Sorry for the wait. This'll be the last chapter unfortunately, I've got another story going on, but I'll be bringing many of these characters into it. Don't worry, I'll make it extra long just for you. Hope you like it. Ahsoka and Cato will be getting married in this, and since they don't show what a wedding in Star Wars is like, Anakin and Padmé's not counting, it'll be like a regular wedding we all know of.

I own only my original characters, nothing else.

It is now the beginning of the third year of the Clone Wars, and people began to feel the end nearing. The Greys have been recognized by the Republic after the major victory of the Battle of Zonama Sekot. This led them to being able to patrol all Republic-controlled space, and provide aid when needed.

Cato and Ahsoka only grew ever closer, as did Ashe and Bariss. Ever since he found out that he was his son, Obi-Wan has tried to have him on every mission he goes on. The Jedi Council made no argument, neither did the Council of Balance, as they saw how effective they were. And so, now Cato and Ashe we're back in action again, as they fought alongside the women they loved and the two great Jedi generals.

Cato and Ashe were now both at the age of nineteen and both have become strong men with strong powers over the Force. Ahsoka was now sixteen and Bariss is seventeen, and Sofi is now fifteen. During their time together, after they had recovered, Ashe and Bariss had gotten married in secret, but everyone started to notice that they were having their difficulties.

Cato now walked around in his quarters on Zonama Sekot, which he shared with Ahsoka as she and Bariss had been entrusted to represent the Jedi there, to be occasionally checked on by their masters. He was trying to decide something, but he needed to summon up the courage to do so.

'Cato, what are you doing?,' Ashe said walking past his quarters and saw him pacing.

"I'm nervous," he signed.

'About what?'

"I'm thinking about asking Ahsoka to...marry me."

Ashe's eyes widened greatly at this answer and a smile grew on his face. Then an idea popped into his head, and he smirked mischievously. Cato saw this and tried to back away, but he zoomed over to him and used the Force on him, and knocked him out. Ashe then picked him up and put him on his shoulder.

On his way to find Ahsoka, Sofi and Anakin walked by and stopped when they saw him.

"Uh...Ashe, what are you doing with my cousin unconscious over your shoulder?," Sofi asked.

'Helping him,' he answered. 'He was trying to muster up the courage to ask Ahsoka a certain question. Master Skywalker knows what I'm talking about.'

Anakin's eyes widened when he figured out what the Grey Master meant.

"Now this is something I've gotta see," he said, then he explained it to Sofi, who gasped slightly.

"I know where she is, follow me."

Soon they found themselves on the roof of the main living quarters of the order. There they found Ahsoka looking out at the beautiful horizon.

"Hey guys," she said to them turning around, then she saw Cato. "What happened to him?!"

"Oh he's fine Snips," Anakin said, slapping Cato in the face and he woke up. "He just needs to talk to you."

Cato then got up and he walked over to her as the others watched, with Bariss joining them.

"What's going on, Cato?"

"...Ahsoka," he began, still nervous. Then he took a deep breath and continued. "I love you. More than anything in the galaxy. And I wish to spend the rest of life with you. ...Ahsoka Tano...will you marry me?"

Ahsoka then gasped in shock at this, she had not expected him to ever ask her this. Though she had always hoped that he would.

"...Yes!! Of course!!!," she yelled and she wrapped her arms around him, and he wrapped his around her, while the others cheered.

"You two might want to get married soon," Anakin said. "It might be a while before you get another chance since we'll be leaving in a few days."

They then remembered that and they nodded in agreement. Ashe, Bariss and Anakin all left to help get everything ready for the wedding, while Sofi stayed up to talk to them for a second. As they left, Cato and Ahsoka noticed that she hadn't taken her eyes off of Ashe.

"Sofi?," Ahsoka said and got her attention. "You wanted to talk to us."

"Oh right," she said. "I just wanted to tell you that...your mother would be proud of you, and so am I."

Cato smiled at this and hugged his little cousin and she hugged back.

"We did notice that you were staring at Ashe," he said and they let go. "You like him don't you?"

"...Yes, a lot. I always have. Promise me that you won't tell him, or Bariss, especially not her."

"It isn't our place to tell, Sofi," Ahsoka said and she smiled and went downstairs.

As soon as she was out of sight, Ahsoka grabbed Cato's face and kissed him hard. He instantly returned it.

