The Light Between Worlds
Chapter XI: The Light Between Recovery and Home
"your heart is a map
I lost my way inside of.
say you'll take me home."
— Caroline Kaufman
The sky was on fire.
Events had moved too quickly for Tsuna to keep track of them.
There had been one moment of clarity: his flames had released like a crack of thunder— a homecoming of light and sound and air. They had scarcely stretched out when Tsuna had felt an immense pressure, suddenly pushing all around him— trying to control asphyxiate subdue smother him.
He had fallen to the ground screaming.
He was suffocating from the pressure. He clawed at his throat, trying to breathe. And crying, Tsuna understood why Reborn had wanted him to hide his flames so badly.
His world was collapsing and he was dying.
I won't use them anymore. I'll be good. Please stop hurting me.
He pleaded.
The reply came, dispassionate, like the voice of some uncaring god.
You are a threat. You lied to me, boy. If you had told me the truth, it wouldn't be hurting right now.
In the distance, he heard screaming.
The world was upside down and blinding.
Oh. It was him. He was the one screaming.
Shut up.
The metaphorical hands around his throat tightened so Tsuna stopped.
There was no point. What was going to happen was going to happen to him and he couldn't stop it.
Maybe if he was quiet and listened the man would think he was good again and make it hurt less.
Tsuna wished he had no insides. That way they wouldn't be on fire right now— oh. He had puked up some blood. That was kind of gross.
His body seized up and Tsuna detached from himself like a severed cord.
His tears were mingling with the snot and blood on his chin and he wanted to wipe it away but he couldn't really move. Also, his mouth was making these weird kind of whimpering sounds and it didn't really sound like him and he wanted it to stop.
He wanted to crawl back into himself like crawling under the sheets of his bed and hide until the storm was over.
Suddenly, his cheek was on fire. He had been smacked. He blinked uncomprehendingly.
Don't hide them again, boy.
If Tsuna thought he knew the extent of his body's capacity to feel pain, the next few seconds proved him wrong.
His flames were not newly released and wispy. They were bold and brilliant and powerful.
Sealing them was not child's play— not the easy motion of cupping a firefly in the hand and never letting go.
It was the act of killing a star— blotting out the light that was still traveling and stretching over light years of nothingness.
Tsuna's eyes closed and he gave himself to the pain.
Unnoticed, a bullet whizzed over his head.
The air trembled and bent in its wake, intent on preserving the last bar of light from a fading supernova.
Tsuna was tucked into himself like an origami crane. The sky was still on fire and cracks had begun appearing on all the smooth surfaces of his mindscape.
Someone was leaning over him.
Tsuna quivered away and pressed his knees tighter to his chest, burying his face. He didn't want to be hurt anymore.
A warm hand was rubbing circles on his back.
"Tsunayoshi, can you look at me?"
Tsuna shook his head.
No. He didn't want to look anywhere— didn't want to be anywhere. He wanted to disappear. Everything hurt. Nothing was beautiful anymore.
"Please. I promise I can help you."
The hand had stopped drawing circles and was now gently pressing against the bruises, assessing the level of damage.
Slow as sunrise, Tsuna lifted his head from the nest he had made of his own body.
It was a stranger.
He recoiled.
"Tsunayoshi, it's me. Look at my eyes."
Trembling, Tsuna peeked out.
Red and blue. Like rubies and sapphires. Like 3D glasses.
Gasping, Tsuna reached for the stranger's face and pulled it closer until their foreheads bumped. He looked deep into them, confirming that they were the same.
The stranger looked amused.
"R-roku? But you're a cat!"
"As you can see, my dear Tsunayoshi, I am not a cat."
Tsuna frowned. "You're Nagi's brother, aren't you?"
Mukuro smiled. "So clever, my sky. Will you come with me now? I might be able to help with those wounds."
Tsuna slowly unfolded his body. Each inch of skin was bruised and torn and bloody. The worst mark was around his throat where a pair of dark hands had completely purpled the delicate skin.
Tsuna attempted to stand, but he was too wobbly. Mukuro picked him up.
He was technically a stranger, but his presence felt so familiar. Tsuna relaxed despite himself.
"Tsunayoshi, trust me when I tell you that I will eviscerate the one who did this to you."
