Hey everyone, this story takes place after CoHF. I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments characters. Cassandra Clare does. Please Review!

I'm not sure how long this will be, but if you all like it I will try to make it longer.

Clary POV

I got a text from Jace as I was walking back to the Institute from Taki's. It said to portal over and help with some demons in Central Park. I glamoured myself and walked into an empty alleyway. I used my stele and made a portal rune with one hand and held the bag of Taki's in the other. I walked through the portal and into the weapons room inside the Institute grabbing a couple of seraph blades.

"Hey," he said as he kissed me lightly on the lips. "Alec and Izzy are still at diner with Robert and Mayrse, so it's just you and me at Central Park tonight."

"Okay," I said grabbing a few daggers and tucking them in various places throughout my clothes. "Let's go." I grabbed my stele that I left on the chair next to the Taki's that would surely be cold by the time we got back. I drew another portal rune on the wall, and we walked into Central Park. I saw a Ravener demon crawl over to a small dark street. We jogged over to the street. I felt slightly cold at 7 o'clock at night in early January, mainly because I wasn't wearing my full gear. I only had the pants on from earlier that day when I was fighting two Shax demons with Izzy. Jace and I looked down the small street to find five Ravener demons.

Fighting the demons was all a blur. All I saw after I killed the last demon was Jace lying on the ground with a large slash in his side. I ran over to him, and I pulled up his shirt to see the gash in his side.

"No," I cried softly as I took my stele out of my pocket and drew an iratze on him. It wasn't working. "No, Jace. No, come on." A tear rolled down my cheek as I drew another iratze on his bare skin. Still, nothing. Then, I thought of the battle at the Adament Citadel. How I put almost all my strength into the rune and he was fine after. If I could do that again, Jace just might live. So I did. I drew the rune with everything I had.

Jace POV

After the demon had slashed my side, I killed it with my seraph blade. There was a searing pain in my side. I tried to call for Clary as she killed the last Ravener demon, but nothing came out. Then everything melted into darkness.

I woke up, and the gash on my side disappeared. I look next to me and saw Clary unconscious with her stele gripped loosely in her hand. I quickly sat up and went over to her. I put her head on my lap and check her pulse and made sure she was breathing. She's alive. All I could think in that moment was that I had to get her help. Magnus, Magnus would help her. He remembered that Magnus's loft was only about a mile and a half from where they were.

Jace hurried and put a strength rune on his arm and grabbed Clary. He made sure that they were both still glamoured before he began walking to Magnus's apartment.

He walked all the way there holding her in his arms.

He walked upstairs all the way to Magnus's loft and knocked on the door. Magnus opened the door. With still unconscious Clary in his arms, he quietly said,"Help."

So I will probably only make a couple chapters, but if you really like it I will try to make it longer!

Please review! :)