July, 14, x848 (The Same Day of Aki's Arrival at Fairy Tail)

Aki walks through the guild being careful to avoid flying tables. It seems that as it nears lunchtime, the guild is livelier than before. So lively, she can swear that there's a hole in the ceiling, but no one is paying any mind to it, not giving a single care about how much money it'll take to fix the guild at this rate.

The fact that these slackers don't respect the guild definitely irks Aki, who has learned to cherish everything she has. If she were Master - they better be glad she isn't - she would be giving them hell to pay for destroying the guild and teach them a lesson.

Aki decides to ignore the fighting for now while the description of Misty is fresh in her mind. Master Nashi told her to go find her, so Aki will do just that. The only problem is that in this game of hiding and seeking, Aki is losing. Misty must be wearing camouflage because she can't find her anywhere.

Upon hearing of her stripping habit, Aki realized that this wizard must be related to Silver in some way. He mentioned his habit running down in the family. It made Aki wonder how this bizarre habit was first caused, and why it affects Silver's family members.

Despite making fun of Misty's stripping, Aki noticed that Nashi had a tiny stripping habit of her own because she was taking off her shoes and didn't mention it. It's unusual that Master would have the habit because she isn't part of Silver's family. Aki's sure of that. Why would it affect her? Is there a possibility of it affecting Aki?

These thoughts cause Aki to shiver. This stripping business is starting to worry the young wizard. Living with that routine behavior would be a curse. She decides that she's staying as far away as she can from the strippers of the guild - well, she will after seeing Misty.

Aki begins to wonder if Misty is at the guild. There are so many guild members fighting and being rowdy, but she's been searching for this woman awhile now. Surely, she'd have shown herself by now. Perhaps, she's fighting someone?

Her eyes glance over at Dax, who's moved onto another person to fight. He isn't part of the guild and yet, he's acting like one of them. Aki groans quietly. She could be getting accustomed to this brawling like Dax if she could find where this Misty person is.

As if the universe is done playing games with Aki, her eyes reveal the figure of an older woman, whose face has aged the same as Master's. But her wrinkles are from frowning instead of smiling, so she appears to be unfriendly. She's smoking on the sidelines as if the strong magical energy at the guild is making her nervous. Her intense blue eyes are somehow scarier than Dax's, but her hair is a calm river flowing down to her mid-back.

Aki hesitates to talk to her for a reason she doesn't know. She's thrilled to join to Fairy Tail guild. In fact, it's what she's been training for these past 9 years. She's worked her butt off to make sure she'd have an opportunity of joining. Her preparation worked out in the end when Master said she's welcomed to the guild - even though, she didn't need to qualify for anything to become a member. The last step is to become official and bear the Fairy Tail mark.

Maybe this pause is because Dax isn't there with her. He's somewhere fighting another wizard and wearing a smile on his face while Aki is here stressing out and messing up her hair. She's not used to being alone. She's always had Dax by her side from the beginning. He's repeatedly saved her, and she's done the same for him.

Aki frowns. This could be a problem. Maybe she needs to do things on her own sometimes. It's great to have a best friend there for you, but she can't be too dependent. Aki needs to take some courage and grow individually, starting with talking to Misty.

The young celestial wizard makes her way to the woman and smiles. "Hello, are you Misty?" Aki notes that her eyes don't flinch at the surprise of her presence.

The woman continues wearing her resting face, which is a frown. "I am." Smoke is blown into Aki's face, and she coughs. You don't have to act rude. Jeez.

Aki keeps the polite smile on her face, though it's beginning to appear more strained by the second. "Master sent me to you."

Misty takes another breath of smoke and clenches her fists, making it appear she wants to punch something- or someone. Aki's fingers twitch instinctively, prepared to fight if she'd need to. Misty's fist loosens up, and she sighs out another puff of smoke which causes Aki to cough again. Stop sharing your lung cancer with me!

"Today's not a good day for me, but I'll make an exception to be civil today with only you." Misty stares at Aki's neck which causes Aki feeling conscious of herself. Her hand automatically grasp the keys on her necklace.

"Why me?", Aki asks curiously. Misty's blue eyes focus on her red-brown ones.

"Nashi sent you to me, and you're not an ordinary wizard." She explains briefly. Aki considers her words thoroughly. What does she mean? Of course, Aki knows Celestial Wizards aren't the norm anymore. In truth, Aki could possibly be the last one, but there are all sorts of unique magic. Any magic you use in your own way is special, so Aki never thought about her being an abnormal wizard.

As Misty pulls out a gold stamp, Aki blurts out, "Why isn't today a good day for you?" From seeing the irritated look on her face, Aki immediately regrets asking. But before she can take back the question, Misty answers.

"Many people I hold close to my heart passed away on this day," she answers with a painful look in her eye.

"My dearest condolences," Aki frowns, understanding the grief of this woman.

