Meant to have this up sooner but what can you do sometimes right? If you liked it please Kudo and/or Review/Comment, thank you ahead of time. I hope this chapter continues to amuse readers, and yes we are finally getting into Klance rather then hints. Enough rambling enjoy.

WarNinGs: One Sides Klance finally becomes more then a hint, Angst and Langst, Lance and Allura are not on Team Lotor, A dub-con kiss but just a kiss I swear.

Aishi Say

"You could say I'm breakin' down inside
'Cause I can't see you with another guy

It makes me ill
To see you give
Love and attention at his will
And you can't imagine how it makes me feel
To see you with him..

'Makes Me Ill' N'Sync, you never know what lyrics or who I will end up quoting.

3And You Can't Imagine How It Makes Me Feel3

Lotor eyed the monitors, three little humans locked in their little cages. At an opening door he turned to glance over his shoulder. Seeing Akira's face he walked up to the feline lifting the other's chin, "It is natural to feel some guilt Akira, feel no shame in it."

Keith opened his eyes, blinking up at Lotor before sighing softly allowing himself to relax. They had been his friends, there was no shame in being sad things had worked out this way. "You're right."

Lotor smiled, thumb moving over the feline's chin absently, "You did well. You do believe me when I say I would never force you to face them?"

"I do," Keith assured the taller male as he took the prince's hand, "I needed to do this and now I know. What will you do with them now?"

Lotor glanced at the screen for a moment before focusing on a face still so new to him, "They can sit there and think about how they have wronged you. Once we know where the Green one's lost family is they will be collected, simple enough."

"I want to be the one to do it," Keith turned his eyes away, "Shiro might have told them about me."

"My friend you are free to fetch them if that will please you," Lotor assured his prize as he turned their hands so he could kiss the back of a clawed gauntlet. "You may come and go as you wish, take what forces you need, as long as you return to my sight I could never keep you chained here."

Keith looked up swallowing, he hated being collared, "And Allura?"

"If the planetless princess wishes to come here to fetch her pets then she is welcomed to join them in a cage as well. That women owes you an apology and I will see she gives it to you," Lotor grinned when Akira frowned at him in mild concern, "She will be released with the humans unless you ask for a different fate." Reaching up with his free hand he stroked a warm cheek, smiling when dark eyes half closed, "Go get some sleep now, they will be there in the morning and I know you will wish to go as soon as you can."

Keith glanced at the screen frowning, conflicted as ever, "Lotor..."

Lotor placed his hands on Akira's shoulders, smile warm, "Go my friend, no one shall harm the humans I give my word."

Sighing softly Keith nodded, he was mentally drained if nothing else so a bed sounded alright really, "Fine, you win."

"I tend to," Lotor cooed letting his Paladin go, glancing at the captured humans he sneered. "Felines are loyal to those who treat them well or are stronger, you humans are such blind creatures." Shrugging he turned from them and headed out, he needed to do a bit more work before he could sleep as well.

3And You Can't Imagine How It Makes Me Feel3

Allura sighed sadly as she looked away from Keith's station, she had a terrible feeling. Coran had been running tests, scenarios, scans, any number of programs she had not been able to properly focus on. "I shall retire, I am no good to anyone here."

"Try and get some sleep Allura, humans are deceptively resilient," Coran assured his princess wishing he could do more.

Allura nodded, she had seen that trait more then once and Keith was so very human. Walking out she hurried to the bay, much as she had only to run into Keith of all aliens. Wishing she would hear his voice startling once more she laid a hand on the transport's hall. No voice greeted her from the darkness this time and she hung her head with another sad sigh. Her Paladins were caught, she had to go to them before something worst happened to them. Taking on Galra proportions she slipped on her helmet, she had done this before and she was better trained now. Slipping inside she closed the door and took off, Coran would not notice she was gone for hours, and by then she would be with the others one way or the other.