"I love you too," she said to him and they kissed again.

The Next Day

Cato and Ahsoka now stood at the alter as their friends and family watched them.

Anakin was the one who got to give away his Padawan. Bariss was the maid of honor, followed by Padmé, Sofi and Cyvos. Ashe was the best man and was followed by Obi-Wan, who had easily figured out what was going on between them, Udon and Amon. Tyke, being the traditionalist and the eldest of the Council, was the one to marry Ahsoka and Cato

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the unity of our great Baransu no Kage, Cato Pax and Jedi Padawan, Ahsoka Tano," he began. "Cato Pax, do you take Ahsoka Tano to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," he answered without hesitation.

"And do you, Ahsoka Tano, take Cato Pax to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," she said.

"Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife."

The newlyweds then kissed each other and everyone in the room applauded and cheered for them. The two kids who had fallen in love against all odds and during a terrible war, had finally come together. As Anakin and Padmé watched them, they couldn't help but think about their own wedding and the love they shared for each other. Anakin could not be prouder of his apprentice though, a woman he saw as his little sister.

He walked up to them and he hugged her.

"I'm proud of you, Snips," he said and she rolled her eyes at the nickname as he walked over and gave Cato a manly hug, while saying something quietly. "You hurt her and I'll hunt you down."

"Don't worry about that, Skyguy," he said back to him.

Later that night, as he lay down in bed with his new wife, Cato received another vision.

He now stood upon the room of the Grey Jedi Temple, absolutely and completely alone. No natives, no Greys at all. It was only him and Sekot.

Cato could see himself and saw that this was decades into the future, as he could see that he was an old man. Then he saw a familiar ship appear, the Twilight. He expected Ahsoka or Anakin or Obi-Wan to show themselves, but it was none of the above. Merely a girl with long dark brown hair, with her mother, who had the look of Jedi about her as well a boy with a cloth over his eyes and had light brown hair. They approached him and soon, the boy and girl soon turned into Anakin and Obi-Wan and then the vision changed.

Cato now found himself on the mining planet of Crait. In front of him stood shadows of fire and fury as red ash and salt were kicked up by his every footstep. Then he saw the command ship and he saw another boy inside with black hair and soon turned into a darker Anakin.

He blinked soon found himself ready for action with his mother's blade in hand, facing an old enemy with a black blade. Then the enemy charged him in a great fury and then the vision changed once more when he slashed through him.

Cato awoke sitting down in a meditative position as he sat on a rock back in Zonama Sekot. He then saw they were in a double sun system and he simply watched as they set. Then he saw that his wife, cousin and best friend were all standing beside him and then a light blinded him.

Cato awoke and sat up from the bed.

"Mmm...Cato? What's wrong?," Ahsoka asked, waking up.

"...Nothing," he answered. "...Just another vision. Of the future."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it was one of decades into the future. It wasn't sad, or happy or anything. It felt...peaceful."

"That sounds nice," she said and he nodded as he laid back down. "Cato, what will we do when the war is over?"

"I don't know. I suppose since the Council will eventually find out about us as well as Bariss and Ashe, they'll give you and her a choice."

"The Jedi...or the Greys...," she said. "I don't know what I want."

"Well, this war isn't going to end anytime soon so you have plenty of time," he assured her, kissing her on the forehead. "Let's get some sleep. I love you."

"I love you too, so much."


Cato has just dropped Ahsoka, Anakin and Bariss back at the Jedi Temple and he decided to explore the city a little. He walked through the streets and soon saw he was being followed.

He walked down an alleyway, and his pursuers persisted and soon surrounded him.

"Please, I'm not in the mood to hurt anyone," he said.

"Give us your credits or you'll be the one to get hurt," a human man threatened then he was Force Pushed hard into a nearby wall, tendered unconscious. Everyone turned to see a little girl there, no more than four or five, and had flame red hair.

"You shouldn't have done that," another criminal said, and kicked her down.

Cato came at him and grabbed his face and slammed him into the ground then dodged a punch from another and Force Pushed his head to the wall, then roundhouse kicking the final one.

He walked over and picked up the girl.

"Are you okay, little one?," he asked and she nodded.

"Are you a Jedi?," she asked.

"I'm what's called a Grey, I'm not a Jedi or a Sith. You can call me Cato though. What's your name?"

"Mara Jade."

