Chapter 1
As dawn broke over the city the light shined into a room. Inside the room was a sleeping girl in a bed with her dog on the other side of the bed, sleeping on a pillow. It was none other than Twilight Sparkle and her dog Spike.
"No it can't be. It isn't true." Twilight said tossing and turning.
"Um Twilight?" A shy voice said on the other side of the door.
Their was then a knock on the door, causing Spike to leap excitingly from his pillow.
"Twilight! The bus for Camp Everfree leaves in 10 minutes!" Another voice called.
After hearing it Twilight woke up.
"Oh no,no,no! I can't believe I over slept." Twilight said grabbing a pair of black glasses and quickly got out of bed.
Spike then opened the door and let in 8 teenage girls and 6 teenage boys. It was their friends but they were wearing different cloths.
Sunset had a white elbow length Camp Everfree shirt, with light violet sleeves, a pair of rock grey shorts with a dark red belt, with a setting sun on the buckle, pale red socks ,with black hiking boot's.
Fluttershy had a Camp Everfree tank top, with mint green highlights, a cyan skirt, white knee socks, with pink hiking shoes.
Pinkie Pie had a short short sleeve white Camp Everfree shirt, with light pink on the sleeves, light blue shorts, with pink and yellow balloons, with an orange belt with a pink heart on the buckle, white knee socks with, pink stripes, and dark blue hiking boots.
Applejack had her normal brown western hat, a short sleeve Camp Everfree shirt, with apple green on the sleeves and collar, short jeans, with a brown belt, with a red apple on the buckle, and light brown cowgirl boots, with two apples imprinted on them.
Rarity had an ice blue Camp Everfree tank top, light purple shorts, with white diamonds on the legging, ice blue knee socks, with pink diamonds on the side of them, and white high heel hiking boots.
Rainbow Dash had a short sleeve white Camp Everfree shirt, with bright red on the sleeves, with her primary colored wrist bands, knee length water blue jeans, high top primary striped socks, with red shoes, with a yellow thunder bolt going down the side.
Sonic, who was Rainbow's boyfriend, had a short sleeve white Camp Everfree shirt, with navy blue on the sleeves, blue shorts, and his Sonic Riders shoes.
Shadow, who was Sunset's boyfriend, had a black muscle shirt, with the Camp Everfree logo, his black bicker gloves, with his inhibitor rings grey shorts, with a silver spike, and his Sonic Riders shoes.
Silver, who was Rarity's boyfriend, had a white short sleeve white Camp Everfree shirt, with grey sleeve's, grey shorts, and his Sonic Riders boots.
Knuckles, who was Applejack's boyfriend, had a brick red muscle shirt, silver spiked knuckle braces, green shorts, and his Sonic Rider shoes.
Tails, also had a white short sleeve Camp Everfree shirt, with yellow on the sleeve's, blue shorts, and his Sonic Riders shoes.
Manic, had again had a white short sleeve Camp Everfre shirt, black biker gloves, with green on the sleeve's, short jean's, with his fanny pack around his waist, and red hiking boots.
Sonia, had a dark red Camp Everfree shirt, dark purple arm length gloves, a purple skirt, and purple hiking boots.
Amy, had a bright red Camp Everfree tank top, gold bracelet, red shorts, And her Sonic Riders shoes.
Sticks had a brown Camp Everfree tank top, her normal skirt, and shoes
"Me neither. That's not like you." said Sunset Shimmer.
"I know." Twilight said as she got her suit case from her closet.
"Don't you have a super annoying alarm clock that goes EH, EH, EH, EH?!" Pinkie Pie sked before looking under Twilight's pillow and finding just that.
Sunset then pressed the snooze button and said.
"It's gonna be fine we'll help you pack."
Everyone then threw something in it. Rarity then pulled out Twilight's Fall Formal dress. Applejack then groaned and said.
"Where gonna be out in the woods. When she gonna need that?"
"If we were going to the Moon I insist she'd pack an eving gown. One never know's darling."
"She has a point you know." Silver added.
Rainbow then zipped up Twilight's suit case and grabbed it for her.
"Let me just get changed." Twilight said before reaching into her closet and pulling out and egg blue Camp Everfree shirt and held it up to her upper body and looked in the mirror.