3And You Can't Imagine How It Makes Me Feel3

Lotor frowned as he scanned the read out he was holding, right-handed fingers curled around his chin. So far there was no sign of the castleship or the princess in title alone. She would come for her champions because without them she was nothing, Voltron was nothing. The door to the cells opened and he walked in, helmet hiding his face from view since he had come from training. "Hey he has the mark on his gear too." Lotor looked up at the Yellow Paladin he was informed was called Hunk, some call sign he assumed was due to the human's size. The dark male seemed to be encouraged by his attention since he continued talking excitedly. "What does that mean? Why does Keith wear it? Why are so many of you guys robots? Do you come in any colors besides purple?"

Holding up his hand the prince was pleased when the human stopped his rapid questions, it was impressive he could speak both quickly and clearly. "This marks one as an elite solider under the direct authority of the royal family. Your former ally wears it because he is skilled enough to be worthy of it. Why should we waste our people's lives when machines can be used instead? And perhaps if you mixed enough alien blood with our own, but no."

"Keith isn't our former anything there Kamen Rider reject," Lance mocked as he walked up to the field eyeing the masked figure. "He really hates being messed with so you are looking at a real bad day sometime soon."

Lotor tilted his eyes as he regarded the Blue one who had taken Red, "Messed with, define if you would?"

Lance blinked before frowning, he was not expecting to be asked that let alone nicely, "Using, lying to, everything you Galra have been doing."

"You believe I am personally mistreating your former leader?" Lotor was curious if any of the humans realized who he was, what he was.

"Maybe not you, personally, but your master yeah," Lance knew not all Galra were evil, and this guy had sounded a bit offended at the accusation.

Lotor chuckled bitterly at that, "My would be master would break your leader until he was completely unrecognizable to you." Looking down at a beep he smiled, walking over to the coms panel in the wall by the door. "Akira report to the holding cells when you can."

Hunk frowned not sure he liked the beep, "Why did your arm beep? Please tell me that was like a kitchen timer beep?"

"Hunk elite super soldiers don't use kitchen timers," Pidge muttered glaring at the guy, the voice screamed guy to her.

Lotor nodded absently before turning when the doors opened and Akira walked in, "Well that was prompt."

Keith shrugged as he stopped before the taller alien, "I wasn't doing anything. So what did you need me for?"

Lotor smiled as he removed his helmet, ignoring the human's reactions, "It seems the Empire was closer to finding our quarry then I first thought."

Keith frowned glancing at Pidge, "They safe?"

"Yes, or at least they are not about to be invaded by drones or the like. A fighter is already being equipped for your use." Lotor glanced at the human girl, she was not cowering despite her size a credit to her uniform.

Keith nodded, fingers curled around his chin as he thought, lowering his hands he frowned at Lotor, "I want Pidge."

"Say what now?!" Hunk demanded confused. Lance frowned taking a guess at what this was about, hoping he was right. Pidge glared at Keith but said nothing.

"Now Akira," Lotor started as he placed his hands on the Paladin's shoulders, frowning when they were shrugged off. "She..."

"You said I could take what forces I need," Keith reminded the prince, a hand on his hip, expression defiant. "You really think anyone would trust me looking like this even if I showed up in a Lion?" Rebels would likely try and ransom him unless they knew what the Blade of Marmora were, and he doubted they would.

Lotor frowned before sighing, "No I do not. The girl is no longer your ally Akira, she will turn on you."

"Humans have turned on me all my life so what else is new?" Keith muttered closing his eyes for a moment, opening them he turned back to Lotor. "All she has wanted since we got here was to find her family, she won't do anything to jeopardize finding them now."

Frowning Lotor turned to the little girl in green and white, "Very well Akira if you deem her vital she is yours to use. Just promise me you will be careful, I do not wish to see you harmed by the humans again."

Keith smiled a little, "Pidge isn't the type to stab anyone in the back."

"As you say," Lotor took the feline's chin lifting his face gently, "If she does betray you she will stay in a cage as will they all." Leaning down he kissed his champion smiling when Akira returned the gesture with a bit of shy hesitation. "Success on your hunt vrepit sa."