Tsuna blinked. "What does eviscerate mean?"
"It means I will tear out all of their insides slowly, one by one, so they can feel it. And then they will die."
Tsuna wrinkled his nose. "I don't really want to hurt anybody, Roku."
"I know, my dear Tsunayoshi. That's why I will be doing it for you."
His mist kissed his forehead, and despite the murderous description, Tsuna felt weirdly safe.
Tsuna kicked his legs back and forth as Mukuro bandaged his cheek.
Mukuro was biting his lip in concentration. "Hold still."
"Sorry," Tsuna apologized. He smiled sheepishly.
Mukuro smiled back, his eyes warm and tender. He looked softer like that. It was easier for Tsuna to trace the similarities he shared with Nagi.
"Your eyes are still really pretty," Tsuna commented absently. "We learned in art class that red and blue makes purple, so it sort of makes sense that you're Nagi's big brother, you know?"
Mukuro's eyes widened and he looked away. He seemed kind of flustered, which reminded Tsuna a little of the cat he had recently been.
"Did you jump into the river 'cuz Nagi and I were crying?" Tsuna asked.
Mukuro flushed in embarrassment, which made Tsuna laugh a little.
"That was really kind of you. Thank you."
Again, Mukuro didn't respond. He seemed kind of overloaded.
"How come you didn't meet me earlier? I mean, I thought you were a cat."
"I was testing you, Tsunayoshi. I didn't know what kind of sky we had found."
"Oh." Tsuna exhaled and fell silent.
Mukuro looked at him curiously, noting with alarm that his auburn eyes were welling up with tears.
They fell.
"I suppose I didn't pass your test, did I? You found a no good, ugly, terrible sky. I can't do anything right and I can't protect anybody. I'm sorry." Tsuna started sobbing, hiding his face with his hands.
Mukuro froze, completely taken aback. Compassion was a terrible stranger, but for his sky…
He reached forward and moved Tsuna's hands away from his puffy, bruised face. He brushed at the tears.
"Look at me, Tsunayoshi," he said, pulling their foreheads together. "I have already accepted you as my sky."
Tsuna shook his head, splashing his tears on to Mukuro.
"You are beautiful and powerful and strange in a very charming way."
"No! You're wrong… I'm… I'm dirty. You have to find a new sky."
"It doesn't work like that, darling," Mukuro huffed. "Tell me what they did to you."
Tsuna shook his head again, shaking so bad Mukuro worried that he'd bite his own tongue.
He would torture whoever did this to his sky. He would give them all 6 paths of hell.
Tsuna fell silent and Mukuro couldn't coax any words out of him after that. Finally, when he had been all bandaged up, Tsuna spoke again. Just one word, said so softly, Mukuro had to crane in to hear.
"Come with me."
Tsuna stood and followed him closely, gripping tightly to his hand. He wobbled, coltish and afraid. As they approached, Tsuna noticed the familiar paths of petals and blood on the floor.
Nagi was lying on a hospital bed, even in the mindscape.
Tsuna gasped and rushed forward, pulling Mukuro behind him.
The Mist smiled, unsurprised by the reaction. When it came to those in his care, Tsunayoshi never faltered.
"Was it because I was repressing my flames?" he asked in a panic.
"Perhaps," Mukuro said, unable to lie. "But mainly, she needs a complicated surgery, and our parents are not willing to pay for it."
Tsunayoshi's eyes lit up in fury and it was breathtaking. "How could they?" he choked out.
"Not everyone loves like you," Mukuro said simply.
Tsuna blushed softly- the inner surface of a lotus petal.
"How can we save her?"
"I don't know yet. I have limited information. Only what Nagi has been told or has figured out on her own."
"Where are they keeping you, Roku-nii?"
Mukuro flushed at the title. Nagi was the only one who had ever called him older brother.
"Somewhere in Italy, Tsunayoshi. I have to escape first."
"When you escape, come live with me."
Mukuro frowned. Perhaps it was time.
"If you stayed in our mindscape, we could revive Nagi with our flames."
"Really?" Tsuna asked eagerly.
"Yes. But you'd have to be here constantly, you wouldn't be able to leave."
