First, I want to tell you that this is a JODICE fanfic, okay? Not Klaroline.

Yes, I know that both of them are already married but I just want to try writing this out. It started with just a drabble but then I had few ideas that it turns into a plot

WARNING: If you're not willing to read a story that alters the reality of these celebrities' lives then I don't recommend this to you but if you're willing then please read!:)

This is also an AU story. No, the two of them are not married here

The title of this story is BEHIND THE SCENES

~~~~~ BEHIND THE SCENES ~~~~~~


"Hey I've crossed paths with Julie today. I heard her mentioned that she plans to have a talk with a certain character to appear in the new season"

Charles Micheal Davis smirked as he texted the other cast in the show.

Charles was on his way home when his phone kept on vibrating


Phoebe: Were you telling the truth, Charles?

Claire: Who?

Joseph: Of course Julie will do something like that

Daniel: Julie loves twists and turns

Phoebe: Charles!

Claire: Is this some sort of a trick, Charles?

Hey Davis! You better tell us who is it!

Joseph: Charles, mate

Charles: Sorry guys, Jul didn't say any names

Nate: Blasted

Danielle: Maybe a character that's going to be revived

Daniel: Well, I'm sure Julie already wrote the story for the upcoming season. Let's just wait for news



Phoebe and Claire happened to stumble with one another while they're both roaming around in the city

"Claire!" Phoebe exclaimed

"Phoebe! How are you?" Claire returned her greeting with the same enthusiasm

They hugged one another

"I saw the article about you and Paul" Claire said

"Oh that's old news Claire" Phoebe waved off

Claire gave her a look, "So it's true?"

Phoebe smiled a bit "It's a bit complicated"

"I knew it! You guys are still together!" Claire cheered

"Enough about me! You wondered about Charles' new information?" Phoebe asked

"I did. I have a feeling that it's someone from TVD" Claire said

"Yeah, I've considered it too" Phoebe agreed

Phoebe and Claire grinned at each other like they thought about the same person in mind

"Oh god! I do hope so. Fans will love it if it's her!" Claire exclaimed

"Absolutely! I haven't seen her in ages though. Paul said she's doing great" Phoebe said

Claire squealed "I'm looking forward shooting this upcoming season!"


Another Original group chat made by Nathaniel Buzolic

Nate: The social media has gone ballistic!

(attached pictures of the guest star of the upcoming season then the comments, tweets and reactions of people)

Claire: I KNEW IT!

Phoebe: She's coming!!!

Daniel: You ladies sound so excited about this news

Claire: Of course Daniel! Many fans have been waiting for this!

Nate: Pity that it's only for season premiere

Charles: I do hope I have the opportunity to act with her, with all the reactions that I'm getting from the Phoebe and Claire (wink)

Riley: Me too. The media went wild about this! But I have a question.

Why isn't Joseph included in this chat?

Danielle: I think I know the reason. Nate mentioned it to me ages ago about Joseph . . .

Claire: You want to tease Joseph, right Riley? Since he always keeps on teasing you. I suggest this is payback, dear

Phoebe: The guest can help you on that. just be sure to be observant when we're on set (wink)

Riley: What? I don't understand

Daniel: Joseph will try his best to be on his best behavior and we're there to make sure that he will not (evil smile)

Nate: There's a history, dear Riley. History (wink)


"Oh my god!" Nina gasped as she read the news. She quickly grabbed her phone

Nina: Have you read the news?

Kat: Yeah. I just finished! Did you know about this?

Nina: No! I have no idea!

Nina created a group chat with Kat Graham and Candice Accola


Kat: We just read the news!

Nina: Is it trueeee? OMG

Kat: Hello? Candice!

Candice: Riiiight. It's true.

Nina: OMG!

Kat: Why didn't you tell us?

Candice: I actually just confirmed it yesterday... I didn't know Julie will announce it the following day..

Nina: You mean to say she tried to talk to you about this ages ago?

Candice: Something like that... I'm actually freaking out right now

Nina: You bitch! Haha! OMG you're going to work with him again!

Candice: Huh? What are you talking about?

Kat: Riiiiiight. 'cause you don't have a clue (wink)

Nina: Come on, Can! It's been years! Admit it already!

Candice: I have no idea what you're talking about. Really

Is it too late to back out? I'm panicking!

Kat: Oh no you don't! You've got to do this Can!

Nina: Totally! And the fans have been waiting for this for a long long long tiiiiime!

Kat: True! This ship even got head to head with Nina and Ian's and that's saying something

Nina: Hey!

Kat: (smiley) just saying. anyway, Can. You better push through this. The fans want to see you and Joe together again

Candice: Correction! Fans want to see Caroline and Klaus, not Joe and I

Nina: hahaha! Whatever you say, Can!

Candice: You look so happy (straight face)

