I'm posting this as a test run, just to see if anyone is interested in reading the rest of it, when it's written. Tell me how you like it and feel free to submit any suggestions that I can work into it.

Disclaimer – not mine. All the seasons of Power Rangers belong to their prospective companies and rich people. Sigh.





Wes' Point of View


There's something peaceful about the rain

It's never the same

One minute a mist, the next, a downpour

Always changing how it feels

Like Jen

Maybe that's why I fell in love with her

What I want to figure out is when I did

I think that it was the time when she took Ransik on alone

I actually 'saw' her

I saw how loyal she was

How much she cherished her memories

But I can't tell her how much I care for her

I can't interfere with her destiny

I can't get in the way of her and Alex

Even if I did tell her, why would she waste her time on me?

But I still wonder what her reaction would be

Would it be a gentle uncaring rain shower?

Or an irritated thunderstorm?

I have got to stop thinking like this

It'll drive me crazy

I can't sleep anymore because I keep thinking of her,

Imagining when she and the others have to go home.

But lately the dream has been different,

I'm having nightmares

I keep seeing a giant storm swirling in the sky

And the entire town is being burnt to the ground

The rangers are dead

The future is lost

And I'm watching, powerless on the ground

Now could you sleep if you kept on seeing your friends die?

Over and over you watch the scene play

It's the same thing each time

Deep down you know you could have stopped it

But you also know that it is somehow your fault?

I can't figure it out

How could I be the end of the rangers?

That's what's killing me, because I can't believe it.

They're my best friends.

I try to hide how this is effecting me, but I can't

I'm always so tired; it's like I'm permanently zoned out

I heard the others talking earlier

I knew that they'd clue in, eventually

I mean I live with these people

I fight for peoples lives with them

I know that Lucas has noticed how I've been acting

Even if he doesn't say anything

And Katie of course,

But what about Trip?

Who knows what goes on in that alien head of his anyway?

What about Jen?

No, why would she notice?

Why would she care for that matter?

She's got Alex back in the 30th century

Why would she bother with a guy like me?

Compared to Alex I'm nothing

He's the perfect ranger from the future

A future that I have no part in

A future that I have no right to interfere

I'm just history, literally

Rain, rain, go away,

Come again,

Another day…

End of Intro