Tsuna didn't have an obvious reaction to the news.
"If we revived Nagi, would she still need surgery?"
"It's possible she wouldn't. We're keeping her alive with our flames right now, though I think I am currently carrying more of the load."
"I'm sorry!"
"No, Tsunayoshi. Let your flames recover. It's obvious they've been traumatized. I don't resent the burden."
"If I stayed here, would any of the three of us ever wake up?"
Mukuro shook his head, cautiously observing Tsunayoshi for any sign of the negative.
His sky was staying here regardless of his answer. His guardians were obviously incapable of protecting him. Mukuro was the only one who could keep him safe, and to keep him safe, he had to keep him here.
"There has to be another way."
"There isn't, Tsunayoshi. Stay here with us."
"But if we stay, you guys will never get to see the world."
"I don't care about the world," Mukuro thundered.
Tsunayoshi took a nervous step back. His eyes rapidly darted between Nagi and the steel door that led back to his own mindscape.
Mukuro felt a crashing wave of hurt.
"Am I scaring you, Tsunayoshi?"
Tsuna looked back at him. Mukuro immediately hated the fact that he couldn't read minds.
"Mukuro, the world is worth it. I promise."
"The world did this to you. I don't want it."
They paused, staring at each other. Mukuro prepared his flames to seal the door.
But then Tsuna stepped forward, moving into his space. His sky kept their eyes pinned together.
Mukuro resisted the urge to back up. Before he could blink, his sky's arms were wrapping tightly around him. Mukuro reflexively relaxed his flames and brought his head down to rest in the crook of Tsuna's bruised collarbone and neck. If it hurt, Tsuna didn't tell him to move.
"The world didn't do this to me," Tsuna whispered. "One person did. That one person is not the world."
Mukuro froze.
"One day, Roku-nii, I'm going to be a pilot. When I am, I promise I'll fly you everywhere and show you how I see the world. But for that, you need to be awake. We all do."
Mukuro felt a kiss pressed to his forehead. He blinked away a tear.
"The first time I saw the sky, I almost cried with how beautiful it was. I want to show you and Nagi everything, Roku-nii. And I can't do that here."
Mukuro laughed, trying to hide how vulnerable and speared open he felt.
"And you think you aren't a good sky," he scoffed.
Tsuna flushed.
"Listen, Sawada Tsunayoshi." Mukuro lifted his head and looked straight into Tsuna's eyes, deadly serious. "You are mine, and if I don't think you are being taken care of properly, I won't hesitate to take you away."
Tsuna raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "I'm taking you away first."
Mukuro laughed. "You're taking me away from my captors. I'll be taking you away from your family and friends."
"Meet them first, Roku-nii. I'm pretty sure you'll grow to like at least one of them."
Mukuro rolled his eyes.
"Don't forget your promise, darling."
"I won't."
Tsuna paused, biting his lip.
"Do you need help escaping? I have a godfather, Re-"
"-born. I know. I was there when you told Nagi about him. Remember? I'm the cat?"
"Oh, yeah." Tsuna blushed. "I can ask him to help."
Mukuro laughed. "I don't need any help. I already have a plan in place. I assisted some of my associates with their escape a few months earlier. They owe me a favor."
Tsuna narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Where exactly are these ashoshi— assoschi— ashh— people?"
Mukuro's lips twitched. "Namimori. I asked them to keep an eye on Nagi."
Tsuna frowned. "These people wouldn't happen to be making any trouble, would they?"
Mukuro shrugged.
Tsuna left the matter alone, deciding to consult with Kyo later. The string of attacks on students and this new information seemed suspiciously coincidental. Kyo might be able to provide the missing pieces.
"While you're escaping, I'll see what I can do about Nagi."
Mukuro looked surprised.
"I think my father has a lot of money. He might be able to help."
"Would he be willing to provide for a complete stranger?"
"I don't know. I have to talk to him. If not, I'll find another way."
Mukuro nodded. Tsuna pulled him into another hug. Their foreheads bumped and Tsuna smiled wide.
Mukuro's flames sang home.
"Thank you," Tsuna murmured.
Mukuro almost asked "for what?" to be petty, but decided not to.
