I've been gone for a while, working on some non-fanfiction related projects of mine; finally I've decided to come back to this story, I've been kind of delaying it for some time. I hope I will be able to finish this story in the future. I'm taking it step by step as of now, but the upcoming school year might make updates increasingly difficult. Hopefully I'll be able to crank out another chapter after this one before school starts, but enough rambling, let's get into this chapter!

"Regular Speech"


"Demonic/Dragon/Deity Speech"

"Magical Spell"


Chapter 5: Confrontation


Natsu had been feeling quite chipper recently, what with the invitation to be a part of a family of sorts once again.

The pain of losing his family had not fully subsided yet, but hopefully this 'Fairy Tail' guild would be a suitable and temporary replacement of sorts. Natsu had come to the conclusion that he could not wallow around in his own pity for the rest of his life. Sure that lingering pain would remind him of his loss from time to time, and of course he would never forget the most precious people to his heart, but Natsu was determined to live his life as best as he could for the sake of the ones he loved.

Natsu held a soft smile at the thought; wherever his parents and Igneel may be, he hoped they would be looking upon him with happiness and love. Surely they wouldn't want him to waste his life fixed upon loss and grief. No; they would surely want the best for him.

The guild known as Fairy Tail, as said by the cheeky, old man from his previous encounter, seemed to be the potential source for someone like him, who had only known grief and sorrow his whole life. Perhaps the joy and bonds they shared at this guild would melt the cold and wary

persona that he had been carrying recently.

However, there was one thing standing in the way of this heaven-sent opportunity that could lead to Natsu's happiness.

'Tartaros' Natsu thought, mixed feelings associated with the name.

On one hand, Natsu had formed many companions at this guild. His guild. The pleasant memories of being able to gather with beings who were just like him.

'Demons'. They had been outcasts. Ridiculed for their differences and power. It was just like humans; condemning and persecuting the things they feared, the things they did not know and the the things they could not comprehend.

That sort of thinking was what had caused the Dragon King Festival to begin with. Discrimination against the races. Everyone wanted to be better than the other. Pride, the pride in believing one's own superiority to another.

It was true. Humans, Dragons and Demons alike were always in conflict, and always for the most foolish of reasons.

With a loud sigh and a shake of his head, Natsu cleared his head of his wandering thoughts, 'No point in contemplating the social relations of the races'. Besides, this subject was quite touchy for Natsu considering his past… this subject was best left untouched for now.

Back to the previous line of thought, while he had found a place to belong, and formed comrades that he had trusted, the guild Tartaros had not done much good for Earth Land.

Scratch that, they had done no good at all! They had been classified as a dark guild, and recognized as a part of the Balam Alliance: one of the three strongest dark guilds in Fiore.

It was quite amusing how Tartaros had been deemed a dark guild, simply because their guild consisted of only demons.

At that point in time, Tartaros had not done anything for them to be considered a dark guild; they simply existed as a place where demons could come together without the fear of discrimination; that had been the reason he created the guild in the first place.

That had been the catalyst for Tartaros to start their violent and bloody outbreak. Members had taken the news with anger and hostility. They began to fight back against the humans that had labelled them as monsters: destroying villages and attacking other guilds were some of the few things they had done to show their anger.

Knowing this, Natsu had to confront Tartaros, the guild he had founded.

He had to know what their intentions were following all that had happened.

Would they continue their violent and dark ways? Would they continue to plot against humanity? He certainly would not let them if that was the case. Hopefully the fact that he was once their leader would be enough to sway their goals and intentions.

It had been centuries since Natsu had physically step foot in his guild, but seemed like a few years due to his transport into the future. Unless the Cube had been doing some travelling, the Cube which holds the Tartaros building would not be hard to find.

It had been hidden in an area that was uncivilized by men. The terrain was dry and infertile, while dangerous monsters of all sorts roamed the lands. It was in all aspects, Demon territory. It was unlikely that the guild had changed it's last location.

However, his nose had already remembered the smell of many of his comrades. It would only be a matter of time before he finds his guilds and confronts their intentions.


The Tartaros guild had been not very hard to find. Although it was not in the exact same location, it still remained within a relative distance to the location he had stored in his memory. Some quick help from his nose had made the task much more easier for Natsu, picking up the scents of demons nearby to his original destination.

Natsu now stood on a small hill, overseeing the large guild ahead of him. Dark grey skies forming the background to the massive, daunting building that made up the Tartaros guild hall.

It resembles a castle, in terms of structure: cone-shaped pillars and columns were aligned in front of and on top of the large square-shaped hall. It was made up of dark, grey bricks, complementing the similarly dark skies. Open windows lining each floor as if welcoming the surrounding darkness, with a large gated entrance that seemed to dare anyone who passed to approach the haunted looking building.

