Immer: I know this one didn't immediately come out sooner than I wanted mostly cuz I had a hard time deciding whether to include the whole search for Eren and Historia, the fight against Kenny, and decided nope. Kenny is a hard character for me to grasp because not a lot is known about him. Yeah, we get some back story, but it still feels like a lot is still missing. Since I can't get a grasp of him I decided to skip to the point Eren can crystalize.

Chapter title based off of the song Addictive by Royal Republic.

This is second to last chapter.

Chapter Seven Addictive


They did it. By some luck they did it. Levi admired the crystal form, a wall with Eren's titan form molded with it. Dirt and rocks weren't crumbling on top of them anymore, and they all made it. The captain released a sigh of relief, suddenly drained.

"Hey guys, it's safe to climb our way out." Eren waved down from above. He had already climbed to the surface.

Mikasa used her gear, and a few others followed her lead. Armin and Connie helped Historia up, and Levi followed behind them last. As he watched them about to climb over the edge, suddenly Historia slipped. Armin reached for her but their hands slipped.

"Historia!" Armin cried out, causing everyone to panic.

Levi braced himself, heels digging in as he sent his grappling hooks to hold him steady. He leaned back and opened his arms to catch her. Pain seared through from his leg. He forced himself to lean forward instead of back like his body wanted. He could feel the wires strain from their weight, and he realized with a racing heart that the hooks would soon give way.

"I'm sorry!" Historia shrieked, but fortunately she didn't squirm in panic.

Levi tried to see if he still had any gas. But when he pressed the trigger to push them to safety his gear released a weak puff. Levi grit his teeth as he made eye conact with Connie as his own panic began to set.

"Don't just stand around, come get her!"

His words snapped them in action. Both Armin and Connie swung to their level and helped her up. Sasha raced down to help steady the three. They were all too focused to help Historia to notice the captain's hooks gave way and he fell until it was too late. Someone raced down past the group in a flash.

"Captain!" Eren cried out, about ready to transform. But he didn't need to.

Mikasa's grip was like steel, but Levi was relieved more than anything else. But now they faced another problem. He was nowhere close to a ledge to regain his footing, and she had used the last of her gas in the rescue. They were literally hanging off of a crystal titan's face, and Mikasa's strength was the only thing preventing them both to fall.

She was hanging off the face with one arm and her legs, while her other arm caught the captain. He gripped her hand with both of his own as if she were his lifeline. Once he was sure she wouldn't let go his eyes searched for a way out of this situation since all she could do was concentrate on not falling to their deaths.

"Captain! Mikasa!" Eren wanted to help, but from where he was and without gear he was helpless.

I can't lose them!

"What should we do?" Sasha was torn between which of her friends to help.

"You guys focus on Historia first!" Levi urged them, and reluctantly they did as told.

Mikasa wasn't angry at his decision. She had the strength to hold on a little while longer. But the question was whether she could keep them like this until help arrived. Everyone else was critically low on gas or out. This left them with little options to get to safety.

Levi stared into her eyes, mind racing. Then an idea popped into his head. It would require a lot if trust and strength on their part. And as he stared at Mikasa, he realized she had come to the same conclusion. If the determined look on her face was any indication that is.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" She inquired with a smirk.

She took the words right out of my mouth.

"Whatever you do, don't let go." He warned, and she scoffed.

"I wouldn't hear the end of it." Mikasa said before she started swinging him.

Once she got the momentum to use to her advantage, Mikasa swung the captain in a semicircle so he was above her. Levi grabbed hold of a ledge and then proceeded with doing the same with her. The rest of the squad watched on in awe as they worked like a team when days before they had come to blows.

To think we could come this far from trying to kill each other to helping each other not to die. Funny how that works.

Soon they had a rythym going, swinging each other higher up on the first try. As they neared the top the squad began to cheer. They could see how exhausted the captain appeared, and Mikasa was also showing signs of tire.

"You guys got this! Just a few more feet!"

"Just a little farther! Mikasa, I'll grab your hand!"

