This is a small quirk crossover between My Hero Academia and Bleach. Quick shout out to Jss2141 for your recommendation of making a story about making Izuku Midoriya a Fullbringer, like Chad in Bleach. I hope you all enjoy it.

In the faded background, we see a young green haired kid. His age was roughly five years old, probably in kindergarten, his skin and clothes were covered in dirt patches. Tears were bursting out from the kid's eyes, his nose was stifling, and he was in an attempt to wipe the tears off by rubbing his long sleeved shirt against his eyes. There was also a tall woman with long green hair, she was in front of him. The child was avoiding eye contact with his arm and looking at the ground. The green hair child cried, "Mu - Mu - Mum! The ki - ki - kids called me Deku again!"

The woman rubbed her hand through the boy's curly hair, then the boy removed his sleeve and looked up. His pupils were still its original green color, but the sclera went from white to pink, and turning red. When he made eye contact with the woman, the green hair woman released a faint smile and said, "Izuku, ignore those people. Your name, your real name means something more. Don't you remember?"

"No, I don't think that you ever told me." The green hair boy wiped the snot from his nose.

The woman caress the hair of the boy who was crying. "Well Izuku, when your father and I …"

There was a green haired teen lying in his bed, then all of a sudden, he woke up. The green haired boy was now roughly 14 years old and his name is Izuku Midoriya. After doing some basic stretches, Izuku started to prep for the day. He made breakfast for his mother and himself, ironed his clothes, and cleaned the apartment. Later, when Izuku got change and ready to head out, he cracked open the door to his mother's room. She was lying on the her bed, sound asleep. Izuku whisper in a low tone voice, "I'm heading out mom. Take care."

The walk from his apartment to school wasn't long, but along the way there was conflict going on. In the distance, Izuku could see a giant woman with blond hair and a purple custom. What going on over there? Izuku rushed to the scene by following the sound of the sirens. On his arrival, the woman he saw was now normal size and assisting in the restraining of the villain.

Surrounding the cops and the news reporters were fans, waiting and hoping for them to met the newly introduce heros. Realizing the time, Izuku rushed through the alley ways to make it to class. Along the way, he saw pieces of the building that exploded blocks away on the streets. He puts down his backpack and with both of his hands, he lifted the large piece of concrete, he cleared the street allowing traffic to flow. Izuku then rushed to the his school.

Izuku manage to make it outside of his classroom within minutes from the bell ringing. When he enter the classroom, Izuku made his way to his desk. Without flinching, Izuku found marker writing on his desk. The biggest writing was in thick red marker that wrote "You're quirk is as useless as you are Deku." The rest of the writing was in smaller font and compose around the bigger one. Izuku set his bag on the ground and pulled out a packet of moist wipes. He then proceeded to wipe his desk clean. Around the classroom, Izuku could hear talking and gossip.

To his right he hears a girl student chuckling, "I can't believe he actually brought moist towels."

"See I told yall, look at him." Izuku looked to his left to see three boys circling around a desk.

Then the spiky blond hair boy in front of him spoke up, "Once a Deku, always a Deku."

Yet, Izuku remained undeterred. He had an expression on his face that did not show dismal or happiness.

My name is Izuku Midoriya, but ever since I was young, people have been calling me Deku. The name Deku is actually what I am known as around school. Deku means "One who cannot achieve or do anything." My childhood "friend," Bakugou, gave me this name, he was the one with the spiky blond hair. Bakugou gave me this name when we were comparing each other's quirk when we were in kindergarten. As he was showing off his hands explosions, I was moving small objects away and from me. It reminds me a lot of my mother's quirk.

Truth be told, I think this is not the limit of my quirk. Aside from my mother, no one knows that my field of vision change as well. When I finish the 1st grade, objects around me started to release a glow, and when I am near them, I feel a warmth from it. What this feeling is, is something that I am unsure of myself. This is something that I kept to myself cause I don't believe this part of my quirk has any use.

The rest of that morning was silent, class proceeded normally without a disruption. Izuku did not make an outburst or inform the teacher, for this was not the first time, nor will it be the last. When noon came along, Izuku and his class went outside, onto the field for a Quirk Experimentation Class. It was in this class where the instructor creates individual test for each student to help control and master there quirk. The instructor presented Izuku bucket full with water on a wooden table and told him, "Midoriya, I want you to not only move the water but control the flow and direction of the water. Spin it or something."

