The real closure depends on Wataru sensei because he owns the story and its rights. Therefore, I will take my story in other direction on my whims and wishes. Everything I write is my work and is not related to anyone for the matter so enjoy.

Now for the story, I am going to work on.

The story starts on the day after Valentine's event. After returning home he feels different in mind and body.

Hope you all like the story.

This is an edited version of my story. There is much more detail than before with better grammar. So I will be posting the chapters as a new story after editing them. And I will remove the old story from the site.

Chapter 1: The Life Isn't As Easy As I Expected

Part 1:

As I reached my home from the Yukinoshita's haven, or can I even call it that. As for what I can remember haven is something, which is used for a place of refuge, but for her that apartment is place where she hides herself. And I know it doesn't feel too good to be seeing of your close ones or your acquaintances going through a bad or sad phase doesn't feel good but it leaves a sense of bitterness in oneself too.

With the severe cold outside the cold eyes of her mother and the cold attitude or the insults per se, instead of adding to the chill, rather multiplied it multiple of times. That must be the reason that at this moment I am going through a shivering phase even when I am wearing heavy clothes.

And I don't know why but I am having thing heaviness in my head and dizziness in my eyes. Thinking it be a bad sign I went to my room and after changing I went to bed, without any more delay. I just hope this is nothing more than the fatigue from the physical exhaustion along with mental battering from the Yukinoshita's

Looks like my worries were unwarranted as I think it was nothing unusual. Just a little rest and everything was solved. What I am going through is what everyone calls a "cold". Heaviness in the head and it is paining with my temples bulging out. A runny nose, and looks like I need another packet of tissue papers.

In the manga and light novels, it is portrayed as something too horrible. It makes you faint and suddenly you fall in front of your crush or on them, which helps to progress the plot or make it even longer. However, in real life, a cold can at the best be considered to be of mediocrity of seriousness but not as to make someone faint unless they were stupid to not treat it for some days.

As I was thinking about the stupidity of the authors use of this cliché repeatedly to make the hearts of girls throb, I heard the lock of my door being opened swiftly and slowly. The one that cocked their head like in those ads was none another than the angel which may have been sent to treat me with her holy aura.

"Good Moooorning Onii-chan. It's time to wake up Onii-chan, other….eh? What's with you having those tissues in your nose? It' s looks weird, you look like that creature in the manga who gets killed first. Are you sick then?"

"I don't know how connected the dots to get that conclusion but I may have caught a cold yesterday."

Ah, this cheeky brat. She made me the side character of the side villains. Who is sliced in the beginning of the story by MC when they are at their weakest. So I am not considered even a human in those. Well I can't blame her for the uncharming personality of your's truly, but at least make me a slime, they even have their own manga now.

She wore a concerned face as she went into thinking something. Was she worried about me? I don't know why but I think I am starting to get better already.

" Hmm, Onii-chan how could someone like you catch a cold?"

"What do you make off by saying "someone like me"? What do you consider me? An idiot?"

All that heal I had received from her was now turned out to be poison. She is too cruel treating me like an idiot. As it is said only idiots don't catch a cold, or it is another cliché? But does it matter what she considers me? I think I should be happy being her brother. I shouldn't be greedy or else I may receive divine punishment and Komachi may stop calling me Onii-chan. No, I don't want that. I should rather pray for not to be too greedy. I think that will balance the things out. Yeah, that's an easy calculation. Yet it is a mystery I don't get that well with Mathematics.

"Oh no Onii-chan I was just confirming if you really have a cold. Well, don't worry I will take care of you and bring back to health. Ah, just now it must be high on Komachi points."

That was high on Komachi points but I must decline my sweet Komachi. Before being spoiled I must fulfill my duty as a big brother. Therefore, I must drink these tears of regret, swallow this feeling of loneliness, and reject her offer. I am sorry Komachi. But

"Komachi I am happy that you want to help me but this a very important period for you. In just a few days you will have your exam for the Sobu High. So even if this pains me to ask you this but you should utilize your time to study as much as you can. I am not feeling that bad, so you shouldn't worry about me and use that time to revise."