He hugged his sky back, feeling the sluggish rush of flame exchange. Tsuna's flames were slowly recovering. His bruises were fading.
They'd probably always be a little scarred though.
The thought renewed his anger. "Are you sure you won't tell me who did this?"
Tsuna shook his head. "It's not important anymore. I don't want you to do that to anyone. Reborn says violence changes people."
"I'm already changed."
Tsuna's eyes darkened with regret.
There was a very specific sort of stillness in his sky's eyes— something unfathomable that made Mukuro certain time could cease and reverse.
All the shattered things could come back together again, slowly, one piece at a time.
"I know."
The world dissolved and lightened to dust.
It scattered.
Tsuna woke, surrounded by his family.
"Tsuna-sama! You're awake!"
Hayato? He blinked in confusion, turning to face the silverette, accidentally bumping foreheads. He felt terribly sore. As he tried to back up, he accidentally elbowed Kyo in the gut. His cloud huffed, but didn't move away.
Where? How? What? Tsuna asked oh-so-coherently.
"You've been asleep for almost two weeks, Tsuna," Takeshi said from his spot by Tsuna's knees. "Reborn said that… well… he said that you might not wake up."
His rain looked terrible. There were prominent dark circles under his puffy eyes. His face had a flush of red that meant he had been crying.
"Well Tsuna is extremely awake now! I'll go get Nana-san and Coach Boreen!" Ryohei happily announced.
Before Tsuna could say anything, the Sun had already left, running down the hall. They were at some kind of facility. Tsuna didn't recognize the room.
He gingerly moved his hand up. It had no physical flaws. No bruises or cuts at all.
He summoned his flames.
It hurt, but they appeared quickly at his call, cheerfully morphing into a little lion for him.
He gasped in awe. He still had his flames.
Moments later, Mama, Reborn, and a stranger were rushing in.
His mama immediately tucked him into her arms, and even Reborn lingered close until Nana pulled him into their hug.
Their embrace felt good. It eased some of the pain.
Finally, the stranger cleared his throat impatiently.
They all turned to face him.
"Tsuna, this is Dr. Shamal. He specializes in flames," Reborn introduced.
Tsuna felt strangely shy. He waved, blushing.
The doctor stretched out his hands like he was going to give Tsuna a hug before Reborn whacked him hard over the head with his Leon bat.
The doctor stopped, complaining loudly, and Reborn passed Leon to Tsuna, back in lizard form.
Leon stuck out his tongue and gently hit Tsuna's cheek. Tsuna laughed and placed the little guy in his hair.
"Is he always so Disney princess?" Dr. Shamal asked Hayato. Hayato nodded, a serious look on his face.
Auntie Lav bustled in.
"Hi, dear," she said, giving Tsuna a little hug and kiss. After she had greeted him, she went and stood by Nana and Dr. Shamal.
Why aren't my flames gone? Tsuna asked.
Everyone stayed silent.
"Focus on getting better for now, dame-Tsuna," Reborn ordered.
No. I want to know, Tsuna protested. What… what happened?
Reborn cast a cutting glance around the room, and everyone scrambled out in varying states of elegance except for Nana, who stayed.
"Your godfather made a deal with Nono," she said.
Tsuna looked at Reborn curiously.
His godfather spoke. "I told him that if he didn't seal your flames, I'd work exclusively for him."
But you don't like working for anyone but yourself, Reborn, Tsuna protested. That's what you said.
"I like your flames being unsealed better," Reborn said simply.
Tsuna wanted to cry.
Thank you thank you thank you, he chanted instead, pulling Reborn into another hug. Are you sure it's okay? he asked.
"If it wasn't okay, I wouldn't have done it," Reborn scoffed, working his hands through Tsuna's fluffy hair. "Don't ask stupid questions, dame-Tsuna."
Okay. What else?
"You aren't allowed to learn any flame combat and Nono will send someone to check on your flames every year to see how they're developing. But that's pretty much it."
But Nono won't come, right? Tsuna asked in a whisper. Nana moved to sit by him and reached out for his hand.
"I don't know, passerotto. But I think that as long as we keep in line, he won't have any reason to."
I don't want to see him ever again, Tsuna said, turning to hide his face in Nana's shoulder. She rubbed his back soothingly.