Izuku remained expressionless, just staring at the water. The instructor left without confirming Izuku, moving on to other students. He paired some students up or gave them something to destroy. I need to shut my surrounding out. The student walked a couple feet from the table. Izuku focus his vision on the bucket of water that was on an unstable table, in his vision, the surroundings are blurry. Izuku lifted his arm towards the bucket, it was stretch out, and all five fingers were pointing at the bucket. Concentrate.

"Come on." Izuku whispered to himself. A stream of water slowly lifted from the bucket and slowly made it's way towards Izuku's fingers tip. The young teen's eyebrows lifted, his eyes lit up. Okay, now let's add a swirl. As the water moved towards Izuku, only using his index finger, he's constantly made small circles in the air. The water stream went from straight towards the hand to making circular motions around his arm. I- I did it.

Ka-Blam. A sudden explosion happened on the table, breaking it in half. This explosion broke his concentration, causing the water the was circling to fall. When the dust was cleared, Bakugou was standing with smoke coming from his hands, "Opps! (In a Sarcastic Tone) Sorry Deku. The instructor said I can break this table after I finish my boards."

"..." Izuku was on the ground, his expression was still dim. He didn't say anything.

"You're still playing with water. Ha! At this rate, you won't reach my level." Bakugou made a fist and open his hand. "Step up!"

The student walked away from the soaked Izuku who was staring at the cracked table on the ground. In his vision, the glow of the table started to fade away. Izuku bend down and picked up the bucket and gathered the scattered pieces together. The glow of the table started to glow brighter. Izuku let out a small smile, "Now you are whole again."

The instructor gesture to Izuku, "Midoriya! You are done for today. Go clean yourself up." He then immediately focus on other students, students who showed the most potential.

Izuku made his way back to the changing room, where not only his clothes but all his stuff is stashed away. At the entrance other students ran past the door bumping Izuku along the way. They are just in a rush. He opens his locker, and stuff has appeared to be shifted around, as if tempered with. Aside from his cloths, "Deku" was written on everything. Every page of his notebooks, his backpack, his shoes, and his name card.

There was no outburst from Izuku, his expression was still null. This is new. He sat down on the bleachers staring at the other student practicing their quirks. Izuku started to write down the information of his classmates quirks. I need to find a way to make my quirk useful, to help others. That evening Izuku took a different route home, a route where he could avoid his classmates for he did not want to be seen by anyone. Izuku made his way underneath a tunnel, where he stopped and looked up after he realize he was alone. He raised his arms and yelled, "I am not a good for nothing!" He looked down at his 'Deku' written shoes, "I know that I can do something." With much confidence, Izuku started to talk to himself. Expressing the emotions he has been keeping in.

"That's a nice train of thought kid." Izuku turned around to see a person made entirely out of sludge approaching him. It wraps his arms around him and encased its body around Izuku. Izuku was struggling to escape the grasp of the sludge villain, he was gasping for air, trying to scream for help. Nothing could have been heard because the sludge villain had already covered Izuku's mouth. "Don't worry, I'm just gonna borrow your body. You'll feel nothing in 40 seconds."

Izuku attempted to claw away from the slime being, digging his fingers and hands into the sludge. The sludge villain exclaimed, "Try all you want, I'm amorphized, you cannot even get a grip."

Izuku sunked deeper into the slime, his vision began to get blurry. This is the end! I'm going to die. No. I need to try something. Izuku looked down, he sees his limbs in the sludge. He narrowed his eyes and see a glow surrounding his hands, do anything, some of the glow sucked into Izuku hands and feet. The sludge in the same area became more solid. He then manage to grab a grip of the sludge, he then pushed himself forward. Some of the sludge crumbled, one of Izuku's foot and arm broke free.

"What? How did you do that? Oh well, it won't make a difference. I already got you." Izuke suncked deeper into the sludge villain. I'm sorry mom, I tried. Izuku's mind became clouded, his vision became more blurry.

There was a sudden voice in the distance. "Have no fear boy! FOR I'M HERE!"

A man has popped out from the manhole on the ground. He was well build and large, several feet taller than Izuku. The large man moved his arm back and with a swing, release a punch and shouted "Texas Smash!"

The slime being was brushed away from Izuku, who was now lying on the ground unconscious. After a couple of slaps, Izuku woke up. The strong man let out a breath and said "Thank goodness you are okay. Thank you for your help Deku. I was able to entrap this villain."