Being taken care when you are sick is one of the dreams of a high school boy. And when the caretaker is going to be someone as cute as Komachi it becomes 10 times, no 100 times better when you add the fact that she is one and only greatest Imouto in the world. So knowing the greatness of her this brother won't let her spoil himself, instead sacrifice this chance once in a lifetime for the future happiness of my dear little sister. Onii-chan loves.

"But Onii-chan you rarely get ill and because of that, I am unable to take care of you. And because of that, this event hasn't been unlocked till now. And finally, I have the chance to take my Komachi points to next level you know"

"Komachi-chan, you know if you don't study for the exams you won't be able to get into my high school. Looking after me when I fall sick, I will allow it next time, or I will want it for sure. But if you don't study, the chance of studying together with your great brother won't come again".

Hmm, considering that my future goal is being a house husband, and for that, I need someone willing to take me in I must have some other people look after me. And the best for me would be none other than Komachi. So Komachi you don't have to take any tension, as your brother will some day surely get ill to unlock the achievement for you. Get treated by you Imouto=Hachiman Points.

If by some chance she was not able to give her best and I was to be the reason for her failure I wouldn't be able to forgive myself and make me hate myself for making my sister go through this. And losing the chance to study together once again is something I would not want to give myself. At least this time I am not the old me even though everyone hates me, but I wouldn't make her be ashamed. So for this what's needs to be done must be done.

With my statement, Komachi looked a bit sad.

"Komachi I will ask for things if I will need them. You should also not catch a cold, so you should not come much closer to me, even though it pains me to say that but it's needed."

"Umm.., ok Onii-chan as you say I will do it for now, but that's gross. So sleep now or go to the eternal sleep"

"Hmm, thank you Komachi but don't act like Yukinoshita please and good luck."

"Ok Onii-chan"

She closed the door lightly and went to her studies. I hope she doesn't feel bad for not being helpful to me. Most of all things I want her to concentrate on her studies at this crucial point so I wouldn't want to her to divert her attention to anything else. Thus with all my pain in my heart and body, I tried to relax by trying to sleep, but it was all in vain. I know that it is hard to fall asleep again after just waking but it intensifies with a headache and blocked nose.

With not being able to fall asleep my mind went to the Ice Queen and her situation. Even though my policy is the lesser you know about someone the better it is for you, but when you are one of the causes of it you get intrigued or your mind wants to know more. Thus, I am thinking what may have gone between Yukinoshita and her mother after we left the scene. Whatever it was, may not be honey to the ears, but I hope it is not as bad as to put Yukinoshita down.

Thinking all these my eyes started to feel heavy and I lost my thinking capabilt…

I woke to the sharp light piercing my eyes coming through the window. Who was it that left the curtains open dammit. Wait it was me, hehe baka me.

Looking at my current situation, I can say nothing has changed much or it may even be worse with heaviness in my body. Seeing the sun so high I can tell it must be 11 or around it. Looking at my phone I verified that I was just 10minutes off and it was 10:50. To my surprise, I found notifications on my phone, which I rarely received and the ones I usually got were from the service providers or advertisement for new products.

I had 2 missed calls and 4 new messages. Looking through the notifications I found that the missed calls were from Yuigahama while the messages were from Yuigahama and Komachi.

Did we get new clients or what? Just joking, I know how Yuigahama works since she is a nice girl she will worry about everything and everyone, including me.

Yuigahama may be wondering why I was not at school today since I never informed anyone. As I opened the first message, it was just like what I had expected. She asked me about my whereabouts and things like that. In the next message, she asked me why I was not answering her calls and if everything was alright. The third message was a get well soon message. Hmm looks like she may have called Komachi to get info about me. Oi, what are you doing Gahama –san by disturbing an exam taking student? Well, it's not like I don't feel grateful for the message. As it is the first time, someone sent me one especially asking about my well-being. My middle school self would have cried tears of joy, but I know that Yuigahama is a nice girl and she worries about everyone. Let's see what Komachi sent.

