Epilogue: Twilight Destiny

Twilight Sparkle groaned in pain as she slowly regained her consciousness. Her vision was very blur to see. As soon as her vision became clear, she found herself in strange realm that is filled with stars like she's in another universe.

"Hello? Where am I? What is this place?" Twilight Sparkle called in concern. She then heard a glass cracked and crashed. She looked down and found a broken tiara and intact sparkling lavender star. She levitated it up while wondering, "What happen to the Element of Magic? Why is it destroyed? What is really going on?"

"We've been waiting for you..." The wise Japanese Accent voice spoke calmly, "For a long, long time..."

"W-Who's there?!" Twilight Sparkle demanded in concern.

The whole area glowed brightly in white as it blinded her sights for the moment. As soon as it dimmed and dispersed, Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes again. She gasped in surprise as she was surrounded by thirteen hooded mysterious ponies in their respective colors: golden, black-white, black, white, gray, blue, red, green, cyan, indigo, silver, yellow and brown.

"W-What in the world is going on?" Twilight Sparkle asked in confusion and concern while looking around of the group of mysterious ponies, "Who are you all?"

"Don't be afraid, Twilight." A familiar voice said calmly. Twilight Sparkle turned to the back and found Princess Celestia appeared before the unicorn. She smiled, "Everything is fine. And also, congratulations, Twilight. I knew you could do it."

"Princess..." Twilight Sparkle said in relief as she approached and gave Princess Celestia a hug. The white Alicorn returned a hug to her. She continued, "I don't understand. Who were those ponies? What did I do?"

"They're my friends and family," Princess Celestia smiled while looking at the hooded ponies. Twilight Sparkle was uncertain and worried. She patted her student's back gently, "Don't be afraid, Twilight. They won't bite us. They can be trusted."

"Celestia, you have done well." The wise and old golden hooded pony spoke gently. Princess Celestia looked at him. He continued while looking at Twilight Sparkle, "You have indeed picked the worthy student. You taught her very well. Your father and mother will be proud of it."

Princess Celestia smiled and bowed humbly, "Thank you, uncle..."

The white hooded pony spoke while looking at her, "She is truly the one we've been looking for. She has the Light in her now."

Black-White hooded pony nodded, "No doubt that both Light and Darkness will reunite with their friends to bring balance to the Harmony."

"Our mission to find the Chosen One has come to its end," Black hooded humanoid warrior spoke calmly, "Welcome back..."

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked in confusion, "What's going on?"

The blue hooded pony approached while removed his cowl. He revealed himself before her. Twilight Sparkle gasped in shock upon looking at him.

"Greetings, Twilight. We finally meet..." Azure Phoenix greeted warmly.

"Azure Phoenix?! Emperor of Northern Ma?!" Twilight Sparkle asked in shock. Azure Phoenix nodded firmly while smiling. She squealed excitedly, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I can't believe it. I'm actually meeting you in pony! But there were so many questions I need to ask about the box you gave me."

Azure Phoenix chuckled a bit, "In time, you will, Twilight Sparkle. The box I gave to you is not a weapon but a mere Shard of Pure Light."

"What? Shard of Pure Light?"

"It means you have proven yourself to be its wielder for showing your true heart and worthiness. You are the Chosen One we've been looking for. And now, all we can do is wait for the Light's return to you. When reunite with the Darkness, you and your friends will bring balance to both of our realms."

"I... I still don't understand about this. I'm confuse but curious too. I need to know. Why am I being chosen? What am I wielding of? What are you talking about?"

"I'm sure you will understand, Twilight when you meet the Darkness," Azure Phoenix said calmly, "But for now, Celestia has something to say for you."

"Other than being chosen by the Light, you did something for four days that's never been done before." Princess Celestia said calmly as she summoned the memory screen-like of Twilight Sparkle as she summoned Starswirl the Bearded's Spell Book, "Something even a great unicorn like Starswirl the Bearded was not able to do, because he did not understand friendship like you do."

"Really?" Twilight Sparkle asked in surprise.

