Hello everyone !

Like you may have noticed, this fic is gonna be collection of Oneshots about Jack and his time with the Guardians (mostly). I know it has be done countless times before and I read many of them, but I try my best at not using ideas already done and if I do then I chose a different take.

I'm not a native English speaker, I tried to use the correct idioms and grammar but if there're still errors, I'm all ears.

I have already written a dozen or so OS, so for now except a weekly publication. Each chapter will be between 100 and 3000 words.

Disclaimer : Of course, I don't own Rise of the Guardians

Once Upon a Time

18th November 1697

A scream.

He counted the remaining leaves on the tree in front of the house. One, two, three.

Anything to keep his mind focused on something else.

He was only at five when another cry ripped his soul.

Six, seven, eight, nine...

He heard a sob, then a frantic shout, and he must have done everything in his power to not rush into the log cabin behind him.

He started counting again, closing his eyes now and then in a vain attempt to not dwell too much on the bloody screams.

When he reached ninety-four, only silence welcomed him.

Then a sob, followed by many others.

The next thing he knew, someone opened the door and he was dragged inside the main room.

He froze for a second, not knowing what to do, but someone pushed him firmly towards the bed in the back.


Her voice was extremely weak and he was afraid for a moment it would be the last time he heard it, but then she smiled at him, a smile so bright he swore his stomach flipped. He kneeled down besides the bed, took her hand inside his palm and looked at the bundle in her arms.

"Congratulations, it's a boy !"

He was overjoyed. After the first two desastrous pregnancies, when the girl had died within her first year and the second baby hadn't made it till the term, he thought he would never know the joy of having a child again. But here he was, a small boy, his skin a dark pink, eyes closed and sleeping deeply into the arms of his dear wife.

"Take him."

He was unsure for a moment, afraid he was going to drop him, but she gave him a warm smile. Slowly, he took him from her arms and put him into his. Fortunately, the boy didn't budge.

He was silent for a moment watching fondly at the baby, their child, rocking him gently to not disrupt his sleep. Then, he whispered :

"Welcome, Jackson William Overland."

5th March 1703

To say Jack was angry was an understatement.

The old lady told him to wait outside with his father. She needed space to help his mother, but Jack didn't want to leave. His mother was suffering, the baby wanted to get out but it was hurting her.

"Pa, can we play ?" He asked. He was bored, he was angry and mostly, he was worried.

"Not now, Jackson."

Some months ago, when his parents had told him he was going to be a big brother, he had been overjoyed. He could already picture himself playing with the baby, teaching him how to annoy the elders and how to throw snowballs at the Camperbell brothers.

But right now, when everyone was fussing over his mother and totally overlooking him, he didn't want it anymore.

He pouted.

"When will it be out ?"

William Overland sighed.

"I don't know Jack."

Jack walked away a little and kicked a pebble. When his mother had gone into the house this morning and had complained about her wet clothes had been when everything started to get weird. The next thing he knew, his father told him to run to the old lady who lived near the forest as fast as possible. When he came home, he didn't even have time to see how his mother was doing and as he was shoved outside, his father in tow.

He heard a scream and raised his head. His father was pacing in front of the cabin, throwing some looks at the door.

Other cries pierced the silence.

"Pa, is Ma gonna be alright ?"

His father put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it a little.

"Don't worry."

They waited at least for an hour before the old lady allowed them to enter.

Jack rushed besides his mother who was carrying something red in her arms.

"Jackson, this is your little sister."

"No ! Not a girl !"

His father chuckled behind him.

"Yes, a girl Jack, and she'll need a good big brother to protect her." His mother told him gently.

He looked at his father who was sending them a small smile, then at the bundle in his mother arms. The baby was fat, and had only a small brownish mop of hair on top of a very red face. She was sleeping at the moment, but Jack was sure that once awake she would be crying all the time for nothing.

She was ugly.

But he already loved her.

14th September 1706

Jack took a look outside. His nose stucked on the window, he squinted to see something. But it was pitch black and he couldn't make out anything.

"Jackson, come on, we're eating."

"But Pa isn't home yet !" He shouted

His mother sighed and came behind him.

"Jack, please. Your father will come home soon. So now, come eating before I put your sister to bed."

He glanced at Grace. The little girl was eating her soup with great enthusiasm, shoving the big spoon into her little mouth.

Jack gave a last peck outside before following his mother. It was better to not dwell too much on it.

6th November 1707

"Come on Gracie, it's not half bad. It's even yummy !"

"No ! It's not yummy at all ! I don't want it !"

Jack sighed for what felt like the million time today. Four-years-old Grace didn't want to eat her supper, no matter how many times he tried to get her to do it. Where were their parents when he needed them the most ?

Jack looked at their plates. Well, if he was being honest, it didn't seemed appealing, and it wasn't really tasty either, but it was better than nothing. They should feel lucky thay had something to eat, this year had been hard for everyone, many sheep had died of an illness and crops weren't good. Nowadays they could only have one meal a day, Grace needed to eat.