Reborn tilted his fedora down.
I don't understand why he agreed, Tsuna said.
Reborn gave him a quirked eyebrow, signalling that he should continue.
It didn't seem like anything would make him agree. I thought he was going to do it for sure, Tsuna tried to explain.
Reborn understood.
"He was struggling too much with your flames. They were not being very obedient."
Tsuna frowned, trying to remember the moment when Nono had tried to seal him up. However, much like any pain, the memories of it had already dulled in intensity.
So he wouldn't have been able to seal me?
"I didn't say that, dame-Tsuna. But if he had ended up sealing you, it would have taken so much of his own flame and energy, he may not have been able to recover from it."
"Really. And Nono has his own problems at home to worry about. It simply wasn't worth it."
Tsuna frowned. He felt strangely dismissed, but also relieved.
So so relieved.
Why did we come to Dr. Shamal?
"You were in a flame-induced coma and no one could reach you. We thought Nono might have done permanent damage. As I said earlier, Shamal specializes in flames. We thought he might be able to help you. Usually, he doesn't accept patients without a referral or without them being a… certain type, so Nana reached out to Lavina who reached out to him."
Thank you, Mama, Tsuna murmured, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
Nana also looked like she had been crying. She cuddled him closer. "I'm so happy to see you awake, baby."
Are we still in Japan? Tsuna asked, thinking of Mukuro.
Reborn nodded.
Did Auntie Lav come all the way here just for me? Tsuna asked a little distressed.
Nana looked towards Reborn askingly. He murmured something in her ear. Nana's eyes lit up as she understood.
"She wanted to, Tsu-kun." Nana sighed. "Sometimes, I don't think you know how loved you are."
Tsuna stayed silent, not knowing how to respond.
"It makes you selfish in ways people are not usually selfish."
What do you mean, Mama? Tsuna asked, completely bewildered. He had just woken up from a two-week coma and Mama was already calling him selfish?
Nana smiled at his baffled look.
"Sorry, baby. But you'll probably figure it out later."
Tsuna pouted and Reborn laughed and moved towards the door.
"Oi, Shamal! Come back in here and take a look at his flames."
The doctor quickly re-entered, flinching away from Reborn.
Tsuna looked between them curiously, wondering what happened.
"Can you summon some of your flames?" Dr. Shamal asked.
Tsuna nodded, making a little heart shaped ball with his orange.
Dr. Shamal looked amazed. "That level of purity is… May I?"
Tsuna passed over the ball of flames to the doctor, making sure it didn't accidentally singe him.
Dr. Shamal brought it over to a weird device and analyzed it with some weird goggly things.
"Do you care if I bring a sample to Verde? He would die for a glimpse of this."
Reborn hit Shamal in the back of the head again with his hand.
"Anything you learn about my godson's flames don't leave this room or your mouth. Understood, Shamal?"
The doctor flinched and nodded quickly, getting back to work.
"They are a little scarred, but they have maintained their purity levels," he finally pronounced. "Over time, the scarring may fade a little."
"What does scarred mean for flames?" Nana asked.
"It means that his flames are still a little wounded. They may not be as eager to reach out and connect. They may hurt the brat— that is to say Tsuna— a little when he tries to use them. Over time though, it means nothing. Everyone's flames get a little scared with life."
Nana nodded her thanks.
"Why can't he speak?" Reborn asked, blunt as always.
Tsuna turned in shock towards his godfather, opening his mouth to protest.
Nothing came out.
"You've been speaking through your flames, dame-Tsuna. Didn't you notice?"
Tsuna bit his lip and shook his head.
"Right now, I think it's just stress," Dr. Shamal explained. "He'll probably get his voice back as he recovers."
Reborn still looked vaguely unhappy with the explanation.
Tsuna yawned a little, feeling exhaustion overpower him.
"Sleep for now, Tsuna. We're not going anywhere," Reborn said.
Tsuna closed his eyes in response and allowed himself to fall.
"I don't want to see him again."
Reborn turned to look at Nana. She had been looking increasingly miserable over the time Tsuna spent asleep. Now that her child was finally awake, it made sense that her words had returned to her.
"Who, Nana?"