"Almost there! You two can do this!"

Mikasa caught Armin's hand. After she steadied herself with secure footing, she swung Levi over the edge. The captain rolled a few feet before stopping, laying on his back as he tried to catch his breath. With the extra weight gone Mikasa pulled herself to safety much to everyone's cheerful delight.

While most were concerned for Mikasa, the captain opened his eyes to meet bright eyes over him. Levi found himself drowning in them, recognizing relief flooding into those vibrant greens. Levi felt a swell of emotions just by seeing Eren safe. He allowed a bit of hope take form in his chest from seeing Eren so concerned over him.

"If you two are gonna kiss, then kiss already!" Jean snickered, earning a glare from the captain while Eren blushed bright red.

"Um...but we're not..." The titan shifter fidgeted.

"Eren, I'm sorry. For ending what we had without talking it out with you." Levi stated as he sat up, wincing from his sore leg.

Eren stared at him, at first unsure if he heard him right. Then as the words sunk in, his eyes widened not of fear, but joy. The next moment Levi was pulled into a hug, the action was sudden and he didn't have time to protest. Plus he found himself melting in the embrace. His nose was flooded of Eren's musk once more. The captain missed this scent.

He's safe. He's finally safe.

Levi reluctantly returned the embrace. He hadn't hugged anyone since Isabel. This was a huge step forward for the captain, and Eren understood this as his embrace tightened around him. It was a moment they wanted to cherish forever. However, reality had to knock on the door.

"Eren! I see you got a new ability! How did you do it? I can see it stopped the roof from collapsing on top of you guys." Hange's excited voice ruined the mood.

Well, it was good while it lasted.

But at least they were successful in rescuing Eren.


Shortly after was the Survey Corp's effort into clearing their name of the murders and moving Historia's succession to the throne was a success. Levi told no one of his encounter with Kenny, nor did he reveal his new-found last name. While he and Mikasa reached an understanding, learning of possible family ties wouldn't change anything.

Thinking back on how similar we are on our strengths, I should have questioned about it earlier. But even then, it wouldn't have made a difference.

Levi didn't even inform Erwin of his new discovery of his family lineage. He trusted him with his life, but for some reason he withheld the information, focusing more on the serum Kenny gave him before he passed on. Erwin sensed something was bothering him, but didn't inquire about it. And the captiain was grateful, he himself had to process the idea he still had a family after so many years thinking he had no one else after his mother.

In the mix of all of this, Levi told Eren how he felt.

"I'm not good with words with this sort of mushy feelings, and such." Levi stated one night. He had taken to visiting his horse in the stables, and this night Eren went to look for him. He found him sitting outside the stall of his mare.

Eren had asked him what his feelings were towards him.

"Okay?" Eren blinked, taking to sit next to the captain.

Levi was entranced by those eyes. A part of it was due to the color, the vibrant life and emotion Eren freely showed through his face. Another was the haunting of Isabel, a tug at his heart he thought he wouldn't feel again after so many years of being numb. But the shiver is suppressed when he recognizes the soft brown of Eren instead of fiery red.

"So what do you mean to say?" Eren pressured, tone nervous.

I'm addicted to you.

"... You're the most important person to me." Levi admitted, looking away, fearing rejection after ending the relationship previously.

That was when Eren surprised him by pulling him into a kiss. Levi froze in surprise, and when Eren pulled away he couldn't believe his eyes when he registered relief mixed in with something else. It was similar to the expressions lovers held only for each other. Whenever he saw couples share that look, he felt disgusted. Yet with Eren Levi was filled with hope and love.

After the first initial kiss, several more followed. Each time became more passion driven. Eventually hands started exploring, feeling familiar territory in a possessive manner. During this Levi put up more of a challenge than usual as Eren tried to dominate him. The captain felt a fire from within, insisting he needed control. He bit the titan shifters lip, gripped his ass tightly before pinning him against the stall door.

