I would like to sincerely, sincerely apologize for not having updated in so long. I have been experiencing a myriad of health issues that, for quite some time, left me completely wiped out, but am now back on the up-swing of things. Thank you again for your loyalty and patience. I hope you enjoy the rest of this story!

Chapter 25


The rain poured heavily from the dark, gloomy skies as he made his way to the castle gardens. He was un-escorted, but he did not delude himself into believing he was not being watched. Briefly, he glanced at the tall, stone wall surrounding the castle, wondering if he could climb them. Even if he could, though, the risk was not worth it. With the army on his hands, Ganondorf could hunt down and kill the village children before Link could blink. And that was something he was not willing to risk.

He wondered what had happened to the Gerudo girl who had attempted to help him. Secrets did not remain secrets long in Hyrule Castle, not when Ganondorf sat on the throne, soon to secure his throne... Link shook his head and continued walking, occasionally glancing behind him to ensure he was not being followed.

A hooded figure stood, admiring a stone carving of the Triforce surrounded by flowers, one of the few symbols the Demon King had permitted to remain in the castle after his takeover. He had seen for himself the statue of the Sand Goddess that stood where the statues of the Golden Goddesses had stood watching and protecting the throne. He laughed dryly. Hyrule had fallen and the Goddesses that had created it hadn't done a damn thing.

He approached the figure carefully, hoping beyond hope that Zelda had really arranged for a meeting between the two of them. She, at least, had less to lose than himself should she get caught. Ganondorf couldn't risk harming the land's beloved princess, not if he wanted to keep the citizens from revolting, not that lightly armed citizens would stand even a slight chance against Hyrule's army and Ganondorf's legion of Gerudo guards.

Slowly, the figure turned to face him. Zelda's familiar features were vague under the hood clouding her face, but he was able to make them out. "We must speak quickly," she said, her voice soft and low, but urgent at the same time. Link nodded in agreement, not bothering with pleasantries or small talk. "He plans on executing you shortly after the wedding."

Link swallowed hard, though he was not shocked by the news. Zelda had kept him alive by promising to support the Usurper's rule. Once she and Ganondorf were wed and with an heir to the throne, both himself and the Princess would become irrelevant to maintaining the alleged love of the people.

"You must find a way to leave this place," she continued. He started to argue with her, to remind her of the children whose fate rested on his loyalty to Ganondorf, but she held up a hand to stop him. "Those who remain loyal to me have assured me your friends are safe and out of the kingdom. For now, they cannot be touched."

Link breathed a sigh of relief, though he did not dare rely on those words completely. Some claimed to be loyal to Zelda, it was true, but it was impossible to know if their loyalties were real or part of Ganondorf's tricks."I don't see how I could find a way out either way," he spoke aloud, thinking things would have been so, so much easier had Midna not fallen. Had she still been here, he could have gotten out of the mess months ago...No, he could not think like that. He needed to focus on the present, and on the problems of the present. "And if he wants me dead, why let me out of the dungeons?"

"To toy with you," Zelda answered softly. "To lure us both into a false sense of security." She shut her eyes and breathed deeply. "If you value your life, you will find a way out of this place." He started to speak once more, but she had turned to face the statue once more. "You must go," she said, her voice barely audible. "Leave me before we are both discovered."

Reluctantly, Link left Zelda to her thoughts and returned to the interior of the castle. She had stated the village children were safe, but he could not rely on that. How could she know she was being told the truth about matters? And how could anyone inside of the castle have that information? And if Ganondorf were to discover the culprit, he could no doubt extract the information he needed from them...

If he escaped, though, he could find them, could return them to safety, could ensure their safety himself if need be. But he would also be hunted down as soon as he was discovered to be missing. Ralis would lose his head. Link would no doubt lose his own, and then what hope did any of them have?

He stepped into the room the Demon King had so generously given him and punched the wall, biting his lip to prevent himself from crying out in pain. Even if he could find a way out, it was far, far too risky for too many people. At least in the castle, he could keep an eye on Ganondorf, be privy to his plans, perhaps even find a way to get information to the outside.

He may have been the cause of several deaths, but he was going to make damn sure future ones were prevented, and he could not do that if he was hunted down by Ganondorf's minions. He lay down and shut his eyes tightly, wondering what sort of sick game he had found himself a part of, and hoping beyond all hope that good would triumph over evil.

"You allowed this to happen," he prayed, to the Goddesses he was not entirely sure he believed in keeping his voice low. The castle walls were thick, but the king's spies were everywhere. "Now help us fix it."