Author's Note Please Read:
A/N: I wanted to draft this note to update y'all on the story. First of all I wanted to thank you all for the large amount of positive support for the story. I wanted to inform you that this story will not be continued as is, however the story I am currently working on will have most if not all of the major aspects of this story here are the changes that will come.
Jon will be a Targaryen I realize know how unbelievable it is to have otherwise so I hope you can agree with this change.
Jon will be 16 and Skagosi civil war has yet to come to an end I did this so that rather than having several chapters of flashbacks we will Jon through this war that shapes him rather than having it in the past.
Catelyn Stark will not treat Jon with animosity, but she will not act as a mother figure to Jon.
Jon will be fostered and raised by Maege Mormont whom in my fan fiction will be significantly younger and very close to Lyanna Stark.
Elia does not have more children I for some reason when I thought up this story completely spaced that Aegon nearly killed her and because of that she couldn't have children.
This is up to y'all, but I am re opening the voting on who Jon will be with. The options I've been considering are:
Jon/Joanna Lannister Jaime and Ashara's daughter because of Jaime and Tywin's actions to protect Rhaegar's family and see him on the Iron Throne.
Jon/Arianne Martell same reasons as before.
Jon/Margery Tyrell to strengthen the ties with Highgarden.
Jon/Dacey Mormont because they grew up together and are close I was thinking of this relationship will be more of a brother and sister relationship, but it's there if y'all want.
Please leave a review of what you think and who you want Jon to be with.