Elsa's nails thumped against her thigh. Excitement and fear rushed through her body. She had no idea of what to expect, in the papers she was told that she would fly through a barrier that would bring her to the modern world. Elsa didn't understand half of what that meant. She had never flown before, she didn't know that people could and Elsa had no idea what a "modern" world was.

To Elsa's amazement flying was strangely unmagical, she had gotten into a large metal bird and was now in the air. The people who worked on the bird(Elsa was told that it was called a plane) handed her a thin piece of metal that could split in two and called it a laptop. They also gave Elsa a rectangular piece of glowing metal and called it a phone.

Elsa had absolutely no idea how to use these objects, but the flight attendants said she would soon learn.

The whole flight Elsa looked out the window, watching the landscape change and the clouds flutter by. She was nervous, very nervous. So it seemed, ever other person on the flight was as well. It was out of their world.

She was able to bring a pet with her, but she didn't have any pets. So Elsa brought Olaf, unfortunately they were separated. Elsa was promised he was still on the flight and she would see him soon.

Elsa squeezed the locket around her neck, on one side was a picture of her parents and on the other side was a picture of Anna. Chewing the bottom of her lip Elsa reminded herself that everything would be ok.

"Hello flight 1007, this is your captain speaking." A voice with no owner filled the plane, "We will be flying through the barrier now, you will notice that many things will change. Don't be alarmed, this is normal. After going through the barrier we will arrive to our destination in thirty minutes." The voice went away.

Elsa looked out her window, she didn't see a barrier. Maybe the pilot was wrong, there was no barrier. Suddenly Elsa felt a ripple through her body. Something changed. Looking down Elsa found herself wearing something strange. Her usual light blue dress was gone. In its replace she was wearing a long light blue sweater. It was ripped at the bottom and end of the sleeves, there was another layer of light blue sewn on the inside. Elsa assumed the sweater was supposed to be a dress, it was shorter then what she was used to wearing, it reached the middle of her thighs. On her feet were white shoes, on the side they said converse, the shoes had laces and reached just above her ankles. Elsa's hair was no longer in a braid, it was curled and down, splayed arocoss her shoulders and her back.

Elsa looked down at her phone and laptop, suddenly she knew how to use them. She felt terrified and exhilarated at the same time. This must be the modern world, Elsa thought. Turning on her phone she started messing around with the settings and started getting apps.

The plane started to descend, Elsa didn't flinch, suddenly it felt normal, she stayed on her phone. Soon the plane landed, Elsa looked up. Gathering her things she stood up and waited to get off the plane.

Once off the plane Elsa gathered her things and was led to a car where she would be dropped off at the academy. On the ride to the academy Elsa read through all of her papers, now she understood what everything meant.

Elsa's heart began to race as her car drove past a large sign saying "Welcomes to The Academy". The car zigzagged passed buildings and through parking lots. Soon it came to a stop infront of a group of dorm buildings.

"Alright ma'am," The driver said, "These are your dorms, you may stay wherever you want, but once you choose your dorm contact the main office. Oh, and you can't change your dorm after you choose."

"Thank you." Elsa said getting out of the car. She grabbed her suitcase and headed towards the dorms. She wasn't sure where to go, she didn't know anyone at the school and didn't feel comfortable just walking into a dorm.

Suddenly a girl ran into Elsa, knocking them both over.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" The girl said. She had short, shoulder length brown hair and bright green eyes. She was wearing a simple white blouse with the shoulders cut out and a purple skirt. She wore black high top converse and a beautiful flower crown on her head. The crown was made up of white, light pink and darker pink roses. A boy came up behind the girl, he had dark brown hair and had hazel brown eyes. He wore a white t-shirt, jeans and a leather jacket. Hanging from the collar of his shirt was a pair of sunglasses. He grabbed the girls hand and helped her up, then helped Elsa.

"It's ok, are you ok?" Elsa asked the girl.

"Am I ok? I just barreled into you!" The girl said, "I'm fine, are you ok."

Elsa smiled, "Yes I'm fine." Elsa reached out a hand towards the girl, "I'm Elsa."

The girl took Elsa's hand, "I'm Rapunzel and this is my husband, Eugene."

"Husband?" Elsa said surprised.

Rapunzel chuckled, "You're surprised? Oh, since we're married we shouldn't be in school anymore? Well we're newlyweds and it was my parents idea."

"Oh, I didn't-I didn't mean to offend you--" Elsa started.

"Oh no it's fine." Rapunzel interrupted. "So what are you studying?"

"Snow magic, and how to run a country, I guess. What about you?" Elsa said.

"Sun magic, and how to run a country." Rapunzel said.

"And I'm studying how to stop being so good looking." Eugene said.

Rapunzel teasingly hit Eugene's stomach, "He's studying how to run a country as well."

"Seems like that is the popular class." Elsa said.

Rapunzel shrugged, "A lot of royals tend to come here. Hey you'll most likely be in our class, at least for the fall semester." Rapunzel eyed Elsa's suitcase, "You don't have a dorm yet do you?"

Elsa blushed, "No I don't, I just got here."

"Well you can join ours! I think we have just enough room for one more!" Rapunzel said excitedly.

Elsa smiled, "Alright! Thank you!"

"Oh just a disclaimer, we only have royals in our dorm." Eugene said.

"Eugene!" Rapunzel cried, then looked back at Elsa, "We're not like that, I promise, yes we mostly have royals, but I just invited whoever. I promise I wasn't royal searching or anything I--"

Elsa raised a hand, "Its fine, don't worry. Can we go to the dorm? I kinda want to drop this off."

"Oh yeah of course."

Rapunzel directed Elsa towards a large dorm that was sort of hidden behind every other dorm.

"Guys! We have a newbie!" Rapunzel announced as she opened the door. The room was immediately flooded with people. A girl with bright red hair popped up infront of Elsa. She wore a purple crop top and green shorts.

"Hey! I'm Ariel!" She said rather enthusiastically. "And this is Eric!" Ariel pulled a tall muscular boy to her side. He had dark black hair and a soft tan. Erick wore a white button up shirt, he left the top buttons undone and he had jeans on. He waved at her.

"I'm Ariel's husband." He explained.

Blushing slightly, Elsa raised her hand as to wave, "Hi."

"Hi!" A girl with a huge mop of curly firey red head waved back at Elsa. She was wearing a blue green button up tank top and jean shorts. "I'm Merida."

"And I'm Hiccup, her boyfriend." A boy with shaggy brown hair said. He wore a army green button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and black jeans.

"So is everyone here in a relationship?" Elsa asked.

"Oh no, not me." A girl with long black hair and bangs that swept across her forehead said. She wore a loose white tank top and black shorts. The front of her tank top was tucked into her shorts and on the front was a picture of a blue monster and green monster. The girl reached her hand out to Elsa, "You can call me Boo."

Elsa smiled and took Boo's hand. "It's nice to meet you all."


Elsa turned around. A boy stood in the doorway. He had white as snow hair and capturing blue eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt, a whitewash jean jacket, brown jeans and rust colored shoes.

Elsa's eyes widened when she saw him, "Jack?"