But when she did a pair of dark purple raven wings were behind her, frightening her. And a evil like version of her rose from behind her. She had the same colored hair as Twilight, mixed with black, a cyan jagged horn, cyan flames over her eye's, with eye's the same color, a sparkle crystal around her neck, light lavender finger less gloves, a dark lavender dress, with a tail like design, dark lavender shoes, with holes, wings and crystals. It was Midnight Sparkle.
"MIDNIGHT SPARKLE!" The Mane 7 panicked.
"So that's Midnight Sparkle? Sonic asked.
"How is this possible?!" Twilight panicked, "Sunset Shimmer helped me defeat you at the Friendship Games!"
"You and your friends can never truly defeated me. Even with your new chaos powers!" Midnight said sounding exactly like Twilight.
"Well see about that. CHAOS SPEAR!" Shadow yelled throwing his spear at Midnight.
But she caught the spear before it hit her and threw it right back at Shadow, hitting chest, knocking him unconscious.
"SHADOW!" Sunset yelled.
Midnight then laughed evilly, as she was making everything dissipate, including the others. The only thing that was left was Twilight, Midnight, and small remains of her room, in a pink space.
"Midnight Sparkle is apart of you." Midnight said reaching through the mirror. Twilight then ran out of ground and was floating. Midnight then grew in size, "I'll always be here, waiting in the darkest shadow's of your mind. I'll be back Twilight! And this time I won't stop until I have all the magic and chaos." Midnight said as she came from behind Twilight and pulled herdelf in her, causing her to get her eye's, horn, and wings.
"Twilight wake up." Spike said now wearing a blue Camp Everfree hat.
Twilight then opened her eye's to find she was alright and on the Bus with her friends, wearing the shirt she pulled out, short shorts, with white stars, white knee socks, with pink strips, and dark purple shoes.
"We can't stop silly." Pinkie Pie said from the seat behind her, with Shadow and Sunset, "Were not their yet."
"Hey are you okay?" Sunset asked.
"Yeah you sounded like someone was killing your family." Shadow said.
"Hehe i'm fine." Twilight said nervously.
"Twilight you don't just shout no and stop for nothing." Sonic said from the seat in front of her with Rainbow Dash, "Are you sure your okay?"
"I'm fine Sonic don't worry."
Shadow and Sunset looked at each other and was about to speak. But Pinkie spoke first.
"We are going to have so much fun. We're gonna roast marshmallows and eat marshmallows, and sleep on marshmallow pillows!"
"Yeah, probably not gonna do that." Rainbow Dash said rolling her eye's.
"Maybe your not." Pinkie said pulling out a pillow sack full of marshmallows and squeezing her head on it, squeaking.
"Attention student's." Principal Celestia said from the front of the bus, "We're almost their, but before we arrive we just wanted say how proud we are for raising enough money, to go on this class field trip."
"When we were your age we made some of our favorite memories in these woods and we're sure you will to." Luna said.
"Now whose exited for Camp Everfree!"
Everyone on the bus then cheered, except for Twilight who slightly smiled and looked out the window. But unannounced to any one on the Bus a small Helicopter drone, with a camera was fallowing them. The person who was on the other side of it was a grown man. He was bald, had safety goggles on his head, blue sunglasses, a large brown mustache, a red jacket, with yellow cuffs, white gloves, black pants, with matching boots, with screws on the side. It was none other than Sonic's arch enemy Dr Ivo Robotnick AKA Dr Eggman. He then zoomed the camera to the inside of the bus and on Twilight.
"Ah right on scheduled. Sonic and his friends are heading to the camp. Well once I capture this Twilight Sparkle girl and harness her hidden power they'll wish they hadn't."
Just then a round like red robot and cube like yellow robot approached Eggman. They were Eggman's servant's Orbot and Cubot.
"This had better be important." Eggman said turning to them.
"Oh it is sir. The robot's are 50% complete." Orbot said.
"Excellent. What of the upgraded pawns, flappers, and fighters."
"Their coming along quite nicely."
"Good. Send one of the fighters to retreive this Twilight Sparkle girl."
"Yes sir."
Orbot and Cubot then left.