Eren gasped, flustered from the change. Levi pulled away for a moment, a silent question if this was okay. Eren smiled, indicating he was fine with this. It was enough to encourage Levi to continue.

Not here. It's too open.

"My room, now." Levi growled enough warning before he pulled Eren with him to their feet.

The journey to his room was rushed, and he wasn't sure if they had been quiet about it since Levi was pulling Eren along in a fast pace. The young man stumbled a few times but overall didn't lose balance. Seconds after the door closed behind them clothes were discarded. Eren didn't have time to process how they undressed so quickly before he was pinned down on the bed, breath hitched at the sight of his lover being so dominate above him.

Levi hesitated again, nerves getting to him. Eren's scent driving him insane wasn't helping him any. He had never been on top before, and he knew Eren never had been taken. In that aspect he was a virgin in his mind. As if sensing his concerns Eren guided Levi's hand to his entrance. Pale gray locked with blue green.

"Are you sure?" He needed to hear it, a verbal confirmation.

"Yes. I can't think of anyone else to take me." Eren assured between gasps as a finger teased him.

Not good with sentimental moments Levi inserted one digit without warning. Eren gasped, and Levi hissed with how tight the pressure was on just one finger. To help ease the strange sensation he kissed and nibbled a tanned neck before settling on sucking the skin over the collar bone while his free hand tweaked a nipple. Distracted from the strange intrusion feeling for the first time, Eren loosened enough for Levi to continue preparation.

Once the second finger was inserted Levi was able to stretch him, all the while he searched for one spot in particular. He knew he found it when Eren moaned and snapped his hips up in surprise. With a devilish glint in his eyes Levi pressed that spot with vigor, enjoying the sight of Eren losing himself to pleasure.

Why didn't I do this before? He's perfect. So perfect. And all mine.

Levi didn't understand why he was so possesive over Eren, but he wasn't questioning it. For once he allowed his brain take a back seat and his body had control. And judging by Eren's reactions, he wasn't bothered by this change.

"Levi! Levi, please..." Eren begged through gasps, eyes glazed over and glossy. His hips were moving of their own accord and acting like they were riding the now three fingers inside.

Levi soaked in sight below him for a second longer to burn the memory within. Just as Eren started begging again Levi pulled his fingers out and adjusted himself to enter. With a snap of his hips he was inside. Eren wrapped his legs around pale waist, back arching as he forgot to breathe. Levi gripped tanned hips tight enough to bruise as he steadied his own breathing.

Upon noticing Eren's scrunched up face in pain, he leaned forward to kiss his neck. The heavy musk of Eren almost undid his composure and had him snapping his hips then and there. But he refused to cause pain to Eren, not after so much pain he was already responsible for.

"Breathe. Eren, breathe. Relax, you're doing great." Levi whispered, a hand returning to a perked nipple. "If need be you can hold and squeeze me."

Immediately Eren wrapped his arms around the petite form and did more than squeeze. Nails dug in and red lines began to form on pale shoulders. But Levi didn't care as he hissed from the sting of pain that only served to increase the pleasure. Finally his patience was rewarded when Eren experimentally moved his hips and moaned. Levi took it as his cue to move. He was still so tight that Levi wasn't starting at a fast pace.

"I can take it. Please, Levi." Eren whined, and Levi stared into his eyes.

The familiar inner flame burned inside Eren, the same wild animal instinct that drew Levi to him in the first place not as a lover, but a curiosity. At this moment in time Levi was now sure he would have opened up a relationship with Eren without Erwin's insistence due to orders from higher ups.

Either way he would still become mine.

With no sign of hesitation in those bright eyes Levi released the last of his remaining restraint. His hips started snapping in a fast pace that was brutal and unrelenting. Eren only moaned his name, which spurred him on. As he felt the familiar tightening in his abdomen that foreshadowed his climax, Levi lost sense of himself.

Mine mine mine mine mine.

"Mine!" Levi snarled, eyes wild.

"Yours! Always! Levi!" Eren shrieked in response.