"Yes. Not only you were able to correct his spell," Princess Celestia nodded firmly. She then summoned the screen-like showing Twilight Sparkle's time in Human Realm, where she befriended and united Human Mane Six and Cutie Mark Crusaders, she helped and befriended Sunset Shimmer and united to defeat Sombra. She smiled, "You've also help my student to her the errors and become a better pony, as well as helping these Humans to defend their realm from Sombra's counterpart.

Twilight Sparkle blushed in red, "I did what I have to. I couldn't stand of letting them get hurt by him, not after what I've been through."

"Indeed. The lessons you've learned here in Ponyville have taught you well." Princess Celestia said calmly and proudly. Azure Phoenix and the rest of hooded ponies nodded in agreement as they all formed a large circle to surround both her and Twilight Sparkle. She smiled, "You have proven that you're ready, Twilight."

"Ready? Ready for what?" Twilight Sparkle asked in confusion.

"Ascension to the Light!" Everyone but Twilight Sparkle exclaimed firmly and proudly. Their shouts surprised her. The circle with star in middle while ten elements on its corners was formed and glowed brightly in white. They all chanted harmonically and calmly, "Rise above Mortal! Rise above Magic! Become its Light! Unite with her Darkness and other Elements. And together, defeat a Great Evil and bring harmony to both realms, Twilight Sparkle!"

While Twilight Sparkle was confused and concerned, Princess Celestia began singing proudly and firmly as she summoned the familiar screens of memories Twilight Sparkle knew of. There sad, silly, painful and angry moments, but there was also happiness and proud moments she has treasured with her friends and family.

Princess Celestia: You've come such a long, long way
And I've watched you from that very first day
To see how you might grow
To see what you might do
To see what you've been through
And all the ways you've made me proud of you

Twilight Sparkle was touched and surprised by Princess Celestia's song and proud of her while curious of what hooded ponies and Azure Phoenix were performing on their ritual for her. The circle of stars continued glowed brightly as hers in lavender colors as well.

Princess Celestia: It's time now for a new change to come
You've grown up and your new life has begun
To go where you will go
To see what you will see
To find what you will be
For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny

While Twilight Sparkle was confused and curious, a surprised lavender aura-like emerged from her chest. It multiplied more as they flew and surrounded her. They were lifting her to the midair of sky. She was in shock and surprised by the event.

As the lavender aura spirits continued flying around Twilight Sparkle, the circled star passed its every last of power to thirteen hooded ponies. They then raised their right hands as they aimed and fired their respective colored aura-like powers at her. Thirteen beams engulfing her whole while lavender aura continued flying and surrounding her. As if it was called, it exploded in white while engulfing everything in it.

"It is done..." Princess Celestia said calmly, "All we can do is wait for his return and the Element of Light..."

In nighttime, inside the Golden Oak Library, Twilight Sparkle's friends and family are becoming more restless and worried as they were still waiting for a word about their friend's safety and whereabouts. Princess Luna remained calm and firm as she was still watching over them.

BOOM! Everyone yelped in surprise as they turned to the window. They saw something shinning brightly on their hometown. They were surprised and shocked upon looking at the familiar cutie mark, which belongs to their friend. As it began descending, they all quickly exited the library to investigate of what's transpiring the event.

As the sparkling stars descended, its light continued glowing and blinding Twilight Sparkle's friends and family. Its light began to dim down as it slowly revealed a familiar figure beneath the light. It surprised and concerned them all.

"Twilight? Is that you?" Applejack asked in concern.

As Twilight Sparkle slowly stood up while opening her eyes, she surprisingly unfolded her wings from both sides. At the same time, the Element of Magic was levitating in front of her. Her friends gasped in shock and surprise.

"No way!" Spike exclaimed in shock and surprise.

Applejack approached Twilight Sparkle, "Wha... I-I've never seen anything like it!"

"Ha! Twilight's got wings!" Rainbow Dash cheered as she gave Rainbow Dash a hug, "Awesome! A new flying buddy!"