"Iemitsu and Nono. I can't bear to see them again. If I did, I think I would do something that would scare Tsuna."
"You have a pretty resilient kid."
"Not resilient enough for what I want to do to the man who calls himself my husband." Nana blinked, and Reborn was shocked to notice a tear tumble down her cheek. "He held me back. His boss was doing something terrible to Tsuna and I wanted to stop it, but my own husband stopped me. He's a coward and I wish I had never met him."
"If you hadn't met him, you wouldn't have Tsuna," Reborn gently reminded.
"I know. I could never regret Tsuna, but I can regret the man I gave him for a father."
"So what do you want to do, Nana?"
"I don't know what I want to do yet, I just know I trust you to help me when I do. You are a part of my family, Reborn, and I wanted to tell you."
He stilled.
Nana was the kind of person who seemed as though she trusted the world. However, her actual inner circle had a minuscule radius. He had finally been let in. Her ally in Wonderland. Family.
"Of course," he replied simply, not betraying the gravity of the moment.
His whole body felt incredibly weak. It was almost embarrassing.
Finally, he made it to the garden bench.
He was still at the facility. He worried about Mukuro finding him sometimes, but he couldn't leave until Dr. Shamal gave him the okay.
Hayato sat down next to him.
"Tsuna, I was thinking. I want to bond with you as your Storm."
Tsuna turned in surprise. You know about flames?
"I spoke to the stupid doctor and Reborn-sama and learned everything I need to know about flames. I know I'm a Storm, and I know you don't have one yet, so I want to be your Storm. Also, I want to understand you. Always."
But… we live in different countries. It might hurt you.
Hayato looked at him closely, trying to analyze his expression.
"Reborn said a flame bond could cause damage if the people in it were separated by geographical distance. But my mom says we might move to Japan soon, and I can't bear not being bonded with you. You have that kind of bond with the baseball idiot and Hibari-san, and I want it with you too."
Tsuna frowned.
Are you sure, Hayato?
In reply, Hayato reached out and grabbed his hand.
Tsuna felt a gentle rush of storm flames against his sky.
There was nothing to do but accept. He could never reject Hayato— not in a million years.
Their flames entwined around each other, swirling around them and settling.
Hayato looked oddly relieved and relaxed— Tsuna had never even noticed he was so tense in the first place.
"Thank you."
No, thank you.
Hayato smiled, pleased.
"Me too, Tsuna!" Ryohei called as he jogged behind the bench. "I can be your extreme Sun!"
Hayato growled. "You don't need to copy me, Turf Top! And stop running back and forth! You look like an idiot."
Tsuna laughed, but later he bonded with Ryohei too, adding vibrant yellow to his flame networks.
Reborn frowned at him, subtly informing him that he would be getting scolded again soon for over-extending himself.
He didn't care.
Kyoya came and claimed him after a few hours.
He dragged him to an empty spot in the garden and forced Tsuna to spar with him until his limbs finally felt like his own again.
Then, they fell into a heap under the plum tree and napped.
Kyoya's cloud flames cradled his sky with the utmost care and reverence.
It's how Kyoya expressed his love. This act of shelter and protection.
Cloud hiding the sky from the world.
Tsuna relaxed and focused on breathing.
His rain, perhaps, had the most difficult time.
Takeshi was used to soothing away his little worries and fears as easy as brushing off dirt from his school uniform. When faced with something so big, his rain was left floundering.
[Takeshi sometimes forgot that Tsuna also enjoyed soothing away his doubts the rare moments they made themselves known to him.]
Yes, his rain was supposed to wash away his worries, but as the sky, Tsuna held all of Takeshi's wordlessly until they were ready to be released and shared and evaporated away.
"I thought you were going to be in a coma forever. I thought I lost you."
Tsuna nodded, brushing a hand through his rain's hair.
They were on top of the roof. The building was only one story tall, so it was not really dangerous.
"And the worst part is I knew something was wrong before you went home after lunch. And I didn't even do anything about it. I didn't even ask you if you needed help or something."
There was nothing anyone could do, Take. I promise it turned out for the best. And I'm not in a coma anymore. I'm awake now.
"But you can't speak anymore."
I'll probably be able to again eventually. There's so many languages I want to learn, so it won't hold me back for long.