At the sound of his name Levi was undone. His mouth opened in a silent scream as he came, filling Eren up. Shakily he pulled out, only to his confusion a hand gripped his hair. He glared down at Eren, only to realize he was still hard and throbbing.

"In the same aspect, you're also mine." Eren maneuvered Levi to his erection, smiling as the captain shivered. Levi's head swam from how intoxicating Eren's scent was, mixed in with precum only intensified it.

Without hesitation Levi accepted the hard length in his mouth. Soon as he did Eren moved his hips and his grip in black hair tightened. Levi didn't fight the action as he was being face fucked. He relaxed his jaw as best he could as he relinquished control over to Eren.

Guess I'll always be mostly a bottom.

Without warning Eren pulled out and released. Levi made a face at feeling wet and sticky load on his neck and chest. No one had done that to him before, and upon impulse he wanted to wipe it off. Eren pulled his hand away much to his distaste.

"Leave it to dry. Please? I know it's weird, but do it for me?" He had puppy eyes, and Levi reluctantly agreed.

"Fine. Just tell me why you did that? I have no problem swallowing." Levi allowed himself to be pulled into an embrace as they cuddled on the bed. Eren even pulled the sheet over their bodies. The nights have become colder recently.

"To mark you as mine." Eren yawned. Soon he was in a deep sleep.

Levi watched him sleep, still confused as to what he meant. But he concluded it was Eren's own weird way to claim him. Then his thoughts wandered as he came to terms of being stuck with Eren for a long time, or however long they had to live.

I don't plan to die anytime soon. And he's a titan. He's not helpless.

Not to mention an incredible amount of luck. Combine that with Levi's strength, together nothing would stand in their way. And they weren't alone. Along with the support of Armin and Mikasa, they had the entire Survey Corp to back them up. And now one of their own sits on the throne, Eren was safe from the threat of execution.

We'll be fine.

For the first time Levi fell asleep without worries. That night as he slept with Eren by his side for the first time, he had no nightmares. In fact, he even slept in, a first in many years. When he woke up, Hange and Erwin were at his door.

"Captain! We need your help! We can't find... Eren?" Hange opened the door, only to pause.

Levi sat up, groggy but alert. He glared at the brunette, who immediately scurried to hide behind Erwin. Beside him he felt Eren squirm before he sat up, rubbing his eyes. When he noticed they weren't alone, Eren blushed brightly like a tomato. Levi wrapped an arm around his lover possessively.

"He's safe. Now can you give us some space so we can change? We'll be out soon." Levi glared at them.

"Sure! Just don't take too long, okay?" Hange had a teasing tone to their voice and winked.

Eren eeped and hid his face in a pale shoulder. Erwin closed the door almost too gently. Levi couldn't read his expression. And this time he didn't feel the pull at his heart from the sight. Once they were gone, Levi kissed Eren's forehead.

"Come on, we slept in." Levi gathered up their clothes. He handed over Eren's as he sorted them.

"I think that was the best nights sleep I've ever had since... Well, in a long time, really." Eren admitted as he put his shirt on.

"I don't think I've had a full nights sleep in my entire life." Levi felt eyes on him. He focused more on his pants and the endless straps and belts.

At one point he had to stand, and as he finished familiar arms wrapped around his middle. Levi glanced over his shoulder in surprise. The emrace felt nice, he wanted to lean into his touch and spare a few more minutes of cuddling with Eren.

I feel... Secure? Sounds about right.

"I'm glad you had a full nights sleep. I hope I can help you for the rest of our days. I know it's too early for you to say it, but I want you to hear me say it. I love you, Levi."

The words hit him hard. Levi didn't know how to respond verbally. Instead he used action to speak for him, turning around to pull Eren in for a kiss. It was gentle and full of emotion from both ends. When they pulled away Eren was bright with a smile on his face.

One day I can say it back.

Levi was sure of it.

When they were presentable and left the room, by now the entire Survey Corp knew about their relationship (all thanks to Hange). Eren brushed off the comments, feeling quite secure with the relationship now. He only blushed when Jean or Connie made crude gestures or jokes as they guessed who was top or bottom.

