Anime: Alright, just Quatre and Trowa in this one. Give CK a break, seeing as for most of the fluff in this fic, he provided.

Anya: ...

Anime: You know, this was the quietest she's ever been in the whole fic.

CA: Can't blame her! Uncle Boris messed up her mind.

Anime: Says a lot for you, doesn't it? Anyway, could it be Anya-kins is a little bit upset over her and Kai's first major fall out?

Anya: ...

Anime: Yoo hoo... Anime to Anya, c'mon in psycho gal. *waves hand in front of Anya's face* Kami... she's takin' that pretty bad... Way to go, Yama...

Duo: *wraps arm 'round Anya* Yo. No need to worry, Sweetcakes. Duo-kins is here to comfort ya. *sidles over a little -too- close*

Anya: *frown and death glare* Not so close! *punches Duo*

Anime: *winces* Ow... felt the sting on that one...



"Well done. Now, what's the shape?"


"Well? Take your time."


"Oh! So close. It's a rectangle. Now, what's the picture on the back?"

In the brightly and cheerfully decorated room, Kai stood a little way off, watching the scene before him. The woman gave the girl the red rectangle. Curiously, the girl turned the shape over and her face brightened at the picture. "Flower!" she squealed.

The woman grinned and clapped her hands. "Well done, Lizzy! Now, your turn Anya. Can you tell me what this... oh, you're colouring in a picture. Do you want to share it with the rest of the group?"

The purplenette was engrossed in her work, colouring on her bit of paper. She didn't appear to acknowledge the woman and simply picked up another colour pencil to use. Kai watched as the woman reached out to take the paper. Then he saw the change in moods in Anya. At first, not acknowledging the group, quickly to fear and confusion then anger and possessiveness, in the space of five seconds. Anya snatched her picture away, holding it close to her. The woman, used to this type of behaviour, simply smiled. "Mustn't be finished. Okay then. Maybe you'll show it to us later." she said, before returning to the other children in the group.

Anya looked down at the picture she just drew, then up directly at Kai. She studied him for a moment, curiosity building in her face. Finally, she stood and walked silently to the boy, holding her picture. The bluenette smiled when Anya came up close, smiling shyly at Kai. She held out the paper to Kai, inviting him to look at the picture. Kai accepted the paper and looked at it, smiling.

Although it looked like an eight year old drew it, Kai admired it, all the same. It was a portrait. Kai guessed she had been watching him all afternoon as he stood against the wall. His hair had extra spikes and he was wearing a white top for some reason. Behind him, obviously something Anya had added in herself, were bright red and gold wings, resembling Dranzer's. Kai looked up and Anya, who looked hopeful.

"It's a great picture. This is what you think I look like?"

The girl's face broke out into a big smile and she nodded furiously. Silently, she appeared to be laughing to herself before pulling Kai's arm and leading him to a small table littered with paper and pencils. Kai smiled as Anya started another picture, offering more paper to Kai, urging him to draw as well.


"Any news doctor?"

"Some good, some bad. Which do you want first?"

"Erm... give us the good news..."

"Well, it appears Anya hasn't suffered any major brain damage. She hasn't incurred much physical damage and over time, will heal."

"The bad news?"

"Unfortunately, unlike the other patients were involved in the event, Anya's memory is completely shot. She didn't recognise any of the names we mentioned, or any of the pictures we showed her. Her speech, too. She's become mute. We believe it's the shock of the experience and the device implanted in her. Whether she recovers from either... is debatable."

Tyson frowned and looked through the glass window into the care room. Kai and Anya were sat across from each other, drawing. Ray shook his head. "Poor Anya..."

"How about that thing in her head?" Max asked.

"We cannot be sure whether or not it's affecting her mental processes..."

"But can't you just remove it; to be sure?" Kenny piped up.

"Unfortunately, with our limited knowledge of the experiment she was involved in, removal of the device may make matters worse."

"What do you mean? Those files the BBA sent have all the information you need about the experiment."

"True; they say how to carry it out. But they lack the required medical files. As far as we know, the device is connected to her spinal cord and the base of her brain. With the device in such a precarious location, removal may cause paralysis, brain damage... maybe even worse."