So many memories, both good and bad were associated to this building, but now was not the time to reflect on these things. He had the past few days since he had regained those memories to do so, and now was the time to confront the source of those memories.

Natsu knew he would probably lose if a battle were to be the outcome of his untimely visit, so he was aiming to be hospitable and peaceful in terms of the talks and negotiations. His previous role as the Guild Master would hopefully put him in a safe spots, but nothing was confirmed in this situation.

But there was no other choice. This had to be done. For the sake of himself, his future guild-mates and humanity, he had to confirm their intentions, and hopefully thwart any vicious plans.

Natsu began his descent down the hill, further approaching the eery building in front of him. The first step to his plan was to secure a meeting with the current or temporary master. Natsu would cross his fingers that the one they put in charge would be someone he knew well.

Approaching the large, menacing door, Natsu was just about to attempt to open it when suddenly a large golem appeared before him. It was a large creature, standing well over 10 feet, guarding the entrance behind it.

"What business do you have with Tartaros, foolish human?! Do you not know that this is Demonic Territory? We feed on tiny insects such as yourself and crush our enemies without remorse." The golem spoke in a low, rumbling voice. As it finished it's entrance speech, the golem began to slowly approach Natsu as a sign of hostility.

"I am well aware that this area and the surrounding regions have been marked as Demonic, however I have important business that must be discussed with the Guild Master immediately." Natsu defended himself calmly.

Surprised by the lack of fear in Natsu's voice, the Golem quickly hardened his voice, harshly saying, "An insignificant human like you has no business with the Master, and neither are you welcome! Coming here was your biggest mistake, insect! DIE!" The golem now charged himself at Natsu, prepared to end his life for his audacious demands.

"I demand to speak to your leader under the authority of the Demonic Code. It is stated in Chapter 1, Section 12 that it can be requested to speak to the leader or master of a group of wizards. Do you dare defy the code of Demonic Honour?" *

The golem was shocked speechless by this. First this human has the guts to come to the notorious guild Tartaros, and now he demands a meeting with the master in the name of the Demonic Code? Who was this human?

"You dare mention that blasted code! As if we Demons have honour! We are violent! We are killers! I don't need to stoop to your levels of honour!" The golem was simply bluffing at this point. He knew that he could not possibly go against the code, for fear of his own life.

Seeing that Natsu remained steadfast in his position, the Golem dropped his facade and allowed Natsu to be entered in.

"... Fine! You're damn lucky that I'm forced to bring you in the first place. Damn human." With that said, the Golem turned around and opened the gate with the large key he was holding, leading Natsu deeper within the depths of Tartaros.

He followed the Golem towards what would be the Guild Master, and what could also quite possibly be his fate.

A lot rested on this upcoming confrontation, hopefully luck would be on his side and all would go well.


At the end of the hallway was a large crimson door, with spikes and horns decorating the borders of the entrance to what could be Natsu's hell.

The silent walk through the dark hallways had done nothing to calm the anxiety in the pit of Natsu's stomach, and he wasn't sure anything

Taking one last breath to calm himself, he looked up to see the Golem turning back to the way they had come from, chuckling darkly all the way.

"I sincerely hope you have enjoyed your stay here at Tartaros. I would say 'we hope to see you again', but that would be a lie as I'm not sure I will." Emitting a final chuckle, the golem continued his track back to the entrance of the guild.

Closing his eyes briefly and forcing his nerves to remain calm and collected, Natsu approached the door and knocked onto it with three loud raps onto the wooden frame.

"Enter." Spoke a silky-smooth yet malicious voice from the other side of the door.

Opening the creaking indoor, Natsu calmly walked inside the Guild Master's office.

There seated on a large, golden throne that was trailed by a royal red carpet, with burning candles surrounding the aisle was none other than Mard Geer himself.

Mard Geer is a tall, lean man with long, wavy and dark purple hair, the majority of it tied into a ponytail. His messy bangs cover most of his forehead, but not enough to hide dark slanted eyes.

He is currently wearing a long, black jacket with lightly coloured lapels. The cuffs of his sleeves are also rolled up, revealing the inside to a light, pale colour as well. Underneath the jacket lies a black, v-neck shirt with plain white pants to compliment the attire. Plain black boots complete his outfit.

Noticing the presence of another in his midst, the purple-haired man focuses on the one who has come to approach him.

Sensing that the one before him is not a Demon, he immediately begins to interrogate the pink-haired boy before him.