"Vrepit sa," Keith repeated receiving a smile before the prince walked out of the room. Walking over to where the Bayard were hung on the wall he grabbed the Green one, looking down at it for a long moment.

"What the Hell was that Keith?" Lance was not surprised the helmeted guy had been hot, he looked like a mix of Galra and something else like Keith was. The fact the guy had kissed Keith and not been even glared at was shocking. Was that part of his conditioning, obedience to his higher ups no mater what? The idea made him want to strangle the guy after he vomited in the corner.

Keith glanced coolly at Lance, "What do you care Lance?"

"Harsh. We were friends right?" Lance did not like cold Keith, they had moved beyond this and he did not want to go back.

"Were we really?" Keith mused before turning to focus on the panel controlling the cell Pidge was held in. "If I let you out will you behave?"

Pidge crossed her arms eyeing Keith, Akira, whatever, "Define 'behave'?"

"You won't attack me or try to run," Keith answered as he typed, finger hovering over the release. "We found your brother and I have been tasked with retrieving him."

"You keep your filthy purple hands off my brother you traitor, or I will choke you with your own damn tail!" Pidge raged wishing she could get her hands on Keith, one good hit and they could drag him home.

Keith sighed, "I don't have a tail Pidge. You all will be going home. Earth will be safe from the Empire after Zarkon falls."

"Wait, your friend with the, let's face it, awesome hair is on our side?" Hunk frowned, made sense not all Galra had to like Zarkon.

"it's not that nice," Lance muttered arms crossed, he was going to shave it off for stealing that kiss.

"Yes Hunk he is, that is why I am helping him. Zarkon and those like him will be purged, and the Galra can go back to what they used to be before." Keith knew that would take time but it could happen, it was what they all were fighting for, peace.

Pidge met violet eyes that looked the same as they always had save the whites were gold now, Keith was still in there. If he was still really in there then he could be reached, and he still wanted to trust her, give her back her brother after what she had said. Sniffing she closed her eyes, she wanted her fellow Arm back even if he was currently the acting Head. "You'd trust me?"

"All you ever wanted was your family back, I know exactly how that feels. Are you willing to still trust me?" Keith had formed a pretty solid understanding with his fellow Arm, even if she often worked with Pidge or Shiro while he stuck with Shiro or Lance.

"You swear to me on Shiro's life you won't let anyone hurt my brother and I will," No matter what Haggar had done to Keith he would never betray Shiro, not willingly.

Keith blinked, clawed fingers pulling away from the controls, swallowing he nodded, "On Takashi's life no harm will come to your brother by Galra hand or I will tear them off myself."

Pidge nodded satisfied, they all knew Keith's determined even-Shiro-would-have-almost-zero-luck stopping-him tone, "Then I'm with you."

A finger pressed the button for the field and it fell, freeing the Green Paladin who walked slowly out of her cage. Tossing her the Bayard he had taken he nodded, "You two sit tight this will all be over soon enough."

"Wait Keith?" Lance called wishing they had bars he could reach through so he could try and touch the feline.

Keith turned frowning, "Will you stop calling me that?"

"It's your name," Lance could work with angry, reminders of days gone by.

"In case you have forgotten I can't pass for human anymore Lance," Keith wanted to shake Lance until he got that through his dense skull.

"So? Dude we are in quiznacking space we all look like freaks out here," Lance got that Keith felt like an outsider now but he did not have to be. Shiro was a cyborg, Pidge was a girl, Keith was an alien, it did not change who they were just what.

"Way to finally use that word correctly," Keith half teased as he turned to walk out, "Pidge?"

"Don't worry guys I'll be fine," Pidge winked at her friends before moving to trail Keith out.

"How can we not worry? I mean even if Keith wasn't purple we would still I hate cells," Hunk slumped down glancing at his hand. "Hey Lance what do you think Akira means? It's kinda pretty but it feels weird not calling Keith, well, Keith."