Takeshi nodded, pleased with Tsuna's explanation, their flames twined together like two lazy cats.
It won't happen again, Takeshi promised.
Tsuna nodded in agreement.
His Sky flames whispered I'm here until Takeshi fell asleep with you are, aren't you on his lips.
While Tsuna was happy his rain guardian was finally sleeping, he was slightly less happy to realize that they were stuck on the roof.
They reached Namimori the next day.
No one was ready to leave yet, so they all stayed at the Sawadas.
Lavina decided to stay with Shamal so he could check how her illness was progressing. Hayato came home with the Sawadas.
Hana and Kyoko came by to see Tsuna, and he reassured them that he was okay now. They had been told that he fell sick and had to see a special doctor.
Tsuna felt touched by their concern and the sweets they brought.
He went and visited Nagi with Nana and Reborn.
Her ever-present stillness hadn't changed. She had only grown more pale. Tsuna longed to see her awake in this world.
She needs a surgery, but her Mama and Papa won't pay for it.
Slowly, Nana had begun to understand what he saying. Her flames had moved closer to the surface and Tsuna's sky had begun reaching out for hers.
She went to talk to the nurse while Reborn and Tsuna sat at Nagi's bedside.
They didn't speak. Tsuna reached for Nagi's hand.
Nana returned. She embraced him.
"Don't worry, Tsu-kun. Mama's going to handle this."
And somehow, he believed her.
One day, Tsuna woke up and Mukuro was there.
He had drifted in like debris on a shore or a snow flurry in the spring.
His Mist was wrapped around him, still sleeping.
Later, Tsuna would have to explain to his mama who he was. He'd have to introduce Mukuro to all of his friends and hope they'd get along.
But right now, Tsuna was just happy his Mist was here and safe.
He turned and returned Mukuro's embrace, feeling the pokey bones of his ribcage and the tender bruises and swelling of wounds that would have to be treated.
Welcome home, Roku-nii.
Guys, this is Mukuro, Tsuna introduced.
After a lengthy interrogation, Reborn had treated all of Mukuro's wounds. To be honest, his godfather didn't seem super happy that one of his Mists were home. Hopefully, his friends would give him a warmer reception.
They all sat in a circle in the Sawadas backyard. Hayato, Takeshi, Ryohei, and Kyoya.
Mukuro had somehow convinced Tsuna to sit in his lap, arguing that he was just returning the favor.
I hope you all get along with him, Tsuna finished.
Mukuro leaned in and kissed the back of Tsuna's neck. Used to it, Tsuna didn't react. His guardians on the other hand...
Kyoya's eyebrow twitched as he reached for his tonfas. Hayato was wide-eyed and Takeshi was… glaring?
The backyard exploded.
Haya! Where did you get bombs?!
"Shamal, Tsuna. Don't worry. He taught me how to use them!"
That's not why I'm worried!
"I can't hear you, Tsuna! Just wait!"
Tsuna paused, lost.
His guardians were violently fighting, like beasts or creatures from his story books.
But they were laughing too? Maybe they were just having fun?
"Pineapple herbivore. Prepare to be bitten to death."
Trident and tonfa collided.
Tsuna got the feeling that he should perhaps stop this.
Um, guys?
No response.
Tsuna sighed.
His friends didn't even appear to hear him. He huffed in frustration and crossed his hands across his chest. Maybe he could use his flames to—
"Tsu-kun, do you want to help Mama with snacks?"
Tsuna huffed and turned to follow his mother back into the kitchen.
They're not even listening to me, Mama. I wanted us all to be friends.
Nana smiled and patted Tsuna's head.
"Maybe they're just getting to know each other, ne? After we prepare the snack, you can go out and bring it to them. I guarantee you, Tsu-kun, the way to people's hearts is through their stomachs."
Tsuna nodded thoughtfully, musing over the words like they were something profound.
Finally, he brought out the huge tumbler of lemonade with plastic cups and the cookies.
His friends seemed totally knocked out and exhausted. Mukuro shouldn't be straining himself so soon after his recovery.
Tsuna sniffed. If they had listened to him, they wouldn't be so tired right now.
Guys! I have lemonade and cookies!