The man hold up a bottle that retains two eyes within. The container of the bottle was a greyish green like the sludge villain. Holy Shit! All Might! The Number One Hero. "T- T- Thank you All Might. Oh my god, you're All Might!" The green haired boy was freaking out. Izuku paused for a moment. His face sunked. "Did he just called me Deku?"

"Indeed I did. It was on your notebook." All Might handed Izuku his notebook that was already opened up to a page. Written on it was "Thank You Deku! All Might!" Izuku face sunken into his notebook. Looking at the signature. De - De - Deku … All Might put the bottle into his pocket. "Well, I have to go now. So long Deku."

All Might took a squat position. Izuku was too depress, looking at All Might's autograph, it was until the last minute where he eventually realized that All Might was taking his leave. Izuku reach out his arm towards the direction of All Might to reach for him. I need to ask him something. "Wait! All Might!"

Within a flash, All Might jumped and leaped from Izuku's view, who was still on the ground reaching out his hand. I guess I can keep on moving as I was. I know my name, I know who I am.

Izuku slowly walked to his home taking the long route, he needed some time to think about the notebook incident. Izuku was gazing through his notebook, Deku, Deku, even All Might. The green haired boy lost his thought and was now wandering through the city, he actually bumped into a few people.

There was a sudden explosion a few blocks away from Izuku. The boy ran from towards the sounds, he then saw a crowd ever so growing. Being the small teen for his size, Izuku couldn't see what is going on. Izuku got impatient and tap a man with horns in front of him. "Hey what's happening?" ask Izuku.

The horn man turned around and answered Izuku, "There is a villain who took control of a teen, now he is going on a rampage with the kid's quirk."

The boy's eye lit a bit, "Why don't they just capture him already?" I mean All Might was here earlier.

A second person turned around and said "None of the hero's won't go near him because they might harm the boy. But he hasn't been taken down let because every attack just pass right through him."

A villain that has a body where everything pass through. … Oh no. Izuku pushed through the crowd to see what is causing the uproar. After shoving around he sees the sludge villain that once restrained him, but now restaining the spiky blond hair kid from his class. Bakugou? Bakugou!

That's the villain from before, he escaped All Might, but that's impossible. No. Izuku thought back to the moment when he reach out calling All Might. I must have used my quirk to pull him towards me, but being a large figure, I must have pulled the bottle and loosen it from his pocket. Th - Th - This is my fault. I need to fix this.

With a burst sprint, Izuku ran past the hero that was keeping the citizen at bay. He charge to the sludge villain. If I harden his body before, maybe I can do it again. The villain saw the green hair boy charging. "Oh, it's you again. This time you won't be so lucky."

The blonde student head was forced to turn to look at Izuku. His eyes were staring at Izuku who was furiously panting and running towards him. The arm of the sludge villain and Bakugou swung making an explosion, throwing multiple rocks at Izuku causing a cloud of dust to form. I need to get in close. Izuku slid on the ground, rolling underneath all of the rocks. The villain could not see and was waiting for the smoke to clear. Izuku manage to get close.

"Kacchan, I'm here." Izuku reach his arm into the body of the sludge and grabbed hold of the student's head. Izuku's vision change, he recognize the difference in the glow of the sludge body, his hands, and Bakugou head. Harden, harden, take the moisture from it. The sludge around Izuku's hand began to harden and dry up. Izuku pulled forward, he did not pull Bakugou free, but freed the area around Bakugou face.

Bakugou yelled towards Izuku, "Deku, what are you doing!?"

"I got you Kacc …" As Izuku was trying to talk, there was an immediate slam on the left side of Izuku, he was propell into the window of a store. Glass shattered, multiple shelves broke, and products were on the ground. He was currently laying down on a broken shelf, his back was bruised and blood was coming from his head.

A wooden hero who was helping on the sideline rushed towards the store where Izuku flew in. His eyes opened. The sludge villain and Bakugou head turned around to see where Izuku had landed. "I'll GET THE KID!" Shouted the wood hero.

"IZUKUUUUUUUU" Bakugou released a cried, screaming towards the direction of Izuku. The voice of Bakugou saying Izuku's real name was echoing throughout Izuku's head, who was now partly unconscious, now that was all i his thoughts.

