So there's no actual timeline. Its descendants 2 but not really because i just take certain parts of the movie to make the fic. This is just Mal thinking things. Hope you enjoy!

Mal felt really happy and by the time she was back in her room with Evie she was wondering what had been so different opening up to Evie this time than the other times. Maybe it's because you basically told her you loved her, you dumb ass! Mal scolded herself but she still held that feeling very closely. She was thinking so much about how both Evie and her were telling each other how they felt that she has to ask herself. I love her like a friend right? I mean just because I feel closer to Evie than anyone else doesn't mean that my growing love for Ben is any less. Mal decided to let the overthinking end and focus on finishing her sketch as she sat down on her own bed.

Evie on the other hand was really nervous because she almost kissed Mal. Well she kissed Mal, but on the forehead… and it was adorable to see Mal's reaction. Mal hugged her. Mal hugged her. Evie was ecstatic. She tried not to show it on her exterior but a small creeping smile was permanently plastered on her face. It did not go unnoticed by Mal and so as Mal continued to finish her sketch she added that tiny crescent moon shape on her favourite person's lips.

Her lips as so perfect… she absentmindedly turned the page and started drawing Evie's lips from memory. Her closed lips, her pouty lips, her smiling lips, her laughing lips, her biting lips? Mal Bertha, why are you drawing Evie's lips… And this one… biting her lower one. Mal was flustered and she had to admit it was the best one that turned out. She just kept staring at it with a definite blush on her face.

"Mal are you, ok? You're staring and really red? What are you looking at?" Evie had noticed it when she went to take her usual glance at Mal. Mal suddenly closed her sketching pad startling Evie. "Wow ok, that bad? Im sure it's perfect you don't have to be angry. Everything you make is so well drawn and you always give your drawings an adventurous and yearnful feeling."

Mal just stayed blushing from Evie's compliment. Me angry looking at Evie's lips on my sketch pad? More like confused as to why I drew them. Yeah and then getting flustered for thinking about touching them! Stupid brain! "Thank you E. it means a lot coming from you. I think im going to go for a walk, you're welcome to come." Mal offered and while she wanted to take the walk to think about these confusing feelings, she welcomed a very nice distraction from her thoughts anytime.

"Oh no, I should really finish your leather pants." Evie then added in a low voice, "Maybe now I can work faster without you as a distraction…" Mal didn't hear it so she shrugged and left but not before giving Evie a hug before running off out of the room. Leaving a very happy and glowing Evie, hot to her face.

Now outside of the dorm rooms she knew she had to stay out of crowded places because the paparazzi would get to her, not that she couldn't handle them herself it's just she can't use the methods she'd prefer. A spell to make them mute. She smiled a tiny wicked smile at the thought. After finding a somehow secluded path she started thinking.

Evie is so nice to me, and even when we disagree we still talk I really appreciate that because I don't think I'd be able to handle not having my best friend. Look at me, I'm a little pathetic… Needing someone is so weak. She went on that 'weak' tangent for a while until she remembered when she and the VK's defeated her mother. We're better together. I should know that by now, it doesn't make me weak but stronger. Mal sighed, being raised as she was it was a bit hard to accept that it was okay to need other people. And to care for them, to love. But it was really easy to love Evie. She never knew that it could be so easy and so hard at the same time to just open up to someone and truly believe that they love you and that you love them. She was so sure of her love but at the same time so confused, it was the feelings she never thought she'd have. She knew she had cared for the princess even in the Isle and when they came to Auradon everything changed because she was finally able to open up and accept her feelings for Evie, Jay and Carlos. Specially Evie. And now as she thought about it, she had always known she loved Evie. The girl was gorgeous yes, but she also always had Mal's back. She was truly the perfect partner, Mal kept dreamily smiling as she thought of the blue haired girl. In crime, of course. Partner in crime, yes.

She had not been doing too much crime lately because she had to be the perfect princess now, it was getting really hard but she knew that Evie would be right with her if she did do something.

That's another thing that's been confusing to her, having to be good after being bad was weird and really out of character for her. She had been forcing herself to be this 'perfect Mal' when in reality she was breaking down from all the pressure. Evie had asked a couple of times, being how nice and perceptive as she was, but Mal always turned down the offer to talk about it. Mal knew that Evie loved it in Auradon. Princess, you were never meant to grow up on the Isle, this is where you belong, where you can grow as a designer and as the smart girl you were meant to show. When you needed protection in the Isle, not that you needed me too much it was only when things got physical, I was there fighting for you. Here in Auradon there isn't much to protect you from, I feel a little useless now but since I know now you love me I guess I don't have to be useful. Still, I will always protect you, Evie. She told herself as a silent prayer and reassurance as to why she was still feelings all these feelings.

