Okay, I'm tired of all these super emotional fics that make you cry and feel horrible at the end. So, I am continuing with publishing these role plays. They are not supposed to be prize winning pieces, just easy reads that don't rack you over the hot coals of emotion. They are great to read when you have nothing to do. This first role-play is the first in a series. Soon, Miss Basil Oshko (from 'By Any Other Name') will appear in new fics, as well as Rock, and all those other characters that don't get much of the spotlight. Reviews are very much appreciated by the writers. Since this roleplay has already been well developed, no new suggestions are really needed. ^^

Our Players:

S: Duchess Stagsleap X: Xalan ~~~ X: Setting Inertia back down, Duke Red was on his feet and to the door in what seemed like seconds, Inertia right behind her father.

Things were a disaster in the hallway. Servants running around screaming; evidently one of them had knocked into a large class case, which has caused the crashing noise. Spying duke Red, two random Murduks ran up towards him, "Duke Red, sir!"

"What is it?!"

"The Revolutionists, sir! Apparently, they chose tonight to revolt, while the main celebrations are going on. They've managed to make it into the lower levels of the Ziggurat, sir!"

S: The Duke stayed relativly calm. "I want all Marduks and soldiers down to the lower level at once! Shoot the ringleaders, but use stun guns on the rest! And where the bloody hell is my Secretary of Defense?!"

Even though Inertia was young, she had a vague idea about what was happening. She knew Skunk was in trouble and she had a good idea where he might be! At the moment, all she wanted was for the noise to go away and for her father to hug her again......

X: (ooc- *giggles* Oh yes, we all know where Skunk is.. )

...but it didn't seem likely that was going to happen any time soon. The Murduks shouted out the orders to others over hand-held intercoms, and were trying to keep the panicking servants from getting even more in the way.

Staying close to the wall, fairly out of the way, Inertia watched everything with wide eyes. It seemed the events for this night were not over yet.....

S: *An idea flashed through Inertia's head...If I go down and kill some of the leaders...Poppa is sure to forgive everything I did!!

Inertia ran into her father's office, for she knew he kept a very powerful blaster in his bottom drawer of his desk....She got it out and began to run downstairs....*

X: ..she made it to the first step before being grabbed by the back of her dress, and hauled back up. "Ms. Inertia!"

Crud. It was Emny again. She must have some kind of radar or something......and she'd noticed the gun. Grabbing it out of Inertia hands, she glared, looking actually quite frightening. "Inertia! You know better than to play with firearms! And sneaking back downstairs AGIAN, after all of the trouble you've caused, and with those rebels down there, and ohhhhhhh!"

S: *As Emny dragged her back to her room, Inertia tried to dodge her...*

"Hey look!" *Inertia pointed to nothing down a passing hallway, hoping Emny would look, but she has wizened up to the little brat and didn't buy it. Inertia squirmed and made a huge fuss; she wanted to get downstairs! A plan quickly formed itself in her brain. He wriggled like a worm cut in half, and finally bit Emny on the hand. Enmy gasped and, as she let go of Inertia to spank her, Inertia grabbed the gun and ran as fast she could downstairs. She turned a few corners and eventually lost her nanny.... Inertia knew that Emny would tell the Duke everything that just happened and show him her bleeding hand...but Inertia was sure the heads of a couple leaders would help her father forgive her............

X: Trying to be as quite as possible, Inertia snuck down the stairs than only moments before she'd made a similar escape. It was chaos in the lower levels of the Ziggurat. Small fires had broken out, and there were guards and rebels all over the place.

Ducking behind a marble statue, Inertia gazed around with wide eyes, keeping a tight hold on the heavy firearm. Biting her lip uncertainty, keeping her eyes out for what could be one of the leaders of this whole mess.\

S: *Atlas was leading the largest group towards the main stairway. Atlas had given strict orders to kill guards, but leave others alone. Atlas just wanted to take hostage of the aristocrats living in the higher levels. To snatch the Duke or one of his offspring would be the ultimate jackpot.....

