, there's no need to apologize, it's my job, besides you had more important things to do" You waved him off, thinking he was being silly.

"No it's-" He paused and you cocked an eyebrow curiously. He looked at you softly and with a sigh he continued.

"What I really wanted to say is sorry for not telling you how important everything you do is to me. I-" He paused again and smiled.

"The truth is you work harder than anyone and I couldn't do this job without you, being a vigilante and doing this its- I've gotten so used to all your help that I took what you do for granted. So that's what I'm apologizing for and I want to tell you thank you, for everything."

To say you were shocked would be an understatement. Was this really Oliver in front of you? Saying sorry and thank you all at once?! Your heart swelled with happiness, he said that you were important to him. To finally know that was the best feeling in the world. You look down for a moment avoiding his gaze and then look up with a shy smile.

"Oliver you don't have to thank me... if I can help you, or the team, even just a little, then that's enough...Not being able to fight or help in any significant way- I just- it makes what I do here very important to me... It's really me who should be thanking you. To feel that I'm a part of your crusade, even if just a tiny part makes it all worth it."

Oliver was taken aback, that was not the answer he was expecting. Had you always felt like this? How could he have not noticed.

"Y/N, you're just as important as any other member of the team, and like them I couldn't do what I do without you. The things you do here are just as significant. So please- Don't put yourself down like that." He gives you a serious look and you hoped to god the blush you felt didn't show through.

All you could manage was a small nod," Thank you Oliver, that means a lot"

He nods with a smile and clears his throat, "Well as a token of my gratitude, today I thought I would switch it up and bring you coffee and breakfast" He motions for you to take the food and the sweet smell of freshly toasted bagels fills your nostrils as you open the bag.

"Mmmm that smells like heaven, you really didn't have to, but I'm glad you did" You joke and he returns your smile. You catch a glimpse of the clock and realization hits you again.

"Oh! I better hurry up, I still have work to do" You grab the coffee and get ready to leave again but Oliver stops you. "Actually you don't, you have the rest of the day off, I'm sure you're exhausted." He smirks at you. "Go home, and get some sleep." He goes behind his desk leaving you standing slightly shocked.

"Are you sure? I mean I do have a lot to do still, plus won't I get in trouble if I just leave without notice?"

Oliver lets out a silent laugh and looks up at me with amusement written all over his face. "Well lets make a deal, I won't tell the boss if you won't"

Realization hits you and so does embarrassment, "I-it's a deal" You run out hiding your tomato face. Oliver's quiet laugh can be heard on the other side of the door.

As you walked to your car, you couldn't help but smiling like an idiot. Finally you felt seen. And he said you were important to him. Oh you couldn't wait to tell Thea about this.

And the thing that made your heart warm the most is that you were closer... One step closer to telling Oliver how you felt. The day that you would tell him, finally seemed in reach and you couldn't be more happy knowing it.

Thank You Guys so much for reading! I know it's not my best but thank you for giving it a chance, it means a lot to me. Also should I post more like this? Please comment below and let me know. Also please be kind I'm sensitive lol:)