"Very pretty name," he commented and she blushed and smiled. "I thank you for the help, now how about you go off and find your parents okay? They must be worried about you."

She nodded and ran off and Cato smiled at the child.

"I think I might be seeing that child again one day," he said to himself, then moved on.

Couple Days Later

Cato was awoken by Sofi in his temporary apartment on Coruscant.

"W-What? What is it?," he asked, waking up.

"It's Ahsoka," she said frantically and now he was wide awake. "There was a bombing at the temple and evidence had led to her being the culprit!"

"What?!! Find Ashe!! Anakin and I will find the real culprit. You and Ashe will go and stall for time."

She nodded and did so immediately.

Cato got up, got dressed and soon found Anakin right where he knew he'd find him, in the middle of an investigation.

"Glad you're here," he said seeing him coming. "The Council is convinced because the evidence leads to her."

"What does it say exactly?"

Anakin began explaining that the bombing led to a woman Ahsoka met with, only for her to be killed by lightsaber and Ahsoka was right in front of her, who was looking for a former Datk Acolyte and was framed for the murder. Then Anakin found Asajj Ventress and she told him that her lightsabers had been stolen, as she was now rogue and a bounty hunter.

"I spoke to Ahsoka and she believes that it was Ventress the whole time, but she also told me that Bariss spoke to her, thought she had a clue for her."

"Have you spoken to Ventress?," Cato asked.

"She's the one who told me Bariss went to go see Ahsoka," he answered.

Cato thought for a good long while and soon came to a conclusion and knew who the culprit was and he sighed.

"Go back to your Padawan, and tell Ashe to meet me at Bariss' room."

Anakin obliges him and soon Ashe met him at his wife's quarters.

'Have you found the true culprit?,' he signed to his friend, who still looked down.

'Just watch,' he signed back, then knocked on the door.

"Enter," Bariss said and they went inside. "Ashe, my love. And Cato, always good to see you."

"You as well, Bariss," Cato said, Force Grabbing her blade. "I've begun helping Master Skywalker in investigatiing this bombing. He told me that you visited my wife recently. What did you tell her?"

"We've been friends for a long time, I thought I had a clue for her l, but it turned out to be nothing. I hope that was alright, I wouldn't want to cause any trouble."

'It's no trouble at all, Bariss,' Ashe assured her. 'Where are you going with this, Cato?'

"Nowhere, I just want to make sure I've covered everything. What exactly did you tell her? And have you told anyone else?"

"No, I have not. And like I said, I thought I had something but really couldn't tell her anything she didn't already know. I'm sorry, but this is beginning to sound like an interrogation."

'It is. Cato, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? If it is nothing, then we shouldn't-.'

"Know your place, Grey Councilor!," Cato snapped and Ashe immediately stood down.

"Out of curiosity, who told Master Skywalker that I visited Ahsoka?," Bariss asked.

"Ventress told him, and he told me."

'Ventress? I thought she was the one behind the bombing,' Ashe said.

"So Ahsoka said, but...I think she was mistaken," Cato said. "Ventress believes someone else was involved."

"And you believe her? Surely you don't believe it was your own wife?"

"Of course not. I think they're both telling the truth."

Then Bariss began backing towards a vase behind her and Ashe took notice of this, but kept quiet as he didn't know what was going on.

"Ah, well...only one way to find out," Cato said then activated Bariss' blade and then two red blades appeared in Bariss' hands, blocking his swing. "Funny, those belong to Ventress."

Bariss began swing and slashing at Cato, who easily dodged them.

"You should've gotten rid of them!!"

"Oh I think they suit me," she said darkly whole Ashe was in complete shock. His wife and his best friend were in a fight to the death.

Cato kicked her out the door and she began to flee.

She soon came to a hallway, then Cato came down from behind and swung at her. She blocked it and backed away.

"Ahsoka trusted you!! You were her sister!!"

"Trust is overrated. From my experience, all the Jedi and the Greys understand is violence."

He took her blade in hand and Force Crushed it.

"You didn't deserve it," he said then pulling out his own blades.

All the while, Ashe stood by, unsure of what to do. He had heard what his wife had said and he could hear the hatred she had for Jedi and Greys in her voice. But he couldn't bring himself to do anything.

Bariss knee she wouldn't hold out long against the Baransu no Kage, so she tried to run, only to see Temple Guards on both ends of the hallway. So she went through a window, only to be followed by Cato Pax.

