Sheppard might not have been the shining example of a son his father always wanted him to be, but he could proudly say that on earth he was never put under arrest, never sat in the back of a police car and had not once in his life felt handcuffs around his wrists.
It came as a bit of a surprise that he caught up on that last sensation in the Pegasus Galaxy. And this time, on a world presumed uninhabited, at that.
Seriously, one would think he'd have enough work experience by now not to be shocked by such incidents. Especially when Todd was around, since the Wraith seemed to attract chaos.
Sheppard refused to acknowledge that he actually got into more trouble without Todd than with him.
Anyway, it wasn't even that bad. In fact, it was probably the most hilarious thing to happen to him in quite some time and that's saying something, as the Wraith had been on Atlantis for almost a month now and, you know, he attracts chaos.
His left and Todd's right wrist were handcuffed together. Not to mention their feet.
It reminded Sheppard of a three legged sack race and it literally was a race, because they were running for their lives at the moment.
But it really wasn't as bad as it could be, since that month Todd's been in Atlantis was mostly spent together, whether in the city or on missions, so the Wraith knew exactly how fast Sheppard could run and adapted easily. Better to slow down than to stumble or something like that.
Not that it made that a big difference as they suddenly tumbled through the trees and practically rolled down a steep hillside that even Todd couldn't have seen or he would've told him.
Okay, maybe he wouldn't have told him, considering that the Wraith was far less susceptible to pain. And injuries. And wanted to get away from their pursuers that were armed with torches.
Really, torches and handcuffs? That was a combination Sheppard hadn't had the pleasure to experience until now.
Then again, he had to assume the handcuffs didn't actually belong to their pursuers, seeing how they apparently only had the two pairs currently attached to them. After all, any sane person would use more on a Wraith, right? Okay, nope, wrong image.
Sheppard groaned. Black dots were dancing in front of his eyes and his ears were ringing. He didn't even try to move.
Not only shot pain from his neck down through his whole body, but he had a Wraith lying on top of him. A taller, heavy Wraith. A cursing and swearing Wraith. Huh, that was new.
Todd shifted his weight until Sheppard could breathe again. It was a start.
Next, he tried to wiggle his fingers and toes and was surprised that he was actually able to do so. He could also feel the ground beneath him and the sticks and stones of varying sizes digging into his back. It was unpleasant, yet oddly comforting.
When Todd sat up, Sheppard felt the pull on his arm and was reminded how they had ended up down there. Not that he honestly thought he could've stopped his mad run, even if they had not been connected.
They would have to do something about it either way and rather sooner than later.
Sheppard wasn't exactly sure how they even got into this situation. He was knocked out before they were bound together, but he knew there were only few things able to incapacitate a Wraith, none of which their followers might be in possession of.
Then again, it also was a rather ridiculous notion that Todd might have just stood still and let it happen. Although he did freeze when one of their captors had pointed his weapon at Sheppard, probably too afraid to aim at the Wraith himself.
He forcibly shoved that thought from the forefront of his mind, putting it aside for later inspection. He was pretty certain he had a concussion, because he couldn't explain his befuddled thoughts otherwise.
However, at the moment it was more important to get away from the planet as quickly as possible, so Sheppard accepted the hand Todd offered and let the Wraith pull him up, only realizing it were their joined hands clasped together, and thus Todd's feeding hand, when the Wraith had already let go.
Somehow, he then managed to focus on the task at hand (no pun intended, for once) and drag Todd along long enough that the Wraith was satisfied he'd be fine until someone could take care of him and treat any potential head wound.
Fortunately, he again fell into step with him easily after that. That was enough for now.