The boys avoided looking at each other or the doctor when he said that. Making his good day, he left, reading the patient files in his hands. Tyson growled. "I know Anya and I always fought and hardly got on, but this isn't something she needs."

"Or Kai. He must really hate Boris and BIOVOLT now..." Ray muttered, turning away from the viewing window. A nurse came towards the boys, smiling softly.

"I'm sorry boys, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. Visiting time is over."

"Hey, will Kai be staying longer then?" Max asked, looking back into the room. By now, Anya was showing off her new picture to Kai; a mass of squiggles and lines brought together to look like a garden.

"I suppose. He hasn't interrupted the session so far, and removing him may disrupt it slightly... but still. Can you boys leave now?"


Outside, the Bladebreakers saw Enrique and Rosa from the Majestics waiting. Rosa smiled and walked up to the boys. "How's Anya?"

"Fine, but the doctor says that her memory is near enough erased and she's mute." Max summarised. "They're keeping her here until they make more progress."

"Oh... that's a shame..." she said sadly. "And so far away from Japan or Russia."

Tyson stretched. "So... what will Kai do now? I mean, Anya's in there, and might not come out for a long time. And he can't exactly get a house in America, can he?"

"Knowing Kai, he'll find a way and wait. He loves Anya too much." Enrique said.

"How do you know?" Ray asked.

"Simple. We're the Love Police." Enrique said jokily. "Seriously, you can tell if you know what to look for. And Rosa and I can tell that Kai won't abandon Anya for anything."


"That's a great picture, Anya."

The girl looked up from her third picture and grinned. She looks so much happier... Kai noted, remembering what she was like in their youth back in Moscow. Kai almost wished she would never regained the traumatic memories, just so she could stay so carefree. Anya leaned forward and hugged Kai suddenly, startling him. The girl pulled away and continued colouring in as if nothing happened. Kai sighed. He could tell it was going to be a long road, but he'll walk it all the way, helping Anya along. Kai took Anya's free hand and squeezed it, causing her to look up.

"Don't worry Anya. We'll get through this. We've been through too much to give up now. Okay?"

Anya smiled lightly, whether or not she understood what Kai meant was arguable. Still, she squeezed back and kept colouring, never letting go of Kai's hand.


Anime: *sniff sniff* Good work guys!!!! We're done! Our first fic over and done with. Capeesh. Finito. Finished. Completed. *breaks out the alcohol-free champagne* Poor Duo. No drinky for you.

Duo: *bandaged up* All I did was offer my support!

Anime: Yeah, but you know Anya and Kai. I'm surprised you recovered from your last attempt at flirting with them both at the same time so soon...

Duo: *shrugs* I'm the God of Death. You give me a licking and I come back kicking.... *smirky smirky*

Anime: *sweatdrops* You just had to put it that way, didn't you...


ssykes4000 - (CA: WAH!!! That hurts! Sic him, Tiger! *Tiger jumps onto Sykes' back and starts scratching the top of his head until bald* ^_^ Nice kitty!) Wack! Soz, Sykes! Bad CA!

SulliMike23 - I'm afraid she did *nods head* And Anya and Kai had a major row. No idea what about though. But they're... copable at the moment. Not talking to each other, but not mauling either.

Mizu_Tenshi - Those are the breaks. Life is cruel, especially when you're in love. I'll see what I can do about Anya's memory, K? But not in this story. I've been asked to do a sequel... What do you think?

ShadowYami - Yeah, great going, Yama. Anyway, thanks for the chicken teryaki! Very yummy! And maybe an apology to the couple won't go a miss... I know he's safe, your safe and I'm safe, but c'mon; I'M RUNNING OUT OF ICE CREAM IN THE HOUSE!!!!!

Samb101 - Well, gotta wait until the sequel, if it gets enough backing...

Every Storm Has An End - Thanks! ^_^

Wo-ai-ni-kai-hiwatari - When more people say they want a sequel, I'll meet the demand and make one. Thanks for the idea! ^_^