He swung at her and she Force Grabbed his arm and then sliced the blade he had in hand in half. He pulled away and then Bariss swung at him and he blocked it and then pushed her over and they landed in front of a class of Younglings. He got distracted as he did not want to hurt anyone in front of children.

Bariss took advantage of it and destroyed his other blade.

"Time to die, Grey!," she yelled. She then swung at him but then he reached his arms out and used the Force to keep the blades at bay.

They stayed like this for a while and soon her force began to overwhelm even him. Just as he was about to lose his concentration, a silver blade appeared and one of her blades was destroyed.

They turned to see Ashe ready for action.

"Ashe, what are you doing?," Bariss said.

'What I must,' he signed.

He dashed at her and he swung at her and she blocked it and she began swinging angrily at him. Then he grabbed her arm and kneed her in the gut and she dropped the other blade and he destroyed it and kicked his wife down.

He put his blade to her neck and the Temple Guards detained her. Cato could see the pain in his friend and he put his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, my friend," he said and he nodded.

Republic Senate

"What say the witness?," Chancellor Palpatine asked.

"She pleads not guilty," Anakin said.

"I'm afraid evidence suggests otherwise," the prosecutor Captain Tarkin said. "Ahsoka Tano, you are hereby sentenced as-."

"Not guilty!!," Cato yelled. They all turned to see him and Ashe, with Bariss in chains. "This is the real culprit."

He looked to see a shocked Ahsoka as well as a surprised Senate.

"Yes, it was me!," Bariss yelled. "Because the Jedi have lost their way!! We seek wars and destroy peace across the galaxy! They have becom arrogant, vain and greedy, wanting more power not for preserving peace, but for personal gain!!"

"Remove her," Palpatine ordered. "Release Padawan Tano. I'm very sorry for has happened to you, Padawan Jedi."

She nodded, depressed that her best friend, her maid of honor had betrayed her and framed her for a murder she committed.

Jedi Council Chambers

Ahsoka and Cato now stood before the Council.

"We most sincerely apologize for what has happened to you, Padawan Tano," Master Windu said. "Perhaps this was a test by the Force, to test you loyalty and belief in the Jedi Code. No matter what, the Council is prepared to accept you back into the order."

"...Thank you, Master Windu," she said. "...But I don't think I can return."

She then walked out and Anakin and Cato went after her.

"Ahsoka, wait!!," Anakin yelled.

"Please Master, this is something I must do. If the Council cannot trust me enough to believe I didn't do this...then I don't belong here."

"Then you have made your choice," Cato said placing his hand on her shoulder, only for it to be gently removed.

"No, Cato. I choose neither," she said. "I must find my place in the galaxy. But I cannot do that if I belong to orders like the Jedi and the Greys."

"Ahsoka...please don't do this. I can't live without you in my life."

"I'll always be in your life. And when I'm not...I have faith in you. That you'll survive."

She then pressed her lips against his, the men surprised by her boldness.

"...We will be together, in this life...or the next," she said after separating after kissing for a long time.

With that, the young Togruta walked away, completely unaware that she would never see her husband alive ever again.

Anakin was deeply saddened to see his apprentice leave, as he saw her as his little sister. Cato was deeply angered though. He stormed back into the Council chambers and they could see the anger in his eyes.

"If this Order cannot trust one of their own...then I cannot trust you. This alliance is dead!!! All Greys shall be recalled back to Zonama Sekot and we will never help the Jedi ever again."

He stormed back out, everyone shocked at his words. Yoda though, was troubled by this, as was Obi-Wan and Anakin.

Soon, Cato and the Council of Balance were all ready to leave. Now all they did was to wait for Ashe to arrive.

Republic Prison

Ashe now walked to his wife's cell.

He found her, still in her Jedi robes. She looked at him and flared at him. They stared at each other for the longest time before she stormed up to the cell wall.

"How could you?!," she yelled. "You betrayed your own wife!! I was gonna go to you, show you the truth. Why did you do it?!!!"

He just stared at her still and then he pulled his wedding ring off his hand and placed it in front of her cell.

'Better question is 'How could you?',' he signed. He then just walked away and left for justice to be done on his former wife and former love.

Jedi Temple

Ashe soon arrived and he stood in front of the Council for a time. Then Sofi walked up and hugged him tightly, and he returned it, just as tightly.