Lance sighed as he absently rubbed his injured hand, worried but not about what Hunk was. That guy had to have some hold on Keith if he was willing to let the feline go and with Pidge even. The kiss had been gentle at least, and there had been no grabbing so maybe the guy really cared about Keith as a person not just a hot piece of ass. He would rather compete with a hot alien bad ass for another then knowing his Samurai was on his knees because of some dark magic bullshit. "Sorry Hunk I speak English and Spanish not Japanese, well beyond some food and such."

Hunk nodded, it was a long shot but Lance had known Keith better back in the Garrison, or at least of him," think he'd get mad if I asked?"

3And You Can't Imagine How It Makes Me Feel3

Keith frowned as he paused, sniffing the air even as he brought his wrist up as it began to flash, "Of course."

"What? Is it Allura?" Pidge asked frowning, if so could he really smell her?

Keith ignored the questions as he tapped his wrist com, "Her timing could have been better."

"I will be sure to inform her as much, go I will handle our guest."

"No," Keith retorted frowning as he narrowed his eyes, "I have her."

"Then I shall come to you."

Keith nodded as he took off trusting Pidge to keep up, or at least fallow. "Hime baka."

3And You Can't Imagine How It Makes Me Feel3

Allura moved towards the cells her Paladin where being held in, rounding a corner she blinked when she almost ran into a Blade of all things. Momentary distraction ended when she noted a Bayard in a clawed gauntlet, the Black Bayard, "Keith."

Keith flicked his head so his hood would fall back as he slipped his dagger into his left hand, "Sloppy princess, very sloppy."

Allura stared at the feline touched man before her, his skin purple, ears furry, eyes molten gold and cold, "Keith I am sorry this has happened to you but we must free the others and leave this place. Let me take you home?"

Keith snarled activating his dagger and Bayard at the same moment, "You won't be taking me anywhere princess, not anymore."

"Don't?" Pidge pleaded coming up behind Keith but not engaging, if she attacked him now she would lose her chance to get through to him.

"She's right Keith," Allura eyed the twin blades, they were not wavering in the slightest. "You do not have to do this."

"But it is in my nature remember?" Keith sneered, Allura looking away for a moment in guilt, "What was it you said about the Red Lion? It was the most temperamental, the hardest to control, well you weren't wrong."

"Keith..," Allura started before trailing off when just saying his name seemed to trigger him, what had Haggar done to the poor confused young man? "I wanted to hate you," Keith's snarl relaxed slightly before he simply glared at her annoyed. "But it's not you, it's me. My anger has blinded me for too long. I'm so sorry I misjudged you. You've proven it's not what's in your blood, it's who you are that counts." Holding out her hand to the less human looking leader of Voltron she smiled with tears in her eyes, "Please come back to us?"

Keith eyed the hand, ignoring Pidge who was looking down at her feet still. Closing his eyes he opened them molten glow gone, blades held at his side. Smirking he nodded, Allura smiling at him, "Took you long enough."

"My apologies," Lotor said pressing the tip of his blade into the small of the princess' back hard enough for her to feel it through her borrowed armor. "That was a lovely speech, truly moving."

Allura frowned as she glanced over her shoulder, "It was the truth."

"I am sure it was, after all the wicked Haggar put all those dark words into your Paladin's mind, there were none there for her to draw from." Mocking tone got the looking away he had wanted, she had some nerve speaking of truth while dressed as a Galra grunt. "March princess and do try not to speak too much truth as you do so."


"Allura! oh…never mind," Hunk sunk back down defeated.

Lotor pushed the Altean into the middle cell Pidge had been enjoying, smirking when she turned as Akira closed the field. "Yes, that is much better."

"Whatever you have done to him will not hold forever," Allura reminded the other hybrid calmly. Pidge had been with Keith and free so she had to have some sort of plan,

"I have done nothing but give him everything he has ever been denied," Lotor narrowed his eyes at the judgmental glare. Turning his head when Akira placed a hand on his shoulder, "You asked him to fight an intergalactic war against an enemy he had never met, his own blood. Yet you stand there acting as if you have the moral high ground."