Nina: Of course! I'm actually excited to watch the new season!

Candice: We haven't even begun filming!

Kat: Right! Send our love to the cast Can, and our kisses to Daniel and Joseph (wink)

Candice: Oh my god! No, I'm not kissing anybody!

Nina: but you have the desire to do soooo (wink)

Candice: Stop it guys! This is not funny!

Kat and Nina: Oh yes it is! (laughing face)

Nina: Wait till I tell Paul about this!

Kat: Ian tooo!

Candice: Noooo! Don't tell them anything! Ian's never gonna stop teasing me!


The Original cast was at the venue of SDCC right now. Everyone gathered in the back stage. You can hear the fans screaming and chanting

"Wow! They still have lots of energy in them" Charles said

"What do you expect from our fans Charles? They're all awesome! " Joseph replied, cheerfully

Riley and Yusuf were still getting ready for the signing program. Julie was also busy talking to some other people.

While Charles and Joseph were engrossed in their conversation. Daniel decided to sit beside Phoebe, who was busy with her phone. "I do hope you're not texting my lover Paul, Phoebe"

Phoebe laughed, "He's all yours, Daniel"

Daniel chuckled, "Who are you texting?" tilted his head towards her phone

Phoebe smirked, "Claire. She keeps on asking if ' have I tease Joe already' "

"Does this have something to do with our guest star?" Daniel asked

"Uh-huh" Phoebe responded

"Do you think he's still . . ." Daniel trailed off

Phoebe shrugged, "Don't know. Maybe. But still, it's worth to pester Joe about it!"

Daniel snickered, "I never have the chance to have a scene with Candice before but I do know that she's a very bubbly girl off cam"

Phoebe agreed, "She's really nice, Daniel"

"Original cast! It's your time!" A crew called out

"Let's go, guys!" Julie said

So they did the fan signing and entertained the fans. It was a successful event. Everyone enjoyed talking with the fans

After the program, everyone gathered in a restaurant to eat

"Julie, why is Candice only in the season premiere?" Phoebe casually asked

"Well, I was kind of hoping that she will not only be in the season premiere since this is our last season but I have to talk to Candice about this again since the plot of this season... we made some adjustment" Julie explained

"I was amazed by the media's reaction to that news though. It's like all articles were about this!" Riley said

"Then let's ask the person involve in this madness then" Charles grinned

"I do hope you're not talking about me Charles" Joseph quipped

Daniel and Phoebe exchanged looks

"Of course he's talking about you, ass. You're the half of the ship" Daniel said

"Yeah, That ship. I keep on hearing about it since I joined the Originals" Yusuf said

"I saw the clips actually! 'whole world out there' line. just wow. You really did a great job there Joe" Riley complimented

Joseph awkwardly smiled

"Joe and Candice really did an amazing job! I mean after all these years, it's still here!" Phoebe said

"Well, it's really different when you know, there's feelings involved and the chemistry present," Daniel said casually

Joseph looked at him, the look that says, 'really mate?'

Phoebe giggled, "Yeah, it's different when there are certain feelings. It captures the heart of the audience"

Yusuf, Riley and Charles paid no mind about Daniel and Phoebe's statement but Joseph knew better that when it comes to these two, there's always something. He did grasp the part of 'feelings' but he tried his best to act nonchalant but Julie was already giving him a look that she's confused but at the same time calculating

"Well, let's just end it as Klaroliners really did believe them as an endgame after all the different people they were paired with" Joseph declared

"We're shooting Candice's scenes this Monday" Julie said

Joseph tensed, "May I ask if I have a scene with her?"

Julie looked at him, "Why? you nervous?"

Joseph was taken aback, "Me? No, Not at all.. it's just that we haven't seen each for a while now"

Julie smiled, "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Candice's lovely and easy to be with"

Joseph just nodded in return

"I'm sure Joseph knows about that already," Daniel said

"Agree, since they had their moments in TVD days. Klaroline things and all" Phoebe said, smirking

Joseph sighed, "I think I have to talk with these two. I have a feeling that they're up to something and they're not the only ones" he thought.

Seeing her again. I wonder how she is after all these years.


A/N: I hope you're not angry or pissed off because I actually used their real names in this fanfiction

I just want to try out this kind of concept and sometimes wonder about what are they doing when they're on breaks during shooting and all.

I want to drabble about their behind the scenes in their own version

So, I hope you like this kind of concept guys!

another A/N: I'm planning to post the new chapter of Becoming A Priority within this week, so stay tuned everyone! :)