Then Cato saw Anakin, Yoda, Obi-Wan and Padmé walking over to them.

"Have everything ready to go," he said. "Sofi, Ashe and I have to say our goodbyes."

The Council nodded and the three walked over to them. Ashe and Obi-Wan walked away to talk in private. Sofi then hugged Padmé, who hugged her back. Then she hugged her secret husband and then hugged Yoda as best she could. Then she went over and said her goodbyes to Obi-Wan and then she and Ashe walked over to the ship, leaving Cato to talk to them.

"Are sure about this, Cato?," Anakin asked.

"I am. I trust you guys, but the rest of the Council..."

"Or is it because of Ahsoka?," Padmé asked.

"It actually is a few things," he answered. "There are events that shall occur in the decades to come and it would appear that I shall play a vital role in them someday. I must leave, but know that I shall always see you all as my friends."

"What you believe is right, you do. A shame to see you leave after everything that has happened, it shall be, you have a larger role to play in the future, but I too believe," Yoda said.

Padmé then hugged Cato and he returned it and then Anakin. Then he nodded to Yoda, who returned it. Then he went to Obi-Wan, and he shook his hand in a gesture of goodbye.

"Cato Pax!!," Kenobi yelled and he turned back to him. "May the Force be with you."

He smiled and nodded and then got on the ship. It brought them to the Grey Cruiser and they set a course to Zonama Sekot.

Sometime Later

Since the dissolving of the Jedi-Grey Alliance, Cato had become distant, but still tried to be a good leader and master. He sent the Knights and most of the Council offworld to try to spread the Grey Order and in a silent attempt to find Ahsoka.

Today however, he felt a dark presence in the Force. Then the feeling became a fatigue and then weakness and pain in his heart.

He grasped his heart and leaned on a wall.

"Cato," Sofi said. "What's wrong?"

"Something is happening," he answered.

"I feel it as well."

'Me too,' Ashe signed.

Then he collapsed altogether to his knees.

"The Knights, the Council...gone. All of them. The Jedi are gone as well."

"The Sith have taken over," Sofi said. Then she saw the concern in her cousin's eyes and she knew what she had to do. "I'm leaving."


"I'm going to find Ahsoka."

"No, if the Sith Are huntjngbus down and you're out there, Sekot will leave you behind," he said. "The natives are leaving right now. They know what will happen."

"You have risked your life and sacrificed your happiness to safeguard my life and the order. It's time I repaid the favor."

He knew he couldn't talk her out if it, and so he very reluctantly agreed to it.

Later on, the Twilight was all ready to go and Sofi was about to take off when Cato went over to his Mandolorian friend.

"Go with her," he said. "...She needs you. More than you could ever know."

Ashe didn't know exactly what he meant by that, but he immediately agreed to it and he got ready himself.

Sofi walked over to her big cousin and she hugged him, and he returned it tightly.

"When you find'll know what to say to her for me."

"You're right about that. I love you, cuz."

"I love you too, kid," he said. Then he went over and hugged Ashe. "Take care of my"

Ashe hugged him back and the two then got into the ship and soon, the pair were gone, never to return to Zonama Sekot ever again.

Now it was just Cato Pax, the Baransu no Kage, alone on the Grey Jedi homeworld, with only the planet's consciousness, Sekot, to keep him company.

"All shall become clear soon, Cato Pax," Sekot said. "Everything that has past will be justified. I do not know when and I do not know how. But it will all be worth it."

Cato nodded and then walked home to meditate and live his life.

Fifty-Three Years Later

Decades have past and now an old man, Cato was still strong and tall, but now had long silver hair and a long silver beard.

He had grown bitter and came to despise the Greys, the Jedi and the Sith as he had no one else beside himself to blame for his life being ruined. And he shut himself off from the Force and now he was truly alone.

He slowly walked over to a cliff side and looked out at the horizon, at the great lands of Zonama Sekot.

"The coming to pass," he said slowly and then he heard a sound he had not heard in a little over five decades, the humming of a ship landing. "...The Twilight."

He looked out at it as they landed and when the people inside came out, he knew that his time had come

The Force was calling to him.

Hope you liked this story. I liked this last chapter. I hate ending it, I had such ambitions for it, but I like my other story better and I think it has better potential in it. To learn what happens to Cato, read my story, the Children of the Force. May the Force be with you.