"You have done nothing but manipulate him, your kind have destroyed countless lives in your grand war so yes. I. Do." Allura wanted to strangle the man, who did he think he was?

"He's not like that," Keith informed the princess frowning as he came to stand beside the prince. "Not all Galra are like Zarkon, I thought you claimed to have learned that?"

"Keith you have to listen to me," Allura moved up to the field, frowning hurt when Keith stepped back.

"No, I really don't, never did," Turning he faced Lotor, "I will be leaving to retrieve the Holts now."

Lotor nodded, Akira would return to him with a gesture of goodwill in tow, then perhaps the humans would see he was not like his father. "As you wish, I will see they are kept safe and sound until you return with the happy family."

Keith bowed his head before smirking, "See you soon Lotor."

Lotor smiled watching the young man go, sighing softly he turned, "Now I believe you were saying something about how I am like my father?"

"Your" Allura paled with a shiver, Lotor was only half Galra and from his looks she felt safe in assuming what his other half was.

Sneering the prince nodded, arms crossing smugly, "Yes I am Prince Lotor, son of Emperor Zarkon, acting emperor of the Galra empire."


Lotor turned when his handsome knight of fire entered the room, the Green Paladin and a male that could only be her kin following. "Ah Akira you have done as I asked."

"That was the deal," Keith reminded the prince as he frowned at the cages. The others looked weary but unharmed as promised, nodding to himself he walked up to Lotor.

The prince smiled at his champion, frowning when the other averted his gaze, "Akira, why do you look away? You found the Holts, and your former allies are safe and sound as promised so what ails you?"

Keith looked up, Lotor looked worried and confused, closing his eyes he sighed, "Go lose Holts!" Molten eyes opened as the Black Paladin lunged at Lotor, catching his wrists as they struggled fangs bared.

Pidge dove for the remaining Bayards, Matt going for the cell controls. Typing quickly he grinned when he freed the other, his sister arming them, "You really are insane Kogane."

Lotor growled as he swept Akira's feet out from under him, pinning the hissing feline under him even as the other Paladins moved to surround the fighting pair. "I don't understand Akira, I gave you power, respect, your mother, and you attack me…why?"

"I don't belong here Lotor, you are not your father but I am my mother," Keith closed his eyes relaxing, "I'm sorry."

Hanging his head the prince nodded, moving so he was kneeling beside the prone feline, "Go then."

"Lotor?" Keith asked as he sat up, the prince was not even acknowledging the others now all free and armed.

Lotor shook his head before looking up sadly, "I am not my father Akira, if you wish to return to Voltron as you are now I will not stand in your way." Reaching out he took the feline's face gently in his hands, "When they betray you once more remember you are always welcome at my side." Leaning in to kiss his lost champion he paused when the feline closed his eyes, and turned his face as best as he could while it was held. Leaning in once more he kissed the soft skin of a closed lid, meeting eyes so like his own when they open in confusion, closing again as he was allowed to kiss the second eye before he released his fellow hybrid. "Go, take your team and fight my father."

Keith nodded as he got to his feet, Lotor never breaking eye contact as he did so. Bowing low he wished he could have met the other under better circumstances. "Watashi no yoi sewa o shite kurete arigato."

Lotor blinked at the alien sounding words but understood their meaning, he too wished things had worked out differently. Nodding he gave the other a sad smile, "Vrepit sa."

"Vrepit sa," Keith repeated laying his fist over his heart before turning and walking out, the rest of the Paladins following suit.

3And You Can't Imagine How It Makes Me Feel3

Hunk frowned as he ran, nothing had shown up to try and stop them, "So is Galra Keith our Keith again?"

Lance watched Keith run, the Holt siblings bringing up the rear, Allura between both pairs, "Seems so."