Izuku … Izuku … Izuku …

When the wooden hero appeared in the front of the store's window, a bleeding Izuku was climbing out from the window, grasping on the broken pieces of glass of the window.

"Well Izuku, when your father and I first met, it was after I was aductive. I'm unsure by who or what actually kidnapped me, but they let me go. I crawled for what felt like hours, leaving behind a trail of my own blood. It was until I stumble upon an open grass field … " The green hair woman stopped talking.

The crying green haired boy lifted up his head. He stopped crying. Then the mother continue with her story. " … where your father found me, he saved me. (Chuckle) He said that he was on a hike. That is where we met each other, and that is where your name comes from. 'Green Valley.' Izuku, hold that name and be proud of it."


Izuku body began to steam, creating a cloud of smoke and dust. It immediately disappear from as it came, showing Izuku, whose body is different now. His skin was now a light green color, his school clothes were now replace. His body was case with structures similar to his skeleton, and just as white as his bones. The remaining space was filled with a darker greener color. Izuku eye's change from white to a dark grey, releasing a sense of death. The teen's body was taller now, much more muscular build.

He then released a screech. Green Valley. Then the figure pressed on the floor, his feet sunked into the ground, then Izuku fastly jumped towards the slime.

The sun was out now and Izuku was lying on a hospital bed. His left arm was bandage and elevated. Next to Izuku was his mother sitting down and a doctor with his clipboard. Izuku started to shrug, then he opened his eyes. "Where, where am I?"

The mother shouted "You're awake!" Izuku's mother rush towards her son who was still having trouble moving his body.

"Mom, I'm okay. What happened to me?" Izuku glance down at his body, which was under a sheet, but his right arm is broken and wrap in bandages.

"Mmm, so you don't remember. It's better to show you I guess." A man in a white coat looked at Izuku. The Doctor grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV that was in the room. On the TV was a news report they were showing a green skeleton like creature that was fending off a large amount of heros. There was a varity, including pros and newbies. What's that?

"In the Hitoshi District, two villains appeared. After the green villain took out the sludge villain, the green villain went on a rampage." Said the news reporter.

The doctor pause the TV and put the remote on the nightstand next to Izuku who was pointing towards the TV. "What is that?" Asked Izuku.

The Doctor gestured towards Izuku. "That's you. There is more to your quirk than your telepathy ability than meets the eye. You might have created a new category of quirks or something, a mixture between emitter and transformation. The hero you see on screen had to fight you, it took a good hour. They were doing there best not to hurt you, but … " Izuku expression went dim, What!? "Don't worry, aside from you. No one died or sustain serious injuries, the friend you saved is okay too."

The doctor looked to his right and gesture at the clocked to Izuku's mother, who then spoke thus, "Izuku, visiting hours are over. I will be back tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too mom, see you tomorrow." Izuku told his mother.

Izuku's mother and the doctor left the room together. Izuku was working the TV with his one good arm. Outside the room, were a couple of heroes waiting outside, all of them were in a battle stances, prepared for anything. The wooden hero from before walked up to the doctor. "Hey Doc, is everything 'okay' in there?" He asked.

"Everything is normal, he didn't transform when he woke up, but we know nothing about his transformation." The Doctor tried to answer the heros with his limited knowledge.

A sudden voice appeared from the crowd of heroes. "Actually doctor, we do know something." A man with bags underneath his eyes emerge from the crowd, he had a long scarf on. He lowered the pair of goggles he was wearing.

The Doctor was surprised, "What do you mean Eraserhead?"

The hero known as Eraserhead said, "It has to be a strong quirk, because what it is, I can't erase it."

It was night now, Izuku was trying to doze off to sleep, but his mind was clouded by the actions he partook. Izuku up and down on his body, then he stared deeply into his arm. "What is this quirk of mine?"

"That's not a quirk." Izuku turned his head to the corner of the room. There was a person standing partly in the shadows. The upper half of the body was covered by a shadow, but its lower half was being revealed by the moonlight. From the appearance of the lower body, the person in the shadow was wearing a black kimono, carrying a large sword was encased. "Well, well, well. I came here cause I sense a Hollow presence, but I found another Fullbringer instead. And one that can modify his own soul. My job just got interesting."

I hope you all enjoy the story. I enjoyed the story, and making it was fun and time consuming. I'll expand on this world base on your, the readers, reactions.