As for you Mal, She said to herself in third person, being so perfect is tiring you up. It's so tempting to go back to the Isle, where I don't have to be the prettiest, most beautifully dressed princess for everyone. I guess I have my good days when I'm not rushed on any opinions for balls or parties. But the pressure can get intense. I'm just glad I have Evie to help me up. And even if she's doing her own thing she finds time for me. Yeah Evie is great. But Mal you already established that multiple monologues ago. She shook her head at the repeating statement she had suddenly found herself saying for the evening.

As Mal said her little monologue she suddenly felt arms around her and she knew quickly who it was. There were only two people in the world who dared touch her like that and one of them she knew for certain was in her dorm room. So she turned around towards Ben and gave him a small kiss on the lips. "Hi Ben." She said leaning into his embrace. He's really comfy, but not as comfy as Evie.

"Hey Mal, How has your day been?" Ben asked in his usual happy self.

"It's been good!" And she left it like that. In reality Mal had been having a very confusing day but it was good regardless. So she didn't really lie.

Ben's face turned into an unknown expression for a split second, Mal didn't notice it but Ben was actually jealous because he had seen Mal being overly physical with Evie earlier. Something she's never been with him. He knew Mal to be a very closed off person and had accepted that, but seeing her so openly affectionate made him hurt a little bit, because it wasn't directed at him. He would never admit these feelings though, Mal would take it the wrong way, that he saw the two girls in a seemingly intimate moment.

Ben stayed quiet for so long Mal was worried, "Ben are you ok? You seem quiet." Why is today the day everyone decides to act weird!

"Huh? Oh! Sorry, I just remembered something I have to do for the court. But first things first! I got you something." Ben exclaimed excitedly.

"Really? What could it be?" She said actually looking forward to her present. Even if it was every other day now.

"Close your eyes." Ben told her and then he directed her to where it was. "Ok now open them."

"What! Ben! I can't believe you got me this! This is amazing!" Mal squealed as she gushed about the bike in front of her, "It's purple!" She laughed and Ben smiled.

Mal actually felt so happy, she realised Ben had been listening to her ramble on about going on night rides and her love for speed. He could be really nice if he wanted to be. Now I feel so bad for comparing him all the time to Evie. Like they don't even compare. They are both good to me in different ways, Mal reasoned, although Evie has shown my support of evil doings always. But apart from that he's so nice to me. How can I not love him?

And then it hit her. Mal likes Ben yes. But Mal loves Evie. How could I not see it this clearly? She realised it so quickly and so hard she knew she couldn't accept his present. Because it would just be wrong to take a present he intended to give someone he loves and thought she loved him back.

"Mal whats wrong?" Ben noticed after her face went from happy to serious to sad in a few moments.

"Ben, this is a lovely present but I can't… I'm sorry" Mal genuinely apologises. I care about you just not the way you care for me.

"What do you mean, Mal, do you not like the style we can change it?" Ben said, even knowing that's not what she meant.

"Ben, I can't accept this. I feel like you gave this to someone who you love, someone that loves you back, and wants to be together with you. I'm sorry Ben. For not realising sooner." She was internally feeling giddy, she hadn't been so honest in months. She wasn't scared of his answer and she wasn't scared for her own image. She just felt slightly Evil. And it was enough, but a part of her felt like crying for not being a better girlfriend to Ben. But she was not going to cry.

Ben smiled. And Mal was really confused, then he said "Keep the bike, I gave it to someone that I care about it and want to see happy. It doesn't matter if you're with me or… someone else, or with no one" he added that last one quickly to not seem like he was sure of something. "I just want you to be happy. So keep the bike Mal. I'm serious. And I don't have to be your boyfriend, as long as you still think of me as a friend I'd like to keep making you smile." Ben said sincerely, and Mal felt her chest tighten a little, maybe from guilt.

"Ben you'll always be my friend. Always, you were the first friend I had in Auradon so I think it goes without saying!" Then she stayed silent. Then she hugged him. "Thank you, Ben. For being a good friend to me."

Ben was surprised at the hug. He felt confused that now that he said they were friends she hugged him. But never when they dated she did so. I wonder if she knows she's doing that. I don't think it could be on purpose it doesn't seem forced, it seems just as natural as the hugs she gives Evie. He hugged her back and prepared his own mind and body for the words that were going to come out of his mouth. "Mal, I'll always be your friend, now go be yourself. Go get her, I think she already feels something else. Call it a beast intuition!" He then broke the hug and gave her the biggest grin holding her at arms length.

"Wait what? What are you talking about, Ben? There's nothing going on between Evie and–" she shut up because she realised she had just admitted to what he said. He only patted her in the shoulders and took a deep breath.

Mal this breaks my heart but I know you'll be happy and I'll eventually get over it. "Mal" he chuckled, "you don't have to lie to me, its ok. We're friends now remember? Now go get her!" He releases his breath and nudges Mal.

Yay supportive Ben! I had a break up like that once so i sort of projected but hey everything a writer makes has a little bit of them inside right? Please review i like to see opinions and corrections!