"Oh good," Hunk sighed in relief, "Really didn't like evil Galra Keith."

"You know I still don't like it when you call me that Hunk?" Keith muttered loud enough there was no way Hunk could miss it. Glancing over his shoulder at the Legs he gave them a slight reassuring smile, "I'm fine now, well no worst off then I was before."

Lance could get use to the cat look, Keith had always been rather stray cat like to him, and he looked good in purple. "So I am guessing something happened to fix you, lucky us."

"Let's just say I wasn't the only awesome thing they found," Matt teased with a wink, grinning when Keith rolled his eyes.

"You haven't really done anything awesome yet Holt," Keith reminded the older Holt sibling with an amused half smirk, he really did remind him of Lance sometimes. Ears flatten as he brought his blade up to block a lighting strike, "Druid."

"So much for the word of Prince Charming," Lance muttered aiming for the robed figure none of them wanted anywhere near them.

"Lady Haggar knew it would end like this, treachery runs in your veins Blade," The druid spat as it attacked.

Keith hissed at the lighting throwing alien as he dodged or parried the bolts, he had adapted quickly to his increased speed and strength. Lance and Hunk took a shot when they could but this was not a low level druid, Haggar had left it there to deal with him. He knew she wanted to crush him while Lotor had only wanted him distant from his friends, not the worst the prince could have done. Growling he narrowed his glowing eyes, his friends were not going to suffer because of him anymore today. He had survived the Blade's for two days as a human, he was stronger now in more ways then one. Running forward he zigged and zagged before leaping with a roar, blades impaling the druid's chest, glowing blood seeping from around the blades. Crying out in pain the feline was thrown back as the druid blasted him close range even as it fell, dagger remaining in his chest, Bayard laying on his robes. "KEITH!"

Lance ran for his fallen friend as Hunk moved to cover the druid just in case, Pidge and Matt keeping an eye out as he knelt down beside Keith. The other's chest was rising and falling, wisps of smoke rising from the charred damage around the breastplate. Reaching out he touched a still face, sniffing in relief when Keith made a soft sound at his touch. Looking up he cleared his throat, "Hunk take Keith we need to move."

Hunk glared at the druid once more before dismissing his Bayard and gently scooping Keith from the cold floor. Keith sighed softly as he was shifted to rest comfortably in the larger male's arms, cheek on his shoulder. "We've got you Keith."

Allura reached out and laid a hand on Lance's shoulder, giving him a sympathetic smile when he turned his head to face her. "The castle ship is not that far." Leaning close she whispered, "I'll see to Keith once we are clear."

Lance closed his eyes taking a calming breath nodding, Allura had powers that could help, Hell she had helped heal an entire planet, "Okay let's get out of here, I am sick of this color scheme."

3And You Can't Imagine How It Makes Me Feel3

Lance walked onto the ship Keith had taken to find the Holts, Green already stowed away so once they were all on board they were ready to go. Looking around he leveled his Bayard at a moving shape relaxing when it pulled back his hood, "Sorry jumpy."

Sam Holt shook his head raising his hands, "Not at all Lance, it has been an eventful few days."

"Yeah," Lance agreed with a little helpless shrug, it made sense someone had filled the Holts in, and the team was color coded.

Smiling at the funny one Sam frowned when Hunk walked in with Keith out cold in his arms, it was no surprise one of them had been taken down. "Lance sit down at the edge of the bench if you would?" The young man looked from him to the bench then back questioningly but obeyed without a word, he was allowed to not be at his best at the moment. "Hunk please lay your friend down and I'll take a look at him."

Hunk looked down at Keith, hesitating for a moment before laying the feline down so his head was resting in Lance's lap. Lance looked down at Keith but seemed comfortable with it so Hunk moved aside, he was a rather large obstacle. "Wait, you aren't a doctor scientist...are you?"

"Dad's picked up a few things, and Druid burns can be nasty," Matt frowned as his father fiddled with the armor so he could remove it if need be.

