Disclaimer: I do not own Iron Man or any of its characters used in this story. What is written here is for entertainment purposes only. No profit is being made from it and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 1: Pre-relationship

Pepper shifted her toes in her heels, gritting her teeth, determined not to show a sign of weakness.

But Tony was very observant. He had noticed more than once that his PA would shift her weight in between each leg. He noticed that she took every opportunity to lean against a table or sit down on a chair.

Honestly, he couldn't blame her. They were on their feet for more than ten hours now and they've been walking around the military base the whole time (excluding the lunch break, of course).

Even Tony's own feet were killing him. What more could Pepper be feeling with those ridiculously high heels on?

Pepper faltered in her steps, a move so subtle only those who were expecting it could've seen it. And Tony did.

"Miss Potts," called Tony, cutting off their military host from his droning and effectively getting Pepper to his side. "Tell Mr. Humdrum I'm gonna hit the sack. He can continue boring me tomorrow."

Pepper frowned, not at all enjoying the prospect of having to paraphrase that message into something more formal and then relaying it to the top brass of the military.

Tony watched as Pepper managed to ease the officers into acquiescence. Not many could say no to Tony Stark, the only one who could was currently walking back to him in those damn stilettoes.

Tony knew he had to approach all of this with caution. Pepper would never forgive him if he embarrassed her.

So after they all had disbanded, Pepper and Tony walked back to the living quarters they were assigned to on the base.

The hallway was empty. The floor they were in were meant for high profile guests of the military, and the Stark Industries duo were the only occupants for the week.

The minute they stepped foot on their floor, Tony scooped his assistant up in his arms.

Pepper squeaked in surprise, her hand going to Tony's chest to steady herself.

"Tony, what are you doing?"

Tony walked on, determined at the task. "I told you not to wear those heels. Didn't I tell you not to wear those heels?"

Pepper reddened a bit at having made her discomfort so apparent to her boss before recovering and rolling her eyes.

"I can walk to my room, Mr. Stark. I'm not a damsel in distress."

Tony nodded in agreement, choosing to ignore the formal use of his name for the moment. "There are many things I call you behind your back, Potts. Damsel-in-distress is not one of them. You are, however, my very tired assistant so let me return the favor and assist you." Tony smirked. "Besides, you can cross this off your bucket list."

Pepper scoffed at the insinuation that she had ever wanted to be carried by Tony Stark. But… she had to admit, being off her feet was a relief.

She turned to look at Tony, only now becoming aware that they were close, closer than she's allowed him to get in the past.

Tony caught her look and held it. Pepper's cheeks flushed red.

"Don't get used to the special treatment, Potts. You caught me in a giving mood is all."

Pepper laughed.

They finally reached Pepper's door but Tony didn't set her down.

"What are you waiting for, Potts? Open the door."

Pepper squirmed but Tony only hitched her up closer.

"You've safely assisted me to my room, Mr. Stark. You can set me down now."

"I know I can but that doesn't mean I want to see you on your feet again. Nope. Not happening."

Pepper sighed.

"What'll it be, Potts? You open this door or risk someone seeing us like this? I wouldn't mind at all. I'm rather comfortable where I am. The view is great—"


Pepper took her room key out of her purse. Once inside, Tony made a beeline for the bed and gently put his assistant down.

"Don't move," he said to her with a pointed finger, and then he turned around.

"Where are you going?"

Tony headed to the bathroom and Pepper could hear sounds of running water.

Tony later came out with a bucket full of warm water.

"Tony, what are you—"

The billionaire set the bucket on the floor right next to the edge of the bed where Pepper sat. Kneeling down, Tony took her bare feet—Pepper having removed her heels already—and then dipped them in the water.

Pepper gasped both from the warmth as well as the immediate relief it gave.

"Hmm, you like that don't you?" quipped Tony, a lopsided grin on his face.

Pepper narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm gonna kick you."

"Alright, alright." Tony said, raising his hands up in a defensive gesture. He let her enjoy the warm sensation before he lifted one foot out of the bucket and began to knead it with his fingers.

Pepper gasped again at the pressure. That felt so good. It took every ounce of will power not to loll her head to the side and moan.

"Tony, you shouldn't," said Pepper half-heartedly; she didn't entirely want him to stop. But she knew how this looked. "Mr. Stark, this isn't—"

"What?" interrupted Tony. "Jesus did this for his disciples. I'm just following his teachings."

"Are you seriously comparing yourself to Jesus?"

"Well, some people do consider me a God."

"This is inappropriate."

"What's inappropriate is standing on those things you call shoes for ten hours."

"They're actually very comfortable. It's just that we've been standing way too long and like any other pair of feet mine just began to smart."

"Oh, they're more than smarting, Miss Potts." Tony switched to her other foot. "You gotta take care of these feet. I love these feet."

He shot her a mischievous look and Pepper stopped him before he could act on his idea.

She pulled her foot back a fraction away from him and said, "If you so much as breathe on my foot, I'm going to kick you in the face."

Tony chuckled, shaking his head. He let go of her foot and stood up. "Will that be all, Miss Potts?"

Pepper immediately felt the loss of his touch and her heart ached at its absence. She ignored it and nodded. "That will be all, Mr. Stark. Thank you."

Tony turned on his heels but instead of walking out the door like Pepper thought he would, he grabbed a chair from the corner of the room and dragged it over to the bucket.

Pepper watched as he kicked off his own shoes, sat on the chair, and then dipped his feet in the water as well.

"Your feet aren't the only ones that are tired," said Tony by way of an explanation.

Pepper gave a hum and then said, "You shouldn't have worn those shoes. Didn't I tell you not to wear those shoes?"

Tony laughed at his own words being directed back to him.

Pepper then reached down for one of Tony's feet and lifted it up, resting it over her thigh.

Tony tugged his foot back but Pepper held on tight.

"Just returning the favor," said Pepper, an innocent look on her face.

But Tony knew better. He knew what she was up to.

Then, she softly and lightly grazed her fingernails over the sole of his feet.

"Potts!" grunted Tony, pulling his leg again. But Pepper's grasp was firm. Her fingernails worked up to his ankle and it sent tingling sensations up Tony's leg and straight to his groin.

Tony didn't breathe. He couldn't. If Pepper didn't stop he wasn't sure he could control himself. And he's not sure Pepper would appreciate him crossing some well-drawn lines.

Sure they flirted, sure he gave her a foot massage, but what she was teasing at belonged in unspoken territory.

Just as he thought he was gonna lose it, Pepper dug her fingers hard on his foot, giving him a proper massage.

Tony let out a deep breath. His body immediately relaxing. That was too close for comfort.

He looked up at a pleased Pepper.

"That was torture, Potts. You play a mean game."

Pepper patted his foot and Tony dipped it back in the bucket.

"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?"

Tony wanted to say no. He wanted her to reach her hands up his legs, unbuckle his pants and do with him what she will. He would be entirely in her mercy and he wouldn't care. He could show her what other skills his fingers could do outside of a massage, show her how good they could be together, how they'd fit perfectly. Neither of them would be able to walk come morning.

"That will be all, Miss Potts," Tony said instead, a little bit louder than he intended.

He left a few minutes later and Pepper could still feel and hear the loud pounding of her heart, the warmth in her cheeks, the ghost of his touch on her feet.

The next day Pepper found a tasteful pair of platform heels and pair of ballet flats outside her door.

She smiled.