"Thank you," Misty gives a sad smile. Though she doesn't say it, Aki knows her mind is thinking, 'but you would never understand.' This doesn't offend Aki because she knows that feeling all too well. That you're alone in the world. No one else could ever feel the same sorrow you feel.

Aki desperately wants to inform her that she's not alone, but instead, she doesn't utter a single word and gives a small smile to the woman. And the celestial wizard could swear Misty's lips twitched the slightest up.

It's later in the evening, and the noise is starting to dial down. Instead of shaking guild halls, there is mild chattering between people. These are the members who come later to enjoy some drinking in peace, knowing that they can't get that chance during the day.

Two elderly ladies sit at a square table in the corner of the guild conversing about random thoughts they happen to come across. Most newer members of the guild regarded them as the strongest mages of the guild, stronger than even Master Nashi herself. Their magic has proven to be quite strong over the many years of practice.

But as days pass by, their bones grow older and weaker, meaning their strength isn't as strong as it used to be. But even with fragile bones and wrinkly skin, the two ladies haven't let these realities control their abilities.

"The spirit of Fairy Tail is still alive as ever," the woman, whose hair is still as white as in her younger years, muses over. Her crystal blue eyes hidden behind eyelids while she envisions the past.

"I don't know if that's a good thing," the second woman, whose blue hair wasn't as lucky and grayed over the years, gestured to the hole above them. Her brown eyes narrow with the paranoia of the guild collapsing on them.

"Oh my," the white haired woman widens her eyes before calming herself. "The guild has been getting a little out of hand since Rosemary left the guild."

"Now we have to rely on Nashi to make sure the guild stays in one piece," the gray haired woman chuckles nervously. Nashi was exactly like Natsu, the one starting the fights in the guild. Expecting her to keep peace in this rambunctious guild is not ideal.

"I still think it's alright to let the younger ones get their energy out," the white haired mage smiles at the sight of the last wizards who always started and ended the fights. Their magic always colliding between light and dark, but never able to declare the victor.

"Always staying optimistic, Mira," the gray haired woman sighs.

"You're only being too pessimistic, Levy," Mira shrugs simply.

During their conversation, another pair of wizards is sharing a discussion at the bar. Aki nods at another story told by Dax, who finally received a guild mark of his own from Master Nashi herself. That fact caused Aki's eye to twitch with frustration. Why did she have to waste her time looking for some rude old woman when Master could've given her the mark all along?

Aki couldn't help but grip her keys in her hand. There has to be a good reason why Master acting differently towards Aki, and being a celestial wizard is part of it. She's noticed many wizards of the guild staring at her neck. (Aki couldn't help but become sad because no one wanted to look a bit lower and stare at her small chest).

She just needs to let it go about this whole extraordinary wizard business. She's already in the guild, so she shouldn't be questioning it. Actually, she should go on a job soon. If Aki asked, hopefully, Dax could come along with her. She wouldn't want to start off doing jobs by herself without any experience.

A yawn tells Aki that right now, all she needs is a good night's sleep before thinking about a job. This whole day has been so tiring, and she didn't even train. Maybe fighting your comrades is the guild's way of training. Or maybe they're all just idiotic slackers who believe training is pointless. Either way, Aki stands up and yawns again, prepared to sleep...-


The young girl is knocked to the ground and groans. Being the second time she's fallen to the ground today, it out wins the other time in hurting the most. Her bottom aches again, and now, there's a pounding headache.

Aki stands up. A look of malice appears on her features when noticing two teenage wizards in front of her. They're duking it out with no idea who they threw to the ground by accident. Their focus is on each other to win the rivalry they've had since being kids.

Dax recognizes Aki's expression and dreads the future of the two boys. Aki isn't a pushover. She doesn't deal with these things lightly. Before he can hold her back, she's already leaning towards them.

In a flash, the two wizards wince and groan when their heads collide to create a painful sensation. Aki maintains her expression and glares at the two. They look back up at her with visible fright. Other bystanders in the guild stare at the sight with surprise. No one usually interrupts those two in fear of being punched or kicked.

"Don't mess with me, again," her voice is intimidating despite her cute appearance. The two boys shudder in fright.

"Yes ma'am," they bark out in unison.

Aki's yawns again. "Goodnight," The last that the two see of Aki that night is her back as she walks out of the guild doors with Dax following behind.

One wizard's look of fear turns into a look of impressed. His hair seems to have a horrible dye job because blond locks stop at a point and turn white at the tops. His eyes are a gentle brown color that rivals his personality. "I kinda wanna fight 'er now," he grins.

The other wizard rolls his eyes. His pitch black hair is cut short to reveal his onyx eyes. "Are you done being a bonehead, already?" Though, he's also fascinated (and scared) of her strength.

Their bickering picks back up again, and others at the guild grumble at the noise again, wishing Aki were back to finish them off.

Meanwhile, Mira and Levy laugh at the scene that just played. "I think we've found our new Erza," Levy jokes. But the name of her comrade, which hasn't been said in a long time, pains her the smallest.

A/N: Thank you for the nice reviews you've left:

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