His friends stirred. They rushed towards him as if they hadn't been lying on the ground seconds ago. Tsuna held the precious food away.
You can only have them if you all promise to be friends with each other.
His friends shot him devastated looks.
Go on! Promise.
"Tsuna-sama, you don't understand. We're protecting your innocence."
Tsuna raised an eyebrow.
My innocence doesn't need protecting!
Kyoya shot him an incredulous "oh, really," look.
Tsuna did not appreciate the sarcasm.
None of you are getting cookies. I will eat them all myself.
Takeshi gave him puppy dog eyes. Tsuna ignored him.
"Tsuna, I will be extreme friends with your friends!" Ryohei said. "We all boxed today and it was so much fun! Next time, you should box with us!"
Tsuna smiled, pleased at his Sun. He handed him a cookie and a glass of lemonade.
Slowly, one by one, his friends pledged their resolve towards friendship.
All except Kyoya, who mysteriously vanished. Tsuna sighed, resolving to find him later.
Maybe he should have told his guardians about Mukuro earlier. It might have made this part easier.
It was too late now. At least they knew about Nagi.
Kyo, why did you disappear?
The baby carnivore appeared under the plum tree. Hibari shot him a look.
Can you come down? I want to know your feelings.
Reluctantly, Hibari clambered down from his tree. Tsunayoshi reached forward and hugged him.
Their flames melded together.
I'll always need you, Kyo. No matter what happens. Why did you leave?
Too much crowding, omnivore, Hibari explained wordlessly.
Tsuna understood.
Kyoya was a solitary creature, but he was his Cloud too. Those two roles were conflicting, but they didn't have to be.
Kyoya scoffed.
From now on, you will be at the dojo every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays at 4pm. When school starts, we will patrol together Tuesdays and Thursdays along with the other days at the dojo.
Tsuna nodded.
But why do I have to come to the dojo?
Kyoya smiled with his teeth.
I will be teaching you how to fight, baby carnivore. When I can't protect you, you will need to know to protect yourself.
Kyo took Tsuna's coma as a personal failure, as he always did.
Tsuna held his Cloud tighter.
It wasn't your fault, he said.
Kyoya didn't reply.
Tsuna got the feeling he didn't really believe him.
It wasn't your fault, he repeated again.
Hn. Be on time, small animal. Or I'll bite you to death.
Nana bought Mukuro a wardrobe full of clothes.
The whole time they were out, Mukuro held Tsuna's hand tightly, radiating hesitance and uncertainty. His discomfort was almost tangible.
He had never been taken shopping, Tsuna realized with a start. Nobody had ever spoiled him with clothes and presents.
The thought made Tsuna terribly sad.
Nana had taken to Mukuro like flight to a bird.
Sometimes, after Tsuna had finished his training with Reborn, he could find Mukuro helping Nana cook for dinner.
He always liked watching them from the doorway.
He never felt jealous. He loved his mother for seeing the wounded pieces in his Mist and reaching out to him. He wanted to shower Mukuro with all the love and belonging he had been so far denied.
Mukuro clung to Tsuna like he was dew on a blade of grass.
Slowly, as he was reintegrated into this world, he would branch out again— reach out for others. For now, Tsuna didn't mind his Mist's constant presence at his side.
He had only asked once.
Roku-nii, how did you escape?
His Mist grinned. It was dark, and not entirely whole. Laughter bubbled.
I killed them, Tsunayoshi. And then I ran. Are you scared yet?
Tsuna thought for a moment before shaking his head. I'm just happy you're home.
Mukuro's smile turned more genuine.
Kufufu, how on earth did I find you for my sky.
I found you, Tsuna replied with a smile. You and Nagi both.
Mukuro laughed again.
I suppose you did, darling. But I'm not letting you go.
I'm not letting you go either.
What sorcery is this? An early chapter?
Hi, everyone! To be honest, I felt a little guilty since I wanted to update twice a month in the summer and the last chapter gave me so much trouble.
Anyway, it is here.
As always, I appreciate your follows, favorites, and comments so so much. I love hearing your thoughts about what I'm doing and your predictions and everything.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
We're finally almost at the end of the first arc.
Please let me know what you think below.
Lots of love,
- Mmrose9