"Oh my gosh! I didn't know Twilight got wings," Apple Bloom asked excitedly. She turned to her friends, "Did you all know?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head happily, "No! But who would have thought that unicorn can get wings."

"Me neither," Scootaloo admitted in surprise, "But so awesome to see her have one!"

Rarity nodded surprisingly, "Why, you've become an Alicorn. I didn't even know that was possible."

Pinkie Pie cheered while blowing the party kazoo wildly, "Alicorn Party!"

"Wow..." Fluttershy said in surprise, "You look just like a princess!"

"Told you so, mummy!" Nyx nodded and cheered happily, "I told you that with wings, you looked very much like princess!"

"That's because she is a princess." Princess Celestia giggled happily as she descended to the ground.

Princess Luna nodded as she marched and regrouped with her older sister, "Indeed, she is."

"Huh?!" Everyone asked in surprise.

"Hold on a second!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she took a drink of water for the moment. She then spilled it out in shock, "Are you kidding me?!"

Twilight Sparkle was in shock and surprised, "A... A princess?"

"Since you've come to Ponyville," Princess Celestia said firmly while looking at Mane Five, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike and Nyx. She continued, "you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess."

Twilight Sparkle was stunned about Princess Celestia's characterizing her, "But... does this mean I won't be your student anymore?"

"Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you, but we're all your students now, too." Princess Celestia said calmly. She then bowed down, followed by her sister and other friends. She smiled, "You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle was stunned and shocked by the latest event. Even though she became a princess, she's still new to it especially about her encounter with Azure Phoenix and a group of mysterious hooded ponies and talk about being 'the Chosen One' and the 'Light'.

"But... what do I do now? Is there a book about being a princess I should read?" Twilight Sparkle asked in concern and confusion, "What about our talk with Azure Phoenix and others about the 'Chosen One' and the 'Light'? And what about the Element of Magic? The crown is destroyed."

Princess Celestia giggled amusingly, "There will be time for all of that later. And as for the little chat with our friends, you will understand one day. But for now, let us prepare for your coronation, Twilight."

Canterlot High School, Human Realm,

On the next day, everyone has returned to the school for their usual days. Unlike before, all of them are now friendly and open to each other. They're now freed from their fears and nightmares. And also, both Burnblast and Lightningblade resigned and were leaving with the prisoners to police station since they have completed the mission.

Sunset Shimmer was walking down the hallway of lockers while looking sad and upset. As she was walking; a few students gave her nudge, push and knocked over before moving ahead. This make her dropped her books down hard. She sighed as Sunset Shimmer picking up her stuffs. This has upset and make her uncomfortable after the Fall Formal Event.

Admittedly, Sunset Shimmer did terrible things to the students in the first place. She deserved some punishment for ruining their lives.

Luckily, Applejack came and helped Sunset Shimmer up, followed by her friends, Cutie Mark Crusaders and even Flash Sentry. They all helped her up while smiling to her kindly and warmly. She returned to them with a sad smile.

"Thanks..." Sunset Shimmer thanked in relief.

Flash Sentry smiled, "No worries. We're all friends. Friends looked one and another. That's what friendship is all about."

Applejack nodded, "And we did promise to Twilight that we look out for you."

Sunset Shimmer nodded, "I'll buy you lunch."

Everyone laughed playfully and happily as they all headed straight to the cafeteria for enjoying their lunch now.

Canterlot, Equestria,

At the Canterlot bedroom, Spike and Nyx were helping Twilight Sparkle out with pinkish-whitish princess dress. While both children were excited and happy about it; she looked uneasy, worry and concern about the coronation. While she enjoyed studying and learning more about friendship, Twilight Sparkle had never expect of becoming a princess especially being a Chosen One to the Light, which Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have been avoiding about.

Both Nyx and Spike noticed her concern looks as they both approached and checked on her.

"Mummy, what's wrong?" Nyx asked.

Twilight Sparkle sighed as she turned to her children, "I don't know, Nyx and Spike. It's just that I'm uncomfortable of being princess." Both of them were confuse. She continued, "To be honest, when I start studying at Princess Celestia's Gifted School for Unicorns, I envisioned myself that I was going to be a teacher or an advisor to Princess Celestia. But..."