"Thankfully our friends don't often run into them," Sam frowned as he pressed a finger into the charred marks to test if they went down to the flesh.

Allura watched the older man work for a moment before walking up to him, a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Allow me?"

"Of course Princess," Sam moved aside allowing the alien princess to take his place, she did look like an elf really.

Allura took Keith's hand as she closed her eyes focusing her powers on him, seeking dark energy and injury. Clawed fingers twitched slightly with a soft sound of protest but the young man remained still. Opening her eyes she sighed softly, looking up at Lance she smiled reassuringly, "He'll be just fine after a few hours in a pod."

Lance let out a long relived sigh, head resting on cool metal, "lucky kitty."

Sam frowned slightly at the furling brow, "Lance, pet him would you?"

"What?" Lance opened his eyes blinking at the scientist confused, had he just told him to pet Keith?

"Give it a try please?" Sam instructed, Lance looked at him questioningly for a moment before turning his attention to his friend. Gloved finger moved to hover over long hair, fingers twitching a few times before moving over the dark locks. Keith sighed softly and Lance moved his hand more naturally over the other's hair, smiling when the feline shifted slightly as his face relaxed. Nodding Sam smiled, it was rather adorable. "Very good."

Allura smiled as Keith relaxed under Lance's gentle touch, "How did you know?"

"I always did like cats my dear. Kids behave I will be filling in our pilot now," Bowing to the princess with a slight smile the older man walked out of the room.

Hunk sat down with a heavy sigh, "So he's okay?"

"Haggar has no hold on him anymore, that witch will be made to pay for this," Allura promised watching Keith fondly as she moved to sit down near his feet, leaving the siblings to sit with Hunk.

"That bitch owes us all a lot," Pidge muttered as she sat down, right knee raised. "So you think that guy was really Zarkon's son?"

Matt shrugged as he sat down beside his sister, "No clue, he did let us go so at least he isn't a lair."

"I don't trust him," Lance reminded his teammates as he stroked soft hair, he had gotten used to it very quickly. Keith looked content and that was all Lance cared about, besides his friend was a kitty cat and they did like being petted. He had never seen Keith instigate physical contact but he had never seen Keith avoid it when offered. Hunk's hug had earned their friend a smile and gentle teasing, Shiro was his brother so he really did not count, his own touch had been accepted the few times it was offered.

"Well I like him way more then his old man, that said I hope we don't see him again for a while." Hunk had been pleasantly surprised the prince had turned out to be a decent guy. If he had been a real bad guy Keith would not have any free will left, though making him think his friends had turned on him was still low. "So...once Keith wakes up things are going to be awkward huh?"

Pidge sighed closing her eyes, "He is the loner, but I would hope he knows we care by now."

Matt leaned back arms crossed, "Takashi had his hands full sometimes with him but Akira is a good guy, besides he did take a good one to the head right?"

Lance nodded absently, "His skull is almost as tough as his Lion's."

Hunk sighed hanging his head, Lance was not wrong, "I wish Shiro was here, if anyone could make Keith feel better about all of this it is him."

"yeah," Lance agreed softly, it hurt but he was not Shiro. Keith may consider him a friend now but he did not have Shiro's ability to calm Keith with a touch. He felt sick feeling jealous of such a pure brotherly relationship, but he could not help it. Keith had calmed when he had laid his hand on his shoulder, it surprised expression had been adorable. The stray cat was warming to him and then this had happened. Did Keith really feel the way he had acted, meant what he said? If so they had not gotten as close as he had hoped. He needed to know what Keith really thought of him, but first they needed to get him patched up.

3And You Can't Imagine How It Makes Me Feel3

Sorry this one is late, Tumblr post, but I was not sure exactly where to end this. Yes there was a time jump, shows do those kind of things, and yes the mission will be detailed next chapter promise. Remember you can hit me up on my Tumblr and Ask me about this fic, I do read them so don't be shy if you don't have a Tumblr.