A/N: Sorry this took so long to update? Life has been hell but I'm doing my best. This chapter was heavily inspired by a scene in Profiling 202 that I particularly loved, so I hope you like this.

It'd been two weeks since Dave and Spencer had fought, and Dave thought this was going to be a day or two of upset and then a beautiful reconciliation, and boy was he wrong. Spencer had been so upset by the argument, that two days after the incident Spencer had packed a few suit cases and said he was going out to Vegas to visit his mother, and left. He'd never specified how long he'd be gone, but Dave knew Spencer needed the time to himself, but still found himself worrying. He'd been too aggressive in his accusations and pushed Spencer so far away.

Dave honestly missed him so damn much that decided that he needed to do something about it. And since, for the moment, he was unable to talk to Spencer by traditional means, he'd settle for figuring it out himself. So this meant doing what he did best, cooking. He prepared himself to make his signature Carbonara, his grandmother's recipe, and began to recall the event in his head, flinching slightly as he remembered the harshness of all the words. Dave had to put himself on auto pilot to be able to continue cooking. Once he'd prepared food, he plated it and set the table, turning his back for a moment to pour himself and the empty place a drink. But throughout the meal, he couldn't seem to get a grasp on Spencer. Frustrated and upset after the meal Dave found himself pacing the house in a vain attempt to summon him out of thin air. It'd worked with every single unsub he'd ever had to face like that, so why couldn't he do it with Spencer?

Dave froze, that was his answer, Spencer wasn't an unsub, he hadn't done anything wrong, save for being unable to properly express himself. Dave made his way to a chess set in a study he shared with Spencer and begun to set the board. It was a special set, something of an anniversary present he'd gotten Spencer, the pieces were hand blown glass, one side black and the others a lovely frosted white. Dave poured himself a drink and begun the match, staring at the pieces before deciding a move. When his eyes looked up he wasn't greeted by Spencer, but by his old friend Jason Gideon who was sitting hunched over in a contemplative manner. "The kid is upset, can't blame him for that." Jason said, Dave sighed and nodded in agreement. "I know, I screwed up." he said as Jason made his move. "Yeah, but he's resilient, that beautiful mind is always going, you know." he added, rubbing his hands together. Dave nodded once more as he looked to his pieces. "I suppose I figured he'd be comfortable coming to me, rather than bottling it up like that." Dave explained and he made a move, only to have Jason take that piece in return.

"Yeah, I know. That accusation wasn't too great either, adding in the fact you haven't even checked in on him? Probably just stewing in it right now." Jason explained, pointing at him. "I know, in hindsight, my mind really shouldn't have jumped there, but he was just so... Suspect." Dave said, taking a drink. Jason rubbed his hands together once more and shrugged gently. "So, I'm Spencer. You accuse me of being back on Dilaudid." Jason started "I'm already emotional from feeling lonely, neglected. Not looking for a fight, just begging to go to bed with you, I'm tired." he stated, looking to Dave. "I know, but you're rail thin, look like you haven't eaten all day. I need you to eat so I pretty much demand it of you, cooking anyways... I know I just scared you, and you're vulnerable, more so than usual." Dave added. "Frightened like a bird." Jason said, "And you've been gone more, again lonely, expected to be with you more. Busy mind needs stimulation and lets face it, even to someone who can read that fast, books must get a tad boring eventually." he pointed out. Dave rubbed his chin and nodded.
"And I'm worried with the behavior, it points to trying to hide something." Dave said, Jason shook his head. "Yeah, but I'm different, I'm hiding the craving that stems from loneliness and need for human interaction as a form of stimulation. I'm not hiding the act of doing drugs, but rather the want." he explained. "I reinforced a bad memory by thrusting it into the light..." Dave groaned, moving a piece. Jason made a quick move. "Check." he said. "Reinforced it in the worst way possible. It's already a source of shame and embarrassment, but someone I love making that accusation makes it even worse." Jason pointed out, rubbing his hands as Dave made his move. "Apologizing and giving you space is the best thing to do, but too much and it pushes you away even more, not enough and I could be smothering." he sighed. Jason made a final move and looked to him. "Call him, right now." he said. "Express love and care. Apologize." he explained. Dave wasted no time, standing up to go to his desk, grabbing the phone. He swallowed hard and dialed the number, the sound of ringing drowning out the heartbeat in his ears.

Spencer didn't even look at his phone before answering it, he just knew who it was. "What, David?." he said, he was still mad, but Dave knew the only way to make it better, was to be better. "I'm sorry, Spencer." he said softly. Spencer didn't say anything and Dave continued. "I know you expected more of me, and I'm sorry." Spencer just sighed and started on him. "That's not what matters, Dave. What matters is I was feeling alone, and I shouldn't have had to." he explained, shaking his head. "And on top of it, to be accused like that? What the hell was that?" he hissed, hearing a car door shut in the background of the call. Dave chose to ignore it and began to explain himself. "Spencer, I know. I feel awful about that... Accusing you like that wasn't fair. Especially when when you were already feeling vulnerable... It was an attack and I'm sorry." he said. "I know, I also should have apologized sooner, but I just couldn't... I couldn't find the words and I'm still learning." Dave added, groaning a little. "Look. I know it's not much, but the second you get home, I'll do whatever you want to make up for it. I know you're taking a little time in Las Vegas with your mother right now, and I understand, but when you get back, I swear we'll do whatever you want." he said. The air was dead silent for several moments, they felt like forever until he heard a trunk pop open. "Well, you can start right now by coming downstairs and helping me bring my things in." Spencer said before hanging up the phone, placing it back in his pocket.

Dave dropped his phone on his desk and quickly headed out of the shared study, and as he passed the chess set he could have sworn that he heard Gideon chuckle and say "Checkmate." As soon as Dave opened the door he saw Spencer leaning against his car, arms folded. He made his way over and embraced him puling him close. "I'm sorry." he said. "I'm so sorry." Spencer stayed quiet and unfolded his arms, wrapping them around Dave and squeezing him gently. "I know... I forgive you but... Please never accuse me of that again unless you have definitive proof." he said, pulling himself away to grab one of his suitcases. Dave nodded and grabbed the other one. "You got it kid." he said, Spencer just gave a little smile and sighed. "Can we go to bed? I didn't sleep on the flight." he explained, Dave just nodded. "Sure, laundry can be done in the morning." he said bringing in the suitcases and setting them on the floor as they got inside. Once they got to their bedroom they quickly changed and laid back in their bed, Spencer stretching out and letting his bones pop. Dave made himself comfortable and held and arm out for Spencer, who immediately rest his head on Dave's chest and curled up to him. Dave used his free arm to shut his lamp off and darken the room, they both found themselves whisked off to sleep very quickly, comfortable and warm, welcoming sweet dreams to take over.