"You'd never thought that becoming princess?" Spike asked in surprise. Twilight Sparkle nodded sadly. He approached and patted her face gently, "Come on, Twilight. Don't be sad. Just be proud of it. Not everypony gets a chance to become one."

Nyx nodded happily, "Yeah. You should be proud of it."

"But I'm not," Twilight Sparkle admitted in fear, "And truthfully, just because I have crown and wings, it doesn't mean I'm a good leader. Once Princess Celestia find a new kingdom for me to lead, I'll be leading it. But..."

"But?" Nyx and Spike asked in confusion.

Twilight Sparkle continued before shedding tears, "I'll be all alone to lead the kingdom, and... I'm scared to do it. I won't see my friends and you both again. You're all precious to me. But I don't want to let everyone down again. I don't think I'm ready for it. I don't want to be alone again."

Seeing Twilight Sparkle being scared about ruling the kingdom by herself without her friends and family, Nyx and Spike looked worry and upset for her. They both looked at each other while showing firm faces. They both nodded firmly as they approached Twilight Sparkle.

Nyx approached and nuzzled Twilight Sparkle's legs gently, "Mummy, you shouldn't feel that way because you're not alone to do it."

"Yeah," Spike nodded as he held Twilight Sparkle's head up, "And if Princess Celestia did found a kingdom for you, we will stand by your sides from far or near, no matter what."

"Really?" Twilight Sparkle asked hopefully.

Nyx and Spike jumped and hugged her happily and passionately. She returns it to them as well.

"Of course, Twilight." Spike said confidently, "We're your friends and family."

Nyx smiled and nuzzled her mother's head, "And we love you so much. We'd never ever let you be alone to rule the kingdom."

Touched by her children's speech, Twilight Sparkle shed some tears of joy while hugging them both back happily.

"Thanks, you two are the best," Twilight Sparkle thanked happily while shedding some tears. Spike and Nyx sobbed in tears of joy as well. They then heard the bells ringing. They all departed from hugging. She glanced at the door before turned back to them, "Looks like it's time."

"You ready for it?" Spike asked happily.

Nyx smiled, "When you're ready, so does our friends and family. We'll be with you till the end."

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "I'm ready. Let's do it."

At the Canterlot Castle's Main Hall, where most of ponies across the Equestria have come and gathered here for the coronation. On the stage; three princesses, Mane Five and Cutie Mark Crusaders, Nyx and Spike were standing before the crowd. All of them were wearing formal attire for the event.

"We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion." Princess Celestia spoke for her speech, "My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville." She smiled while looked at Princess Luna, "She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna."

Princess Celestia faced to the front, "But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary. She created new magic and helping a lost soul to understand the meaning behind the Magic of Friendship, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess." Her speech has inspired and touched everyone's hearts including Twilight Sparkle's parents. She then looked up at the door, "Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville Town!"

As if cued, the door opened in two. Twilight Sparkle marched in while walking straight to the stage, followed by four mares holding the banner of Twilight Sparkle's cutie marks and four Royal Guards.

Choir: The Princess Twilight cometh
Behold, behold
A Princess here before us

Twilight Sparkle stood before Royal Sisters. As Spike and Nyx marched in while holding the red pillow of newly Element of Magic crown, Princess Celestia levitated and crowned it upon her student's head. With it done, she turned and faced the crowd with her proud looks. They all cheered wildly and happily.

Choir: Behold, behold, behold
Behold, behold (behold, behold)
The Princess Twilight cometh

Royal Sisters and Twilight Sparkle then marched to the balcony, where they face more of crowd. They were all cheering happily and wildly for the newly princess.

Choir: Behold, behold (behold, behold)
The Princess is
The Princess is here!

As Twilight Sparkle nervously waved to the ponies, Princess Celestia smiled while nudged her a bit to make a speech for them.

Twilight Sparkle was still nervous and worried before cleared a throat. She then began her speech:

"A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship, which is something I didn't really care much about. But now, on a day like today," Twilight Sparkle spoke humbly in her speech.