"Just you wait Sonic. For soon I will finally not only rule Mobius but this world as well. HeheheHAHAHAHAHA!"
Back with the Mane 7 and the Mobians they just arrived at Camp Everfree and getting their bags.
"Isn't Camp Everfree just beautiful?" Fluttershy asked.
"I'll say." Sticks said, "It fells good to get back to nature. I can't wait until our first nature walk."
"I definitely want to go on one of those's." Spike said.
"You two wanna see all the adorable woodland creatures to?" Fluttershy asked.
"Yeah specifically squirrels. More specifically so I can chase them." Spike said before letting out a happy bark.
"Of course you can." Tails said rolling.
"Knuckles and I are just looking forward to ruffing it." Applejack said.
"Yeah. We're gonna make our own shelter, forage for food." Knuckles said.
"Uh you two do know they provide us with food and tents, right?" Rainbow Dash asked walking past them.
"Yep. Still gonna forage though." Applejack said.
"Well i'm just after some R and R." Silver said helping Rarity with her luggage.
"Same here Silvy. The past year has all been a bit to much for my taste." Rarity said leaning on her luggage.
"I'll say we fought three evil Sirens who tried to hypnotize everybody with their singing, one ridiculously competitive rival school, a dark half of an evil superdimessional sun god who looked like Shadow, and two demon friends." Pinkie then realized what she just said, "Uh hehe no offence."
"None taken. You'll get used to it." Sunset said gently punching Twilight in the arm.
"I sure did." Shadow said.
"Yep. Canterlot has become regular magic and chaos magnet. Gonna be nice gettin' away to a place where we don't have to worry about that kinda stuff."
"Tell me about it." Amy said. "We've dealt with our share of this kinda stuff with Eggman."
"Here ya go Twilight." Flash Sentry said coming up to Twilight and handing her a camping pack.
"Thanks." Twilight said taking the pack, "It's Flash right?"
"Yep, that's me and your you and we don't know know each other very well." Flash then turned to himself, "Cool story bro."
"Right. I guess i'll see you around."
Flash then nodded before awkwardly walking away. Twilight then gave Sunset a 'what was that about?' look.
"Who was that?" Sonia asked walking up.
"Flash Sentry. Sunset's ex." Shadow said.
"What was that all about any way?"
"You know how theirs that girl who looks exactly like Twilight, when she's here but live's in another dimension and she's a pony princess?"
"Uh-huh." Twilight said.
"Flash kinda had a thing for her."
Without warning their was a massive microphone feed back, hurting everyone's ears.
"Hi everyone!" A perky voice said over the intercom, "If you could start heading to the court yard that would be rad! It's time to start the best wee of camp ever!"
A few minutes later everyone gathered in the court yard, around a gazebo, while Spike, Pinkie Pie and Sticks were chasing a squirrel.
"Hi everyone welcome to Camp Everfree." said a girl with dark pink hair. She had a string of daisy's on her head, bright green eye's, a necklace with yellow, blue, white, orange, and pink geodes around her neck, a gold yellow shirt, cyan blue shorts, and brown shoes with daisy's, "I'm Gloriosa Daisy your camp director. Think of me as your friendly camp and nature guide. and this is my brother Timber Spruce." Gloriosa said pointing to a guy to her left.
He had a black hat, green hair and eye's, a red Camp Everfree shirt, brown wrist bands, light green shorts, white socks, and brown hiking boots.
"Think of me as that awesome guy, who should be always be invited to fun things." Timber said fooling around with the microphone before Gloriosa took it back.
"We aim to please so before we hand out our tent assignment's we'd like to hear from all of you. Your free to do anything you like here." Gloriosa said getting everyone exited.
"Uh except hiking near the rock quarry. That's off limits."
"Yes but otherwise your options are wide open. So what activities will make this the very best week of your live's ever?"
"Oh rock climbing." Rainbow said raising her hand.
"Archery." Sonic said raising his hand.
"Of course."
"Tether ball." Sonic and Rainbow both said.
Before either of them could say anything else Sunset pulled both of their hands down.
"Guy's I know you both exited but maybe give some one else a chance make a suggestion." Sunset said pointing to the others.