"Onii-chan I mad a light breakfast for you and you can find it on your table. So eat it warm and also take the medicines for the cold which you will find on the tray. So eat properly and take rest. Also if you need anything ask your cute little sister, Komachi will come running to you.

Hehe, that must be high in Komachi points.

Ah, I forgot to mention that Yui-san called just a moment ago so I informed her not to worry about you, as you are as resilient as a cockroach. Therefore, she should come and take care of you in future, hue hue hue

Get well soon Onii-chan"

What and who is teaching her things like that? I need meet that person and ask few things. What's with 'hue hue'? Is this some kind of slang which is famous with teenagers? If yes why I am not acquainted with these? Oh, wait I am not normie that's why. Even though she acts like this I will never think her as stupid. She cares about me and thus I should respect that and eat that food with full focus. And so I started with my food and took the medicine later to thank the gods and my sister for the food.

I enjoyed the food even though it didn't have any taste due to two reasons, porridge and cold. The two things which I enjoy in life are food and relaxing. Due to this cold, I am not able to do both of them to their full efficiency which is why I hate getting sick. When I think anout it positively I would be unable to go to school if this keeps up. So I would get to enjoy the whole week to myself alone. Thus I should cherish this time which I had achieved with great pains to my head and body after so many weeks. With Isshiki and other "jobs", these past few weeks have been too busy. My free time was used for the tasks which I was made to do unwillingly, and now is the time to recharge.

So with that in mind, I tried to go back to sleep after I had taken the medicine but the effort of sleeping was something my brain couldn't let through the command as it showed 404 error "You have over-slept". Looking around for something my eyes went to the novel which I had been trying to finish since yesterday. I opened the page with the bookmark and tried to immerse myself in it. Even though the novel wasn't that interesting but one should not complain about what they have.

I read for around 2 hours and was almost at the most interesting part of the story know as the climax, but I noticed my current situation. I was sweating too much and it was making me feel uneasy. So I took my clothes and went for a bath.

After taking a wash I entered the living room where Komachi was diligently studying. She then turned towards me as she noticed my presence.

"Ah, Onii-chan you are awake. How are you feeling now?"

"After taking the medicine I am feeling better. I came here to get a cup of coffee."

"Wait then, Komachi will just prepare one for you too." She said cheerfully before going off to the kitchen.

After some time she came back with two cups and snacks to go with it.

"So how are you doing?"

"Hmm, I think I am almost ready, so don't worry Onii-chan. Komachi will surely be there next year."

"Uss, good luck." I gave her thumbs up and pat on the head.

"Ok then I will go and relax"

"Ok Onii-chan" With that I marched to my room without doing any marching.

I made myself cozy in the bed and started sipping the coffee while reading the novel that was reaching its finest.

After finishing the novel I went back to sleep.

My condition didn't improve significantly but there was some improvement. As the headache wasn't severe. But the subsequent 2 days weren't that great and thus I was bed-ridden. Today was a nice day since my condition, if I had to compare it to yesterday was much better and I am thankful that it had become this good.

We are standing outside the house. 14th of February is the day Komachi is going to have her exam for Sobu High and I am here to send her away. She is getting ready to fight a battle against the cruel system of examination today. For which she has been preparing for last year.

"Do you have the entrance exam label? What about your eraser, handkerchief, and pentagonal pencil?"

Komachi took one last brief glance at her bag and gave an energetic nod. With that, she tilted her umbrella and gave a salute.

"I'm set! Well then, Oniii-chan, I will be on my way now! And take care of yourself and also have plenty of rest"

"Oh, off you go then. Watch your step. And I will be alright"

"Okay. Brrrrr, it's cold. Sin, cosine, tangent… Ah, it does not appear to come to this."

She went humming something to herself, I just hope she doesn't fall anywhere seeing how clumsy she can get. At this point, I can only pray that her brain works and she passes her exams. After today's exam, she has to take the exam for her other choices too, which are back to back on next weekend.