The group was now nearing Inertia's statue....Inertia quickly took aim and fired the powerful gun...Atlas got hit in the leg very badly and tried to find the unlucky soul who hit him...He saw the little blonde girl, but didn't recognize her at first....He raised his gun to blow away an approaching guard.....And looked back the girl. He knew now. There was no mistaking it....Marduks started to rush into the area as Atlas ran towards Inertia....

X: Inertia froze for a second, she'd managed to hit the one man in the leg with her first shot, but he had scooped her up and thrown her over his shoulder before she managed to fire off another shot, the gun pulled from her grip.

Wailing as loud as she could, she tried to make the man carrying her put her down. No such luck. Atlas, waving to one of his fellow rebels, made it past the guards, and out of the Ziggurat.

S: Inertia kept crying as Atlas threw her in the back of a stolen police car. There, he tied up her hands and feet. A couple more of his thugs jumped in and Atlas was now speeding down to Zone-1.....

Meanwhile, Enmy had told Red of his daughter's escape. He ran madly downstairs, guards at his heels and searched for her everywhere with no luck. Finally, an injured guard told him he saw a leader carry her out of the Ziggurat........ Back in his room, the Duke collapsed on his bed.....he thought of all the fun times he had had with his youngest daughter...her entire life flashed before his eyes...........

X: Meanwhile, Inertia was trying her best to be annoying, kicking the back of the front seat. Any fear she'd felt at first was replace with interest at the new situation, and a bit of anger. How dare they capture and tie her up! Her father was going to be mad when he found out what had happened...she hadn't disobeyed him though, he'd never mentioned anything about not going down with his gun.

"Knock it off you brat!" One of the thugs'd had it with Inertia's kicking the back of the seat, turning, he glared at her. "If ya don't knock it off we'll put ya in a bag and tie it up tight!"


All the guards in the Ziggurat had been notified of Inertia's capture, as had the Murduks, whom were preparing to invade Zone-1 and turn it upside down in order to find the Duke's youngest daughter.

S: *Inertia didn't want to be tied up in a bag so she quieted down. * "My father will give the most horrible death imaginable!" she yelled.


"Have every building checked! If someone gives you trouble, use stun guns. After you are finished searching your assigned zone, phone back to headquarters!" Rock's voice rang clear in the Imperial Marduk Hall in the Ziggurat. About 100 fully armed Marduks stood in super straight rows facing rock who was standing on a podium.

X: Inertia stayed quiet for the rest of the ride, having to be content with glaring at the backs of the men's heads, wishing evil things upon them, thinking of what her father would do once he got his hands on them, they'd be sorry!

The hover car came to a sudden, rough stop, throwing Interia off, and against the back of the front seat. "Jezz, what was that Atlas? Can't ya drive?" One of the thugs mumbled, rubbing his forehead from where it'd hit the windshield. "Shut up, let's get the girl out, and make it back to the headquarters, Duke Red'll have all of the Murduks and guards in the city out and down here looking for his precocious daughter. And we don't want to be around when they are."

Pulling Inertia out of backseat, and tossing her over his shoulder, Atlas and the others snuck through the back allies, and various breaks in the walls, to come upon their great "headquarters". Tossing Inertia down in a corner, Atlas turned towards the others. "Get some of the guys out to keep and eye around, k?"

S: Inertia sat in the corner and thought about her fate. What do they want? Would they kill her? Would they kill her father? These questions and more ran through her intelligent mind. She started to sob. She was tired and she wanted to be hugged. Her crying became a little louder.


Inertia pushed herself farther into the corner. Something poked her. She looked behind her to see a old gun bayonet laying in the corner. Quickly, and trying to not attract attention, she sawed off the ropes that held her tiny hands together.

********* Duke Red went into total depression. He didn't eat and drank very little. His once-very-sexy hair drooped like the branches of a weeping willow. Dr. Klunky, Skunk, and others close to Duke Red mourned also. The girl who would one day rule the Ziggurat was missing...in the very large city of Metropolis.......

So, there's chapter 3. Don't worry, no one dies in these roleplays. Tis all pleasant. ^^ These roleplays were made on the message board found here: www.geocities.com/tezukametropolis (