It was when he pushed one of the vegetables on his plate that he was struck with an idea.

"Gracie, look at that !" He pushed again two or three times before pointing at his plate. With only carrots and potatoes he successfully made a face, but it was frowning. "You see ? He's sad. Because you don't want to eat him." Grace was still pouting, but Jack could already see she was interested. "You don't want him to be sad, right ?" She shaked her head. "So, eat, and he'll be happy." To prove his point, he took one of the carrot and gave it to her. He then reorganized the plate to form a smile. "See, he's already better !"

Grace giggled and took her fork happily. Jack smiled.

23th October 1709

"It was dark, it was cold and he was scared. The little reindeer was lost, he didn't know where his family was..." Jack dropped his voice, almost whispering the last words. The gathered children were silent, focusing only on the oldest of them.

"He was walking in the forest, his hooves making the only noise. He was alone, he never saw any animal, never hear any owl. But then... he felt something... something watching him !"

He held a smirk when he saw Mary and Johannes holding onto each other, their wide eyes betraying how afraid they truly were.

"He looked around, but nothing was there, so he started to walk again... but then... he felt something touching him ! He turned around to flee, but the thing didn't want to leave, obviously. Shadows started to wrap themselves on his feet, making it impossible to move. Then... a figure took shape before him. A tall, thin and dark figure. It was... the Boogeyman !"

Grace screamed and hid behind the siblings who were shaking like a leaf. Jack couldn't keep it any longer and laughed out loud. Scaring them was so easy.

"Jack, it's not funny !" Mary whined.

"You're just a coward." He sticked his tongue out.

He carried on with his tale for a while, holding a smirk when the kids shuddered now and then. He had to stop however when Mr. Thompson went to get them. Johannes waved back at him, but Mary was still pouting. Well, it didn't matter, she coudn't hold grudge even if her life depended on it.

He cleared the fireplace quickly. It was pretty late and tomorrow he had to get up early before joining his father in the fields.

His sister was silent, she was sitting by the dead fire and looking blankly at his back.

"Jackson ?"

Jack turned around, confused by the use of his full name.

"A problem Grace ?"

"The Boogeyman, does he really exist ?"

Even if she tried to not show it, Jack could tell she was slightly afraid. He smiled gently, lowered a little and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes he does, but it doesn't mean you have to be afraid of him."

"But, you said..."

"It was a story Gracie, it doesn't mean anything." He sighed.

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. The words may have reassured her a little, but she was still worried.

"But... if he got to me..."

"Don't worry crybaby, I'll kick his butt like I did with the Campbell brothers last week."

"Promise ?"

"Promise." She laughed a little and Jack's smile only got wider.

He hated to see her afraid.

9th April 1710

It was late afternoon when they went to the village. Their mother sent them to fetch a special fabric from the merchant who came from the city. From what he heard, she needed it to sew a dress ordered by a well-off customer. He didn't know who this person was, and how she knew his mother, but if she could give them some money he was really grateful.

They had passed the last house and were on their way to their cabin when they heard someone accost them.

"Isn't that the Overlands ? Are you begging for food again ?"

Jack gritted his teeth and took Grace's hand into his.

"Come on Grace, Ma's waiting for us." He muttered while pulling her arm

"Well, aren't you answering ? You know it's a sort of confession, right ?"

"Don't listen to this idiot ยป She was following him silently, not daring to glance behind her. Unfortunately for them, the boy didn't like to be ignored and chased after them.

"Hey, Overland, are you deaf or something ? I'm talking to you !" He caught up and was now standing before them.

Jack sighed. Why no one could ever leave them alone ?

"What do you want Joseph ?"

The boy eyed the material Jack was carrying carefully.

"Silk ?! Aren't you meant to be poor ? How can you afford that ?" Jack bit his lip. Honestly, he didn't know if he was more angry or embarassed.

"Get off, Campbell."

"Didn't your father said you lost a third of your sheeps this year ? You should never have been able to buy that !"

"Will you just shut up your mouth ?" He gritted his teeths hard.

"Oh but let me guess, your mother must have done something, right ? Hope your father doesn't know, or he must be so ashamed."

Screw embrassement, Jack was absolutely furious now.

He threw the fabric into Grace's arms, leaped forward and punched the other boy right in the jaw. Jospeh may be a year older and brawnier than him , but what Jack didn't have in power he compensated in speed and agility. Hence he didn't have a problem to avoid the counter-attack.

He thought he heard Grace scream behind him, but he didn't care. This jerk dared to insult his mother, he should pay.

He pushed him on the floor and got in position to prevent him from getting up. One, two, three.

"Jack stop, stop ! Please, let him go !"

He punched him at least five times before Joseph recovered and got him off of him. He was now below, but not for long. With a kick from the leg, he made him tumble over him.