Suddenly a realization hit me. Today is 14th the valentines day and I won't be receiving any chocolate from one place where I had all my hope because she was busy. I am sad but I can't blame her. While there is my mother too but the last time I got something from her for Valentines was in 5th grade. But there is still hope, I believe in Komachi that I will get something from her, otherwise, I will have to beg her.

With that determination and cold making me shiver, I made my way to inside. When I was about to open the door I felt a buzz from my pocket. The phone rang far longer than it should be a message that meant someone was calling me. I took out the phone to find the one calling me to be none other than Yuigahama Yui.

She has been emailing me daily to check up on my health. If it was someone else in my position he may have already fallen for her. But I know that she is really a nice girl and no matter who if that person is acquainted with her she will care for them.

I picked the phone and greeted her with my usual reply.


"Oh, you picked this time."

"Yeah, I was just sending Komachi off to her exam so I was awake."

"Ah yes, Komachi-chan has her exam today. I wish her good luck"

"Of course she will pass, she is my sister after all"

"I don't know what to comment on that, so Hikki how are feeling?"

"Better than before but it will take until this weekend for me to be back to full health."

Yeah, the doctor told me to rest for this week as I was diagnosed with a fever along with cold so it was a pincer attack which made my body too weak and it was aching all over the first day. I heard a sigh from the other hand of the phone. Hey, are you unhappy that I will be back next week? Well if it is true I may die of shame.

"Well, Hikki is there anyone taking care of you now as Komachi-chan won't be there for some time?"

Oh, looks like my worries were unneeded, nearly killed myself, she was just worried about my health.

"I am alone at home as my parent went early in the morning. Since today is Valentine's Day some of the staff took holidays so the extra work was loaded onto them"

This is another reason I don't want to work. On holidays like these couples always take leave to enjoy the time, but what about us loners? We are left to look and gloat at other's enjoying them. Thus my motto is to work is to lose.

"Ah, your parents have tough. Umm, so you are alone, eh?"

"Yeah it does mean that"

It was a long pause after my reply I taught she cut off, to check if she was still there, I called to her.


"Umm, nothing, so I was thinking Hikki if there isn't anyone, I thought if I-I-i-i could c-o-m-e"

Her voice in the middle became something to mumbling so I couldn't get the meaning.

"Yuigahama can you repeat again?"

"Umm I was thinking to give you the notes for the days you missed so if you don't mind should I come. And I also have few things to talk about Yukinon with you"

Hmm yeah, I was absent for last 2 days and did miss the classes and I don't really have anyone I can ask about these things from so it would be better this way. And with her having to bring Yukinoshita into the discussion, there must be something that happened in these two days of my absence that was big in their daily life. So I would like to hear what really did happen.

"It's no problem but will you be fine with this cold and snow?"

"I will be okay. I am a strong girl you see. Well, I will be there in some time so you should rest."

"Ok then, I will be waiting"

"Ok Hikki"

After that, I went to eat my breakfast which was made by Komachi and there I found a cute little-wrapped gift. I was feeling warm inside. As I opened the wrapping I found a letter and chocolate candies.

"Umm Onii-chan sorry I didn't have much time so I could only prepare these.

Happy Valentine's Day"

Ahh, I was so happy I could fly if I had wings. I ate everything on the plate and went with the chocolates to my room. I ate the chocolates filled with my sisterly love with pleasure and slowly as these are the only chocolates I will get this time.

After eating the amazing chocolate made for me by my one and only sister I went back to reading. I was able to finish almost two-third of another novel that I had started after finishing the last one. This was much better than others in its genre. Its name is New Gate. It had better characters and mild environment so I was pretty into it. I hope new volume comes soon before I reach till the last one.

"Ding Dong"

The door-bell rang making me surprised, as no one was to come at this time. Komachi must be at her exam center, my parents doing slavery and I didn't order anything, so who must be there?

I stood up and went for my phone when it hit me who was the one at the door.