"Speak of your intentions here? For I am Mard Geer, the leader of Tartaros. Thou dost not have any Demonic blood running through your veins. Tell me how one such as yourself was able to achieve an audience with the King of the Underworld."

Natsu was shocked speechless; not due to Mard Geer's presence or his opening speech to him, but because of a large, crimson book titled 'E.N.D.' that was currently in the hands of Mard Geer.

After failing to answer after a few moments of time, Mard Geer frustratingly exclaimed, "Answer me boy, do not forget who you are currently facing. For I, Mard Geer, can wipe your existence out with the snap of a finger."

Ignoring the obvious threat, Natsu began to explain his purpose, "I have come here so that I may ask you the intentions of this guild. What are the goals you have placed? Do you plan on doing something that may concern the rest of the occupants of Earth Land?"

"And who are you to come ask me such things? Surely you realize the foolishness in believing that Mard Geer, the leader of Tartaros, would divulge such sensitive information to someone like you."

This was it for Natsu: the make or break situation. Things could go one of two ways from this point on. Either a peaceful and welcoming reunion between former comrades… otherwise…

"That is where you are mistaken Mard Geer, for I am not someone who is unworthy as to ask for information such as this. You may, however, recognize me if I were to introduce myself properly."

Natsu calmly walked closer to the large throne where Mard Geer remained seated, all the while the book remained closely tucked against the Demon's chest.

"I am Etherious Natsu Dragneel, otherwise known as E.N.D. I am certain such information should be accessible for the previous Guild Master, no?"

If Mard Geer was shocked, than his face did not show such features. He all the while remained perfectly still throughout the introduction, not an ounce of emotion that would give anything away.

Suddenly, a low chuckle was heard echoing around the dimly lit room. Those chuckles soon escalated into full grown laughter, both loud and uncontrollable.

Eventually they died down, and Mard Geer composed himself further so that he may address the one in front of him.

With a dark smirk, Mard Geer spoke saying, "Is that so? If memory serves me correctly our E.N.D. was a most powerful demon, both in battle and in leadership. He took all of us demons and gave us somewhere to belong. He was admired for both his great strength and his care for Demons, while also being absolutely ruthless when necessary."

Pausing shortly to take in Natsu's appearance, Mard Geer continued, "However the resemblance you both share is uncanny. Do you mean to tell me, Mard Geer, that after you abandoned us all for over 400 years, the high and mighty E.N.D. has been reduced to such a pitiful state? How the mighty have fallen indeed."

"The situation regarding my disappearance was out of my hands. I did not leave you all on my own will, however I cannot change what has happened. Besides I have not come here to discuss the times of old, but the present and the future."

"You are deluded if you believe you have any purpose being here. Your reign as the Guild Master has ended, and the plans of Tartaros no longer concerns you."

With a click of annoyance on Natsu's part and a smirk of cruel pleasure on Mard Geer's, the Demon continued his antagonization.

"The Tartaros you had built was based on camaraderie: it was a home where Demons of all kind could come together to be themselves, to be free. You were naive, even to this day you are still naive; always believe in the good of others and attempting to make the best out of every scenario. However you had taken away the basic nature of Demons and had turned them into what they were not. Violent killers turned passive, those who lusted for blood suddenly gave up their ways. Your leadership took away the qualities that had made us Demons, and changed us into things we should not have been.

The guild Tartaros no longer seeks such trivial things such as friendships or acceptance. Tartaros now lives on the strength of our power; the strong ones survive and will rise in power. That is what a Demonic Guild should be: where strength is valued above all else, and where only the strong will find recognition and value."

The more and more Mard Geer spoke, the more Natsu realizes how his plans were beginning to crack and break under the tension and conflict of their beliefs. It seemed unlikely that an agreement of sorts would be made in the following moments.

"You have no place here anymore. You who were once the strongest of all the Demons in Tartaros, are now a weak and petty little being. You should leave before I end your petty existence like I have always wished to do."

Natsu was silent for a moment, a flat line displayed on his mouth. He was certain that if he did not tread carefully in the next few moments, he could lose his life. Unsure of his next course of action, he decided to stall for a little more time until he could formulate a strategy.

"...Tell me… has everyone accepted your position as Guild Master? And the change in ideals it has brought?"

"It was actually quite easy indeed. After your sudden disappearance, everyone was shocked and heart broken. The morale was at an all-time low, with everyone wallowing in depression and pity, especially a certain gold-horned demoness. It was very easy for me to take that absent role of leader, all the while comforting them all and using their wild emotions to line their beliefs with mine own. I blamed the humans for your 'untimely demise' and so did they. Humanity had become the centre of blame, and their hatred and grief was targeted on them. It was therefore very simple to have their shattered and manipulated hearts to agree to whatever I told them to do." With a cruel smirk, Mard Geer looked down at Natsu, who was now seething with anger.