"So, which of you tops?" Jean inquired during lunch. The captain was being held up in a meeting with Erwin, Hange and the Queen.

"Why would you want to know, pervert?" Eren raised an eyebrow.

"I heard what he did to you in your trial. He beat the crap out of you. Is he on top, or is his attitude all an act and he's secretly a bottom?"

"Figure it out yourself." Eren smirked suggestively.

For the rest of the day nearly everyone asked who was top or bottom, but Eren left them guessing. Levi noticed odd stares his way, but soon as he looked everyone continued on their chores. He even felt the stare from Erwin on more than one occasion.

"How's your arm?" Levi inquired when the meeting ended, noticing Erwin was rubbing the shoulder.

"It's been sore as of late. I don't know if it's any relation to the coming winter or not. Or the fact I still think my arm is still there." Erwin sighed, and for the first time Levi saw the dark circles under his eyes.

He's letting himself go.

"Do you plan to retire?" Levi hoped this was the case.

"The next expedition will be my last. Whether I survive it or not will depend on the success of retaking Shiganshina."

You plan to die, you bastard.

Levi glared, feeling the anger rise within. But it soothed away to bitterness as he had a really good look at Erwin. He was defeated mentally. He was the type of man who would rather go out in glory than live a comfortable life for the rest of his days, alone. The reality that Erwin was mortal like everyone else was a slap in the face, especially after he came back with one less arm a while ago.

Even so, it wasn't just the arm or age that had Erwin so defeated.

I am partially responsible for this.

"Erwin, are you cutting off my strings?"

"I cut them off the last night we had together. When we were drunk. I tried to make a move on you, and you left my side and slept on the couch in my office. I apologize for my behavior that night, by the way." Erwin admitted, and Levi stared in shock.

"I don't even remember most of that night." Levi finally revealed, hoping to ease the tension. "Why are you telling me this now?"

This happened months ago.

"Someone must have suspected something happened between us. Otherwise Eren wouldn't be so bold. He purposefully marked you with his release, didn't he?"

"How do you know?" Levi stared, horrified.

"While I don't have a nose like Mike, I can smell him all over you. And I know the smell of release. It's strongest around your neck. It was his way to mark you without physically leaving a mark. And probably a warning to me." Erwin chuckled, finding the act quite cute. "Not that he needed to do that, I have honor. But he probably doesn't trust us fully just yet."

"But there's nothing to worry about..." Levi frowned, feeling the fury rise within his chest.

"Don't be too angry at him. He's young, remember. He feels threatened by our past history together. If I were in his shoes, I would have done more than what he's doing." Erwin reminded him.

"Like what?" Levi narrowed his eyes.

"Request you never be alone with me." And with that Erwin left the room, leaving Levi alone with his thoughts.

He did that to distract me from my suspicion he wants to die in the next expedition.

Levi was in a numb state for the rest of the day. And that night, as Eren crawled into his bed, the captain made an unusual request. One he hadn't made in a while. Not since the first night they ever explored each other's bodies.

"Pain. Make me feel pain. Please, Eren." Levi clung onto the other, feeling Eren's body heat warm his cold body.

"What's wrong?" Eren frowned, concern taking precedence over his hormones.

"I just want to forget something. Just be rough and don't hold back if you don't want to cause me pain." Levi needed a distraction from his dark thoughts that had plagued him most of the afternoon.

Reluctantly, Eren did as he requested. That night, and every other night afterwards he was rough with his lover. He always assured his captain whatever was terrifying him, he would be happy to listen. Levi never took his offer, remaining silent. Eren was patient, he understood how hard it was for the captain to open up.

So Eren took to repeating a phrase that calmed Levi.

"I love you. I don't want to lose you again. Never again. You're mine, as I am yours." Eren repeated this phrase every night.

"I can't lose you." Levi finally admitted the night before the expedition to retake Wall Maria.

I love you, Eren. I just can't put it into words yet.