Grace grasped his hand. "Come on Jack, stop ! Please brother, stop !" She was totally crying now.

For a second, Jack was going to push her on the side, but when he realized he was considering using violence against his sister, he snapped off it.

He took a step back. Joseph took the opportunity to get up. When he crossed his eyes, Jack saw he was utterly afraid.

"You, you're totally mad !" He then ran away to the other houses. Jack knew he wouldn't be able to get away from it, but he didn't care.

He turned to Grace. She was watching him with big brown eyes. But what really disturbed him was the fear he was seeing in them. She was afraid of him.

He crouched down and extended his hand, but she took a step back. It hurt him more than any blow ever could.

"Come on Grace, we'll be late. We don't want Mother to get mad, right ?" She hesistated, but nodded and took his hand slowly, clutching the silk into the other. Fortunately it wasn't ruined, but it was crinkled, they were certainly getting scolded for it.

They said nothing for a while, just walking alongside the path leading to their cabin. But when the small wooden house came into view, Grace stopped.

"I don't like it when you're angry. You're not the same." She was talking so low he almost didn't heard it.

But he did.

"Please, don't do that again."

Jack looked at her shivering form, and realized that the next time, he was going to lose something way more important than his honnor if he didn't control himself.

"I promise you, sister."

1st August 1710

Grace assessed the new shepherd's crook with great interest.

"Is it yours ?"

"Yes !" Jack claimed, chest puffed with pride.

"You made it ?"

"Yes ! From the best willow tree in the forest !"

She eyed him suspiciously.

"All alone ?"

"Of course !" He shouted out with vigor, but the chuckle behind him was saying something else.

Their father put a hand on Jack's shoulder and look at his daughter with fondness in his eyes.

"He didn't make it all by himself, but most parts were his. And I must say, it's a pretty good job." Jack smiled at his father's praise. It was even better than finally seeing his finished staff.

Grace gave up all skepticism and was now holding it like it was a precious object. She then looked up at her big brother with admiration.

"Can you make me one ?"

Jack laughed. She was really predictable sometimes.

"Maybe one day, sister."

17th June 1711

"Jack ! Jack ! Can we play tomorrow ? Please, please pretty please !" Grace was boucing with excitement, which only accentuated Jack's headache.

"We can't Gracie, I have to go with Pa in the fields." He sighed.

"Again ! But you already went today ! And yesterday ! And even the day before yesterday !" She whined. "We can't play anymore ! You're never here !" It was true, since Spring he was spending more and more time with his father helping with the sheeps. Sometimes they didn't come home for a few days, and when they did he was always too tired to play with his sister.

"You're not alone, you have the others."

"But it isn't the same ! They're not you, they don't like to play like you do !" She paused. "And you, you're all so serious now !" She was on the verge of crying now.

Jack frozed and looked at her with his mouth open.

"Me, serious ! You're jocking, right ?"

"No ! When you go home you're always sleeping and talking about adult stuff with Pa. You're not even funny anymore !"

Jack didn't know what to do.

He was really tired and had one hell of a headache. When they went down from the fields, he had meant to eat, go straight to bed and sleep for hours before being up tomorrow at five o'clock.

But now, he had to prevent a crisis.

He passed a hand through his hair and looked over his sister. She was fuming, but Jack could see she was mostly sad.

Well, that settled it.

"Listen crybaby, we're gonna eat whatever Ma has done, and then we could play for an hour or two, okay ?"

She nodded and let a grin eat her face, too excited to even note the use of her hated nickname.

Jack sighed. He was going to be really tired tomorrow, and his father certainly won't prevent himself from scolding him, but it was worth it.

20th December 1711

Winter came late this year. Fields had started to be covered in snow the week before and temperatures were still high for the season. However it didn't prevent Jack from shivering.

"Jack, what are you doing ?" Grace asked when she left the cabin to see her older brother sat on a stump.

"I'm cleaning the skates." He answered while rubbing the blades.

Last year, a Swedish migrant showed the village ice skating. The kids all loved it, and they found a new utility to the pound by their cabin. In February, their father gave them skates he bought in exchange of some sheeps. Since then, Jack had been cherishing them like his own kids.

"Really ? Can we go ice skating today ?" She asked with excitement.

"I don't know if it's frozen enough, Grace." Jack bit his lip and glanced at the pound. It was covered in ice, but adults always told them it didn't mean anything.

"But Johannes went yesterday, he said it was safe ! Come on, it's going to be fun !" She whined.

Jack sighed but smiled nonetheless. If he didn't agree with her, she would be pestering him all day, and Jack wasn't sure he could survive. And if he was being honest, he had been dying to skate since March.

"Go tell Mother, and we're going to see if it's safe, okay ?"

After all, it wouldn't hurt to try, right ?

Thank you for reading !

I obviously decided to start with Jack's past life to put the fundation for the rest of the stories. I use the 14 years old version because for me it makes more sense.