"You manipulative bastard! How could you use their emotions against them like that. You took such kind-hearted and peaceful people, and turned them against everything I've ever wanted this guild to be! YOU FUCKING MANIPULATIVE SNAKE! HOW DARE YOU?!" Forgetting about all his peaceful intentions, Natsu exploded in a fit of absolute fury. To hear his comrades be abused and manipulated in such a way was too much for him to possibly control.

"What can I say, perhaps it is within my nature to be a 'manipulative bastard' as you so elegantly put it. However, it is true that I manipulated their emotions for the advancement of my own plans. But can you blame me? After all it was because you abandoned us that such a situation arose in the first place. If E.N.D. had remained to be the steadfast and charismatic leader that he had been, none of these demons would ever follow my lead. You have no one to blame but yourself for allowing your 'precious' comrades to be lead astray by the evil intentions of Mard Geer."

A surge of guilt swept through Natsu's heart. For it was true; although he did not intentionally leave Tartaros to fend on its own, the harsh reality was he abandoned them when he was most needed.

Natsu remembers all the pain and guilt he suffered because he was 'abandoned' by Igneel and possibly his true parents. Was this the same pain that his comrades had felt when he had disappeared? And it had only been a couple of months for Natsu so far, but for these Demons, over 400 years…

The guilt was visible on Natsu's face, and Mard Geer smirked in triumph, achieving what he hoped would be an emotional blow on the one before him.

"Now that your presence is out of the way, I am free to accomplish my true desires. That is to completely exterminate the human race. After they are wiped of the face of Earth Land, we Demons will be able to reunite with our Lord Zeref and fulfill our destiny."

Another mentioning of that accursed name that brought Natsu another round of painful memories, what with that name being linked to the destruction of peaceful Iwakuni…

And again that name was being brought up by Mard Geer, however this time in a new light. After Natsu had gained his memories regarding his life as E.N.D., he was aware that Zeref was the creator of the Demons of the Books of Zeref. However… he was not sure that applied to him. Something deep within him conflicted with this thought; added to the fact that he had a few brief memories of his human mother. Natsu was conflicted with these thoughts, but cast them aside for now.

"It is hopeless if you are planning on stopping me. With no power at your grasp, you will not defeat me, neither will I allow you to convince any of the Demons to join your side."

"That may be true… However, I can not allow you to continue down this path. This is my guild as well, and I will do everything in my power to stop you from destroying what I've created in this guild!"


A large pillar of flames erupted from Natsu's mouth heading directly for Mard Geer at amazing speeds. However, before the flames reached it's target, Mard Geer performed a complex hand gesture and calmly spoke out the curse "Thorns."

A large group of over a dozen thick, green thorns sprung from the ground around Marg Geer and began encompassing the flames, before fully surrounding them and caving in on itself, destroying both attacks instantly.

"You should not be testing the power of those who are so obviously leagues above you. Your foolishness in coming here will prove to be your downfall. Rose Explosion."

Roses composed of pure curse power began to erupt from thin air, attempting to engulf Natsu in their lethal explosions. He leapt around them, narrowly avoiding their explosions. Flipping backwards to avoid the last of the encompassing blasts, Natsu panted for breath after the ruthless attacks he had just endeavoured.

"Is that all you can offer me in your current state? Two simple Curses and you are already in such a disheveled state. Perhaps I should just kill you now and be rid of it. Or… I can slowly torture you to death, allowing you to slowly suffer and endure the deep hatred I have always held for you."

Suddenly springing to his feet and dashing with renewed fervor, Natsu lit his fists ablaze, hoping to salvage something of this hopeless-looking battle.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu pulled back and released the flaming punch with the momentum of his whole flying body adding to the force of his attack. However, Mard Geer had remained silent and still throughout the ordeal, and the result of the attack clearly showed why.

With a calm hand raised in defence, Mard Geer easily deflected the forceful attack to the side. Sighing in annoyance, more than anything.

"Like a persistent fly, you refuse to lay down and accept defeat when it is so clearly in front of you. It was wrong of me to ever consider holding back on you. I will now destroy you like the tiny bug you are."

It was now that Natsu would implement the strategy he had been planning all this time, now being the perfect time when Mard Geer would be least on guard.

Quickly pulling on the long red carpet that lined the floor leading to the large throne. Natsu raised it with force and speed, forcing Mard Geer to jump back to avoid being caught underneath his feet.

While he was slightly retreating, Natsu powered up his final spell, hopefully what would be enough to see his plan through.

"Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!" Swiping his arms in a circular motion, a powerful torrent of destructive flames were unleashed from his hands.

Expecting such an attack to be released after the quick surprise which forced him to fall back, Mard Geer avoided the attack by simply jumping to the side, dodging rather than attempting to block such a powerful attack.

"Was that the ace up your sleeve? If you believe such an amateur strategy would actually catch me off guard and defeat me, then you are sorely mistaken."

However, instead of back down from the words, Natsu grinned in satisfaction. Pointing behind Mard Geer. "I wasn't aiming for you."

Looking back to see what had happened, Mard Geer's eyes widened in shock when he saw his throne of gold, melted into liquid, with huge chunks of both the wall and surrounding floor being utterly destroyed.

However the loss of his throne was not what had him gaping in shock. It was the book of E.N.D. that lay in the middle of the puddle of liquid gold, and it was opened.

How could he be so foolish?! Allowing the book to be out of his possession and falling for his trap like that!? It was ridiculous!

Suddenly the book started dissolving into dark particles and absorbing themselves inside of Natsu. He gasped in sudden pain and shock as the Demonic Powers began to reconnect themselves and form within his body. He felt something within him click, as if he had access to a door that was previously unavailable to him. He had his Demonic Powers back. And with those powers came a few shocking memories.


"It is quite unfortunate that such measure had to be taken, but your death was so untimely. This is for the best though. I have finally done it, you've been brought back to life, Natsu."

"E.N.D. or rather, Etherious Natsu Dragneel. That is who you are now, a human reincarnated as a Demon by my hand. After all the trouble I've been through you can finally be alive again."

"Zeref" a voice whispered inside his head.

"...Zeref" the voice whispered again.

And again. And it continued to chant that name until it was unbearable. Unable to handle the overload and noise that continued within his head, Natsu screamed aloud.


"ZEREF!" Natsu screamed aloud in the midst of Mard Geer, back in the position he once was not a moment ago. Natsu was panting and clutching at his hair with a vice like grip. It had felt like an eternity to him, but was merely milliseconds in reality.

Not properly composed in front of a raging and slightly confused Mard Geer, Natsu decided that now would be the time he would have to tactically retreat. He had just gained access to his Demonic Powers, but he had no clue as how to control them or to use them.

Stancing himself in a preparation for retreat, Natsu solemnly swore to Mard Geer, "I will return, and I will return with a powerful vengeance. Your plans to obliterate humanity will be stopped by my hand, and I will take back the Guild that belongs under my control."

With that said, Natsu retreated through the entrance he came through, jumping out of one of the many open windows that lined the dark hallways of Tartaros and into the darkness of night outside.

Further fighting would be fruitless, as Natsu was completely exhausted of stamina and power. He would have to train harder in order to make good of his word, and he would also have to train his newfound powers that he gained access to.

He could feel the dark, destructive power that was now flowing within him, and the negative emotions that came with it's presence. He would need to control his powers to do his own bidding, and not allow it to control him: such Dark and Powerful curses needed to be properly controlled or else it would corrupt the user, which was Natsu himself.

As he fled the Guild Hall, making his way out of Demonic Territory, Natsu thought back to the events that transpired and the words that Mard Geer had spoken.

It was true. He had abandoned the ones who had depended on Natsu, and it made him feel terrible. He hated the fact that he had caused such pain to befall his comrades and friends.

'Especially a certain gold-horned demoness.' A slight blush made it's way on Natsu's face as he remembered the taunting words of Mard Geer. He had to clear his head of all these negative thoughts now. He had to focus on the future, not any of his past actions or mistakes.

Looking onto the future meant looking towards his goals and ambitions; which would now lie in a new guild that he would soon be joining.

'Fairy Tail.'


AN: I'm actually pretty proud of this chapter! I have been contemplating different scenarios and different ways I could make this chapter, and I'm really proud with the way it turned out; I hope all of you reading have enjoyed it as well!

Natsu has finally addressed the demons in his closet (please don't kill me), and he's ready to head on towards Fairy Tail. Will Natsu be prepared to go against his previous guild? What will he do to stop Mard Geer? We'll both have to wait and see…

*I got this idea from something that was done in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies called 'parley'. Pretty much lets you talk to the Captain (Leader) and you are guaranteed safety.

Had to add that cheeky mention of Sayla… Now, I have no idea what the pairing (if there will be any) of this story will be. Nevertheless, this story will be mainly focusing on Natsu's story, so I'm not sure if Romance will be a big aspect of this story, but, you never know! We'll see what happens…

If you've got any ideas, comments or questions, let me know! I'm always open to your feedback. Thanks for the continued support, and be on the lookout for the next chapter!