A/N: So, this is my first attempt at writing any sort of fanfiction... at all! I've had a couple of ideas for a few different stories floating around, and decided to attempt writing this one. I have no true update schedule, however, feedback will encourage me to continue if it is desired. I can't promise anything completed or a masterpiece, however, I will try my best. Depending on the feedback I receive will also affect this. I am open to all criticism or ideas any of you have, so feel free to PM me, or review. Let me know what you think of this story, and the idea as a whole! Well, no more stalling, let's get right into it.

Chapter 1: Meeting Under the Stars

The countryside outside the Capital City Mildian: Year x377

A calm breeze shifted through the night sky, rustling the dust that made up the small valley. A full moon hung in the night sky, with stars shimmering all around it. A perfectly calm night, however the terrain contrasted the serenity of the hills outside Mildian. The grass and trees had withered away into nothingness; what was once a beautiful valley filled with life, now was a dusty and lifeless area.

However, there was one man that tread the desolate path. This man had raven black hair, torn clothes and a worn expression on his face. From his stature, he seemed to be in his late teens or early twenties.

'Why? Why does this have to happen to me?... I only wished to have my little brother back, is this truly justice for the sins I have committed?' A tear slipped down the man's face, as he contemplated the recent events that had torn his world apart. 'I-I just wish that this pain would go away. I wish that one day… I could die…' Tears continued to flow down the man's soft, yet broken face, and try as he may, they would not stop from flowing. 'It's my fault that I could not protect him and it's my fault that he is how he is now'. Continuing his way out of the valley, and into the forest where his planned meeting was to take place, Zeref's thoughts could not stray away from a certain pink haired boy that was occupying his thoughts…

"... Natsu… "

After uttering those words, the trees up ahead bristled with motion. Taking a defensive stance, Zeref prepared for any sort of monster or enemy that could potentially attack him. Looking to the sky above, this stance quickly dissipated, as he smiled slightly, realizing who it was that was approaching him.

All of Earthland was busy rebuilding and reforming itself after the events of the devastating war. Although it has been 4 years since that war had ended, the damage dealt was great indeed. A war that consisted of demons, dragons and mages. It had become known as the Dragon King Festival; a devastating war that took the lives of many, nearly bringing the destruction of the entire planet. The casualties on all sides were many in number.

Most people at this time would not dare to approach or to form contact with a dragon, however, Zeref was no ordinary mage. He had built himself a lofty reputation over the past few years as a 'The Dark Wizard'.

'Besides, it's not like I can die anyways… after what happened…' the man thought bitterly. A confrontation with a dragon was not in the least of Zeref's worries.

"Igneel, I presume, it has been quite some time since we have last spoken face to face."

"Indeed it has, Dark Wizard Zeref." Cringing slightly at the mention of his title, Zeref continued, "It has been 4 years since that fated day, how has Natsu been during this time? Training hard I presume?"

"Hmpphh… he is an intriguing boy. At times I wish he would dedicate his enthusiasm and energy in the trainings and teaching I, The Great Igneel, am passing onto him! However it is that great enthusiasm that draws me to him. I can't deny that I care for the boy greatly, he is like a son to me." Igneel proudly remarked, finishing rather softly with his affectionate words towards Natsu.

Zeref chuckled softly and smiled after hearing Igneel's words. It was just like the Natsu he knew to be excited as Igneel described him as. The pleasant thoughts comforted his broken heart.

"I see… I truly appreciate what you've done for Natsu and I. I wished that Natsu could experience a normal life and the love he desires by giving him to your care. However… I realize that this happy, care-free life may be coming to an end with the future that is in store for him."

"You are referring to the plan to stop Acnologia, are you not?" Igneel remarked. It was a plan that had been formulated by a few dragons, including Igneel. The goal was to send the dragonslayers into the future, where magic was overflowing, to allow these dragonslayers the chance to develop; the ultimate purpose of this is to say the monster that was known as Acnologia. The self proclaimed Dragon King, who was originally a dragonslayer transforming into one after bathing in the blood of countless dragons. He rose in power throughout the Great War, and his violent and destructive ways have not ceased to stop.

"Yes, this was not the sort of life I had wanted Natsu to live, however I am happy that he had a chance to call someone father, after all the pain he has been through. Natsu will face trials in his future that will lead him to his destiny; a destiny that requires him to bring peace to the world by slaying the one known as Acnologia." Zeref had wished there was another way for them to defeat Acnologia, however the plan formulated by one Anna Heartfilia and Igneel was the only sensible option they had at the moment.

"The time soon approaches where the young ones shall be sent to the future. Are you prepared to let Natsu go forever?" Igneel asked of the young mage.

"Nothing will prepare me to let go of the only family I have left. But this Curse of Contradictions will make it impossible for me to ever know him again. I have resolved myself into allowing what is best for Natsu to happen." Zeref honestly but painfully answered. Zeref was glad that all the terrible memories of Natsu were sealed away in that book. In truth, Zeref merely seized those memories and powers because he did not want him to experience any more pain than he has. He wished Natsu to live a happy life.

"I see… and what shall you do? Shall you allow this curse to steal the life of others? I can not simply allow you to needlessly end the lives of others, regardless if your curse is responsible."

"You need not to worry." Zeref looked into the night sky, deep into the celestial plains, as if analyzing the galaxies with the naked eye. "This world…. this pitiful world... A world that is full of pain and sorrow. This world has rejected me, and so I shall live my life as a reject, wasting away my days in solitude. Maybe then I shall find the peace I seek." Zeref looked back at Igneel, who was looking quite conflicted at the moment. "It has been good conversing with you, Igneel, you are a person I consider to be a friend, amongst a world of evil. I shall see you tomorrow when the plan will be initiated."

"It has been good conversing with you as well, Zeref. However, there is one more thing that I must tell you." The large dragon looked away, seeming a tad sorrowful.

"Yes what is it?"

"Anna has told me… the plan may affect the repressed memories that Natsu carries deep within his subconscious." Zeref's eyes instantly focused onto Igneel. "What?!"

"It is true. She explained that the extreme influx of magic that his body will undergo could possibly undo the seal that was placed over his memories. She insists that there is no other possibilities that could be of a negative effect to any of the slayers. However… I thought it best to tell you now. You are still okay with commencing the plan, are you not." Igneel glanced back to gauge the mage's reaction.

A thousand thoughts roamed through Zeref's head, yet he managed to formulate a response. "I-I see… those memories could be…" Zeref focused his gaze back to Igneel. "Either way, this plan must proceed, I can not allow my personal feelings to draw back the plan. I shall see you tomorrow night than." Zeref quickly made his way out of the clearing before Igneel had the chance to bid farewell

'Is it truly possible? Could Natsu gain back his memories by sending him into the future?'

A million different possibilities ran through Zeref's mind, but he quickly put them to rest. His needless worry would not change the outcome, it would only further worry himself. But… Zeref couldn't stop wondering.

'What would change if Natsu's repressed memories were unlocked to him?'