(A/n : I had exams and that's what delayed the release of this chapter.)

Note : I wish I owned Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Chapter 4 : Rachel Gives a Prophecy

If Annabeth made a list of most wierd days in her life , today would definately be at top of her list. Today's event was so far-fetched , so seeming unbelievable even for a experienced demigod like her.According to her this was how things happened...

* - * - *

Last night during dinner , when Chiron announced that all the campers would be going to Hogwarts tomorrow to act as audience of the Wizolympian Tournament ( for which Mr.D gave a look of disgust ) , it was met with a roar of applaud . Even Chiron was amused to see their excited faces. After they ate their dinner Chiron announced , "All the champions follow me , I would like a word."

Annabeth, Nico ( they were selected right after Seaweed Brain ) and Percy got up from their tables and followed Chiron. He was leading them through a trail towards the forest , away from the dinner pavilion.The torches that lit the pavilion were growing dimmer with each step.

"What do you reckon this is about?" asked Annabeth in an undertone.

"I don't know. I think he wants to give us an advise or something." said Percy.

After walking for sometime, they finally arrived at a place on the edge of the forest. For a moment no one spoke.All three of them were watching Chiron's face anxiously. Finally he cleared his throat and spoke , " I don't know why I hid this but I couldn't do anything as Mr.D forbade me from telling anyone about it. He feared this would prevent anyone from participating."

"What's the matter Chiron?" asked Annabeth , her anxiety clear from her voice.

"I'm coming to that.Do you remember the last line of the letter, Percy?"

"Eh.. It was something like 'Be warned though, bloodshed might be inevitable'."

"Right on the spot.I pursuaded Mr.D to include that warning in the letter after having a row with him. Now that all of you are selected you have the right to know the truth.The Wizolympian Tournament has killed more demigods than the Second Olympian War. In fact, in the 296th tournament none of the participants came back.Now there is no turning back. The Goblet of Fire's decision is final . You have to participate" he added the last line with voice full of guilt.

It was Nico who spoke this time "Look Chiron , we are not complaining.There is a beginning to everything. This year, we three WILL come back. With the trophy." He looked at Percy who nodded obidently (not that he needed Nico to look at him).

Chiron managed a weak smile.Nico's assuring words definately lifted his spirit.

"Take care , all of you.I don't want anyone of you dying over me.Now you should go straight to your cabin, pack for tomorrow's trip and the retire to bed.Your lot are going to have a hard time real soon.Starting perhaps from tomorrow itself. " said Chiron in a parental voice.

* - * - *

Next day , the camp was in a state of turmoil.Campers who couldn't contain their excitement were sneaking around , looking for the place where they were supposed to assemble as no official announcement was made.Annabeth could hear councellors shouting at the top of their voice , trying to maintain order. "All campers of the Apollo cabin-" Will Solace's voice was drowned by giggling of the Aphrodite cabin nearby. "All campers of the Apollo cabin make a queue and go towards your right. No, COME BACK YOU IDIOT THAT'S LEFT."

Annabeth could see Nico ( who was accompaning her along with Percy) blushing at the sight of Will.Will stopped and waved at him before going on hunt for his rogue half-brothers.

Then a couch horn blew which somehow managed to put an end to this commotion.

Chiron, who was now standing among the campers with a heavy bag in his hand, ordered in his old Mr.Bunner's voice , "All campers stand in their cabin queue.NOW".

Within moments the camp was back to its orderly self.Slowly he unzipped the bag and it's content were...old shoes?.

Chiron spoke with voice full of excitement,as if he had remembered the first Christmas gift he had ever got." These are not what you think they are.They are a gift from my old friend, Albus Dumbledore.These are Portkeys which would magically transport you to a predefined location , now that location being Hogwarts.Now divide yourself in groups of ten, councellors you are incharge of each Portkey."

Soon the camp got divided into groups , each of them encircling a portkey.She was in the same group as Percy , Nico and Grover with Percy as the incharge (which she hated). Annabeth saw that now Rachel have joined them too.

"Chiron thought it wouldn't be wise to leave the Oracle behind when -" she got off mid-sentence because Chiron began announcing something again.

"On my mark you would touch the portkey.Everyone ready?"





Annabeth thought that being a demigod as well as a daughter of the Goddess of Wisdom, she knew everything. She was proven wrong (yet again).She felt like someone had attached a hook behind her naval and was pulling her towards the shoe.From the look of others, she guessed that everyone was feeling the same.She couldn't properly recollect what happened but the next thing she knew was she was falling.She fell from a height of about six feet onto the ground.

"Are you alright Annabeth?" his voice was full of purtubation.

"Yeah.I never expected Chiron to transport us like this."

She was sure this wasn't Camp Half-blood or anything related to Greece for the fact. The greek architecture, the cabins, the armory wasn't there. Then she remembered what Chiron has told, it was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Next few minutes was filled with the sound of thump was more groups of people fell on the ground.The last person to arrive was Chiron , who instead of lying flat on the ground, was stanfing firm on his feet.

They were standing in front of a castle but she knew that it was a school.She was awe struck.The architecture was just marvellous.It faced a huge lake and had a large green field on either sides.Before she could think any further a band began playing a loud tune.

An man ( which Annabeth assumed was the headmaster, Albus Dumbledor ) was walking towards them.He was tall, thin, and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak that swept the ground, and high-heeled, buckled boots. His blue eyes were light, bright, and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice.

He said while hugging Chiron, "Chiron my old friend! How are you?You look just like in the old days."

"Dumbledor I think you forget that I'm immortal."said Chiron in a hearty way.

"You got a good number of crowd here I never -" his words were cut short when Rachel, who was standing behind Chiron suddenly collapsed.

"Call Madam Pomfery immediately"

It was Will who spoke this time, "No, it's not a disease.She is about to give a prophecy".

He was right.Her eyes turned green and her voice hoarse.He began reciting in a poetical way unmistakenly a prophecy.

"An enemy long forgotten is about to rise,

With the power to tear apart everything he despise,

Heroes of the different worlds must work together,

To stop the monster he has untethered.

They shall face an traitor within their alliance,

Hero's live would be lost through his own defiance."

When she finished nobody clapped. There wasn't a hint of amusement of anybody's face.Rachel was now sitting on the ground but didn't ask any question.She obviously must have guessed what happened by the looks on everybody's face.

The air was filled with sinister silence and death was drawing in every second.Only time would tell what the prophecy meant, but Annabeth doubted that it would be full of dancing unicorns or fluffy clouds. A horrendous, gruesome image of a body mangled with blood filled her mind. For all she knew, it might be anyone. It could be the wizards, or Nico, or her, or God Forbid, Percy.

(A/n: THANATOSMORS helped me write that awesome prophecy.If you don't know who he is, check out his story Typhon's revenge which also includes an awesome prophecy.Beta : Easamus, one of the coolest person on Earth.Don't forget that your review matters)