"Arts and crafts." Bulk Biceps said before getting weird looks from others, "My Mom need's new pot holders."
"I'll supply the looms." Gloriosa said.
"Cookie decorating." Pinkie Pie said licking her lips.
"Oh I do make a mean sugar cookie."
"Early morning nature walks." Fluttershy said.
"Oh me! Uh a fashion show, where I design the most fabulous camp looks, inspired by today's hottest trends and have them modeled by my classmate's in a gorgeous out door setting."
"A camp tradition!"
"We have literally never done that." Timber said to Gloriosa.
"There's a shock." Sonic said to Rainbow sarcastically making them both chuckle.
"I'll be taking request the rest of time your here, so if their is anything you'd like to do, anything you need just ask." Gloriosa said as Timber was eyeing Twilight, making her blush and Sunset, Shadow, Pinkie, and Manic giggle.
"What about the camp gift?" Celestia asked, "That was my favorite Camp Evefree tradition."
"The camp gift of course!"
"Really?" Timber whispered.
"Yes really."
"Well I just thought-"
"Then you thought wrong."
"Any one else picking up a little tension between Gloriosa and her brother?" Sunset asked.
"Eh little." Pinkie said.
"It's probably just normal brother and sister stuff." Sonia said.
"Every year campers work together to create something useful. A gift for future campers. Working towards this common goal is key to forming the strong bonds, that will last well beyond your time her at camp." Gloriosa then covered the microphone and said to Timber, "Which is why it's so important." She then uncovered the microphone, "This gazebo was a gift from last years group. Oh, oh, oh and the totem pole and the sundial were also made by campers."
"The sundial was our years gift." Celestia said
"*ahem* Even though 'some' people thought the sundial was impractical because the sundial can't be used at night."
Gloriosa chuckled and said
"You all seem like a really amazing group. So i'm sure you'll come up with something inspiring to leave behind."
"Speaking of leaving things behind now is the time we hand out tent assignments, so you can leave your heavy bags behind."
The student's then cheered.
Gloriosa smiled and said,
"Uh girls will be getting their assignment's from Timber. Guy's your with me!"
"Oh boy!" Pinkie Pie said before reaching into a sack and pulling out a card with a picture of an emerald, "Yea i'm in the emerald tent!"
"Oh me to." Rarity said as she pulled out the same card.
"Aquamarine." Applejack said.
"Me to." Rainbow Dash said.
The two then cheered.
"I got amethyst." Fluttershy said.
"So did I" Tails said.
"I got garnet." Sonic said.
"Same here." Shadow said.
"I have pearl."
"I got it to."
"Paradox." Manic said.
"Oh great. So did I." Sonia said.
"Lapis." Sticks said.
"I did to." Amy said.
The two then squealed with excitement.
"Sapphire." Sunset said.
"Me to." Twilight said, "I mean i'm assuming. Technically sapphire's aren't just blue. They can be pink, purple, yellow."
"Yeah but their mostly blue." Timber said as her came up to her, "That's why their named after the Latin word sapphirus."
Twilight then smiled at him.
"That means blue." He then whispered.
"I know." Twilight whispered back, "But did you know that sapphire's are just rubies, without chromium?"
"No" Timber said as he reached for Twilight's card, grabbing her hand in the process, making them both blush, "But did you know that sapphire tent is the best one?"
"No why is that?"
"Because your in it." Timber then flexed his eyebrows at her.
"Oh i'm sure you say that to all the campers." Twilight said taking her card back.
"Not true." He then saw what tent Bulk Biceps was in, "Your in the ruby tent? Ha that's the worse one."
"AWW MAN!" Bulk Biceps shouted crushing his card.
"I'm just joking buddy. The ruby tent is great. It's like a sapphire but with chromium."
Bulk Biceps just blinked. Twilight then giggled.
"But the ruby and coral tent's do look a lot alike to the undiscerning eye. I'd better show you where it is." He then left to show Bulk to his tent. But he came back for a quick second and said to Twilight, "See ya around." And then left.
Twilight then heard Shadow, Sunset, Sonic, Rainbow, Knuckles, Silver, and Rarity giggling at her.
"Heh, nothin'" Applejack said smiling.
"Aw." Rarity cooed "That was adorable."