Twilight Sparkle turned and gestured her friends and two children to come to the balcony. They all shed some tears of joy, this made her smiled proudly and happily.

She continued her speech while faced to the crowd, "I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you, and even adopting my two special ones. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!"

The crowds went wild again. Twilight Sparkle and her friends returned to the main hall, where they met up with her parents, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

Shining Armor exclaimed happily, "Twilight! I'm so proud of you!"

"And so do I," Night Light agreed while shedding his tears of joy, "Who would have thought that my little angel would actually become a princess that I inspired you to be?"

"That speech is truly inspirational," Princess Cadance remarked proudly, "You're truly amazing pony, Twilight."

Twilight Velvet smiled before giving her daughter a hug, "Yes. I always knew you're special, Twiley. I'd never imagine that you'd make this far more special. We're lucky to have you and the little ones - part of our family."

"Thank you, mom, dad, Cadance and Shining Armor," Twilight Sparkle thanked happily as she departed the hug from her mother. She then noticed Shining Armor's shedding tears. She giggled, "Are you crying?"

"Of course not. It's..." Shining Armor insisted while wiping the tears off, "it's liquid pride. Totally different thing."

She and her family laughed happily as they gave a big group hug. Her friends and children joined in to compliment to her.

"[Applejack] Way to go, Princess! [Rarity] Truly inspired speech you ever made, Twilight! [Pinkie Pie] Best coronation day ever! [Rainbow Dash] Best?! Call it awesome! That's worth everything we've been through! [Cutie Mark Crusaders] Hooray for Princess Twilight! [Fluttershy] We love you, Twilight."

Spike smiled, "See, Twilight? We'll always stand besides with you, no matter what."

"Yeah," Nyx nodded as she joined and hugged Twilight Sparkle, "We'll help you because you're the most important pony to us. We love you so much."

As everyone gathered and gave a big group hug, Twilight Sparkle giggled while shedding tears of joy, "I love you too, girls!"

The Canterlot Castle's doors opened in two, the Royal Guards emerged out as they both carrying the royal chariot of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The crowds continued cheering wildly and happily for her. She then jumped off from carriage as she reunited with both her friends and family.

Twilight Sparkle: Life in Equestria shimmers
Life in Equestria shines
And I know for absolute certain

Twilight Sparkle, her friends and family were marching in one straight road as they all waved to the crowds. The crowds went wild while cheering for the new princess.

Main cast and crowd: That everything (that everything)
Yes, everything (yes, everything)
Yes, everything is certainly fine
It's fine

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "Yes! Everything's going to be just fine!"

Spiritual Midnight Sparkle groaned in annoyance behind her head, "I think I'm gonna be sick of hearing that. Seriously? When she's gonna crack and snapped at her friends for betraying her?! I need bad energy!"

Twilight Sparkle sighed, "Whatever, you say, Midnight Sparkle. Just don't ruin the moment..."

"I still hate it..." Midnight Sparkle remarked in annoyance.

Unknown to anyone on the ground, the mysterious warrior was standing on top of castle's walls. He has watched the event especially looking at Twilight Sparkle. He couldn't help but felt something joy and surprise when looking at her.

"Who is she? Why does she looks like Iris? Does she have something powerful and magical as mine? She has to be the one I sense of," The mysterious warrior asked in concern and curious, "Whoever she is, I would like to meet her. One day, someday."

In the blink of an eye, this mysterious warrior jumped off from the castle walls as he landed on the ground. He turned and exited the Canterlot. He headed off to another place now...

"For now, I must continue my exile and journey. Shadow Dragon will return and meet you soon, Princess..."

From the Canterlot Castle's balcony, Royal Sisters watched the event. They both couldn't help but smiled and felt proud of her. Behind them is the same group that Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle have met and encountered. They all were discussing about it.

"Everything has gone prophesied as we hope for," The golden hooded pony spoke calmly, "All we can do is wait for the Element of Light and Element of Darkness to unite with the rest. And together, they will fulfill their destiny and bring balance to both realms."

White hooded pony sighed, "I hope he know about this. The sooner he knows about it. The better he comes and meet her."

"Don't worry. They both will," Azure Phoenix said confidently, "But for now, she must trained and evolved her magic powers. And hopefully, it will come and seek her out."

"Let us hope so," Black hooded humanoid said calmly and firmly, "I've waited for this, far too long."

Black-White hooded pony giggled, "Somepony is impatient to meet her again." She sighed, "I also want to. But let us wait until the right time has come..."

Unknown, Human Realm,

The mysterious assassin arrived at throne chamber-like. He bowed down before his mysterious leader, who was sitting down on his chair.

"I've completed my task especially silence that idiot Sombra," The assassin said amusingly, "I've seen it all. They really got something what we need. They're powerful for both light and dark."

The Dark Leader smirked, "Excellent. If she ever returns again, bring her and her friends to me. And so, we can do experiment and make mass production for our projects. Everything goes according to our plans. The realms of two will be mine..."

Assassin smirked, "Will be done, boss..."

Classified Headquarter, Human Realm,

Inside the room with one ceiling light lighted, the mysterious man was facing at the young man about the latest situation including the file reports involving Lightningblade and Burnblast from their adventures at Canterlot High School especially the picture of Twilight Sparkle, Nyx, Spike and their friends from Fall Formal Event.

"Find out of what's going on," The man said firmly, "I want to know who are they and why are they looked like my pupil. Assemble your team, S.D. or should I say Shadow Dragon..."

Shadow Dragon nodded firmly, "Will do, Azure Phoenix. It will be done. I also want to know about them too..."

Singer: A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

Singer: I couldn't see what was
Right there in front of me
Turned my back
Got my mind off track

Singer: You saw a world that was
Something new entirely
Helped me to see
All the possibilities

Singer: Oooohhhhh...
Like a star in the day light
Or like a diamond at night
Your light was hidden
From my sight

Singer: A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

Singer: Every friendship is tested
You say you're sincere
But it's all unclear now
But with a word
Everything changes
And just like that
You and I are right back

Singer: Oohhh...
Like a star in the day light (Star in the day light)
Or like a diamond at night (Diamond at night)
Your light will shine
When the time is right

Singer: A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

Singer: When I put my hand out
And I thought I would fall
You knew what I needed
And you came around
To fix it all

Singer: A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

Singer: Ooohh-wa-ooohh
(Like a star in the day light)
A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)
(Like a diamond at night)
Ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohhh
That's what you are to me

Main Casts:
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle, Midnight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack, Rainbow Dash
Andrea Libman: Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Princess Luna
Rebecca Shoichet: Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle's Singing Voice
Kira Tozer: Nyx Midnight
Cathy Weseluck: Spike
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Madeleine Peters: Scootaloo
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Robin Atkin Downes: Sombra, Thugs
Robert McCollum: Burnblast, Thugs
Travis Willingham: Lightningblade, Thugs
Kazumi Evans: Rarity's Singing Voice
Shannon Chan-Kent: Pinkie Pie's Singing Voice

Minor Casts:
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia, Cheerilee
Vincent Tong: Flash Sentry, Parcel Pony
Corey Burton: Spell Nexus
Douglas Rye: Azure Phoenix
Danny Cooksey: Tech
John Turturro: Seymour Simmons
Tom Kenny: Wheelie
John DiMaggio: Black Tiger
Patrick Stewart: Mysterious Voice

Matt Lanter: Shadow Dragon
Dee Bradley Baker: Dragoking
George Takei: Golden Hooded Pony
Sab Shimono: White Hooded Pony
Kevin Conroy: Black Hooded Pony
Colleen Clinkenbeard: Black-White Hooded Pony
Andrew Francis: Shining Armor, Night Light
Britt Mckillip: Princess Cadance

Author's Notes:
1. I originally wanted to add dancing scene between Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle but it doesn't make sense since their first meeting is at Ponyville Town from His Light, Her Darkness (written by me). So, I decided to drop it.